xdaa-chan · 6 days
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xdaa-chan · 12 days
saw @hotgirlstiles post about rancher stiles and cowboy derek, which got me thinking about city boy stiles and cowboy rancher derek.
so like stiles is a journalist and he ends up at the hale ranch for a story. derek, who's usually non-verbal around strangers, sees this pretty city boy slide out of his car and fucking shoulders his sister out of the way to be the one to show him around. stiles sees six feet of cowboy coming towards him in boots and a stetson and loses his mind (same).
they go to the stables and derek asks stiles if he's ever ridden before, and stiles blushes profusely before realizing he means ridden a horse. stiles hasn't, obviously, so derek hoists him up into the saddle and slides in behind him so he can still reach the reigns. so stiles now has six feet of cowboy all up in his business while riding a horse and is all hot and bothered. derek is faring no better with his pretty thing sitting practically in his lap.
then derek takes him out to see the plains and the mountains and stiles is awestruck. he's never seen so much open land before, with nary a building in sight. “beautiful, isn’t it?” derek says, but he's looking at the boy beside him, not the distant peaks. stiles keeps looking at everything with big, shining eyes and so much curiosity and derek is smitten.
they have a campfire that evening and there's music and singing and whiskey and derek pulls stiles to his feet and shows him some line dancing. and then he shows him another kind of dancing, which involves him putting his big, work-roughened hands on stiles hips (maybe under his shirt a bit) and pulling him close, until stiles can feel derek's breath on his neck.
on the way back to the cabin where stiles is staying, derek pushes him up against a fence post and they make out feverishly. they sleep together and start to fall in love over the course of the month stiles stays at the ranch (this is a long-form story, i have decided).
there's an angsty goodbye when stiles has to go back to the city, but he stops before be gets on the plane and comes back to derek. derek is cautiously hopeful, "you came back to me?" and stiles is apologetic, "i'm sorry for making you doubt that i wouldn't," and they embrace tightly. there's face touching and tender kissing and confessions and they live happily ever after.
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xdaa-chan · 15 days
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Last night, Derek talked to some random guy for all of 10 minutes before hooking up with him and subsequently having the best sex of his life. They parted ways early the morning after, with a promise to meet again soon… They meet sooner than expected. Turns out the guy who made Derek see God three times in one night is Stiles Stilinski, his company’s newest hire. Derek is the CEO and Stiles is his employee. Because of course. He can be cool about this – he just needs to feign their ‘first’ meeting and be professional. Derek does not need to think about how less than 12 hours ago Stiles had his legs spread exactly like that but wrapped around his waist instead… Yeah. Maybe he can’t be cool about this.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Derek says, faltering. “Believe me,” Stiles replies. “The pleasure’s all mine.”
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xdaa-chan · 3 months
derek: *is carrying all the groceries*
stiles: *holds out hand to help*
derek: *aggressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold stiles’s hand*
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xdaa-chan · 4 months
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sterek | explicit | 74k | ao3 | playlist
Tags: Alpha Derek, Everybody wants Stiles, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Blood and Gore, Murder, Cannibalism, Mpreg (not the focus), Possessive Behavior, Read Author's Note
Summary: He was born for this. Nature itself whispered into his ear where he should put his hands, how to twirl his tongue just right and when to bite. Stiles knew well enough that his saliva was currently working its magic on this unfortunate man, making him hungry, lustful, and insatiable. Soon, all his thoughts would be consumed by Stiles.
And, just this once, Stiles would allow Derek to consume him.
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xdaa-chan · 5 months
When I was “I want him” about a male character im not saying I wanna fuck him. I want him like a spoiled little girl wants a pony, I want to him so I can put him on my shelf for safekeeping, I want him like a good hearty stew on a winter’s evening, I want to put him in a jar and shake it.
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xdaa-chan · 5 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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xdaa-chan · 7 months
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Top 25 Sterek Fanfiction
↳Crash Landers by gyzym - Oneshot | 31,173 | PG-13 
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)
Shit. What do you write inside a fake ticket meant to briefly mislead a slightly unhinged werewolf into deep annoyance? Stiles is pretty sure, “Ahahahahahaha” is not appropriate, and 100% certain that, “For reasons I cannot even explain to myself, you’ve kind of been a recurring feature in my ongoing journey of sexual discovery since the first time I laid eyes on you,” will not go over well. Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
Eventually, he writes, “Gotcha!” and walks back over to the car, shoving the fake ticket under the left windshield wiper with satisfaction. It’s not much better than “Ahahahahaha,” but it’s a significant improvement on the other option, so Stiles is going to count it as a win. He goes back to the cruiser, meets his father coming the other way, and mostly forgets about it. Hopefully it’ll at least cause some mild intrigue at some point, unless (please, please, please, please) something else comes up.
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xdaa-chan · 7 months
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Derek Hale when he was a baby. I love drawing him as a werepuppy he’s so cute that way :D
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xdaa-chan · 11 months
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xdaa-chan · 4 years
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*cough gay cough*
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xdaa-chan · 4 years
Starting Over
          Draco shifted restlessly as he waited impatiently for the shop owner to come back. Honestly, it was her job to be swift and he had been waiting far too long. This wouldn’t have happened if they had gone to his mother’s seamstress in France, but apparently his father thought differently.
           The door opened and with nothing else to focus on, Draco shifted his attention towards the new customer. It was hard to make out anything from the stool he was standing on, but he thought he could detect a mop of messy hair. Draco’s first instinct was to scoff as his father’s pristine nature kicked in, it was uncouth to be in public in such a dire state—but he couldn’t help but be fascinated. Who goes out in public without brushing their hair? That was a chaos that was unlike anything Draco had ever come across.
           When a boy around his own age stepped up to a stool nearby, Draco’s breath left him in a whoosh. It wasn’t just messy hair that attributed to a chaotic energy–no it was the whole ensemble. Muggle clothes were clearly prominent, and not a good kind either. He could tell that the clothes didn’t properly fit and that was a glaring sign of a lack of wealth. Draco made a thoughtful noise as he ignored the outward appearance and focused on the rest.
           Bright green eyes were looking around the shop with a wonder that Draco had never seen before. This might mean he was a muggleborn. When the stranger smiled at a needle sowing on its own, he knew that this boy was brought up by muggles. Despite the way Draco knew his father would sneer at such a revelation, he couldn’t help but want to see more of that wonder. What else would surprise him?  
           “Hello,” Draco began, hiding his hands in his robes as they fidgeted nervously. “Hogwarts too?”
           With the focus now on him, Draco wasn’t sure that such a vibrant color was possible in eyes. Surely, it was too green? Or maybe that was his own fascination speaking.
           It took a few seconds of silence before Draco realized that the boy had responded in an affirmation. He wasn’t sure what to say. How does one go about making friends? Dobby and the other house elves had been the only ones he ever socialized with. Was it common to ask the other person questions first? Or was that presumptuous and he needed to allow them to begin?
           Goodness, this was already far more complicated than it was worth. In Draco’s indecision on what to do, he decided to just begin talking and hope that it was enough.
           “My father is next door buying my books and my mother is up the street looking at wands.” It came out in a rush as words just spilled outward. He wasn’t even sure why he was bringing that up, drawing attention to the fact that they had left him here alone wasn’t something he wanted to think about.
           Belatedly, Draco realized that he was going to come off as too strong, so he tried to emulate his father’s drawl that suggested he was either bored or calm in general. “Then afterwards I am going to drag them off to look at brooms!” That was a safe subject, right? Not too personal, but also enjoyable.
             “I don’t see why first years can’t have their own. Just because we can’t join the team doesn’t mean that leisurely riding should be out of the question. Perhaps I can bully father into letting me smuggle one in anyways.” Not that he believed his father actually would, but it was nice to think about.
           By the slight downward twitch of lips, Draco realized that he must have said something wrong. With the speed that his words were leaving, it was a tossup as to what would’ve been offensive. A panic was beginning to form, and he just continued on, hoping that the more he talked that the better it would sound.
Afficher davantage
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xdaa-chan · 6 years
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jk’s thirsty hands 😏
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xdaa-chan · 6 years
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Taekook in G.C.F. Osaka
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xdaa-chan · 6 years
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xdaa-chan · 6 years
BTS’ members J-Hope, Jimin and V will be featured in the May edition of the magazine CanCam in Japan!
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xdaa-chan · 6 years
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jin bribing coffee-hater taehyung with a dollar
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