xhuuut · 2 months
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Just some small griddlehark…
Because that is definetly the way the slept in canaan house, canon!
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xhuuut · 2 months
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Drew this little griddlehark comic while going through something and I thought I’d share it:)
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xhuuut · 1 year
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and life can be better
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xhuuut · 1 year
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season 1 vs season 2
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xhuuut · 1 year
"Surprisingly, really, given the last time you two met, you tried to destroy him. I was there and I do remember, oh very clearly, the look on your face Archangel Gabriel, when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die. And I... did not... care for it. "
Theres no amount of fanfiction or wishful thinking that could have possibly prepared me for the satisfaction Davids absolute godly delivery gave me in this scene.
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xhuuut · 1 year
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I wish gay people were real :(
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xhuuut · 1 year
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Phenomenal news. Just what the people ordered.
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xhuuut · 1 year
aziraphale is gonna turn into such a massive bitch in heaven because the coffee is gonna suck and he's going to want to do things the human way and all the angels will be like "what are you doing we have powers for that" and he'll be like "but I like doing it this way" and then he'll get peer pressured into not doing it this way and he'll keep throwing huge hissy fits and be like "oh if only I had someone to complain to" and then everyone will be like "how's the second coming of Christ coming along?" and he'll be like "oh fine fine" when in actuality he's spying on crowley bawling his eyes out to fleetwood mac in a tesco parking lot on a company monitor like a pervert
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xhuuut · 1 year
I'm not really getting the Aziraphale hate because even without all the pressures of religious brainwashing etc etc we've literally just seen through his eyes:
- Crowley radiating joy at the sheer wonder of the universe only to be crushed by orders from up high
- Those orders being the ONLY reason Crowley fell. Aziraphale knows (and has always known) that Crowley fell simply because no one wanted to listen to his ideas.
- 6000 of Crowley clearly aching to do good in defiance of his own nature
- Crowley admitting how desperately lonely that defiance is for him
- Crowley being BETTER than Aziraphale at morality and making Aziraphale better as a result
- Evidence that no one is ever going to be chill with Angel/Demon relationships unless they are too powerful to be stopped and/or willing to vanish
- That they are never going to escape the monitoring of heaven/hell (they literally were *stalked* by both sides the entire season) so they can't just live unnoticed among humans
- Even during their last few years of 'freedom' Crowley has still been desperately unhappy. He's at the 'what's the point of it all???' stage BEFORE anything bad happens in S2. For all he talks about the preciousness of their life, Crowley is radiating misery during his freedom whereas Aziraphale actually seems happy.
Like why WOULDN'T Aziraphale see this offer as the perfect solution? Crowley can get what he always wanted - to do good without anyone stopping him, with Aziraphale helping. It can be exactly like the nebula scene forever - only this time Aziraphale can just bask in Crowley's joy.
From his pov he is sacrificing his own life on Earth for THAT.
Oof we are in the last 20% of a very angsty slow burn, kiddos.
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xhuuut · 1 year
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(CW: transphobia)
I started working on this comic last winter when I spent time in my hometown. My granma was in terminal care for her last moments, and I had to spend time with my relatives during the process. This is based on one of them.I was supposed to finish this for pride month, but even though this comic is fairly simple, it was hard for me to draw about this. Thankfully I won't have to see these relatives in question ever again now that granma is at peace. Kindness is action!
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xhuuut · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about playing flamboyant gay as an actor and how very very wrong and disrespectful it can look and it’s literally a scale from james corden the prom to michael sheen good omens
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xhuuut · 1 year
wdym is this not how it went
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xhuuut · 1 year
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#Queer Agony
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xhuuut · 1 year
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Crowley’s hairstyles/looks - down through the ages ...now including Good Omens Season Two
The original Season One post [ x ]
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xhuuut · 1 year
they really brought david tenant’s son in and said hey do you want to play a gay little boy in good omens 2. just a little camp mf. nepotism done right.
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xhuuut · 1 year
I am simply not interested in taking sides when it comes to aziraphale and crowley's little cosmic divorce. this is a jane austen romance, which means that both of our romantic leads need to grow and change before they can have their happily ever after. the problem isn't that one of them is Right and the other is Wrong, the problem is that they're each prioritizing a different problem and then approaching the problem they've backburnered with a long-standing habit or belief that they need to grow out of before they can succeed.
aziraphale is correct that heaven needs fixing! we can quibble over whether accepting a job as the boss is the right way to do that, but ultimately leaving michael or whoever in charge is going to lead to armageddon 2 armageddon harder. it simply will not work. the problem is that he's fumbling the relationship with crowley because he still needs to get over the idea of there being an inherently good and bad side and he needs to stop thinking that it's crowley being a demon that's keeping them apart. it's his own black and white logic that's doing that.
meanwhile, crowley is correct that he and aziraphale need to Name The Relationship and stop fucking around, and also that heaven and hell are the same institution with different labels and it's insane to think either of them is Good. but his impulse to respond to everything by trying to grab aziraphale and run is not gonna cut it here. "you can't fix an institution from the inside" is a philosophy of dubious value if your alternative is not attempting to fix it at all. if aziraphale is being held back by his cops and robbers mentality, crowley is being held back by cynicism and fear. they both need to let go of their flawed moral philosophies and emotional bad habits if they want to keep the world safe and be together! that's the point of the story splitting them up in the first place!
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xhuuut · 1 year
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Can I watch?
GOOD OMENS S2E5 + some underrated Crowley shots
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