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“We do!” said Hermione. She had sat up straight, her eyes bright. “We protest! And I’m hunted quite as much as any goblin or elf, Griphook! I’m a Mudblood!” “Don’t call yourself —” Ron muttered. “Why shouldn’t I?” said Hermione. “Mudblood, and proud of it! I’ve got no higher position under this new order than you have, Griphook! It was me they chose to torture, back at the Malfoys’!” 
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“Honestly, Harry, you act as though you’ve never seen a suitcase before. I’ll just be needing a few things while I’m here, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. Would you kindly stop looking at me like that?” ( @scarheadx )
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i s2g if they make him survive this only to be killed by negan i will fly into the sun
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all i want for thanksgiving is an izombie crossover
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me after seeing Mockingjay part 2 :
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I just really like how you make her.... less... I don't know... just a good school girl with very little personality outside of "MUST HELP HARRY BE SMART WORK WORK." And I also really like the amount of crossovers.
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THANK YOU! ♥ See, Hermione is soooo much more than just “the book-savvy sidekick” to me. Yes, she’s brilliant, but she has also very much earned her Gryffindor cred through her courage and selflessness. Those are the things she values, above even knowledge. She said it herself, in the very first book–”there are more important things; friendship, and bravery.” That in itself means that, though she places a high value on education, at her core, she places the highest value on Gryffindor qualities. (Lord, I’m going to go off on a whole other tangent about how one house is not better than another because we need the values of all four to be at our strongest as a human race, so I’LL STOP MYSELF NOW.)
ANYWAY, yes, Hermione is many things, because humans are complicated creatures with more than one dimension, and JK Rowling GETS that. I am super humbled that you think I capture that about Hermione ^_^ Also, crossovers are my JAM. I can’t even help myself. 
Name one thing you really enjoy about how I portray my character.
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Name one thing you really enjoy about how I portray my character.
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The Warrior Woman Code: A confident woman doesn't beg a man to stay, cry if they don't, or need to tear down other women to be loved. She knows her value. When the person she is meant to be with finds her, that person will know it also. He won't be confused by it. He will fight for her because without her he feels incomplete. She will always be foremost in his mind above anyone else. She doesn't have to scheme to keep or entice him. She is okay walking away from him because she doesn't want to be seen as a choice or a woman that has some potential. She demands to be seen as "the one." To settle for anything less than that is an admission of insecurity and lack of self love.
Shannon L. Adler
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( @jollyrogered​ )
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“Where am I?”
This wasn’t right. Something was terribly, terribly amiss. She was meant to have transported herself to her parents’ house,  and this was certainly not it--
--unless her parents had recently and  u n c e r e m o n i o u s l y  relocated to a ship in the middle of the ocean...
How had she messed this up?
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“As you command, your majesty.” Her tone was far too bitter to be            mistaken as sincere.
“Everything’s a game, if you make it one.” Why should she care? What good did            w o r r y i n g  ever do anyone?                 “We’re going to be fine.”
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           ❝ This isn’t a   g a m e,   Hermione  !! ❞                           she hisses through clenched teeth,  turning                           to glare at the girl beside her.   She doesn’t                           remember,  Pansy  has  to  remind  herself.                             She doesn’t  know who she was  BEFORE,                            and she’s always had an  ego.  
MERLIN,  she’s almost  more  insufferable now. 
                                     ❝ Raise your wand to me and it’ll be the  LAST                                          thing you do.  I’m  in charge here,  you follow                                         my  lead,  got it? ❞
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“Have I ever struck you as the  s i m p l e  type?”  Honestly. Who did Pansy think she was dealing with,                    some pathetic little first year??
“You should learn to have a little faith in me-- or, if you prefer, I can modify your memory  so that you think you’re my servant.  I’d kill to have you refer to me as                                                      ‘ y o u r   m a j e  s t y ’ .”
@wxngardiumleviosa gets a starter bc  MY  LOVE
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                     ❝ You remember the plan,  then? ❞ 
        If Pansy is  NERVOUS,  she doesn’t let it show.          This is the  first  time  she’s  bringing  Hermione          along to a  safehouse,  and  everything  hinges          on her knowing their story  inside   &   out.   It’s          the first time  Pansy’s  life  has  been  in  hands          other than her  OWN.  
                                         ❝ Tell me what it is.  Again. ❞
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There is soooo much Dramione in the Hermione tag, and I’ve gotta tell you, it’s brought up a whole lotta stuff in my head. Though I am not one to begrudge people their ships, I am personally not of the opinion that Draco and Hermione would ever, ever work as a couple. 
For one thing, he tormented her throughout their school years, and I am not a fan of romanticizing abuse of any kind. Even as they grew up, even though Draco grew up, I don’t believe Hermione, as she is written in the books, could ever see him as anything beyond a former schoolmate. Even disregarding her love for Ron completely, Draco would never be a romantic option in her eyes. Every time she’d look at him, she would be reminded not only of the way that he himself treated her, but the way that his family (namely Bellatrix) treated her. 
The only way I see Dramione as a potential couple is in an alternate universe setting, in which case, it isn’t even really them. I don’t have altogether too many pairings (in any fandom) that I’m simply dead-set against, but Dramione is one of the few exceptions. I just can’t make myself believe that these two characters JK Rowling wrote would ever work romantically, especially when, in canon, they aren’t even friends.
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Princess and the Frog: My museconvinces your muse that they can do anything they believe in.
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“Adversity is not the enemy of success–doubt is.” Hermione had been asked to speak at Hogwarts, now that she had a thriving career in Magical Law Enforcement. Though she’d never really been one for speech-making, she graciously accepted, knowing her atypical experiences growing up could prove to be useful for the youth of the present.
Seated near the front of the room was an oddly familiar face. He looked almost startlingly like his father, in both physicality and demeanor. He’s not Draco, she had to remind herself, though she had to wonder if her former classmate had ever mentioned her, or any of their experiences, to his son. Knowing Draco, the odds were against it.
“When making difficult decisions, self-doubt can derail a situation completely.” She went on to tie this back into her current career, and, of course, used it to stress just how important knowledge is. 
“Does anyone have a question?”
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Send °o° for A Disney Themed Starter. I’ll Generate A Random Number Between 1-30
Peter Pan: A young interaction between our muses
Aladdin: My muse will go out of their way to do something for your muse
Beauty and the Beast: My muse will dance with your muse and confess their attraction
Hercules: My muse will teach yours a trick about defeating their demons
The Lion King: My muse will look up to yours for advice
Tangled: My muse confesses the real reason behind their biggest dream
Bambi: My muse will help yours face their greatest fear
Robin Hood: My muse will confess they are being bullied/taken advantage of
Mulan: My muse experiences your muse’s true strength for the first time
Pocahontas: My muse has to use their love of your muse to defeat a dark situation
Snow White: Your muse wakes up from a deep sleep to discover my muse has been taking care of them
Treasure Planet: Both muses explore/adventure somewhere they’ve never been
Lilo and Stitch: Our muses put aside differences in order to become closer
The Little Mermaid: My muse helps yours overcome a disability/disadvantage
Tarzan: My muse helps yours become closer to their true self
The Nightmare Before Christmas: My muse must adapt to a parallel world, and seeks your muse out for help
Big Hero Six: My muse helps yours overcome great emotional loss and preserve friendship
Alice in Wonderland: My muse is drunk and relies on your muse for saftey
Dumbo: My muse is being teased for one of their physical traits, and comes to your muse for comfort
Lady and the Tramp: My muse ‘accidentally’ shares food with your muse in an attempt in romance.
Hunchback of Notre Dame: My muse watches yours overcome their own self doubt
Pinocchio: My muse gets caught consistently lying to your muse
Brother Bear: My muse forces your muse to confront a bad decision they have made and encourages them to fix it
Toy Story: My muse must rekindle their friendship with your muse after a bad argument
Winnie the Pooh: Your muse reads my muse a story
Princess and the Frog: My muse convinces your muse that they can do anything they believe in
Spirit: Your muse discovers why my muse has been so hard on themself
Cinderella: My muse has to discover the love note left for them was written by your muse
Monsters, Inc: Your muse gets roped into an elaborate scheme my muse has set up
Your Choice: Your pick, from the list, of the starter
Note: Not all mentions of love have to be romantic; platonic love can also be the main focus. Credit for meme belongs to clumsyfoxboy
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“Your hilarity never ceases to astound me.                         ---but I don’t want to offend Toast Ghost.”
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   ‘ i’m not too big on sarcasm unless i’m the one using it. but i        have a really easy fix to your toaster problem —————-        buy a new one. ’
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“I’m slightly worried you don’t realize I’m joking.                  --in any case, there is something strange with the toaster.”
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   ‘ okay  ——————–  NO. i’m just going to check the wiring.        i don’t think you’d actually be able to tell if there was a ‘ghost’        in there. ’
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“All right, but if there is a toast ghost in there, don’t hurt it.                                                 I may want to keep it as a pet.”
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  ‘ do you even hear yourself when you talk?   a  TOAST GHOST?      why don’t you let me take a look at it and if i don’t find anything      wrong with it ————– you can claim it haunted. ’
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