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The world is going online and most industries had already adopted the online mode of business and gained success. Today, businesses that have not shifted to digitalization are facing challenges to cater to the needs of the users. Those who recognized the importance of going digital realized the fact that apps can resolve most of their challenges and hence they are looking to build apps that come with minimum investment...
Read More: White Label Mobile App Development Services 
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Flutter Versus React Native: Which Framework Is The Best For Your App Development Project
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Selecting the relevant framework for your apps reflects its efficiency and features. The app must be designed properly so that it helps boost the overall user experience. With poor app performance, you would lose on your potential clients. This is where the debate starts between native & cross-platform development. In general, there is a comparison between two popular cross-platform app development frameworks that is Flutter versus React Native.
So, let us understand the comparison between Flutter and React Native from different aspects. But, before that let us understand each of these frameworks :
Know About Flutter
It can be best explained as a tool used to build an interface using the Dart programming language. To put it simply, it is based on the Google UI framework.
Flutter focuses on mobile, web platforms, and desktop through just one codebase and presents its Dart native compiler to build hardware-optimized apps, especially for the ARM architecture.
Where Can You Use Flutter?
Apps with material design
MVP mobile applications
Apps that work along OS-level features
Reactivate apps having huge data integration
High-performing apps with Skia rendering engine
New OS plugins with simple logic
Flexible UI with high-level widgets
Popular Apps Built Using Flutter
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Know About React Native
It is a framework coded using the combination of JavaScript and JXL, which is a unique markup code similar to XML. This framework can interact with both domains - JavaScript-based threads & existing native app threads.
Where Can You Utilize React Native?
Fast prototype applications
Simple cross-platform apps
Apps having simplified UI
Apps that resemble native with responsive UX with the help of FlexBox
Apps with reusable components
Apps that function with synchronous APIs
Popular Apps Built Using React Native
Benefits And Drawbacks of Flutter and React Native
Code sharing
Seamless integration
Quick shipping
Flutter comes with amazing tools and libraries but they are not as affluent as React Native.
There are issues with animation support and Vector graphics in rendering plugins faster.
Not an ideal option to build apps for Android Auto, tvOS, watchOS and CarPlay
The updates and patches cannot be integrated into apps easily without travelling through the basic release processes.
Native rendering
High Performance
Rich Ecosystem
Smart Debugging
The native rendering of APIs doesn’t support some native UI elements which make the UI appear a little dull.
3rd party libraries used for enhanced integration can emerge as outdated.
React Native doesn’t back parallel threading & multi-processing, which affects the performance.
Editing, inspecting codes and UI elements may not be easy in Chrome debugger.
Comparison – Flutter Versus React Native
After learning about the benefits and drawbacks of these two frameworks let us compare the two based on different aspects like :
Certainly, the cross-platform applications developed using Flutter perform better as compared to the ones built using React Native. The reason is that it doesn’t need any bridge to initiate interactions among native modules.
Flutter makes use of the Skia graphics library that allows the UI to be recreated each time and with each change in the app view. Hence, Flutter performs flawless and effectively at 60 FPS too.
When it comes to the React Native performance, it is lower than Flutter. This is because JavaScript Bridge is accountable for setting up communication between different native modules.
It comes with a layered architecture. So, the hierarchy of basic cross-platform mobile applications built on this framework starts with high-level root functions also called platform-specific widgets.
Flutter app development utilises Dart framework wherein most of the components available are in-built and that is why it becomes bigger and eradicates the need for a bridge for interacting with native modules.
Well, the React Native architecture is mostly based on the JS runtime environment model also known as JavaScript Bridge. It acts as a bridge between the JavaScript thread & the Native thread.
The JavaScript code coordinates with Native API as well as the platform by making use of the Flux architecture of Facebook.
In the case of react native app development for Android, JavaScriptCore is bundled within the app whereas in the case of iOS it utilizes JavaScriptCore individually to process the code. It results in making the native functionality bigger which increases the app size too which directly leads to performance issues and device lag.
Talking about test and QA, Flutter offers a series of testing features to test an app at the integration phase, unit, and widget.
Flutter owns an amazing widget testing feature that helps developers to conduct widget tests for UI testing & run them as per the unit tests speed.
React Native is based on the JavaScript framework. It means only limited testing frameworks at the unit level are available with JavaScript. Here there is a tool known as Jest which is helpful for snapshot testing.
 Flutter has a small community of developers as compared to React Native. Certainly, it will not remain small as it is gaining popularity day by day.
React Native is an open-source framework having a huge community of developers.
The prominent feature that is most talked about during the comparison between Flutter and React Native is code reusability. When it comes to Flutter, in Dart, the codebase in Flutter is more reusable.
React Native cross-platform applications development framework is the ideal option to get development speed. On the other hand, it comes with some limitations hence it is not compatible at all times
Final Words
We have witnessed a huge transformation in the mobile development sector and days are gone when native app development was ruling the app development. Today, we are opting for cross-platform mobile application development.
Well, both Flutter and React Native gained popularity as cross-platform frameworks. Flutter is new as compared to React Native but is slowly gaining momentum. The choice of frameworks out of these two frameworks entirely depends on your requirements, project needs, and the skills of the developers.
If you are not sure what framework to choose for your next app development project or want mobile app development services that help you choose the right framework and build an app for your business needs, X-Byte Enterprise Solutions can help you get the right app development solutions built on React Native or Flutter to match your project requirements. We are a leading mobile app development company to assist you to get your cross-platform app to scale your business using the right framework.
| Read Original Blog Here: Cross Platform Applications Development Company
| Contact us: +18322517311
| Email us: [email protected]
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Want To Create A Social Media Messaging App Like WhatsApp? Know About Its Cost
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What comes to your mind first when you think of instant messaging apps? Certainly, it has to be WhatsApp, does it not? Yes, WhatsApp is one of the popular social media apps that has cemented its place in the digital world. Well, the popularity of WhatsApp has encouraged entrepreneurs to invest in Whatsapp-like web development to enter the digital space. If you are thinking of building an app like WhatsApp, certainly you want to get an idea of how much it would cost.
So, before you plan to build an app like WhatsApp, this blog would help you understand the costs incurred for messaging app development.
To know the social media mobile app development cost, you need to understand the different aspects that would decide the cost of creating such an app. So, let us understand these aspects in detail to help you evaluate the cost to build an app like WhatsApp
Why WhatsApp Has Gained So Much Popularity?
 The main objective behind the social media app development venture to create WhatsApp was to simplify communication and offer a platform that is cost-effective and faster to facilitate flawless user interaction.
The main aim of WhatsApp was to help users exchange messages instantly using an internet connection.
What Does WhatsApp Messaging App Offer To Its Users?
Send photos
Send Instant Chats
Share Live locations
Send Contact Cards
Send Audio & Video Messages
The above features in WhatsApp make it so popular along with its accessibility on multiple OS.
Things To Consider While Building A Chat Application
 You may be excited to build and launch your chat app soon, but to make mobile messaging app development a successful venture, you need to consider multiple aspects else you would end up in a mess.
So, before you start working on an app development project, make sure you consider some crucial aspects like :
Create a sketch of a basic app idea or MVP to evaluate how feasible would be your idea.
Spend enough time to finalize whether you want your in-house team to work on your app idea or you want to outsource it to an overseas mobile app development agency.
It is important to have expert designers, developers, UX/Ui designers, QA experts, and project managers work on your project
Well, messaging app development costs are higher if you want advanced features to be integrated whereas apps with basic features would cost less.
Vital Steps To Consider For Messaging App Development
Certainly, social messaging apps such as WhatsApp are robust platforms that not only facilitate flawless communication but also help businesses send out promotional videos, engage in video chatting, share files, etc. So, if you have decided to build an app like WhatsApp, you need to follow a structured process for app development. It will also help you determine a lot of factors that would affect the overall cost of your chat app.
Let us learn about the steps that help you create a successful chatting app similar to WhatsApp.
Planning everything properly results in creating a successful app. Before you start making the clone of WhatsApp, make sure you know the details of the app which makes it so powerful.
At this phase of app development collect the necessary details on
The technology stacks that will be used by your mobile app development agency
How they will manage traffic
How to upgrade your app for new features etc
The app development agency would help you know about the technologies they will select to develop the backend of your app. They will take care of the entire development process to deliver desired results for your business.
Building an app without monetization will make no sense. Certainly, you want your app to generate revenue for you. For this, you need to know the aspects to be considered to choose the perfect monetizing model for your chat app. Here are some of those aspects :
Determine your target audience
Understand your competitors
The unique app idea to drive more customers to the app
Selecting The Perfect Monetization Model
You can display ads on your app to make money but make sure it is not overloaded on your app as it may annoy the users
Let users purchase some in-app features like stickers etc to enhance messaging experience.
WhatsApp has integrated this model to generate money. It helps users to send and receive payments to each other. The users are charged some fee for every transaction they perform.
3. Essential Features & functionalities for your WhatsApp App
It is one of the vital aspects that can affect the app development cost. Yes, that’s features & functionality.
Some features may increase your budget but at the same time, they would contribute to the success of your app. Some of the features to consider are given below :
Registration Page
Importing Contacts
Sharing media files
Typing Indicator
Audio Call
Push Notifications
Video Call
In-App Camera
The above-mentioned features are a set of basic features. But if you want your app to stand out in the crowd, you need to integrate some advanced features that are recommended that may add to the cost of app development but give you an edge over your competitors.
Advanced Features to be included in your Chat App
Scheduled messages
Encrypted communications
Group Chat -Audio, Text, or Video
Sharing live location
Emojis, Gifs, and Stickers
Messages get deleted automatically after a specific period
4. Hire Mobile App Development Crew
To build a messaging app like WhatsApp you can either,
Get the app developed by an in-house development team
Hire social networking app development firm
When you invest in professional mobile app development solutions, you will have the following team working on your project:
Business Analyst
Project Manager
Software developers
UX/UI Designer
App Tester
What Would Be The Cost Incurred To Build A Messaging App Like WhatsApp?
 It can be a cumbersome task to calculate the cost of building your chat app as it depends on multiple factors like :
App features and functionalities
Location of the mobile app development firm
Rate of the developers
App design
Platforms selected to launch the app (iOS & Android)
Undoubtedly, messaging apps are gaining popularity and have become an integral part of our lives. Social messaging apps like WhatsApp make our life easier. It helps businesses promote their brand, share files, images, etc
If you are willing to invest in building a clone of WhatsApp, X-Byte Enterprise Solutions, a trusted mobile app development services provider in the USA can help turn your app idea into a scalable social media app like WhatsApp. Our team of dedicated app developers would help you all through the development process and offer post-launch maintenance services for your app. Connect with us today to discuss your app idea and get a free quote to know the app project cost from us.
| Read Original Blog Here: Social Media Messaging App Development Like WhatsApp
| Contact us: +18322517311
| Email us: [email protected]
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Which JavaScript Framework To Choose For Your Project In 2022- Angular Vs React?
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If you are aware of the web app architecture, then you must be knowing about the fact that ReactJS and AngularJS have nothing much in common. Though these two frameworks let you develop powerful and efficient web apps. Now, picking one from these two would certainly be a difficult task. Well, this blog would help you know more about the two frameworks, help you compare them from different aspects to help make informed decisions. So let us begin.
What is the Angular framework?
It is a web framework that offers an architecture for the developers to work on different projects. It can be used to develop dynamic web apps. Angular is an open-source framework written in Typescript.
What Is React Framework?
It is a free & open-source library managed by Facebook. As compared to UI frameworks React proves to be fast and offers higher flexibility to merge with. It means it is faster compared to UI frameworks and also provides the flexibility to blend with several frameworks.
Use Cases of AngularJS
Well, the AngularJS framework is used mainly for front-end development in web and mobile apps. Some of the known use cases of AngularJS are
Dynamic Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
Enterprise Web Apps
Use Cases of React
React can be used to build reusable UI components with a declarative coding method. This method cuts the development efforts significantly. Some of the use cases of React are
Ecommerce or Retail
Social Networks
Cross-platform Mobile Apps
Comparison - Angular vs. React
When it comes to comparison between these two frameworks, the main difference is that Angular is a JavaScript framework used for front-end development in mobile and web apps whereas React is itself a JavaScript library.
Angular is used to build complex enterprise-level apps like PWAs. On the other hand, React is used to build UI elements for mobile apps with frequently changing data.
Now, let us look at some of the other differences between Angular and React-based on different aspects like
Angular utilizes JavaScript as well as the TypeScript which is its superset. Typescript is sleeker as compared to JS which makes the code easy to navigate. This also enables an easy refactoring process.
React is developed on JSX and JavaScript ES6+ script. It makes JavaScript code similar to the code in HTML. So, the code becomes easy to comprehend and errors can be identified easily.
When it comes to React, it has more searches as compared to Angular as stated under Google Trends in 2022.
Well, most people are inclined to Angular as it offers plenty of ready-made solutions. We can say both frameworks are emerging in the market. So, in terms of popularity, both are equal.
Angular comes with a steep learning curve as compared to React. So, for Angular web development, the developers need to be familiar with various languages and concepts like pipes, TypeScript, dependency injection, templates, RxJS, etc.
Talking about React.js it is easy to learn and you can work on mobile or web application development in the React environment if you know JavaScript. Also, ReactJS offers plenty of useful resources for newbies to learn about the framework and build an app even just after the new updates are released.
Angular has a huge community of expert web developers which helps keep the framework updated with the advancements.
Well, Angular is not easy to learn and master, the framework takes a lot of time. Hence, not many developers prefer this framework. Still, Angular has millions of expert developers in the community as it is popular among various platforms like Reddit, Gitter, YouTube and Google which indicates that it has a bright future ahead.
On the other hand, React is a quite popular framework having an active community of millions of developers backing React native development services. So, if you have opted for React, you need to keep learning and update yourself with new introductions as this framework will keep evolving. The documentation that comes with this framework may not be enough and staying updated with new developments can be challenging.
Whether you are offering mobile or web development services, Angular can be used for both. The framework can be used for building video streaming applications like YouTube PlayStation 3 or content-based websites like Upwork & New York Times. You can use it to create single or multi-page web apps too.
Well, React can also be utilized for web and mobile development. It is used mostly to build dynamic web apps. For example e-commerce portals and social networking sites.
 Angular IO testing & debugging gets easier with several tools like Protractor, Karma, and Jasmine.
Also, Angular has a built-in testing tool, TestBed which offers certain amazing feature separation of the unit of the syntax and is coded considering the testability. Well, the same is not available with React js app development. Here, some tools are needed to conduct testing of each unit like skin deep used for Render testing utils & React-unit required for unit testing. It requires more effort to test a React App.
A toolset accompanies the Angular framework and supplies an array of material design components. Here, you can get a lot of layouts, buttons, forms, and pop-ups within the framework. This in turn offers convenience for UI configuration. Also, it saves time, effort, and in turn the web app development cost.
Talking about React community, it has designed several UI tools. On React portal you can get paid and free UI components. If you want to use these material design components, you need to install Material-UI Library and Dependencies.
Angular offers you limited liberty. For example, Angular 7 lets you utilize Angular components only within other frameworks. When compared with React, Angular comes with fewer options for customization.
Benefits of Angular Framework
Trustworthy & Reliable
Fast and Secure
Improved Design Architecture
Fully Customizable
Benefits of React Framework
Helps create Dynamic Web Apps easily
Easy to Learn & Use
Reusable Components
React Developer Tools
High Performance
How To Select The Right Framework Between Angular and React?
Yes, it is not easy to choose between the two. As both the frameworks help build web applications, choosing one should be based on your project requirements. Hence, it is important to know the differences between these two frameworks.
For example, if you want to develop an MVP with limited functions, you can choose the Angular framework. This is because the Angular framework supplies all required components for an MVC stack to help developers develop a completely functional app.
On the other hand, if you want to build single-page apps having multiple functions, then React is the ideal framework to go with. The reason is React lets you re-use the components all through your app. So, it will take less time and reduce the complexity involved in the development process.
The differences covered in this blog would certainly help you get the answer to the question Angular or React? Certainly, you can choose only one of these technologies, so make sure you assess your project requirements before you choose one.
If you are not sure about which one to choose, you can seek help from a trusted web development company that offers end-to-end Angular and React JS Development Services. If you haven’t found any, X-Byte Enterprise Solutions, a reliable web, and mobile app development company can assess your requirements to help you select the right framework. Get in touch with us to share your requirements.
| Read Original Blog Here: React Native Development Services
| Contact us: +18322517311
| Email us: [email protected]
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How To Build A Pill Reminder And Medication Tracker Mobile Application?
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Health is important and while all of us know this fact, most of us still ignore our health. We constantly ignore it either by not taking our medicines on time or not engaging in a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Well, technology has stepped into the healthcare sector and changed it drastically. Also, technology can help you take care of your health by reminding you to take pills regularly. Yes, a medication reminder app or medication tracker mobile app can help you save a lot of money you would spend in the future on health.;
An on-demand pill reminder and tracker app not just helps you monitor your medications, but also helps you monitor the health of your loved ones. You can track their medications and manage them at your end to remind them often to take the medicines on time.
According to the research, nearly 60% of adults are moving towards technology to help them remind about their medications. So, with medication tracking app development, you can launch a product that assists people to track diet, stress, sleep, physical activity, body weight, etc.
The mobile on-demand pill reminder and tracker apps have transformed the health & fitness sector by helping people monitor everything related to their health. You can save life threats and severe illness by taking prevention.
Pill Reminder Mobile Apps - Market Statistics;
Most of us prefer not to disclose any health-related issues even to our close ones. According to the statistics in USA,;
Nearly 70% of citizens are taking a minimum of one prescription
Out of many people who suffer from hypertension around 89,000 faces untimely death, which can be avoided through proper treatment
Most commonly, 1 in 2 people misses their dose of medication whereas 1 in 3 forget whether they have missed the dose.;
According to CVS, nearly 50% of people on medication for chronic diseases like heart disease discontinue taking medicines in the very first year of their treatment.
Talking about physicians, according to CVS around 68% of them want to get notified if patients become non-obedient
The idea of pill tracker & medication tracker mobile apps is trending. Looking at its efficiency to assist patients to stay obedient towards their medication, many pharmacists and medical providers find it the best method to improve health and reduce healthcare costs.
How Does Medication Tracking App Development Helps Live A Healthy Life?
Helps track and schedule medicines;
Helps patients to take medicines regularly by sending reminders about the right timings and the appropriate dose. It eliminates the chances of skip doses which happens when you have to manage it manually.
The app reminds the patients to refill their prescriptions before they run out of stock with them.
Allows patients to share their medication data with their doctors, friends, or family;
Pill Reminder Apps – How Do They Work?
Download the app
Add your medication
Set personalized reminders for your pills
Once done, you get the timely alerts;
The app also lets you snooze the reminders and don’t worry the app will remind you to again and again till the time you mark on the app as a pill taken.
After you create your account on the app, it will take the backup of the user data on the cloud platform. This means even if your mobile phone is stolen/damaged or lost or in case you wish to log in through a different device, you can still access your data.
You can also connect with your family members or friends through this app. It means, whenever you miss a dose of the pill scheduled, the app will also send an alert to the person you are connected to on this app.
After learning how Pill Reminder apps work, let us know about the different types of Medication Reminder mobile apps.
The 3 types of medication reminder apps are :;
Well, these apps offer some standard features for the patients like convenient scheduling & tailored alerts.
Apart from the basic features offered by SMR, Advanced medication reminders provide additional features like time zone assistance, tracking for missed/late does, user notes, and photos of medications.
These apps comprise the features of SMRs and AMRs and let you create several accounts, store health-related data, manage data and share health data with doctors.
Benefits of Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker Apps?
Well, these apps are compatible with both Android and iOS devices to help you track medications and notify you through reminders during the scheduled time to take your pill.
The apps allow you to customize the medication schedule to match your requirements for the medications.
Allows you to schedule the medication accurately and edit it as well when needed.
Reminds you to take your medication via alerts on your device.
Helps you eliminate the chance to skip doses, take the wrong medicines, etc
You don’t have to manage anything as the app does it for you and is user-friendly as well.
You can also customize the alert the way you want to receive them. For example, through text, vibrate, pop, visual notification, etc.;
You can also choose to be reminded later or want to dismiss.
Popular Medication Tracking Mobile Applications?
Some of the trending medication tracking mobile applications are :
Mango Health
Must-Have Features To Be Included In Medication Tracking Mobile Apps
Digital Scheduling
Smart Reminders
Pill Identifier
Nearest Drugstore
Notes Field
Prescription Renewal Alerts
Sync Reminders
Reminder List
Reminder Sound
Track Health
Automatic Backup
Medication Progress Reports
Technology Stack required for Meditation Tracker Mobile App
Frontend Development - Angular, React, and Vue
Backend Development - Django/Python
Hosting – VULTR & AWS
Database - MySQL & Redis;
Cross-Platform – React & Flutter
iOS – Swift and Objective-C
Android - Kotlin & Flutter, Java
NoSQL database - MongoDB
API Development - PostgreSQL
What Would Be The Cost To Build Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker Software?
 To calculate the healthcare app development cost like Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker software, you need to consider multiple factors. These factors are :
Basic Features and Functionalities
Extra and advanced features
Certifications and Compliances
3rd-party API Integrations
Location of the mobile app development services
Size of your development team
The above factors can help you calculate the cost to build a pill reminder mobile app.
After you find a trusted mobile app development company, having expertise in your healthcare app development, you can invest in app development.;
Talking about pill reminder tracker development, more and more businesses are investing in such apps.
With the help of expert solutions, you can get an efficient pill tracking or medication tracking mobile app. With X-Byte Enterprise Solutions, you can get an innovative solution that delivers a robust app. We are a leading app development company in USA,  that helps you enter the app market with confidence and earn profits. Get in touch with us to get a free quote today!
| Read Original Blog Here: Medication Tracking App Development Company
| Contact us: +18322517311
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How Do Build CRM Mobile Applications Like PipeDrive?
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In recent years a lot of internet users shifted from personal computers to mobile devices. Today, nearly 56% of traffic on the internet across the world is generated from mobile devices.
Looking at this shift, it becomes necessary for businesses to pay more attention to mobile devices too. Today, the most vital element for any business is to manage the sales department as it keeps changing constantly. Hence, it is important to get the mobile version of the CRM systems. It helps them manage customer contacts, monitor deals so that the business functions smoothly.
So, as a business owner or entrepreneur, you should get CRM software- the mobile version to make your system efficient. There are plenty of CRMs available in the market and one of the most trending apps is Pipe Drive. This blog would help you learn about how to build CRM mobile app similar to PipeDrive.
What Is PipeDrive?
It is a cloud-based SaaS( software as a service) and web-based CRM tool which helps businesses with sales, accounts, and marketing processes.
Why Choose The PipeDrive Mobile Application? What Are The Benefits of It?
Talking about the mobile version of PipeDrive helps overcome the toughest of challenges that your sales team may face. It makes it easy for the sales staff to keep a record of their tasks even when they are on the field.
Benefits of PipeDrive CRM Mobile App For The Sales Team
The sales team can have all the information they need on their app.
Sync information in real-time on the leads generated or updates from the client
Schedule meetings plans for the day and follow-ups by merging the native calendar with the app. 
Connect with leads or clients through the app itself
Update details of the lead or opportunities when away from the office.
Use dashboards and schedule their activities from anywhere and anytime
Access and share vital documents from any place
The above functionalities in the app allow users to work any time and from anywhere. If you want to integrate more features you can opt for a custom PipeDrive Like CRM Mobile App Development solution.
Why Invest In a Custom CRM Solution Like PipeDrive?
Why custom CRM solution? Well, a custom CRM solution can help you replicate the essential features of PipeDrive for your business app. Also, yet another benefit of building a cloud-based custom app is that the data will be accurate irrespective of the device the user is accessing it from.
However, you can find plenty of ready-made CRM solutions that may be time-saving, but they may come with risks such as vendor lock-ins. Hence, if you are looking for trusted custom mobile CRM solutions similar to PipeDrive, make sure you avail customized mobile CRM app development services. Let us explore some of the benefits you get by going with a custom CRM solution
You don’t have to pay for the features that are of no use to your firm but are included in the package. In turn, it helps save time and money.
A custom solution helps you automate not only tasks of the sales department but also the analytics, customer support, and marketing department.
All the departments will be updated with the latest updates/leads/clients.
Now, let us have a look at the process you need to follow to build a custom CRM solution like PipeDrive :
Steps To Build A Custom CRM Mobile App Like PipeDrive
 Well, developing a CRM app is not the same as building a normal mobile application. Yes, it is a bit more complex and a detailed process that includes flawless synchronization and integration of features and functionalities. Hence, it is important to know the development process step by step.
Before you move on to the first stage of mobile app development for an app like PipeDrive, you need to focus on the following aspects
Market research & planning
Decide on the workflow of the app
Pay attention to other details like fault tolerance, seamless communication, data accuracy, etc
Arrange meetings with your sales team to know their point of view and what they are expecting from the app.
Create an MVP before you proceed
At this step, the UX of your app is designed. While developing the UX, the focus should not be only on making it visually appealing but making sure you emphasize the flow of your app that caters to your business needs and features, etc.
Make sure you understand the regular workflow of the sales team to build an app that helps reduce their efforts.
Build a wireframe for your app and include all the essential components your sales team wants to connect with.
Let your sales staff test the functional design of the CRM app.
Build an impressive user interface to develop a prototype for your app.
Once the working prototype is built, focus on the visual elements of the app.
The development and Quality assurance process should go hand in hand at this step. This is because you may come across different challenges during the development to build an app like a feature-packed app like PipeDrive when these two processes do not go along. Hence, development and testing should go parallelly for successful CRM application development.
 After, the necessary features of your app are built and tested, you can go ahead with app deployment to offer a trial for your team to share their experience using the app. If your team encounters any major issues even after being trained to use the app, you need to address the weak points in the next re-do state of development.
How Much It Would Cost To Build CRM Mobile App Like PipeDrive
A lot of factors decide the cost to build an app like PipeDrive such as :
The complexity of the app
Features of the App
Location of the mobile app development company
3rd party integration
Business process automation
Workflow management
Accounting & sales modules
Final Words
Modern businesses know that they can increase their efficiency to manage customer relations consistently by increasing the productivity of their team. It can be accomplished by going with a custom CRM mobile app like Pipe Drive.
If you are searching for a CRM mobile app development company to benefit from CRM solutions, X- Byte Enterprise Solutions with its extensive experience in CRM mobile app development can assist you to get a custom CRM mobile app to improve your business operations and boost sales for your business. Get in touch with us to introduce the CRM features to improve the overall customer experience too.
| Read Original Blog Here: CRM Mobile Application Development Company
| Contact us: +18322517311
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MEAN Stack Versus MERN Stack For Web App Development - Comparison Between Technology Stacks
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Whether it is mobile or web application development solutions, both have seen a drastic transformation in recent years. Well, a stack of technologies is used to build these apps.
A Tech Stack is a collection of frameworks, programming languages, and technologies. This blog would help you compare the two tech stacks MEAN and MERN Stack
Let us first understand each of these tech stacks.
About MEAN Tech Stack
It is an open-source (free) JavaScript-based tech stack that allows you to build competitive web apps. This stack comprises of :
M – MongoDB
E – Express.js
A - Angular
N- Node.js.
 It is a comprehensive web development framework that enables developers to build web & mobile apps.
What Are The Advantages of MEAN Stack?
If you are planning to build a website, MEAN makes it a fast and simple process. The reason is that client and server-side coding can be done using JavaScript. With Node.js the developers can deploy different apps on the server itself without the need for deploying them first on the stand-alone server.
After you have built an app, you can test the functionality of the app faster on a cloud platform using the MEAN stack.
This stack allows developers to build, launch and test apps on the cloud. This helps you add a field if required anytime.
MongoDB works well with the cloud and has features that include cluster support and automated replication.
The code can be moved from between frameworks with the help of MEAN Stack. Hence, the stack proves to be one of the user-friendly tools for web development. It means MEAN facilitates isomorphic coding wherein the developers can get the maximum outcome in a shorter span.
Well, MEAN utilizes JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and is associated closely with AngularJS and NodeJS. Also, MongoDB helps users to store files in JSON format.
This stack is free to use. It means the developers can utilize public libraries and repositories while working on a project. It directly cuts down the development costs.
About MERN Tech Stack
It is a web development framework having the following components :
M - MongoDB
E – Express.js
R - ReactJs
N- NodeJS
 This stack helps developers to build both web and mobile apps. MERN and MEAN have similarities with 3 components in common.
What Are The Advantages of MEAN Stack?
Includes end-to-end web development process (frontend to backend) with JS
The stack is based on JavaScript so developers can master only JavaScript and JSON
Backs MVC architecture
Comes with a wide range of built-in testing tools
Blend of premium technologies like React, -MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js
It is free to use
A Detailed Comparison Between MEAN Stack Versus MERN Stack
Let us look at the difference between MEAN stack and MERN stack web development :
If you are a beginner, it would take a little longer to master the MEAN stack. This is because it is a pre-configured framework.
This stack is comparatively easy to learn. It includes ReactJS which comes with structured documentation which helps the developers to extract required information without any hassles.
Mean stack consists of HTTP requests along with backend connections features by default. This means you can use the libraries even with no or less knowledge of programming languages.
This stack is still emerging and does not comprise many libraries to meet the project development needs. React also needs added settings to support 3rd party libraries.
Talking about performance, it is tricky to choose the right tech stacks. When you go with MEAN stack app development,it offers better performance as compared to the MERN tech stack.
This stack utilizes virtual DOM in place of native DOM which results in increased rendering time. Also, everything needs to be configured individually.
The user interface and model in the MEAN stack can be changed according to your preferences. This is because the MEAN stack has bi-directional data flow.
If you are handling large-scale projects, unidirectional data binding associated with is quite useful. To develop flexible web apps to match your needs, you can seek help from a MERN stack developer too.
When it comes to security, the MEAN stack offers higher security as compared to the MERN stack.
After learning about the differences between the two tech stacks MEAN and MERN, we get to know that both are dependable frameworks for fast front-end development.
The main difference between these two stacks is the way they are organised. Also, the MEAN stack is ideal for large-scale apps whereas MERN can be the ideal option for small applications.
Choosing between MERN or MEAN stack solely depends on your project requirements. To build apps using any of these two stacks you need an expert full-stack developer to work on your project. Before you hire a team of full-stack developers, make sure you know custom app development costs to plan your budget accordingly.
X-Byte Enterprise Solutions a reliable mobile app development company can help you get an app built on MEAN or MERN stack as per your requirements. We are equipped with a dedicated team of full-stack developers to understand your requirements and leverage from MERN or MEAN stack for your project. Get in touch with us to share your requirements and get a free quote from our end.
| Read Original Blog Here: Website Design and Development Company
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Factors To Be Considered To Create A Marketplace App Like Craigslist
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E-commerce classified marketplaces, have been in the market for a long period now. These marketplaces help connect buyers & sellers to trade services and goods without any middlemen.
If you are thinking of investing in an online marketplace app like Craiglist, then this blog would help you get the useful information you need for marketplace app development like Craiglist
Classifieds-Do You Know About Them?
Well, most of us may already know about classifieds, some still don’t. A classified can be explained as a small advertisement that you see in a magazine, newspaper, or any print media. These ads are placed under a specific category like service promotions, product promotions, job posing or even a classified for office on rent.
Well, coming across ads newspapers or any print media is an old story. Today, the ads can be seen ads on different apps and websites. Among other apps, Craigslist is rated as one of the popular classified apps. So, these ads placed on websites and apps are also called digital or online classifieds.
Know About Craiglist
If you want to refer to a successful mobile app development solution, then Craiglist can be the best option to consider.
Craigslist is a USA-based classified site that enables users to post and view ads just like in newspapers on the websites and apps in different categories. Craigslist mobile app is built by considering the latest trends in mobile app development. Hence, it is a popular classified app today.
How Does Craigslist App Works?
In case you are planning to create a classified app, then knowing about how the Craiglist app/website works would be helpful.
Install Craigslist app via App Store or Google Play Store
Open and app and it will ask you to share your location.
Once done, it will take you to search features in different categories like history, browse, etc
Once you click browse, you can see a list that shows different categories to find the one you prefer. Here, you will find different classified postings under the particular category you have selected.
To submit a post you can find the option at the bottom of your app screen.
Click on it and enter your email id to create the post.
Once your email- verification is done, you can feed in the respective fields that display your location, submit an image for that post.
Once the location confirmation is done, it will tell you to publish.
After clicking the publish button, your classified will appear live on the Craigslist app.
Business Models Adopted By Classified Apps
If you are thinking about releasing your classified app, it is one of the best ideas. But, you need to also decide on how to make profits through your app.
Well, if you choose to build a classified app like Craiglist, remember it is a non-profit application that earns through job posting ads. Hence, you should follow the monetization strategies adopted by Craiglist to make your app profitable. Let us have a look at the business models adopted by Craiglist for earning.
Here, you can ask the 3rd parties to pay for displaying their advertisements on your app. It will help you generate revenues.
In this model, the service provider needs to pay some fee set by the app owner to show the classified advertisements on the top. So this model can also help you generate revenues.
This model is the simple model that generates revenue for you by charging the service provider for each listing.
You can offer subscription plans to help your app earn profits.
Some of The Popular Classified Marketplaces Like Craigslist
Offer Up
Facebook Marketplace
How Much It Would Cost To Create A Classified App Similar To Craigslist?
When it comes to marketplace app development cost to build an app like Craiglist, the basic version would cost less than the advanced version which includes extra features.
Some of the factors that influence the cost of classified marketplace development are :
Ideally, the two different mobile platforms that app developers consider are iOS and Android. Certainly, you need to hire expert developers for marketplace mobile app development and the charges would differ with the platform you choose for your app launch. Also, building an iOS app costs more than an Android app.
You need to focus on user experience and interface to make your app scalable. So, the UX/UI of your classified app should be built based on keeping in mind the users who will be using it.
The app development costs are based on front-end & back-end development. Also, the app design can influence the cost of your app.
If the complexity of your app is more, the costs would rise automatically as developing a complex app needs your mobile app development company to take more effort. Apart from the cost the app complexity also increases the time needed to build an app.
This is one of the significant factors wherein the technology stack can influence the cost of classified website/app development. Here, the cost can fluctuate based on the type of platform, database, framework chosen to build an app like Craiglist.
If you are planning to launch your classified app on the Android platform it would cost less than launching it on the iOS platform.
Well, the size of the development team depends upon the functionalities and features needed in your app. This means, if you want to create a basic version of your app, you need 2 developers and 1 designer. But, to build an app like Craiglist, you need a large team of developers and designers.
Final Words
Considering Craigslist for building classified apps can be a wise decision. Even though the overall design of this app is simple, the features included in this website/app are amazing. Certainly, the success of an app depends on the features and functionalities of the app. So, you need help from an expert development team to build your custom or white label marketplace app. X-Byte Enterprise Solutions can help build a Craiglist-like classified app or website with relevant features and functionalities that help you build a scalable classified marketplace. Our dedicated team of developers adopts the right approach towards classified marketplace development to deliver the end product that fulfills your expectations.
| Read Original Blog Here: Marketplace Mobile App Development Company
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Native Vs Hybrid- Which One To Choose For Mobile App Development?
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Mobile apps are everywhere and help people across the world to make their lives easy. For entrepreneurs and start-ups, mobile apps are the best way to reach their target audience.
A lot of organizations are releasing their mobile apps to automate a lot of business operations and reach a wider audience. Most organizations who decide to launch their mobile app are not sure of the type of app they should create. Well, the answer is whether to create a native app or a hybrid app to match the needs of your organization. 
The decision of investing in the mobile app development process needs you to determine a lot of other factors. It includes whether you want to build a native or a hybrid app.
If you are not sure about the following:
What type of app do you want to create?
What is the difference between them?
Which type of app you should select?
This blog would help you know about the main differences between native vs hybrid apps along with their pros and cons.
Native App
 This app is created to work for a particular mobile operating system. (Java for Android app development and Swift or Objective-C for iOS app development).
Native apps are developed with the help of programming languages that work with a single operating system. For instance, Swift/Objective C is compatible with iOS whereas Java/Kotlin is compatible with Android.
Hybrid Apps
 These apps are built with a single code base to operate over multiple platforms and channels.
Hybrid apps are coded using HTML5 or JavaScript and developed with cross-platform frameworks like Ionic, React, Xamarin, Sencha, Ionic, etc.
A hybrid app can be downloaded from app stores as well as can be accessed through a web browser. These apps are beneficial for businesses that focus on image sharing, products, reviews, etc.
Pros of a Native Mobile Application
 Certainly, native apps are preferred by big-budget projects and are in no rush to complete the deployment.
Excellent speed
High-quality native user experience
Offline performance
Preserve aspect ratios
Lack of flexibility
The download process is time-consuming
Higher development cost
Not ideal for small scale businesses or start-ups
Pros of a Hybrid Mobile Application
 A set of benefits associated with hybrid apps make them useful.
Faster development
Low cost
Supports enterprise and cloud level solutions
Strong community with excellent market research
Cons of a Hybrid Mobile Application
No 3D support
Need to wait for long to get new features
Slow performance
Limited access to device functionality and native components
Difference Between Native App & Hybrid App
We can compare native and hybrid apps under different criteria to understand the difference better. Some of these differences are straightforward while other differences arise during the comprehensive app development process.
Here Native apps are developed for a single platform whereas hybrid apps can operate on multiple platforms.
The programming languages used during native and hybrid app development differ. Native apps are developed with Swift for iOS and Java for Android. Hybrid apps are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The 3rd difference while considering Native vs Hybrid App Development Is the developer. When you opt for a native app development platform, you need an experienced developer.
This is because the app will work on a single platform and the UI/UX design plays an integral role. It means an impressive UI/UX is important to engage customers on the app. 
When it comes to hybrid apps, they are simple to develop and consume less time. You don’t need an expert for the mobile app development process.
Native apps are seamless and offer a better user experience as compared to hybrid apps.
User experience has a major contribution to the app’s success. The native apps are built for a specific OS so, for organisations building a new app, the user experience for that specific OS matters the most.
Talking about building a hybrid app, you don’t need to keep two distinct code bases. Hence, hybrid apps are easy to create and take less time to launch as it needs a single code base.
The app development cost is yet another difference to be considered during hybrid and native apps comparison.
Native apps costs range from medium to high whereas the hybrid app development cost goes from low to medium.
After knowing the differences between native and hybrid apps, if you are still not sure which one to choose for your business or organisation then read on to know further.
Hybrid or Native App – Which one is better?
If you are not from a technical background, selecting between the two apps can be confusing. Choosing between native and hybrid can be made easy for those from non-technical backgrounds by knowing when to choose each of these apps. So, let us understand the key points that help you decide on the right type of app.
You need complete control over the user device resources
Wish to make maximum utilization of hardware efficiency
Wand to create an engaging and creative app
Want to have editable code for future use
You are ready to select a less engaging and less interactive app
You want to have a less complex app with less animation
You want to launch the app in less time
Choosing between native and hybrid app development can be a cumbersome task. Well, your choice depends on your business requirements.
Hybrid app development can be the ideal option for tech companies who want to enter mobile app development and do not have the resources to start with native development. 
Native app development is an ideal choice for high-budget projects due to the few advantages it offers. So, creating a mobile app cannot be an instant decision. You need to look into a lot of things before you start creating an app.
Looking for the best possible way to expand your reach in the market? Have an app idea that would generate profits for your company? Get in touch with X-Byte Enterprise Solutions,a trusted mobile app development company USAto help you get help from expert app developers to build a robust native or hybrid app. Discuss your app vision and requirements with us and get a free quote from us to know the mobile app development cost for your app development project.
| Read Original Blog Here: Choose For Mobile App Development: Native Vs Hybrid App 
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Smart Construction: Build Smarter With Artificial Intelligence
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AI or Artificial Intelligence has been contributing a lot to make our lives easier. Today AI can be seen in different spheres like digital assistants Alexa, Google, Siri, etc Now, users are enjoying using AI technology through their smart devices.
Just like other sectors, AI has also entered the construction sector transforming the construction process significantly. It helps the construction industry to gain more profits and offer security and quality projects.
Construction industries need to streamline their workflow to meet the challenges like funding issues, low profitability, time constraints, safety concerns, etc. To overcome these challenges digitization is the only solution.
Construction firms that adopt this technology would enjoy more benefits than the others in competition. AI in construction industry can be utilized to identify the issues and prevent past mistakes. Artificial intelligence in construction industry can help the industry in multiple ways.
Smart construction needs integration of AI in construction industry. Let us understand how AI can assist the construction industry to gain maximum profits
Contribution Of AI To Construction Industry To Enable Smart Construction
 Today, the construction design process is not up to date. This slows down the construction process. So, contractors and builders can use AI in building design to extract more data from current material data, building data and information gathered from surroundings for instance to identify the best possible method for project design and development.
2. AI Helps Reduce Time-Consuming Tasks When Integrated During The Project Management Process
The construction process is filled with time-consuming and complex tasks. The project manager controls the project, assigns work, and maintains records. All these tasks are done manually which consumes a lot of time and money.
With Artificial intelligence solutions, you can carry out these regular tasks with perfection. Yet another AI benefit is the automation of task allocation. With an AI system, the tasks allocation is automated. It helps allocate the tasks to employees according to their availability, expertise, and efficiency based on the information collected from them. This makes the process organized and helps workers focus on their respective expertise.
3. Enhanced Data Collection And Analysis From The Work Site
AI construction equipment helps take 3D pictures of the building sites for organized work processes. The information gathered along with 3D images can be entered into a neural network that categorizes the different aspects of the project.
It helps the management team to find out the smaller issues before they could result in bigger issues. In the coming years, algorithms will evaluate countless alternatives for similar projects by implementing an amazing AI technique -"reinforcement learning," that enables algorithms to understand through trial and error.
4. AI-Supported Vehicles Boost Productivity
Not many but a few companies are introducing machines that are self-driven and can perform repetitive tasks efficiently like concrete pouring, excavation, bricklaying, demolition, and welding.
With the help of a human programmer, bulldozers can create accurate worksite dimensions. This helps the workers spare time which can be invested in other construction tasks. It helps finish the project on time.
5. Geospatial AI and Drones For Effective Land Surveying And Mapping
Geospatial AI (GeoAI), Drones, and GIS (geospatial information systems) assist in reducing the time taken to collect survey maps as well as aerial photos of the construction site.
Drones help track the project issues and updates on the site. It helps get more details for making informed decisions and better project management.
6. Improved Safety Of Construction Site
Accidents and danger is always the concern on the construction site. Often there is a risk at the construction site for people who collectively work on the site.
Artificial intelligence industrial applications and machine learning tools can be utilized to monitor and prioritize the possible risk on a construction site. It becomes easy to categorize contractors and subcontractors according to the risk levels and prioritize certain things in safety management. It enables the project manager to work with high-risk workers closely to reduce any kind of issues.
Also, construction site automation offers higher security. For example, wearable sensors help monitor employees and send warnings in case they meet an accident.
7. Improved Offsite Construction To Speed Up Project Completion
Construction is relying on offsite factories run by autonomous machines. When it comes to the production line, autonomous robots are efficient enough to build different structures like slabs, columns, etc much faster than humans do.
When autonomous machinery takes of these jobs workers can focus on other important tasks.
8. Machine Learning & Data Analytics Handle Huge Database
Machine learning techniques learn from huge volumes of data they come across daily. Machine learning creates data analytics applications reliable with time and more data is available in the long run.
Machine learning & data analytics applications are utilized to perform data analysis based on the data generated by drones, smart apps, and security sensors to maximize construction workflow.
9. Of Site Operations Tracking Is Automated
Hard data can help construction companies to make smart decisions which are possible if they automate the tracking process. Artificial Intelligence can be used to capture, track and find anything that enters and goes out of the construction site. It includes equipment, individuals and vehicles, etc.
Automated tracking can help monitor the construction sites well. It helps send out updates and warnings for prompt actions.
It helps prevent safety risks, monitor expenses, and supplies and maintain employee productivity.
10. Optimized Construction Business Structure
 Today, it becomes easy for Artificial intelligence services to know the clients’ requirements better. Hence, AI is used in different sectors to know customer needs and behavior to offer personalized brand experiences. The same idea is applicable for smart construction. The new techniques of construction will be based on data-driven results to understand clients’ needs.
Smart construction will foresee consumer patterns helping companies to modify their business structure to real-time demands. Construction companies relying on AI technology will be in a better position to forecast the exact combination of services that works for their clients.
Final Thoughts
AI is becoming the backbone of any construction project right from design to completion. The technology has offered multiple benefits to the construction sector to make it smart construction. So, it is important to understand how AI can help construction take care of the challenges, ensure safety and deliver quality projects.
If you are into the construction business then choose artificial intelligence solutions to simplify the construction process. Without any doubt the future of AI in construction is bright and soon it is going to become a must-have technology to complete construction projects efficiently.
So, do not wait to integrate AI into your building process. Hire an expert AI app development company to help you get started and embrace AI benefits soon. If you are still shortlisting artificial intelligence development companies then look no further to get in touch with X-Byte Enterprise Solutionsa reliable AI app development company that can offer the best AI solutions for smart construction. Connect with us to know AI app development costs for your construction project.
 | Read Original Blog Here: Artificial intelligence development company usa
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How To Create An App For Your Business?
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If you think your app idea is great to go and you are excited to turn it into a functional app then a reliable mobile app development company can help you develop and launch such an app.
Well, it is not easy to bring your app idea to life as it needs a lot of considerations to focus on to create an app. This blog would highlight different aspects that need to be considered for the mobile app development process.
Why Mobile Apps?
The reasons behind creating an app vary with each business venture but the main objective is to attain success. So, it is vital to understand how to build a successful app that includes
App design
App development
Back-end programming
This blog would help you know how to develop apps in detail so that you can run a successful business
Steps To Focus On While Creating An App
Come up with an app idea
Hire app developers
Plan your budget
App development
Support and maintenance
Now, let us focus on the mobile app development process that helps you understand the entire development process.
You need to have an app idea that matches your business needs. You need a sketch to move ahead. With a proper business strategy and app idea, you will get desired results. So, make sure you are clear on your goals and system to build an app.
Not many apps available on Google Play are successful. The idea behind creating an app should be that your app should meet the needs of the consumers. So, you need to define the goal/purpose behind developing an app.
Extensive research comes out to be the key to success. It means you can look for similar apps that meet consumer needs. If you find similar apps like that of your app idea, do not worry or give up. Instead carry out in-depth analysis to understand your competition, their weaknesses, and strengths. Try to understand the app benefits and product features offered by your competitor.
Want to gain more visibility for your app? You need to advertise it across different platforms. To do so a website can be the best place to advertise your app.
You need to secure your app name and ensure that no other live apps share the same name in the app store.
After you have a perfect business strategy, you can start with the mobile app development process that needs
Excellent UI design
Perfect programming
QA and testing
Project management
Now, you need the right expertise to follow the mobile app development cycle that delivers a successful app. So, hire a team of experienced developers to work on your project. The hiring process entirely depends on your app requirements and budget. You have different hiring options like
Hire In-house Developers
Hire Freelancers
Hire mobile app development company
The reason why most apps fail to perform is the budget constraint. When enterprises or businesses have insufficient funding they may end up building an app that doesn’t solve the business purpose. So, you need to consider mobile app development cost based on your hiring options. For example, if you wish to hire an in-house team, freelancers or a mobile app development company make sure you get quotes from them. You can ask for quotes from multiple app development agencies and then shortlist the ones that have a record of building successful apps.
7. Choose app name
When you think of an app the name matters a lot, so while choosing the perfect name for your app you can keep the following things in mind
App name should represent the brand image
App name should be unique, easy to pronounce and remember.
Assign a name for your app that compliments the interests of your customers
8. App design customization
When it comes to customization of your app you need to focus on the following aspects
App layout
App icon, splash screen, and background
Fonts and colors
Now, you have reached the stage where mobile app development services working on your project will carry out a Quality check for your app. The quality assurance (QA) process helps ensure the functionality, security, and stability of your app.
The QA team would use different tools and best practices to test your app from different aspects. They will test the performance of your app to check if it loads faster. Security checks will be carried out to check for vulnerabilities that may be responsible for data threat
Next, you need to install your app on the app store. To do this you have to submit the app on relevant platforms. For example, Android needs to be submitted on Google Play whereas the iOS app needs to be submitted on Apple App Store. After submission, your app will go through review. Google will take a couple of hours to review and approve the app. On the other hand, Apple takes nearly a week to review your app as it has a strict review process.
You should arrange for training sessions with outsiders or employees if you have an enterprise app
When there are millions of apps on the app store, your app may not be found amongst the crowd organically. So, you need to create a promotional strategy to help your audience find your app via other promotional channels.
You can create an audience base through social media, paid campaigns, content marketing, etc.
Once you launch your app successfully and see more and more downloads with excellent feedback the next step is to focus on its maintenance.
The job doesn’t get over only with the success of your app as you need growth in the long run. Looking at mobile applications development itis a continuous process. There is always scope for improvement. So, make sure you stay updated with new market demands, work on feedback and tune into the latest technology.
App maintenance should include bug fixes and security updates. Make sure your app supports the newest versions of Android and iOS operating systems.
Well, it takes a lot of effort to build an app. You need the right expertise, right plan, goal, and other factors mentioned in this blog to build a successful app and monetize it to generate revenues.
We cannot deny the role of expert mobile app development services as they help you get an app that meets your business goals. If you are searching for an experienced mobile app development company to help you follow the right development cycle and deliver quality apps then connect with X-Byte Enterprise Solutions to get a secure and robust app for your business.
 | Read Original Blog Here: Mobile application development company USA
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Top 7 Ride-Sharing Car Apps For Better Commute
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Gone are the days when you never had to face huge traffic on your way to the destination of your choice. With changing times, increasing traffic is always a concern. The growing traffic has also contributed to environmental pollution.
Talking about traffic apart from other vehicles you can see a lot of cars on the road. When more and more people are concerned about protecting the environment, initiatives are taken to save the environment. For example, people are trying to reduce their share of carbon footprints by cycling down or walking down to the nearest places. Now more and more people have shifted to carpooling to save fuel, cut down traffic on the road, and prevent pollution. Thanks to ride-sharing cab booking apps that help people share their rides with others to commute to different places. So let us understand about such rides and why ride-sharing cabs are growing?
What Is The Ride-Sharing Concept All About?
The idea is pretty simple. It is all about booking ride-share taxis or cabs by multiple people. It is similar to booking a cab through a mobile app but it is a shared ride and not a private one.
The concept has encouraged businesses to move to ride-sharing app development to help people travel to the desired location at an affordable price. With the help of mobile phones and modern GPS technologies, ride-sharing apps can function flawlessly.
How To Use Ride-Sharing Cab Booking Apps?
It is very simple to use ride-sharing apps. With a few taps on your Smartphone, you can share the ride to your desired location. You need to sign in to the app, feed-in basic information, mark the specific pickup & drop location.
Similar to normal cabs, you will see the nearest available drivers on the app. You can also view the time of drop and pickup.
So, let us discuss the 7 best ride-sharing apps which are reliable and affordable ride sharing app development cost to commute
List Of 7 Best Ride-Sharing Booking Apps For Comfortable Commuting
 Uber is one of the popular ride-sharing cab booking apps you must have heard of. Uber operates in different countries across the world and it is popular due to its amazing features and service for drivers and riders. Let us have a look at them as uber like app development cost.
Special seating for hearing-impaired drivers
Drivers are allowed to specify the reason for the cancellation of a ride
The rider can give a bonus to the driver
Driver performance can be evaluated through a rating system
The ride can be scheduled in advance before the exact ride time
Can pay for the ride until the user book his/her next ride
People with service animals can also book a ride.
Can add several drop-off points
 It is on the list of best ride-sharing mobile apps. Via is the best way of traveling to reduce pollution. Let us have a look at the features that make it one of the best ride-sharing-apps
Drivers can avail of the facility - “Rent a car”
Can earn $400 for signing up
Via reduced down the service fee 10%
Allows drivers to drive whenever it is feasible for them
Faster commute through Corner-to-corner pickups
Get free credits on a ride by referring friends
Amazing affordability
Live customer support is available
 Lyft is a popular ride-sharing app and is the perfect option for those who commute daily. It is quite affordable than other ride-sharing services. Let us have a look at the features offered
Can mark the existing ride as the last ride for a particular day
Increased earnings through Primetime pricing leads
An individual app available for Lyft Driver
Can earn tips from the riders
When it is dark locate your driver easily through - “Lyft Amp”
The option - “One tap to ride” is available for quick pickups and requests.
The option - Shared-saver rides available for discounts and short waiting time
To ensure safety drivers have to undergo background checks
 Well, BlaBla Car comes with a different business model. The app allows private vehicle owners to list their vehicles along with other details like pickup and drop-off information. In case passengers want to book a ride they can request the ride and also share the cost.
For Drivers
Drivers are allowed to choose their rides
Can post a drive within seconds
Flexible rating scale available for drivers like quiet ones, chatty drivers, etc
Can save on fuel as no need to commute alone
Liberty to search for drivers from nearby locations
Book the ride that seems to be safe and affordable
If available can book last-minute seats
Option for female drivers can commute with females only
 This is a completely new on-demand ride-sharing app that hires transport buses for travel
BIRDJ team offers training for drivers
Turn-by-turn navigation makes routing easy
Passenger bookings can be tracked via Tablet
Dedicated app available for drivers
Offers walking directions to various pick-up spots
Can make payments using credit cards
Free USB charging and Wi-Fi facilities are available
Physically challenged people can get special access
 It is one of the best ride-sharing apps for parents who take turns to pick and drop their kids at specific locations. This platform connects parents with different families they are familiar with to reduce the risk of mishaps.
Best possible route provision for pick and drop-offs
Trip updates available via In-app messaging
Facility to invite friends listed on your contact list
Provides the option to choose the preferred time to drive
Offer an enjoyable trip for your kids
Real-time tracking for parents to track the trip
Can take rest on hectic days
 Hitch provides excellent ride-sharing services for drivers and riders traveling to the same place or ridesharing.
Can post the trip schedule before the trip
Can provide coffee breaks during the travel
Can earn approx $120 /round trip
Convenient pick-ups and drop-offs
Ability to book a ride 1 hour before the ride
Book economical ride as compared to buses
The middle seat is not matched
Provides four-seater sedans for a comfortable journey
When the ridesharing business is on the rise and cost-effective, you may think of starting your on-demand taxi/cab ride-sharing business with a white label taxi booking app to have the best of features and provisions for drivers and riders.
If you are thinking about having an Uber-like app then connect with X-Byte Enterprise Solutionsto invest in a reliable rideshare and carpooling app development company. We help you integrate advanced features to help you enjoy success. Connect with us to know the Uber-like app development cost to get the kickstart for your on-demand taxi booking business.
 | Read Original Blog Here ride sharing taxi booking app development company
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Introducing The Country’s First Ever Tech StartUp Accelerator Program From X-Byte Enterprise Solutions
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If there’s one tribe that has the ability to change the world for the better, it’s the entrepreneurs. The world needs more entrepreneurs, free thinkers, strategists, innovators, go-getters, tech enthusiasts and visionaries. These are the people who not just think outside the box but think like the box doesn’t exist.
All the conveniences we experience today are results of some crazy tech startup accelerator programs idea on an entrepreneur’s sticky notes. With more such life-changing (and saving) innovations happening as you’re reading this right now, the future inevitably needs more of them to handle several rising concerns.
From climate change to unexpected pandemics, a lot of hindrances to human evolution are lined up and for them to be tackled today, we need more best startup accelerator program that are sustainable, purpose-driven and results oriented.
As far as this perspective is concerned, 2019 was a great year for the startup environment. In the US alone, there were close to 30.7mn small businesses set up. Like you’ve seen in television series and movies, the Valley and San Francisco stand as the fulcrum of startups with over 13.5% of the startups established thriving here.
If this news is just on starting up, a better news is that over 78% of the small businesses established reported profits, too.
But all of this good news stops with 2019 statistics.
After the new year 2020, things took a rather depressing turn.
Like you know, the year 2020 has been shaky. The world has been witnessing back to back events that have been dreadful and depressing. It all started with the forest fires in the Amazon region and quickly escalated to a global pandemic that wreaked havoc across the globe. Millions succumbed to the Covid-19 virus and several nations around the world imposed strict lockdown restrictions to curtail the spreading of the viral disease.
Because of this, the number of people to step out of their houses decreased dynamically, ultimately reducing the physical footfall in retail stores. This led to a number of businesses shutting down permanently because of absolutely no business and business accelerator program.
According to statistics, close to 21 retailers in the US filed for bankruptcy during the outbreak of the virus. Starting with Schurman Fine Paper Corp in January to Stein Mart in August, a range of retailers shut their shop permanently because of the virus.
If this is on one side, there was another side that was flourishing on the other hand.
The stark differences between the companies that shut down and the ones that managed to make profits even when the entire world was slowing down point out to just one thing – embracing technology to power business operations. If you notice, all the tech-driven companies and those with powerful tech infrastructure managed to not only stay afloat but see a surge in their sales and conversions as well.
Yes, you read it right.
X-Byte is launching its super-exclusive Tech Accelerator program to help and guide all the aspiring business owners out there to scale their operations and grow their venture in 2021. We are here to set things right and offer you insights, best practices, tips and tricks and all the knowledge you will ever need to run a successful business.
The startup accelerator business model involves an extensive schedule of mentoring sessions, workshops, seminars, webinars, guest lectures and keynote speeches arranged to instill the best industry knowledge. Through our program, you will be taken through a series of sequential sessions that shed light on topics from conceptualization and consultation to MVP development and documentation.
The Tech Accelerator program offers a comprehensive conceptualization and consultation session that sets the fundamentals on product and business setup right. Through this session, you will learn how to conceptualize your startup idea, product design and development, market research, competitor analysis and more.
 Once you have an idea of what business you are about to set up, the next session will give you airtight details on what tech infrastructure you need to set your business the right way. For instance, you plan to run a mobile app development company, what are the tools you need to own, the licencing of paid tools, SaaS vs native applications, internet connectivity, system requirements, assembling the right tech team and more.
 Even before you enter the product design and development phase, a crucial step in starting up is to find out if there’s space for your product in the market. This session will give you information on whether your consumers are looking for a solution like yours in the first place. If yes, what’s the best way to present the solution so it’s sustainable. What are your competitors doing in the same space? How long until your solution goes obsolete and how you could adapt and more.
 So, after the session, you’ve found out there’s ample space for your product or service idea in the market. Now what? Next is getting started with the product designing phase. This involves deciding on the UI and UX starting with wireframing, layouts, navigation, color schemes and more. The niche of your business dictates your product design. You would learn more intricate details like this in your session.
 In layman terms, proof of concept is the validation of a feature or functionality of your product. This phase helps you realize the actual potential and application scope of your product in the market. Without this phase, your business could stall or worse, not take off at all.
 Minimum Viable Product Development
Before you go big and all in, it’s essential to test the water. That’s where the concept of MVP development comes in. MVPs are the bare minimum versions of your final products that just get the core ideas implemented. It allows you to get your product idea validated by a team of volunteers, real-world users or critics for improvements and modifications. This is a cost-saving phase and you would learn more about this on your Accelerator Program.
 Documentation is a stage that has always been confusing, time consuming and daunting for business owners. However, it’s also a phase in starting up that cannot be overlooked in any case. Documentation implies all activities associated with your business such as future expansion, tech stack, policies, compliances, funding, investments, profits and more. You need this knowledge.
 Now that your idea is validated and approved, it’s time to deep-dive with the product development process. But how do you complete the product development phase within deadline? What if there’s last-minute scope creep? How about less time to market? What are the types of recruitment strategies you are looking at? Are you considering DevOps methodologies or agile techniques? Well, don’t panic. We will walk you through all of this.
 The job doesn’t end with opening a shop. You need to let people know about it and that’s where digital marketing and branding comes in. From getting traffic and footfall for your business to spreading good word of mouth and generating reputation, there are several creative and analytical strategies you can implement through digital marketing. The program will enlighten you on this as well.
We are sure this must be sounding too exciting and real. This Tech Accelerator program has been at the back of our minds for long and it’s now that we are realizing this dream.
And we are equally excited about meeting our first batch of applicants and candidates who have some of the most revolutionary ideas with them. To apply,
The doors to our intensive startup application development is open for free for the first 25 startups. To apply, all you need to do is fill out the contact form on our website or send an email with your startup pitch to this email address: [email protected].
We’re all ears and extremely curious to interact with fellow entrepreneurs out there.
They say that if you want to walk fast, you need to walk alone. But if you intend to walk a long way, you need the guidance and assistance of someone – someone accomplished and wise.
That’s where we at X-Byte Enterprise Solutions come in.
From our years of experience running a successful tech business, we have seen some of the wildest escalations and hindrances that have helped us gain enormous insights on industry operations. On the other hand, we have also seen massive successes in the implementations of features and functionalities in our clients’ products and services that have helped them scale their businesses within a short span of time.
Like we said, our experience spans across diverse industries. To give you a glimpse of our expertise and how we stand out from the crowd, here are three crisp tech-driven projects we worked on.
At a time when the world is still coming to terms with blockchain app development company, we rolled out an extensive cryptocurrency trading app called Global Coin Exchange. With this app, you can buy/sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more.
 The Internet of Things projects require high-level planning and implementation. Apart from aspects like hardware peripherals and networks, cybersecurity is another crucial aspect IOT app development company in USA companies cannot afford to ignore. In our case, we developed and rolled out the most comprehensive IoT home automation solution called HomeKonnect. With this app, you could control your lighting, blinds, air conditioner, smart refrigerators and any smart device connected to your network through your smartphone.
 One of the most fun projects we have ever worked on, this allowed us to unleash our creative spirits and come up with the most immersive and interactive application ever. Called Realet, this futuristic app allows you to select furniture of your choice and immediately get a glimpse of how it would look in your home with the help of augmented reality apps. So, you are not just looking at a product but the experience that would come with this. So, now you know if you need matching curtains, carpets or wallpapers for your home décor.
What do you think is the best startup accelerator vs incubator? Do you have it in you to take your business to where it deserves? Do you think your business idea is a game-changer the market has been waiting for?
Waste no time and immediately reach out to us with your pitch and let everything else go on autopilot with our StartUp Accelerator Program.
Sign up now.
Good luck and see you at the program.
 | Read Original Blog Here Best tech startup accelerator programs
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Grocery Delivery Trends To Watch Out In 2021: Supermarket Apps
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When the corona pandemic has been here for a while now, the grocery business has evolved during this period. It has helped people buy groceries without visiting the grocery store or supermarket.
With a lot of apps facilitating grocery delivery and purchase, Grocery Delivery App Development is gaining momentum and is a must-have for grocery retailers. With the supermarket grocery delivery app, it becomes easy to deliver groceries to the customers at their doorstep.
The change in market demands and customer behavior has given birth to new trends in the grocery delivery industry in 2021. Let us have a look that those trends that would help the business owners adopt the change.
A grocery business owner investing in supermarket grocery delivery app development should be considered after thorough research. Adopting the new trends in 2021 for your grocery delivery business can help you expand different categories of your grocery store or redefine the existing product line to generate more sales.
5 New Grocery Delivery Trends
As far as retailers are concerned they are concentrating on physical and online presence to create a multi-channel platform. This means the business structure of the grocery store should have enough floor space to accommodate workers and customers. This is the latest trend followed by many grocery store owners to gain maximum revenues during the pandemic.
A lot of small retailers are moving towards micro fulfillment centers to merge their operations. This helps the retailers to accelerate the pick service to boost efficiency. On the other hand, large retailers are focussing on utilizing space to start micro fulfillment hubs. So, the supply chain in the future will be linked with this technology to meet the demands of the customers.
Also, the high-tech warehouses will let retailers trace customers in cities for the first delivery.
During the corona pandemic, a lot of customers came out of their comfort zone and tried new products. This made grocery mobile app development solutions suggest grocery business owners opt for different ways to retain loyal customers.
A lot of online retailers are running multiple loyalty programs to gain and retain customers by offering incentives. They know the importance of making customers stay with their brand even after the pandemic is over. The idea behind a loyalty program is to stay in the competition with giants in the grocery industry.
Also, online grocery delivery businesses are offering countless discounts and home deliveries to retain their loyal customers. Some other groceries are also implementing the same formula and offer a membership program that facilitates delivery of groceries free of charge through express pickup.
Yet another crucial trend that White label grocery delivery app  would witness is the demand for private label products. The private label products are of high quality and come at a low price post-pandemic. It has resulted in increased sales of private brands as compared to regular products.
Hence, the retailers are trying to focus on their private label business to match the changing behavior of the customers and gain profits.
According to the surveys, nearly 30% of the customers are inclined towards private label products and continue to buy them repeatedly. Hence, it is necessary to follow this trend to accelerate your grocery business.
The rate at which private label items are gaining popularity shows that the grocery industry trend will have healthy competition based on private label brand image. The main aim is to be the best retailer with different product lines for goods and beverages.
Certainly, safety needs to be given utmost priority all through 2021 for the grocery industry to scale up. Apart from timely delivery, the grocery delivery owners need to focus on implementing health norms like allowing a limited number of shoppers. It falls under the ecommerce mobile apps development stream.
The safety concern is going to continue as a trend always in the grocery industry. Certain safety tips are laid by the administration for the shoppers, for example maintaining social distancing, wearing masks while interacting with customers as well as fellow shoppers and employees. These guidelines are imposed both inside and outside the store.
As per the guidelines, the retailers should invest in things that help them abide them the safety protocols. The shoppers will also be rewarded for following the safety rules at grocery stores for their customers.
How Much Does It Cost For Grocery Mobile App Development?
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When it comes to the online grocery app development cost, it entirely depends on the grocery delivery app development company you hire, the technology stack used, the developers and their expertise, and the features you wish to integrate into your grocery delivery app.
One of the best methods to start a grocery delivery business is to release readymade grocery delivery apps to gain profits. If you are searching for an expert grocery delivery app development company then associate with X-Byte Enterprise Solutions to get a white label grocery delivery app that represents your brand differently. With our expert team of developers, we help you follow the new trends of the grocery delivery industry in 2021.
The above information must have helped you know about the future trends in the grocery delivery industry. To sustain in this industry, a retailer should embrace the trends and boost revenues for their business. As a retailer or grocery delivery business owner, you need to have appropriate information about the changing trends to increase and retain your customer base. It will help your business in the long run.
 | Read Original Blog Here on demand supermarket grocery delivery app development
| Contact us: +18322517311
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Our blockchain development experts are capable of using modern frameworks for building blockchain-based enterprise solutions. We make use of advanced tools, technologies and platforms capable of portraying essential attributes like scalability, resilience, robustness and phenomenal performance.
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How To Digitize Your Salon Business In 2021?
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Whether you own an established salon or not, but gaining customers today can be challenging. Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, everything has changed and people avoid visiting the salon frequently.
Well, the competition today has resulted in more online services that can be accessed remotely.
When most other businesses have adopted an online business model, salons are no more an exception. If you are a salon owner you need an online salon booking mobile app to help your business prosper. With the help of an expert salon app development company,you can get a scalable and user-friendly salon app.
It would help you get higher profits to meet your business goals.
Well, before you choose the right salon appointment booking solution provider you need to know about the design, requirements, current trends to stay in the competition. In this blog, we will help you get into the details of all these factors.
Determine Target Audience For Your Salon Services
With changing times, salon services have also helped men to groom themselves. The salon booking app development cost help men equally as women so you need to keep these factors in mind before you launch your online salon booking mobile app. So, offering grooming services for men can be the perfect idea to go with.
Why Do You Need To Digitize Your Salon Business?
There are plenty of reasons why you need to take your salon business online and get a customized mobile app development to stay in the competition. Here are the top reasons why you should think about creating a mobile app for your salon business to gain more customers and profits
According to the surveys, 90% of the population is using smartphones to access different services. So, you need to hire a salon booking app development company that helps you get an impressive app that is compatible with all the platforms. The app would allow your salon business to get vast exposure online
You can get instant ratings and reviews for your products and services. It would help you enhance or customize your services to match the customer's needs. The reviews given by the customers would help you gain the trust of your customers. It can boost the leads and help establish your salon build credibility.
Push notifications allow you to notify your customers of the latest designs, offers, etc. Also, you can send regular alerts to your customers to avail discounts and loyalty coupons and attract new customers.
Sending out SMS alerts as well as online links can help your customers access different booking options. You can send out email notifications as well to remind them of their bookings and reservations with the salon. It will help your customers enjoy a flexible interaction with your salon.
These benefits are just to name a few but there are many more that comes with salon booking app development.A mobile app for your salon can help you get the right start to establishing your salon business.
Top Must-have Features For Salon Mobile Application
Certainly, you understand your salon business than anyone else does isn’t you? So when you approach a salon appointment booking solution to build a mobile app for your salon, you can suggest to them the trending features be integrated into your salon app ideal for your business.
We have listed some of them to help you get a better idea of the features
It is one of the basic features included in any mobile app. The registration process asks customers to fill in the basic details like name, phone number and email id, etc to authenticate their identity for further communication.
This feature helps customers to access their past booking details and you can offer services based on their history. The customers need not search for specific services already availed by them as the app stores all the details under their name.
An online salon booking mobile app should have this feature that displays the whole range of services available. As far as categories are concerned, they may be different like body massage, manicure, hairdressing, etc. It helps easy navigation of all services under different categories to book desired services.
This feature should allow customers to select salon branches based on user location and needs. This feature should allow the customers to select salon branches according to the user requirements and location.
This feature makes the booking of appointments easier and thus it is a must-have feature to be integrated into your salon mobile app. The users can use this feature to book services, timings, and dates in advance to match their schedules. It can help both customers and salon owners.
With the online payment mode, the customers can choose from multiple payment methods. It facilitates easy and secure transactions via credit cards, debit cards, UPI, online banking, and many more without the need for cash payment.
With a rating and feedback feature in your mobile app, you can enhance your services. The customers can leave their reviews on your services that will help know the areas of improvement to serve them better.
These are among the essential features. Yes, with alert and notification in the mobile app you can notify your customers regarding the latest trends and offers that may attract them towards your products and services.
You can also improve customer services by sending out an email reminder to remind the customers of their advanced bookings to avoid miscommunication and last moment hassles.
Wrap Up!
After you know the benefits and importance of digitizing your salon through a mobile app, you can invest in a mobile app. You can seek a reliable salon app development company like X-Byte Enterprise Solutions being a top-notch mobile app development company that helps your salon business generate revenues. We help you develop a white-label beauty salon app that brands your salon. Share your app idea and connect with us to know salon booking app development cost.Get a free quote now!
 | Read Original Blog Here online salon booking mobile app development company
| Contact us: +18322517311
| Email us: [email protected]
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Food Delivery App Development Solutions
Serve your consumers through an On-Demand Food Delivery App to maintain a competitive edge. With a personalized food delivery application, you can get your food delivery service off the ground. Our programmers ensure that you have the greatest meal delivery software in town. Let us demonstrate to you, single-vendor and multi-vendor food delivery platforms.
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