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     “So if you give a chocobo a carrot...would it follow you everywhere you go and ask you for more?...Maybe I should ask Cloud.”
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     “Oh yeah, I’m good. No trouble with me at all, thanks for checking up on that though. Least you care.”
"Hello again, Yuffie."
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     “Hey Vincent! How are you doin’?”
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He flinched a bit from the force of the yell but shrugged it off and proceeded to toss Yuffie onto the floor on her ass before turning around and slamming his door shut in her face, making sure to lock it tight.
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     “Leon?” She looked at the door, knocking on it gently as she tried to get his attention. “Hey...brownie...open up.” She looked behind her, a soft sigh coming from her as she went to an alley right across the way, curling up against a wall and looking back to the house. She may as well get comfy, something told her it was going to be a long night. She didn’t even have her shuriken with her.
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“I realise you don’t know me, but please help me, I think I’m going to pass out.” “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I saw someone put something in your drink. You didn’t drink from it already, did you?” “I got robbed and have no way of getting home. They got my phone, so I can’t call anyone. Could I please borrow your phone?” “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t see you there… Are you okay?” “Charlie! Imagine seeing you here!– Oh. Wait, you aren’t Charlie…” “Excuse me, I was looking to get my girlfriend a bra, could you help me– You’re not the shop assistant, are you?” “Watch out for that truck!” “Is this your wallet?” “You look very different to your profile picture…” “Look out where you’re going, asshole!” “Did you see that?! He had a gun.” “Are you the girl/guy from So You Think You Can Dance?!” “Err– I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was just walking behind you and I think you must have sat in something…” “I know I don’t know you and this might sound really strange, but do you have a room or a spare settee or something I could crash on? I could pay you… I just… I really need someone to help me out right now.” “HELP ME!” “Oh my god, are you okay? I’m calling the police. I think I saw who did this to you.” “Are you alright? You look really pale.” “The whole street is blocked off. The police won’t tell us anything, but I think there’s been some kind of attack… Maybe a bomb?” ”Have you lost something? Can I help?” “Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”.
First-Time Interaction starter sentences
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"Do I smell breakfast or is that the house burning down?"
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     “That would be breakfast ya jerk!”
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Domestic Starters 2.0
"Do I smell breakfast or is that the house burning down?"
"Honey, you look tired. Go sleep."
"So I was driving past a pet store the other day and couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home."
"I want to move in with you."
"I think we should go house hunting. Buy a big family home on the beach or something."
"What do you think about children?"
"Our son/daughter got sent to the principals office today."
"Babe, can you explain to me what this is doing here?"
"You look like you could use a massage."
"I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water."
"I may have broken the dish washer."
"There's a spider in the shower!"
"I think I might be pregnant."
"I want to try for a baby."
"I want to adopt a child."
"You would make the perfect father/mother."
"Think about it. The little patter of children in our home."
"I want to marry you."
"What do you think about this color wall for our room?"
"Why is the bathroom overfilling with water?"
"Did you eat all my oreos?"
"We live together. You can't blame this on anyone else."
"I've got a romantic surprise for you."
"Let's just stay in bed."
"Get back into bed."
"Can you call in sick today?"
"I just want to lie here all day with you."
"Oh, there's no need to put a shirt on."
"I'm sick of doing all the chores!"
"We can't afford this!"
"Don't mind me, just want to remember how beautiful you look in bed this morning."
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xalmondxyuffiie continued from here 
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Leon just grunted and readjusted his hold on her to make it more sturdy as he continued to march her straight out of his room.
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     The silent treatment was never good, especially coming from Leon. It’s not like she meant to be caught, she was sure she was so close to making it out before he got back. She planned it PERFECTLY. “LEOOOOOOOOOOOON!!”
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//I have a brand new theme and a blog of the week to boot!!
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     “H--HEY! Put me down Brownie!!!” Yuffie cried, squirming and trying to move around and break free of his grip.
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// I need more active people on my dash, please reblog this if you’re in the Final Fantasy fandom!
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bonus points for the reason
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     Her face soon paled, an audible gulp coming from her. “Uh…oh…” She took this as her warning sign to get outta dodge. Yuffie took a step back before booking it out the door, soon jumping on the roof and hopping from rooftop to rooftop.
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Leon opened his eyes from where he had closed them to try and calm himself down only to find her gone. Oh now she was really in for it…
The hunt was on. And he knew exactly where she would be headed, she was a creature of habit in many ways. He immediately headed outside just in time to see her petite form flying off the roof.
“Gotcha…” he whispered under his breath.
He began to run, swiftly making his way down the streets and taking all the short cuts he remembered. He slid to a neat stop at what he knew to be the end of the line of rooftops she had been heading down.
“Yuffie get down and fess up. Now.”
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     Yuffie had looked to make sure she wasn’t being followed. Lo and behold, she was. She tried to get faster and move where Leon couldn’t see her, which proved to not be working in her favour. She cursed under her breath at Leon for being able to keep up with her.
     Finally, she stopped, looking down at Leon as he slid to the stop. Of course, she kept her distance and didn’t go over the edge of the roof.
     “N--Nah, I’m good up here, thanks.” She called down to him.
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     Yuffie pulled away quickly, the playful smile still on her face. “Okay, whatever you say, Squalliekins~”
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His hands clenched and unclenched as he breathed hard through his nose and tried to resist the urge to outright strangle his fighting partner.
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     Her face soon paled, an audible gulp coming from her. “Uh...oh...” She took this as her warning sign to get outta dodge. Yuffie took a step back before booking it out the door, soon jumping on the roof and hopping from rooftop to rooftop.
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"Hello again, Yuffie."
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     “Hey Vincent! How are you doin’?”
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     She sticks her tongue out at him playfully. “Squaaaaaaally~”
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His hand shot out and snatched her tongue before she could retract it.
“You….do not. Want to repeat that.”
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     Yuffie pulled away quickly, the playful smile still on her face. “Okay, whatever you say, Squalliekins~”
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     “Why don’cha tell me what you think I stole? Then I’ll see if I can confirm or deny it.”
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Taps his foot impatiently on floor.
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     She sticks her tongue out at him playfully. “Squaaaaaaally~”
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     “I have noooo idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout Leon~”
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“You know exactly what I’m talking about Yuffie.”
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     “Why don’cha tell me what you think I stole? Then I’ll see if I can confirm or deny it.”
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