xeexeediary · 8 months
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“ROGER IN FISHNETS” ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE // 1983 [gelatin silver print | 15 ½ x 15 1/4″]
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xeexeediary · 8 months
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t keep scales in my house. Weighing myself makes me feel so much worse, but it’s also not a good way to check progress because it doesn’t take into account your muscle mass and consistently fluctuates.
Get yourself a tape measure. Ones they use for clothes making. It makes me feel so so much better because every other day I have physical evidence that I am getting thinner, even after a high-calorie day. It’s so much easier to stay motivated, but also a good DAILY alternative if you want to track numbers. I weigh myself about once a week and for me at least, tracking the cm I lose off of my waist and hips feels way more rewarding.
I also take pictures, but I find them to be less helpful when I have no idea what I really look like.
I love you beauties, stay safe ♥️✌️
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xeexeediary · 8 months
A little introduction
not really new here but first time I’m posting with tags! I’m trying to go about this the right way, but there is a lot of really helpful stuff on here about “healthier” ways to remain in calorie deficit. I’ve had experience with EDs before but never diagnosed and I’m hesitant to go down that path again, but I also really want to focus on losing weight and getting fit. I’m nearly 22 and the heaviest I’ve ever been and it’s really getting me down, and now that I’ve moved out of my family home I have a lot more control over what I eat and how much.
I’d love to chat to anyone in the same boat as me! I don’t do meanspo, nor do I encourage dangerous behaviour specifically for peeps under 18, but if you’re fed up of the fat positivity movement and are actively trying to lose weight through a calorie deficit I’d love to share useful tips on fasting and staying within a calorie goal!
I’m currently trying to maintain my goal of 1000 cals a day or less, and up to 1400 on the weekends. I’m also trying to get to 10,000 steps a day. This a good place for me to track my progress and I’m grateful for all of the genuine support you lovelies give! But yeah, please feel free to reach out, I love you all and stay safe ♥️✌️
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xeexeediary · 8 months
"i didn't eat for 3 days so i could be lovely"
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listening to the go go dolls :)
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xeexeediary · 8 months
shoulder and back th1nsp0 is the best kind
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xeexeediary · 8 months
Instead of eating, watch a movie
Instead of eating, listen to music
Instead of eating, drink some water
Instead of eating, scroll through tumblr
Instead of eating, think about eating
Instead of eating, paint your nail
Instead of eating, do your hair
Instead of eating, look at memes
Instead of eating, draw
Instead of eating, workout
Instead of eating, talk to friends
Instead of eating, eat a mint or chew gum
Instead of eating, daydream
Instead of eating, go for a walk
Instead of eating, watch YouTube videos about something you like
Instead of eating, vape
Instead of eating, walk your dog (if you have one ofc)
Instead of eating, dance
Instead of eating, cry
Instead of eating, have a little bit of orange juice
Instead of eating, do schoolwork
Instead of eating, do anything, literally anything just do not eat
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xeexeediary · 8 months
Would you be consistent for
2 months
or will you be fat
all your life?
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xeexeediary · 8 months
This is a reminder to be a little kinder to your body.
Losing weight is your right but it's also your right to eat that one small slice of cake with your grandma, to get the hot chocolate with your friend and to enjoy a little snack with a movie.
The key is moderation. One little "unhealthy" thing will NOT ruin your weightloss. If you eat under your maintainance (which is usually over 1000 cals during rest) you will lose weight. You deserve a good time and a good body.
Calories are scary but you'd be surprised how much you'd actually need to eat to gain weight.
Take care of your body and mind and you will still reach your goals. Take your meds and vitamins, allow yourself to moderately eat something nice.
I love all of you, no matter at what cw you are and all of you deserve nice things.
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xeexeediary · 8 months
feeling sick enough but not looking sick enough <<<<<
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xeexeediary · 8 months
What helped me 🌸lose kg🌸during my study times and helped me study ❤️✨🤓;
Hot milk with water and sugar is the best meal replacement (for me it was lunch) - no one but coffee drinkers even stands a chance at convincing me otherwise 😚 You can add anything to make it better! Cinnamon, maple syrup, Cacau, coffee, cloves, stevia (though if you’re real tired a little real sugar can pump you up enough to burn a lot more than you just ate), the tears of your enemies, honey! It’s ✨magic✨ (And oat/soy the same - dunno about almond)
The white monster ruined my intestines WAY faster than their other low cal ones. And it’s only 4cal less than ultra paradise (my personal favourite as well as the Lewis Hamilton one (14kc) 😊) Plus ALOT Less people associate it with an eating disorder so you’ll be bothered by advisors or peers SO much less✨ Essentially; if ya don’t want interventions and questions avoid the obvious Ana tropes when around people who are also on the internet👍
(people will hate me for this but;) if you are under the age of AT LEAST 19 you should not be having energy drinks. It’s so bad for the developing brain (which only finishes its baby to adult stuff at like 25). If it’s unavoidable Tenzing(more caffeine)or instant coffee (less caffeine than regular brewed coffee) is a great alternative but even then you still really shouldn’t have it frequently. Eat high protein with a little carb and try peppermint tea - those should keep you up and are great for the brain - plus can still be low cal! Save caffeine or energy drinks to emergencies - surprise all nighters, you get sick but you cant postpone your exam ect. Caffeine is most effective when used rarely - if you use it too often your body just adjusts and the same amount won’t do as much. And if you go too far - there are literally people who can’t pee without caffeine. And here’s the kicker; most of that caffeine ends up in the toilet - mutating our wild life - adding excessive nitrate to plants and killing them. I know caffeine is kinda unavoidable in this academic climate but for the sake of your brain please do try! (The average student has 800mg of caffeine a day - the adult safe quantity? 400mg. And that high stress on the body will age you, burn your stomach, ruin your metabolism, and make you always tired.) some things just are for adults for a reason and it’s very much to your benefit that you don’t use those things. 😅❤️
Stretch and exercise when you feel tired during study. Get up do some jumping jacks or shake around like a looney or turn on a jam and have at it - you will feel more awake and lose some cal✨
Walk around as you explain to yourself the material - you learn and burn.😊
plan your studies around your meals - that way no craving or deep hunger can get In your way.
I always went into university. No matter what! Course is online? Did it with headphones on at Uni. Obviously I didn’t go during the C👍 If you live on campus walk somewhere else on online days - like a cafe/ library. When I add exercise to a mandatory task I always do a lot more 😊
cafe study dates - a coffee and a shared treat with friends is low cal, fun and productive. And you can call that lunch! Or if you lunch first order a soup or a salad! 🥗
Just by doing more revision you will burn✨ So I always added another 15 min on the end for the fun to deep research a random question I had. More for the test and less cal for me😌✌️
Sleep!!!!! Don’t sleep and losing will be Hard, you will feel worse and struggle to be consistent. AND Your body will naturally crave more food to supplement the lost energy! Plus you will also age faster and if you have unkown underlying conditions you will make them WAY worse (trust me I would know 🥲😂) no one on earth is “young enough” to not not sleep properly regularly and get away with it 😂 (There are sleep supplements for those who really struggle - I’ve tried many of you want any information on that just ask👍✨)
building off of 7 - there are super cool places to learn! Big museums, (in London there is a sky cafe you can go to for free - the coffee is a bit pricey but it’s so worth it to see the view whilst you work). Take study adventures. Great for the brain and great for burning.
let yourself have melt-downs - you will feel better and burn cal. Allowing yourself to process and feel your feelings (no matter how irrational they may seem) is a great way to do better work, take care of yourself, take care of the people around you and lose cal 😅. (Just make sure to drink a lot of water and electrolytes after if you cry a lot). (If things get too hard pls find help! You don’t need to talk about your ED if you don’t want to - you can just talk about the pressures like academics that are making life harder and see what can be done - if they push more when you aren’t ready then just grab someone else to help! It’s not their business if you say it’s not.)❤️❤️
building off of 11: stress can make weight loss and cravings harder to deal with. It ages you and ruins your metabolism. And sugar can chemically make that worse (especially if you aren’t sleeping!) find ways to relax! And do so for a minimum of 1h a day. Play a game, read a book, do extra socialising (cant be about work unless y’all are venting together), learn a dance, paint/ draw/be creative. How could you ever reach your dream body or goal weight if you have to deal with extra water retention, the stress bloat, discolouration, deep tension, high risk of illness etc. If ya can’t do it for yourself - do it for your goal weight and look❤️❤️🌸
tw: masterbating and sex - an orgasm can burn more than 85kcal and increase dopamine in the brain plus vastly reduce stress. The faucet and shower head are your BFF if you have a v. If you grew up in a very religious space (like I have) I know you can feel severe shame with it but for me I believe a girl orgasm is the purest kind cause it’s a girl feeling her best with herself. (Sex also burns a ton✨ Just make sure you always feel safe, are safe and feel respected)
Restricting is super hard whilst your studying because you burn way more than you think you do! Your brain is literally your main cal consumer - so consider adding a little to your cal allowance if eating your goal amount is too hard. You may lose more slowly but you’ll most likely still lose a lot and it’ll be much easier to still get the brains AND the bod✨❤️🌸
ok, some weren’t super weight loss specific specific - but they’ve helped me loads so I hope they help you ❤️🎃 stay safe and keep warm pls 🎃❤️
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xeexeediary · 8 months
ily guys
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xeexeediary · 8 months
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xeexeediary · 8 months
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xeexeediary · 8 months
ofc i want to heal my relationship with food.. once i’m skinny
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xeexeediary · 8 months
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xeexeediary · 8 months
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I wanna look like these models…. 💫
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xeexeediary · 8 months
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autumn is the best inspo 🍂
(pics not mine dm for removal)
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