#Star Wars IX
dark-giver · 7 months
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chroniquesdeletrange · 10 months
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It's a crime no one talked about how hot Poe was in This outfit
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bucky-seifert · 2 years
The Rise of Skywalker came out 3 years ago today and it is a movie that still sometimes occupied my headspace. So, I felt the need to make a list compiling my thoughts about it.
My feelings are all over the place, but it's fitting because the movie is all over the place. I do ultimately like it despite it's problems, which I will mention below.
Things I like
The opening sequence is great. The way Kylo Ren approaches the Sith Citadel and Palpatine is seriously badass.
Exogol is an awesome planet in my opinion. I admit I'm a sucker for strong primary colors, though.
There is some really fun action sequences
The dynamic of the 3 leads is fun and they have good chemistry, especially between Poe and Finn.
Despite the lack of planning, the trilogy manages to have a thesis of “Where you come from does not define who you are”. Finn was a storm trooper for a fascist military junta, Poe was a spice runner for a crime lord, and Rey is descended from one of the most dreaded figures in galactic history. Despite this, they were all able to move past that, and become good people.
Rey Skywalker. It symbolizes how she truly found what she was looking for this whole time, a family, and she now has a found family.
Everything Kylo Ren
Lando. Just everything Lando. More Lando is only ever a good thing.
The moment of Poe expressing how he didn’t feel ready next to Leia’s body.
On an emotional level I found it satisfying.
The Han Solo cameo was a great and moving scene.
I think Sith Troopers just look cool
How in the final battle the skills of all 3 leads came into play.
Hey finally some Y-Wings and B-Wings.
Things I'm indifferent, come down the middle or am just iffy about
Reylo. It’s not that it didn’t feel built up, it’s just something I always found myself indifferent toward.
Rey Palpatine. While it serves the above mentioned thesis, I still have mixed feelings on her being a Palpatine. It does explain where her power comes from, but also it would have been interesting to just have her be a nobody.
Battle of Exogol. An awesome battle in concept, it just should have been longer in the movie with more shots of space combat so it really felt like a huge battle. What was there made it feel underwhelming.
Leia scenes felt awkward but that isn’t something you can really blame on the film makers, and they probably did the best you could ask for.
“Somehow Palpatine has returned”. It’s a terrible line but I kind of love it because it’s so terrible. Same applies to "They fly now"
Things I did not like
Xyston Class Star Destroyers. Especially after how awesome the Resugence class SD is, the Xyston feels lazy by comparison
All the stuff appealing to those that raged at The Last Jedi, which is what most of Beaumont’s dialog is
The insane pacing in the first half that didn’t give the big story beats enough time to land.
How it supposedly all takes place in the span of 16 hours. That is something my brain just can't accept unless it's not our standard measurement of an hour.
Lack of Rose.
Why couldn’t the Death Star II wreckage have just been on Endor?
Fake out deaths
That stupid freaking dagger.  Seriously that whole dagger was contrived as heck even by Star Wars standards and Star Wars is already very contrived.
The fact that the Disney execs were too cowardly to give us Finn/Poe
Ultimately tried to cram too much story into a single 2 and a half hour long  movie.
Why did they replace Kylo’s TIE Silencer with a TIE Whisper? The Silencer was so dang cool I don’t get it.
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Stop me if you’ve heard this fan theory before…
Rewatching Attack of the Clones for the 45 millionth time.
And suddenly it hits me.
In order to right Anakin’s wrongs, Ben Solo had to save his mother and get the girl in EpIX.
We didn’t get either. I understand that Carrie was gone, but they could have made it happen. Welcome to my correction of EPIX.
We open on a gorgeous full moon, and a starship glides silently in front of it. In abstract we see the enormity of it, as it comes into view and dwarfs the moon. The ship goes by slowly, and we get a closer view of the reality of it, windows and droids working and storm troopers patrolling hallways. Behind one window we see Kylo Ren fitfully trying to sleep. As we move from outside to inside, the silence is broken by a quiet voice. “You didn’t kill me, Kylo Ren. I am always with you. I will always be…”
A feminine voice breaks through. “There are always two.”
“Here. You will never be as strong as Darth Vader. You will never rid yourself of….”
“So there must be another….”
“Rey,” he murmurs, and suddenly his eyes open. We never got to hear him say her name.
We see Rey sitting alone, reading. She closes her eyes momentarily, sighs softly, and begins reading aloud in a whisper. The view becomes panoramic, showing her surroundings. And someone in the distance.
Leia is gazing at Rey from a secluded cave, watching her reading a passage intently.
“I didn’t even read them,” Luke says, and the camera pans out to show his force ghost standing beside her.
“I don’t believe her story that she killed Snoke alone,” Leia says as she turns to him.
Luke cocks an eyebrow. He agrees with his twin in a silent way that she seems to understand. She gives him a sarcastic little smirk.
“Do you know where he is.” Leia asks.
Luke shrugs, and turns his attention back to Rey. She looks around to see if anyone is watching, but she doesn’t see the twins. Then she frowns, points at something in the text, and whispers angrily at her left side.
It takes Leia a moment to figure out Rey isn’t talking to herself. Luke gives her a half smile, but there is doubt in his eyes.
“How long have you known?” Leia asks him.
“There are a few good things about being a force ghost. But I do miss food,” he chuckles.
The camera pans closer and we see Kylo sitting across from her, but the backdrop around him is his bedroom.
“We killed Snoke. He’s dead,” Kylo argues.
“But there has to be another,” Rey responds.
Kylo gets pouty. He knows she’s right, but doesn’t want her to go chasing ghosts alone.
“You could have joined me. We could solve this problem together.”
“We are together,” she reminds him. We are practically always together.”
She doesn’t seem angry about it, but she also doesn’t seem happy. She turns the page, and there’s something hand written on the next page in a language that looks familiar but she can’t understand.
Kylo leans forward to study it.
“What is it?” Rey asks, realizing he knows what it means.
“It’s…” he becomes quiet and bites at his lip. “I have to go.”
“You said we should do everything together,” she argues.
“Not this,” he says as he begins to fade from view.
Rey slams the book closed and stands up.
This sets up the trip to discover the holocron. Kylo isn’t just on some unknown planet killing unknown aliens.
Who wants more of a story that might make sense and tie all three of the movies together??
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cinemedios · 1 year
¿Dónde ver todas las películas de Star Wars?
🚀🌌 ¡Prepárate para un emocionante viaje galáctico a través de todas las películas de Star Wars! 🎥✨ Descubre dónde encontrar cada episodio, desde los clásicos originales hasta las nuevas entregas.
Desde su debut en 1977, Star Wars ha cautivado a millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. La saga épica creada por George Lucas ha dejado una huella indeleble en la historia del cine, con su emocionante narrativa, personajes icónicos y mundos fantásticos. A lo largo de los años, ha expandido su universo a través de nueve episodios principales, además de películas derivadas y series de…
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incorrect-first-order · 8 months
Hux: "They'll never find your body" is such a boring threat. I think a better threat would be, "they'll never stop finding your body." Phasma: "They'll be finding pieces of your body for at least four months, and you'll still be alive for three of them." Hux: Now that's threatening.
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swsource · 1 year
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goingroguepod · 11 months
been thinking a lot about how much funnier TRoS would have been if instead of killing off Hux he escaped with the gang and was just kinda there in the background for the rest of the film
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Someone used "ungood" to describe disney remakes and it's so perfect. "Bad" does not sum up the horrible soulless products created to only fulfil capitalist desires, using artists as tormented vessels, ungood captures it so well.
Artists with passion and vision create bad art. Bad art can have entertaining qualities, and value, and sparks of life inside of them. Teenage fanfic, and b movies, and a young musicians first attempt at smoke on the water are bad, and that's ok. Ungood art does not have the same saving graces as bad art. Ungood art is empty, not just failing at quality but devoid of it.
We need to start using the term ungood. Neither Star Wars episode one, nor Star Was episode nine are good movies, but they don't possess the same lack of quality. The "live action" Lion King movie, and Repo! The Genetic Opera might both be failures at putting musicals on film, but I know which one I'd rather watch, which one still has moments I love, and which one was made to make someone at Disney see a line go up.
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world-of-celebs · 4 months
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Daisy Ridley attends the premiere of Disney's "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" on December 16, 2019 in Hollywood, California. 
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groundrunner100 · 8 months
Happy Black History Month, Star Wars homies!
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pedroam-bang · 2 months
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Star Wars: Episode IX - Rise Of Skywalker (2019)
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Elite Guard Weapon Concept Art by Matthew Savage
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darth-memes · 9 months
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reynawonders-art · 7 months
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I'm bad for reunion scenes
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incorrect-first-order · 8 months
Hux: I can't believe you assassinated our Supreme Leader! Kylo: Well, "assassinated" implies I had political motives. I actually just killed him because he was kind of a dick and that's just how the Dark Side works. So technically, I just murdered him. Hux: That's not better.
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