xantraaj · 4 years
Gone with the Wind - "Rhett Buys Scarlett" Clip
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xantraaj · 4 years
Strait trite
In our family , nobody lives life, so
Leave it,
A fool is a fool is a fool; for kargil
Kills ,
If you accept death meekly; if you
Are calm,
When all try to push you into the
Hell hole world,
For which you are not ready for;
But forced of,
Tug of war, where the majority
Be it right or wrong, gay pimps
Sowing seeds,
From where the whores are born
For rights squelched,
No fisticuffs, but verbal onslaught
Well entrenched,
Sticking to mind, hard & fast like
Dirty stain,
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xantraaj · 4 years
Neither Strait nor Bright?
Growing through the darker rocks,
Caves blinkered too;
Lisping to verbose; where deaf and
Dumb laughed at;
Know well of, what's in store for, but
Tried to slurp chocobar,
Thought venila may come, ignoring
Of a stone chosen for,
Back stabbed, oh god! Gay, dropped
Dead, tongue dried;
Lost is lost; spilt milk, nay, orthodox
Howled all over for,
Gays only come for holding arms to
Ditch her into , it's brothel,
Love lorn, sex lorn, withered fast,
For no mutual respect born,
Where lust only bartered for a few
Mendicants for her flesh,
Beaten up, heard, they are bitten
Hard not to cry for times
May be ripped apart, only mistake
Was to stay with gay pimp,
Waiting to mint coins out of breath,
Justifying epic Mahabharata,
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xantraaj · 4 years
Where can I have justice, dear ,
When all turned for, not new,
Where I go, for they learnt the
Art to flesh trade, dear where,
God afraid of ,hence cancelled
His visitation rights; crooked
Gays in droves swan moving
To throttle the family women
Known for celibacy to share
To live and love to canoodle,
Emotions find nowhere to go,
Crying ,listening to her echoes
To self forlorn; it's brothel, where
Gays in droves forcing , suffocated
Choked feeling, years rolled by in
Stress, love lorn from young till
Evening of the years; no strait to
Feel the same; the one cry unseen
Tears, for strait may be laughed at,
Not understanding the gays tricks
To muffle the voice to live a decent
Life, where brothel cries relentlessly??
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xantraaj · 4 years
Glittering glaciers
Glaciers melt not on minds waiting to
Collide at the rocks close by,
For, they are neither grown for her, nor
For extending a families;
Why challenges thrown on her, who can
Live to love and cuddle babies?
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xantraaj · 4 years
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xantraaj · 4 years
Political Rogues in India,
Whores' sons and daughters
On whites and saffron attires
Pimping on hungry families
Where gay harass by words
Women stand on celibacy
Know not how to escape
Vice like grip of mammonism,
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xantraaj · 4 years
* Kashmir Chilly. *
"Watching Trump and First Lady", took
Me back to the past, when chairman
Gave her the salary first, a few hundreds
Extras, though not qualified, no service,
Inferior, though I reject the idea, into
Mirror, I see, grey reminds of growing ,
Increasing not decreasing, can I have?
Before I die, will they recognise? Before
Breathing last, " sex", delight not, zilch
Chemistry in mind, lost respect in love,
Chitra KC
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xantraaj · 4 years
* When all fails,
Ask myself not to give up, life is empty,
Where life doesn't make any differences,
Though Faces and Places new, climate
Too, not easy to , puzzling indeed, feel
Empty, dry, as hopelessness embraced,
Empty packets serve not sermon, eyes
Speak volumes, and volumes on for fear
Of ,in my sight, he absconded, didn't
Make out, what went wrong, thought ,
Dawned dry, learnt fishy, though ready,
In hostile ambience, things won't strike
Right, will the country bounce back?
Hope lost, for Rajini is disappeared into ...
Chitra KC...
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xantraaj · 4 years
Who am I to question thee?
Climate ,where you are in will hurt,
Both of joy, & grief felt so strong,
Jealous is not cheap for life grows,
Their love, let me live with him vowed,
Fear not block the road to life for bliss,
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xantraaj · 4 years
Cars not bought for her luxury,
Bleeding burners seen and felt ,
For the jealous eyes, on money minted,
Walking to hospital not easy torn,
Why grown to sex yearn for nuptial nod?
Heard masculine for the pillar of strength,
Feminine for the meternal love and family,
Will the police and court hear a Chaste ?
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xantraaj · 4 years
Thought , she would be happy with him,
Being a wife of a gay, hell been through,
Till when learnt that she is not a home gal,
The same like us 'fools' dreamt of angelic,
Where there's no duty to masculine strength,
Lift and smooch on her to life and family,
Doormat, heard, but an object for his sales ,
No difference ,I found for strait or gay for,
Both share not hugs or smooches as greedy bug,
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xantraaj · 4 years
In the slaughter house, i look for life,
A farce, where last judgment waits for,
She won't raise a voice for her nudity public,
She trusted him for life, came a queen to,
Dreamt of an angel, but envious of the one,
Who vexed over legal battle in the middle,
Untouched verdant beauty, walks, jumps,
He watches, not dared going near or insult,
Quoting body parts, an open insult, unawares,
In the past as a daughter to mom,
No love, a sahara desert felt for saleability,
No chemistry, numb felt for walking when ,
Walking is difficult, no respect ,no where to go,
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xantraaj · 4 years
Don't know who is this?
Happy at the loving heads of states,
Cm and pm handshaking with a commoner,
Helping her granting wishes to on edge,
Lost 'peace', noone to friends with except,
Prime ministers, chief minister, ministers
Apart from Bollywood ,Hollywood, and Tamil,
Not more than the Police and Court too ,
Smooches that can't leave in the middle,
Love ,an unending showering from,
Niagara in Arabian desert felt with,
Freedom, a long rope given to share how ,
Have been tossed up and down in the dry tornado,
No consoling word, no pat on shoulder,
On the edge felt often for anger stoked non stop,
'Die', mind bids, but mom, poor soul helps breathe,
Justice Narayanan,a fresh lease of life,
Listened to on google, thank god, a touch,
Loving masculinity understood ,when
Dry verbal assaults from blood , stony heart,
He made me lean against the heads ,benevolent,
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xantraaj · 4 years
Hughman's heights
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This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.
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xantraaj · 4 years
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Vishnu Narayan on Lotus Vintage 40 years old print (via eBay: Allegory003)
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xantraaj · 4 years
Crows and cuckoos come in the yard garden, not a lie, half truth, honey brown silvery beak two visited two eves of an year ago, six sparrows visit summer for water,tiny sparrows come for curry tree flowers for honey, rarely one yellow cuckoo and ash pigeon cuckoo come,
We are angry at crows for the new birds be chased away and we miss a beautiful sight and musical joy from yard,
It is not racism, it is my neighborhood, where they hate "chastity", for " whore" delight , it's 'penny' delight ,no racism.
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