xbasorexiax · 2 years
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
“I think it’s so you keep feeding them and clothing them and keeping a roof over their head.” She chuckled, nodding in agreement. “She will absolutely be a handful.”
Natalia let out a breath, “I have, but I also want to her to stay this little, you know? Teenage Natalia was constantly studying. My oldest brother had given up so much to raise me and the others, I wanted to make him proud.”
“Teenage Natalia sounds like teenage Ava. My siblings were making fun of me. It was either basketball or studying, nothing in between.” she chuckled. “It’s amazing how much your brother sacrifice to raise you.” she said gently. 
“And maybe teenage tati will also know that studying is important?” Ava tried to comfort Natalia. “Or you will be grey quickly if this little girl turns out to be the force of nature she is now.”
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @caudexiism​
"Kiss you?" She faked the surprise. "Why would I kiss you when you can kiss me?" She challenged Mia. Her arms automatically wrapped around Mia's waist pulling their bodies as close as possible. "Are you afraid of kissing me first?"
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
❝  you need someone.  let me be that person.  let me be what you need.  ❞
❝  look,  i dunno if i’m the kind of person you need or even want right now.  but i’m looking around and i’m the only one who’s here.  ❞
❝  i never realized how much i needed you until you were the one person who wasn’t there.  ❞
❝  you asked me once,  if i would ever take a chance on us…maybe that ship sailed.  but.  ask me again?  sometime— doesn’t have to be today.  maybe tomorrow just.  ask me again.  ❞
❝  i know i can’t protect you from everything,  but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control.  ❞
❝  i used to have so much faith.  maybe not in deities or something but,  in the world.  the universe.  i believed their was a purpose to it all.  i’m not sure when i lost that.  ❞
❝  have you ever had something…missing?  like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.  ❞
❝  sometimes,  i just need the world to be beautiful.  i know how dark and ugly it can be but i just want to see something good and focus only on it for a few minutes.  ❞
❝  i was sort’ve hoping you needed me.  is that selfish?  ❞
❝  people need someone to see them for what they are and not just see it but accept it.  i want to be that person for anyone i can…but it can be so suffocating to be that person and also remain unseen.  ❞
❝  sometimes i feel i’m being crushed under the weight of everything i’ll never be.  ❞
❝  you’re looking at me but you’re not seeing me.  do you know how that feels?  just see me.  please.  ❞
❝  i want to deserve you.  i’m trying to deserve you.  ❞
❝  i know i fucked up.  i know i did but don’t shut me out anymore.  let me in.  please let in.  ❞
❝  every time you smile at me,  i memorize it.  i remember each moment that i get to be the one to bring out that light inside you.  no matter what happens between us,  that’s what i’ll remember.   ❞
❝  i can’t help but think there’s got to be something out there for me,  somewhere.  just some place where i actually feel like i belong.  ❞ 
❝  the world is so big.  why do i never feel like i fit into it?  ❞
❝  when i’m with you i feel like myself.  i feel like every side of me is present and accepted.  and i feel good about it—  i feel good about who i am when i’m with you.  ❞
❝  do you like me?  i know you love me.  i know you care about me but.  do you like who i am?  ❞
❝  i want to look in the mirror one day and not feel uncomfortable with my own reflection.  ❞
❝  just take my hand and close your eyes.  pretend we’re anywhere else but here.  ❞
❝  so,  what would you be?  if you had to power to change all the things making you unhappy,  what would your life look like?  ❞
❝  do you even know what it does to me?  every time i see you cry,  any time you’re hurt even the smallest bit it just— do you realize how deeply you’ve imbedded yourself into my heart?  ❞
❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the most important piece of me.  ❞
❝  every time you walk away you take another piece of me with you.  ❞
❝  i’m only really living in the moments when we’re together.  the rest is just existing until you look at me again.  ❞
❝  it feels like there’s a string around my heart and it’s connected to you.  everywhere you go you’re just tugging me behind,  pulling me towards you.  ❞
❝  you’ve got me in the palm of your hands.  you could crush me and i would still thank you for touching me at all.  ❞
❝  i no longer know where i end and you begin.  you’ve wound yourself around my soul so tightly,  you’re all i feel anymore.  ❞
❝  you’ve stolen my heart,  the least you could do is tell me what you intend to do with it.  ❞
❝  i don’t have perfect words.  i’m not the kind of person who knows how to sound poetic and shit.  so all i know what to tell you is that i belong to you.  i don’t know if you want me.  but i’m yours.  and at this point however it is you need me,  i’m here.  ❞
❝  you’re the only thing that matters anymore.  i can’t eat,  i can’t sleep—  all the goddamn cliches from every stupid movie and song.  you’re all i think about.  i’m useless except when i’m yours.  ❞
❝  i haven’t stopped thinking about the way you laugh.  i’m hoping i’ll get to hear it again.  ❞
❝  when your eyes are on me,  i feel like something worth seeing.  ❞
❝  just let me look at you for a little bit.  ❞
❝  i would do anything for you.  all my lines and rules.  they mean nothing when it comes to you.  it’d cross and break them all just to make you happy.  ❞
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
“Your English was fine, I just wasn’t sure. It’s been a long day.” The detective explained as she laughed at herself, of course light bulbs made more sense. “I can’t imagine why that would be surprising.”
Chloe nodded as she listened, she had come across a few students as stupid as those in her time. “That’s one way to swallow glass, I guess.”
“There are days when English still sound awkwardly coming from my lips. And recently I found myself translating everything from Italian.” she rolled her eyes. “More hours I spent in the hospital, Less I can speak English properly or maybe I think too much?” she frowned. 
“I’m sorry to hear your day was long as well. Anything I can help? Maybe I should drew us a bath? If it help you relax?”
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
@xbasorexiax​ sent:  💬  ( for a starter with a random line of dialogue )
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“I’m ready to try again, if you are?“  maya asked, and tilted her head slightly as awaited carina’s response.
Carina turned around abruptly from her spot in the front of the oven. Her lips slightly agape. “Are you serious?” she asked not wonting get her hopes high but she couldn’t stop the small smile spreading on her face.
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @caudexiism​
So she got caught. Damn. Lena bit inside of her cheek trying to think of the answer. Since Mia became her bodyguard the bond got stronger and she felt stronger lack of the younger woman by her side. "I don't think, it's a good idea." She said after a second. I don't want to get used to you, you will leave sooner or later. Like everyone else.
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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Maya and Carina + monogamy and domesticity look good on them.
What you and I have is, ah… What? Fantastico. Maya, it’s ours. It’s just ours.
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
“You’re definitely turning me soft. I feel like mush.” Carina told her lover as they kissed, her eyes closing slightly — Carina pressed a hand to the back of Gabriella’s neck to keep her there in the kiss longer.
“Please, Tesoro from the two of us you were always mushy.” Gabriella teased before forgetting about the world outside as Carina’s lips were pressed firmly against her own. After a moment she rested her head against her lover. Hand cupping her cheek as thumb soothingly rubbed the soft skin. “But tell me how do you feel?”
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
                  MAYA SHIVERED slightly as she felt the lips being pressed to her shoulder, the blonde relaxing into Ava’s touch as she closed her eyes, taking in a few deep breaths as she relaxed against her touch. “I’m sure you can run well, but I suppose for just once I could run a little bit slower than normal, and not as long if you can’t keep up.” She grinned softly ass he wrapped her arms around Ava, bringing the blonde in closer as she threw one leg over the other blonde and relaxed into her touch, before she pressed a kiss to her head. “It’s okay, don’t tell anyone I like cuddles either otherwise it’ll ruin both of OUR IMAGES.”
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“Aren’t you in a good mood?” she teased. “Being so nice to me and running a bit slower.” she chuckled. “I will try to keep up with you and if not you are free to leave me behind, all alone.”she sighed dramatically.
A small smile was playing on her lips. “We can’t let anyone know how muchy we can get.” she smirked. “But I think I’ve heard someone calling you Captain softy. I meant to ask you about it last time but well...” Her smile grew wider. “We were preoccupied with other things.”
“And tell me where do you run here? Are you driving to the forest? Or just run around the city?”
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @caudexiism​
Lena chuckled watching her husband. It still sounded so weird but somehow it was warming her heart each time she called him that. A perfectly shaped eyebrow raised as she asked a question. "So you say this marriage wouldn't work if we didn't kiss? What about sex?"
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
A thread only works when you have a good partner!! Reblog to show your partners that you appreciate each of them!
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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A list of scenarios for a quiet night in. These scenarios are a mixture of things that can work for friendships or romantic relationships. 
send “MOVIE NIGHT” for our muses to rent a movie.
send “MOVIE MARATHON” for our muses to have a movie marathon. 
send “BINGE WATCH” for our muses to binge watch a tv series.
send “TWITCH STREAM” for our muses to watch gaming videos on twitch or youtube.
send “SPORTS GAME” for our muses to watch a sport on tv.
send “GAME NIGHT” for our muses to play board games together.
send “CARD GAMES” for our muses to play a card game together.
send “VIDEO GAMES” for our muses to play video games together.
send “TAKE OUT” for our muses to order some kind of take out.
send “PIZZA PARTY” for our muses to order a pizza.
send “SUNDEAS” for our muses to eat ice cream.
send “SWEET TREATS” for our muses to bake some yummy deserts.
send “HOME COOKED” for our muses to make dinner together.
send “SPA NIGHT” for our muses to paint each others finger nails and toe nails.
send “MAKE OVERS” for our muses to do each others make up.
send “DRESS UP” for our muses to have an at home fashion show.
send “PHOTO SESSION” for our muses to take photos/selfies together.
send “PILLOW FORT” for our muses to make a pillow/blanket fort.
send “BOOK CLUB” for our muses to stay in and read books together.
send “RPG” for our muses to write stories together.
send “LARPING” for our muses to live action roleplay together.
send “ARTS & CRAFTS” for our muses to do arts and crafts projects.
send “KNITTING CIRCLE” for our muses to knit together.
send “QUILTING CIRLCE” for our muses to make a quilt together.
send “POTTERY WHEEL” for our muses to make things out of clay.
send “CANVAS” for our muses to paint together.
send “PORTRAITS” for our characters to paint or draw each other.
send “FLOWER CROWN” for our muses to make flower crowns together.
send “FLOWER POTS” for our muses to do indoor gardening.
send “SPOTIFY” for our muses to listen to music together.
send “DANCE PARTY” for our muses to dance like no one is watching.
send “KARAOKE” for our muses to sing karaoke.
send “BAND PRACTICE” for our muses to play instruments together.
send “INSTRUMENTS” for one of our muses to play a song for the other.
send “SLEEP OVER” for our muses to have a sleepover.
send “CUDDLE BUG” for our muses to cuddle together.
send “SLEEPY TIME” for our muses to lay in bed together.
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @taiintedgold​ || accepting “ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  (carina)
Carina looked up from the photo she had in her hands. "It's my mama's birthday." She said quietly. "And it's one of the few happy photos I have. Andrea's was 5, I was 9. My father took us to celebrate mama's birthday at the restaurant and for ice cream later and we spent the evening at our favorite beach. It was a nice day and one of the few happy memories I have of my whole family."
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0 notes
xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @peoplexlikexus​
She chuckled. "Yes, we have had enough trauma for a long time." She sighed closing her eyes before asking a question that was keeping her awake during the nights she wasn't working.
"Alex, are we only friends?" It was now or never.
0 notes
xbasorexiax · 2 years
            SEEING LENA appear from behind the door, Maya smiled fondly as she eyed the brunette. She herself wasn’t exactly fond of people randomly popping into her work office, but that’s generally because the last person who dropped by her office was her mother, and that certainly hadn’t gone well. With a slight clearing of her throat, Maya smiled softly “Tell me, were you actually in the vicinity or did you make yourself available in the area?”. the blonde grinned, raising her eyebrow slightly in the other’s direction, watching as she held up THE CHINESE.
            “UNFORTUNATELY being a firefighter we are always on duty when we are on shift but at the present moment, I’m just enjoying some down time to do my paperwork, so a distraction is most definitely wanted.” she grinned, eyeing the other slightly before nodding “ But please, take a seat. At least I’ve got good company to enjoy this delicious smelling FOOD WITH.”
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Lena smiled and sat down at the offered place in front of Maya. A small chuckle left her lips at Maya's question. "Actually, i was coming back to the office from the meeting. And you know how the city center is at his hour. One big traffic. So my driver decided to change his route but we found the traffic here too, and it was not far away from here I decided to change my plans a bit, hoping you wouldn't be too busy." She explained.
"I also wanted to apologize for cancelling our plans last week. I was really looking at it but unfortunately we had an emergency at the company and everything since then was hectic." She really was looking forward to seeing Maya and of course her professional life got in the way.
"I've heard this take out is a die for." She chuckled. "How have you been?"
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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