x-mentalia · 6 years
We gave it a shot, but due to circumstances beyond our control the mods have decided to shut down the ring. Our time here was fun, but we must say adieu. We will keep the blog up, but delete the discord server in 7 days (July 28th) incase there was anything you wanted to keep for future reference.  -Mod Wonder Woman and Mod Batgirl
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x-mentalia · 6 years
Please unfollow Josephine Tayler
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Helloooo? Are you all paying attention? Very good, let’s get on with it! I’m about to tell you how you’re going to find my merch for me. This will take a little luck.
First of all, you’re going to pair off. It can be with whomstever you feel like, I’m an asshole but I’m not a judgmental one. You just have to be in a pair with one other person. Take your best friend to Comic Con, take your nemesis to Comic Con, whichever one you feel like! Though if you need direction, I highly recommend your nemesis as that is much more entertaining for me.
Once you have your partner you will be searching through out the convention for the list of items I have requested. This might not be as easy as it sounds. I recommend you hit the dealer’s room first, but if you want to head to a panel with Yuri Lowenthal in it and make him cry like a child after you beat him up for a copy of Spider-Man 2 for Playstation 2, I certainly won’t mind. In fact, I encourage you to frighten and intimidate the guests attending because that makes it much funnier for me and frankly they deserve it for signing multi-movie contracts with Marvel. 
Once you’ve started your investigation, just let me know and I’ll tell you if you’ve found the real thing. You may think you’ve found Cyclop’s glasses but there are all sorts of unsavory types at these places and they’ll try to sell you cheap knock-offs for a ridiculous amount of money. It’s just criminal and I’m furious I didn’t think of it first!
That should be it! Go forth my flying monkeys, take your partner and get my stuff!
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x-mentalia · 6 years
Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before
[pii pii pii pii pii...]
Your phone is ringing...
[pii pii pii pii pii...]
You look at the number and see it stems from New York City. Who could be calling you on a Saturday?
[pii pii pii pii pii...]
“Alright, alright...” You pick up the phone. “Hello?”
“A BUS! AN ENTIRE BUS FULL OF LAWYERS!” The man on the other side is yelling so loudly you can barely understand him but you recognize the voice: it’s Matt Murdock, the man who ineptly tried to direct the investigation into Jean’s death. Geez, what does he want now?
“Excuse me-”
“Is this a joke-”
That’s when you hear him crying, oh fuck, please don’t do that.
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The phone rattles as someone takes it away. You can still hear Matt Murdock yowling in the background.
“Uhhh yeah, hey, this is Foggy Nelson, I’m Matt’s partner. Look, this -- this is actually kind of funny, hahaha, but a bus full of lawyers spent their per diem on Comic Con tickets and they just went off a cliff and now Matt and I are stuck with these tickets and no one to give them to so uh can you just take them off our hands that would be great I’ll mail them to you! Okay, thanks, have fun!” 
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The phone goes dead in your hand. Uh, at least now you don’t have to buy Comic Con tickets!
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Hello? Is this thing on?
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Jeez, who leaves access to a Marvel Universe unattended like this. If anyone else had found this, who knows what would have happened. Great thing you have to deal with me: CONTROL FREAK! >:)
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Luckily for you losers I’m a benevolent master that only wants the best for his indentured servants...
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So! On to business! I’m in need of personal assistants to complete my shopping for me! I’m far too busy to do it myself. The payment will be...well I haven’t actually worked that out yet but I’ve heard these things pay for themselves in experience!
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Your world is in GREAT PERIL! If you do not complete my list of demands!
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New York Comic Con is going on and I NEED MERCH! Desperately :( Do you know how hard it is trying to get merch from another universe? :,(
Remember to grab a friend, do you know how freaky people are at these events?!
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The list I demand is:
Thor’s Helm
The best Howard the Duck Comic
Dancing Groot
Guardian’s of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Tape 1 & 2 on casette
Black Panther movie poster
Captain America Mouse Ears
A photo of Daredevil
Mister Fantastic realistic stretch figurine
Green Lantern night light
Weather report from Storm
Spider-Man 2 for PlayStation 2
Bobblehead of Stan Lee
Cyclops’ Glasses
T-Shirt of Tony Stark’s face
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Go forth my personal shoppers! Go forth, and reap the goods of New York Comic Con! Just remember to shower every day. Like a real shower. Every day. Please god that’s so important.
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Follow Camilla Maior
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Thank you for your submission, the mods have accepted your application into the ring. Please have your blog ready by 03/05!
Name: Camilla Maior
Country: Nyo! Rome
Alias (Optional): None [Her official job title is “Office Manager and Administrative Director for Senator Kelly” so sometimes she’s just called “(The) Director”]
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 29
Species (Mutant/Human): Mutant
Group (X-Men/Brotherhood/Civilians/Government): Government
Appearance (1-2 Paras): Camilla is a tall, brunette woman who would never be confused for shy based on her clothing choices. She is curvy and picks outfits that flatter her figure. However, she is never unprofessional-looking; she needs to represent Senator Kelly and the government in a flattering light in order to get her agenda presented properly to both the government and the public.
Face Claim (OCs must answer): Adria Arjona
Personality (1-2 Paras): Camilla has a strong personality. She can sometimes be overwhelming to introverts, but she means well. Some with her ability might lean towards distrusting the world, but her worldview is to appreciate everyone who is telling the truth rather than being malicious towards the rest. She lives to protect the innocent people that might be harmed because of the actions of a few.
For that reason, she favors the x-men in terms of morality, but not so much in practical terms. She believes that both the x-men and brotherhood exist outside of regulation and need to be controlled (to an extent - she doesn’t want to remove personal freedoms, but she does think that safety is the first priority). She thinks that the government is meant to protect all citizens and that the x-men have caused a lot of damage; sacrificing a few innocent people in the name of protecting the rest is not okay by her. She believes there should have been a way to save everyone. On the other hand, she believes the brotherhood have risked too many lives in the name of justice. She stood against the mutant registration act, but was outnumbered. However, some would argue that she didn’t stand against it strongly enough, since she was also likely the one in Senator Kelly’s office who brought up the need for protecting citizens from harm in the first place.
Compassionate - Camilla has a lot of compassion for others. While her ability could make her distrusting of everyone, instead, she notices the good in people and puts her trust in them.
Strong-willed - Although she works for the government, she never lets them use her or her ability as a tool without her consent. She is not a pawn for Senator Kelly or anyone else to be used on their whims.
Ambitious / Optimistic - Camilla has lofty goals of pushing legislation through to help mutant-kind. Some see this as being too optimistic and that the law will always be twisted to serve the needs of whomever has the most money, but she wouldn’t go into work everyday with renewed vigor if she believed those naysayers.
Blunt - she sometimes sticks her foot in her mouth. Her overwhelming confidence and need to be honest with people can make her overly honest and tactless when it comes to conversations.
Impatient - since she can sometimes tell when people are lying or trying to avoid the truth, she has no patience for those that are trying to be tactful or beat around the bush with her so as to avoid offending anyone involved in the topic at hand. She wishes everyone were as blunt and to-the-point as she is.
Reckless - Camilla can be headstrong and rush into things without thinking about the consequences. She has a wild personality that sometimes comes through when she’s forced to make quick decisions (or when she impatiently makes quick decisions without thinking it through).
Backstory (2-3 Paras):
There is very little public information on Camilla’s background. While rumors have swirled around her for ages– that she used to have mafia ties, that her mutant abilities came from a creepy government lab, that she used her abilities for the less-than legal practices in the CIA– most of those rumors have fallen flat without evidence to support them. Anyone who has met Camilla would find it hard to believe that she has worked for any secret organization. That has less to do with the fact that she is a morally good person– although she is– and more to do with the fact that she is so reckless that it seems it would be difficult for her to keep a secret. Still, with much of her formal file buried in redacted text, it’s difficult to say what she used to do.
What little is known about her is this: she has a shy younger sister, who is not a mutant, and they live together in a rather fancy apartment near the government center. Camilla walks to work most days, despite the growing resentment against mutants that could cause protesters to target her. Her sister worries for her safety and insists on Camilla carrying pepper spray and a taser with her on her walks, which Camilla complies with, but leaves with the secretary upon getting to work so that nobody has access to them within Senator Kelly’s office space. Camilla also has a miniature pinscher, which she babies, and would probably take to the office with her if there weren’t regulations against it.
Mutant Questions
Ability: Enhanced Perception and Emotional Awareness
Camilla has the heightened ability to perceive physical responses to emotions. She is particularly good at noticing when people are lying and she can easily notice nervous ticks. Her ability is not limited only to liars, but nervous ticks are the most obvious, physical response to emotions that she is in tune with. Other applications include, but are not limited to, when someone is trying to hide that they are in pain, or if a person is hiding that they are embarrassed about a situation.
While she would probably be considered in the category of an “empath” her ability is more closely aligned with those with heightened perception than with psychics and telepaths. She does not read emotions like a telepath read minds; instead she reads a person’s visible, physical appearance and perceives how they may be feeling based on that perception.
Drawbacks/Limits of the ability:
This enhancement does not have an ‘on/off switch’ and she could possibly become overwhelmed in crisis situations where everyone around her has a heightened emotional state. Her enhanced ability is most applicable to those that she has met under ‘neutral’ circumstances before– thus she has a neutral baseline for them– but she can read strangers’ emotions that they are hiding if their nervous tick or heightened emotion is particularly obvious.
Since this enhancement is not really a psychic/empathic ability, she cannot read a person’s mind. She cannot predict what they are lying about or what they are trying to hide. She simply has an increased ability to notice that a person is nervous or emotional. She could ask pointed questions to better understand what a person is lying about, but she can never ‘truly’ know. Even if the person appears to have calmed down and told the truth, they could simply have regained composure and told a better lie that she was unable to perceive.
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x-mentalia · 6 years
Please unfollow  Antonio Fernández Carriedo
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x-mentalia · 6 years
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Nyo! Rome is now on reserve until 24/04
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x-mentalia · 6 years
All caps are now removed.
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x-mentalia · 6 years
Please unfollow Vanessa Chow and Leon Wong
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x-mentalia · 7 years
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Determination is a lifestyle
Follow Josephine “Jo” Tayler
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x-mentalia · 7 years
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Thank you for your submission, the mods have accepted your application into the ring. Please have your blog ready by 18/03! 
Name: Josephine (Jo)
Country: Venice
Alias (Optional):
Pronouns:any (female appearance)
Species (Mutant/Human): Mutant
Group (X-Men/Brotherhood/Civilians/Government):Brotherhood
Appearance (1-2 Paras): 5’6”, dark skin with light brown/amber eyes, shaggy hair about shoulder length, usually barefoot or killer boots, there’s no inbetween. Prefers to wear loose clothes in layers, but nothing that would hinder their movement. Nails are kept short and uniform, everything about them screams ‘fuck off’. Athletic, with some sculpted curves, but not bulky. Would most likely be considered punk in muggle terms. Has a habit of messing with their untamed hair and/or biting their lip.
Face Claim (OCs must answer): Ruby Rose
Personality ( 1-2 Paras with 3 Strengths and 3 Weaknesses ): Jo is a chaotic good, fuck da police kind of person. She has a strong sense of direction when it comes to moral and ethical decisions, head over heart. They’re a pacifist, despite their abrasive demeanor, which is useful in high-stress situations. Despite inner feelings and/or motivations, Jo’s witty sarcasm is annoyingly frequent to the point of obscene. They also distinctly lack a filter when irritated, though that tends to happen once in a blue moon. Jo’s biggest personal obstacle is no self worth, which can make her take on (both physically and emotionally) more than they should.
Backstory (2-3 Paras): Grew up with both of their parents, but hated conforming to norms and having to fit in with everyone. Jo dislikes people who follow the rules blindly, because ignorant is the worst thing a person can be. They’re an only child of an influential family, but despised the pampering her parents gave her early on. She grew up sheltered from anything ‘bad’ happening outside their house, which only made her resolve to make a difference for those less fortunate strengthen. At the age of seven she meet Iliad, a girl from the house down the road, and they became fast friends- with a catch. Jo was a mutant, and Iliad soon became the only person in her life that didn’t make her feel like the freak her parents kept hidden. At the age of sixteen, Josephine was alone again. Because she was a freak, and no one let the monsters have a happy ending. Or so it was before she chose to become more than what people said she could be. Mutant Questions
Ability: Empathetic connections/minor manipulation (can sense feelings, and can change the intensity of more primal ones [lust/love, hate/loathing,etc]
Drawbacks/Limits of the ability:Can only use with permission or if a deeply personal bond (not necessarily romantic) is already in place (can also be extreme hatred for the specific person, such as an abuser to the abusee (essentially non-passive))
Lit Writing Sample: (backstory snapshot) At first, it was dark. Nothing but complete and total emptiness. Voices seemed to ebb and flow like waves in my head. Painful, mind numbing, soul crushing waves. That’s not normal, even for MY standards. I will myself to open my eyes. Blinding, searing white light stuns me for a moment and I screw my eyes shut. Is this some sort of hellish hangover? A moment passes, and I try again. Success! I don’t revel in this victory though. A man, large and imposing, laughs a few feet away from me.
“The girls finally awake, guess we didn’t kill her after all!”
“No, but in a minute you’ll wish you had,” I growl at him.
“Feisty,” another man, not much smaller than the first, comes into view from a door on the right. “Not like that lil brat we grabbed yesterday…”
Involuntarily, my hands clench. Or, at least they would have if the stainless steel restraints hadn’t prevented them. “Where’s Iliad? What did you do to her?” I have to keep my cool, stay calm, keep alert, stay focused…
The first man stands up and leers down at me. I hate that look. A look that bodes ill for the receiver; a look of complete and total loathing. “Iliad,” he spit her name out like bile, “didn’t get anything she didn’t deserve from supporting you freaks.”
“You’re the freak! She was innocent of everything except being a decent person!”
The second man yanks my hair, forcing my neck to be exposed to the other man, and hisses, “Anyone who thinks you monsters deserve to live loses the right to be called human.”
Fuck no. Fuck this. Fuck all of them. I just want Iliad. I have to buy time, that’s the only way I can get out of this. I hate being so useless. Thinking quickly, I reach into the first man’s subconscious. Rage, check. Bloodlust, unsurprising. Hatred, duh… I keep searching for anything, the smallest hope for getting out of this with Iliad.
Fear? That’s… shocking. If they truly saw me as less than human, then fear shouldn’t be there… unless…
“You’re just scared!”
“…what?” How literate, I’m swooning.
“You know I’m better than you! I can see it, this room is just LACED with fear. Gods, it’s a shame I can feed off fear.” pleasetakethebait, pleasetakethebait, pleasetakethebait…
The men shuffle nervously, sharing looks between them. Score!
“Sucks you had to take the one thing I hold closest to my heart. I almost pity you, you guys have NO idea what you’ve gotten yourselves into.”
As I talk, it’s clear they have no experience in this whole ‘hostage situation’ thing. I didn’t need my empathy link to see the uncertainty rising in their faces.
“How about this,” I speak flippantly, hoping my false bravado is enough, “you give me back my one and only friend in this cruel place, and I forget this ever happened.”
The man that was once behind me, now a foot away and to the left, opposite of the door… focus. He has a questioning look on his face, fearful now. Just a little more and I have them sold.
“However, if I find out Iliad is gone…” this time, the threat my tone was real.
Suddenly, the air was tense. I looked at the two, hesitant. It was like a lightswitch. No longer uncertain, they wore similar looks of hate once again. “It’s too late for her, mutt.”
I couldn’t breathe. “…what?”
“Off’d her before you even went looking. Now wha—“
Two gunshots echo in the room, the men dropped dead where they stood.
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x-mentalia · 7 years
Welcome to the murder mystery. 
Keep reading
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x-mentalia · 7 years
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How could I have been so blind?!
Follow Event 01
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x-mentalia · 7 years
Event 01: Is it Really an X-Men Story Unless this Happens?
As the Mutant Registration Act was passed from the House and into the Senate, and soon to the president’s table, things were rather quiet on the home front. Anti-mutant and Pro-mutant terrorism alike had subsided as everyone held their breath waiting for the final decision by the Commander-in-Chief. However, one mutant would not live long enough to see the course of the world.
Jean Grey was found dead in the mansion, blood pooling the body and no trace of what could have possibly happened to her. Word spread fast of the omega mutant’s murder, it was a seemingly impossible feat since she should have been able to see it coming. Theories ran around, some saying it was clearly suicide or the work of Phoenix. 
You are here to investigate for yourself, be it out of curiosity, vengeance, or requirement. When you arrive to the scene, you find a blind man blocking the doorway. He greets you and claims to be the lawyer for this case for all the people who have been deemed a plausible suspect. As more people show up, he tells them the same and eventually produces a list of the suspects. 
He informs all of you that the police had not come to the scene, chalking it up to a mutant problem. Mr. Murdock chalks up their decision as stupid and has came here himself to investigate with all of you.
Figuring out the truth in the investigation could mean a better reputation in the community, and more influence in the future. Where will you begin?
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x-mentalia · 7 years
The TV is on. Something late night. Maybe some white fat guy will pretend to cry in front of a camera to boost his ratings...
...you don't care much. You're just so tired. All this mutant registration crap has been screwing with your head. It's the only thing anyone wants to talk about and you just want everything to go back to normal. No one cared about mutants before they knew. Do they want to try registering ghosts? Or aliens? Will the FBI try take in a poltergeist?
You start laughing at the mental image of FBI agents trying to snap handcuffs on a big puff of air when the late night show is interrupted by a local news alert. The evening journalist appears behind the desk, her face exhausted and stunned.
"Breaking news ladies and gentelemen - we have just been informed that the Senate has voted to pass the Mutant Registration Act in a vote that was cast at 2:00 this morning - fifteen minutes ago!"
Your tiredness vanishes. You sit up straight and stare intently at your tv.
"We are rushing our correspondent to the scene now, but so far it appears the Senate is finally in agreement with the House! The question now is whether the bill goes before the Supreme Court or what the President's reaction will be. The President has stated that he intends to veto the bill but recently informed the Speaker of the House in a closed door meeting that they would be open to signing the bill--"
...you mute the tv.
..."normal" probably isn't coming back for a while.
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