xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
me saving my ships from bad writers
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
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I'll never get tired of the way he looks at her.
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
When you're reading a fanfic and everything is TOO PERFECT.
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
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“The past is everything we were don’t make us who we are. So I’ll dream until I make it real, and all I see is stars.”
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
And that's how I fixed the end
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xdreemurrfamily · 4 years
When your dreams come alive you’re unstoppable
Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we’ll dream it possible
- Delacey
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This is how it ended ok ?
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
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Their souls are closely linked. They shine like the stars of the world.
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
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oh god, he is hot
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
He allowed himself this moment to hug her just once, to say goodbye, because he didn’t know how much time he’d have, if any, after...
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
After watching Tros:
the first 24 hours
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2 days later:
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lack of appetite:
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reviewing the scenes:
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every time I think of J.J :
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when i go on tumblr and read the theories about the return of ben solo:
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i feel hope:
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
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The ending they deserved.
Watch the whole alternative scene here: (x)
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
My new reality
Me every five minutes thinking about how TROS did Ben Solo dirty: 
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
JJ: The ending is very satisfying and hopeful. What happens to Kylo is really fun.
Kills the last Skywalker who suffered, manipulated, felt unloved and unwanted for years although he found happiness for 5 seconds. Also makes his soulmate all alone in a desert even though she only wanted a family and searched for a belonging for years. Ah, also with a wounded force bond.
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
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me after watching rise of skywalker
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
How can anyone even say that Rey didn’t have feelings for Ben Solo? I won’t even go back to TLJ because that’s been discussed plenty, but she literally says in TRoS:
“I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.”
Rey has always loved Ben Solo, but she knew she could never be with him while he was still self-destructive and hiding behind the persona of Kylo Ren.
Her love declaration for the real man behind the mask is the turning point for Ben. He makes amends with his father and decides to kill Kylo Ren for once and for all.
And when he comes back for her, this is the look on her face. She sheds a tear and smiles because she’s not alone anymore. Ben Solo came back for her. Tell me how this isn’t the face of someone who is completely and utterly in love?
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Ben has been the only one who Rey has ever looked at like this. This much love in her eyes has always been exclusive to Ben Solo (that’s why when this shot appeared in the trailer we all knew right away that she was looking at him).
And when she comes back to life and finds herself in Ben’s arms, this is her reaction:
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She has the biggest smile as she whispers his name, because the man she loves just saved her, they are both alive and they can finally be together. Look how soft she is - this is a Rey we have never seen before. This is a hapy, fulfilled Rey.
She then tenderly touches his cheek, because she’s been craving to touch Ben Solo again ever since they touched hands. It’s almost like she can’t believe that he’s there with her, that he’s real and that she finally gets to be with him.
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And here, look at her cheeks and her eyes in this GIF:
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You can tell that she keeps smiling at him and taking small glances at his lips the whole time.
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Look how genuinely happy and hopeful she is just before she kisses him. And I repeat, she is the one who takes the initiative to KISS him. And she does it because she loves him and has been wanting to kiss him for a long time. 
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And she smiles into the kiss. Because she’s feeling the love pouring from it in every single bone of her body.
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And when they finally pull apart, this is the way she’s looking at him. She sighs, probably trying to catch her breath because her heart is beating super fast. All of this while having the biggest hearteyes. 
And then she looks at his lips again. She wants to go for round 2:
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But then she realizes that something’s wrong, that his life is fading away from the Force and you can feel her heart breaking just by the expression on her face.
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It was dirty and nonsensical that this was basically the only reaction we got out of her to his death, but that’s in line with this film not being able to stop for a second and let the characters breathe and feel. And they knew they couldn’t end this with the protagonist crying and looking sad AF, because they wanted to sell this ending as something happy and hopeful instead of the tragedy that it is, so they just shoved all of Rey’s pain and mourning aside. 
Adam’s acting has been praised a lot (and rightfully so, he’s terrific), but I think Daisy was equally amazing in this scene and was absolutely playing a head over heels in love with Ben Solo Rey in this moment.
So is there really any doubt that Rey loved Ben just as much as he loved her? Please.
Ben Solo is the love of Rey’s life, the man she loved. And that is canon.
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xdreemurrfamily · 5 years
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i do.
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