xiafeiislay · 5 months
The Daily Life of Earthrealm's Champion
First Meetings.
Raiden looked at Dez, shaking his head at her drunken state.
"Yes, actually. She's a tough drunk, i can't stop her."
Raiden looked embarrassed about Dez.
"It's fine, Raiden. Your name is Raiden, right?"
Zurath tilted his head, giving Raiden his signature smile.
"Yes it is."
Raiden smiled back, though he still looked nervous.
"Do you need another meal payment, Raiden?"
Zurath giggled, offering Raiden some rice and sour soup.
"Oh, you don't have to!"
Raiden looked surprised, shaking his head.
"I always order an extra meal, Raiden. Like i said, i like giving back."
Raiden chuckled, touched by Zurath's kindness.
"If you say so, Zurath."
He ate slowly, savouring the taste again.
Zurath inspected the bill, and paid upfront again.
He watched as Raiden ate, admiring the man's beauty.
"You ever wanna meet again sometime, Raiden?"
Zurath asked with a smile.
Raiden was taken aback, swallowing his food before speaking.
"Uh... maybe! I'd like to see you, but not too often."
Raiden chuckled, he thought his words came out wrong.
"That's alright, Raiden."
Zurath gave him a quick nod.
"When you're finished, I'll be leaving. I can wait for a man to finish his food, i do have the patience of a virtue."
Zurath chuckled.
"Seems like you do."
Raiden was blushing, he couldn't help but find Zurath's aura so... inviting.
Raiden soon finished his lunch, which meant that it was time for Zurath to depart. Raiden followed him to the exit.
"This'll be it! Goodbye for now, Raiden."
Zurath gave Raiden a soft and tender hug.
"Goodbye, Zurath."
Raiden waved Zurath off, watching until he was out of sight. Then, he heard boots stomping nearby.
"You just let him run off?!"
Dez hit the back of Raiden's head softly.
"Ow, Dez!"
Raiden quickly recovered, covering the back of his head.
"Yes... what else could i do?"
Raiden sighed, turning to face Dez.
"Man, you blew it again!"
Dez sounded like she was scolding Raiden.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
Raiden thought about it for a moment.
"Goodbye for now, stranger."
With a smile, he watched the sunset.
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xiafeiislay · 5 months
The Daily Life of Earthrealm's Champion
First Meetings.
"Good morning, Fengjian! You missed this face, didn't you?"
Dez had a reputation at Madam Bo's, she was a very strong drinker. She also got in brawls, a lot of brawls...
"Dez, over here!"
Raiden waved his hand, hoping to get his friend's attention.
"Ah! Hey there, lil' guy!"
Dez gave Raiden a little punch to his shoulder. She was a strong woman, at 5'11 her mere appearance scared multiple patrons at Madam Bo's, and enticed some others.
"Any new pretty girls, Raiden? Mama's been in need of some..."
Dez's eyes scanned the teahouse, looking for potential partners. She was a lesbian, after all.
"Come on, why so quiet?"
Dez raised an eyebrow, her scar was visible.
"Nothing, Dez. I didn't wanna rain on your parade."
Raiden said with a slight smile.
"Oh, bollocks! Mate, you're in love, aintcha?"
Dez had a smirk.
"Who's the lucky girl? Oh, and poor Mei. Over her so quickly?"
Dez raised an eyebrow again.
"What?! No, Dez."
Raiden blushed at the mention of being in love.
"Ahh, denial. Stage one!"
Dez placed her money on the table.
"This'll be yours if ya tell me, Rai-Rai."
Dez teased Raiden with the nickname she's been calling him when they were children.
"Dez... i hate that nickname."
Raiden tried to look away, the nickname embarassed him.
"What? People still call me Dessa, it's nothing to be ashamed of!"
Dez smiled.
"Who's the lucky girl, Raiden? Come on, i need to know."
Dez got even closer to the table.
"It's... a he, Dez. I'm not in love, just thinking about him."
Raiden said in a hushed tone.
"What?! A man?!"
Dez's ears perked up, and her voice raised.
"You're leaving the chance of children behind? Finally! Now all the women of Fengjian belong to me! Dez!"
Dez placed a leg on the table, acting triumphant.
"Pipe down, Dez..."
Raiden used his rice hat to cover his red cheeks.
"Come on, tell me! I'll buy you good ol' beer!"
Dez knew that Raiden liked beer, but he wasn't as hard of a drinker as she was.
"He's not here, Dez. I thought he'd be here..."
Raiden looked a bit disappointed.
"Describe him, dimwit. I've got great eyes!"
Dez smiled, her Australian accent strong with each sentence.
"Uhh... Black hair, really pretty red streak down the middle. He has a really revealing top, his chest shows through the lace."
Raiden described Zurath, and Dez stood up.
"Wait a minute."
Dez, while walking, stole a man's beer and took a swig.
Raiden was embarrassed for his friend, but he found her behaviour entertaining at least.
"Found 'im!"
Dez ran back upstairs to their booth.
"Cute lil' guy, go talk to him! He's alone!"
Dez dragged Raiden to the balcony, pointing to Zurath having lunch.
Raiden lowered her hand.
"Dez, it's not nice to point."
He said in a disapproving tone, before continuing:
"Besides, he just paid for my meal. We aren't together already!"
Dez raised an eyebrow.
"C'mon, ya drongo. You've got a look in your eyes that wants him! Last time I saw that, was with Mei! Whatever happened to the both of you?"
Dez smiled.
"...didn't work out."
Raiden sighed, before shaking his head.
"Not important, let's go have lunch."
He looked at Dez with a smile.
"Nope. You're having lunch with cute lil' fella down there, and I'm gonna drink like my lifr depended on it!"
Dez dragged Raiden down the stairs, bringing him next to Zurath's table.
"You, don't mess things up."
Dez sounded... motherly. But she quickly ran up to go to the bar.
Raiden froze. He eventually built up the courage to tap Zurath on the shoulder.
"Hi! It's Raiden, from last night."
Zurath swallowed his food before smiling at Raiden.
"Have you been stalking me?"
Zurath giggled.
"Just kidding! Have a seat."
Raiden took the seat in front of Zurath, he watched as Zurah as he ate.
"I just wanted to say hi..."
Raiden sounded nervous.
"Your friend pressured you into it, didn't she?"
Zurath tilted his head, giving Raiden a little chuckle.
"I... you saw that?"
Raiden's cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.
"More or less, it's hard not to when your friend's as loud as a boulder dropping from a cliff."
Zurath sipped his tea, looking at Raiden with interest.
"You're looking nervous, what's on your mind?"
Zurath blinked at Raiden, curious as to why he was so nervous.
"Ah... new friends makes me nervous."
Raiden sighed.
"I got you, no worries."
Zurath said with a slight smile. He could see Dez watching from the balcony.
"Your friend likes drinking, i assume?"
Zurath looked at Dez with 3 bottles of beer right next to her, 2 of them already empty.
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xiafeiislay · 5 months
The Daily Life of Earthrealm's Champion
First Meetings.
Raiden walked past the always awake market, business was booming as usual. He took a small stroll through the flower fields, where he and his friend Kung Lao used to run in as children. He was reminded of his childhood, and he wondered if he would forever be working in the fields.
He eventually made his way back home, and he immediately went to bed. Though, he might've thought about Zurath here or there.
As he slept, he heard multiple rocks thrown onto him.
He opened his eyes, groggily walking up to the window.
"Oi! You bloody drongo, get out here!"
He had spotted his long time friend, Dez.
"Dez... it's the early morning."
Raiden sighed as he saw Dez, facepalming as he did.
"So? No hug for your absolutely daring, absolutely good with the ladies friend?"
Dez's tone wasn't serious, which was the usual for her.
"Dez, i will meet you tomorrow for lunch."
Raiden blocked his window with a chair.
Dez laughed, she walked back to her own home as she did.
Raiden laid back in bed, sighing as he did.
"Dez, Dez. You always manage to get yourself in trouble..."
He went back to sleep, waking up to the sound of roosters cawing.
"Good morning, me!"
Raiden chuckled, he prepared the water for his morning shower.
He had always wondered why no one else in his family took showers as soon they woke up, maybe it was just a him thing.
He had his daily shower, shivering at the coldness of the water.
"Brr... maybe i should heat my water up beforehand."
Raiden chuckled to himself, he enjoyed the water pouring over his body as he did. He couldn't help but think about the day ahead of him.
He finished his shower, getting dressed in the bathroom as he left in a huff.
"Can't have Dez be disappointed... she can be one tough cookie."
He thought to himself, fixing his clothes.
"Though, Dez doesn't care about my looks. Is she into women? I've never seen her with men, other than beating them up."
Raiden thought again, maybe he should just look messy for lunch? No, he was better than that!
He made himself look presentable, and made his way to Madam Bo's.
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xiafeiislay · 5 months
The Daily Life of Earthrealm's Champion
First Meetings.
Raiden was, as usual, working in the fields. The harvest was great, and it was enough food for the entire week.
"A bountiful harvest, thanks for being kind, Fengjian."
Raiden wiped the sweat off of his forehead, as he ran to deliver his cart.
He laid on his bed, starving.
"Madam Bo's?"
"No, Raiden. No more spending!"
"But food..."
Raiden's thoughts were arguing with eachother, he was conflicted.
Raiden took his wallet, seeing that he had enough for a meal... or so he thought.
"Sorry my thoughts, I'm going out!"
Raiden said to himself, he got dressed for the occasion and went out to Madam Bo's.
He was giddy along the way, he thought he brought the right amount for a meal... Boy, was he wrong.
"Raiden! Welcome, what do you want for today?"
Madam Bo approached Raiden, the fact that she did that while being a busy woman was respectable.
"Come, come. Let's get you a table."
Madam Bo walked around the restaurant, leading Raiden like he was her son.
"Madam Bo... you spoil me."
Raiden chuckled, as he was touched at her kindness.
"Like the son i never had, Raiden. Now, make yourself comfortable! I want you to have a good meal, you look like you had a nice, fulfilling harvest."
Madam Bo managed to get Raiden a nice table.
"Thank you, Madam Bo. You truly are a kind woman.'
Raiden chuckled, he saw Madam Bo as a second mother.
"Shush, Raiden. It's just my nature."
She walked away, getting ready to cook up Raiden's signature order.
Raiden admired the duality of Madam Bo's. The chaotically loud bar, and the quiet eaters.
"Wonder if there's any of my friends here..."
Raiden thought to himself, a smile coming across his face.
He bopped his head to the soft music playing in the bar, until a new face caught his eye.
"I wonder who that could be..."
He leaned closer to get a look, he continued to smile as he saw the new face.
It was a tall, and lean man. He had jet black hair with a scarlet streak down to his forearm, his top was a mixture of lace and cotton, and his chest was exposed due to the lace. He was a pretty boy, to say the least, Raiden was interested.
"Always nice to see new people."
Raiden thought to himself, seeing the man sit down and compose himself.
After a few minutes, Raiden got his order.
"Thanks, Madam Bo! Looking delicious as always..."
Raiden's mouth watered as he saw the food.
"Make sure you're hungry, Raiden. I don't want this good food to go to waste!"
Madam Bo playfully swatted his hand, giving him a glass of water as she walks away to serve the new face.
Raiden dug into his food, savoring every bite.
He let out little sounds of joy as he continued eating.
As he finished his meal, he called Madam Bo over for the bill.
"Madam Bo! I'm ready to pay."
He smiled as he pulled out his wallet, he got handed the bill quickly.
"You've finished the entire thing again, Raiden. I really should hold an exercise program for you."
Madam Bo chuckled as she said that, Raiden was getting a bit bulky, that was due to his muscles.
Raiden looked at the cash in his hand, his face showing some horror.
"What? I thought i had enough..."
He said with slight fear in his voice.
"Don't tell me you're missing some money, Raiden. You know i don't allow late payments."
Madam Bo's tone was stern, and she kept her serious face on.
"Uh... I'm sorry, Madam Bo."
Raiden sighed, until he heard a voice.
"I'll cover it!"
The man Raiden was admiring from earlier walked over to his table.
"How much is the bill, Madam Bo?"
The man asked, he had a small smile.
"Ah, Zurath! You're back?"
Madam Bo smiled as she handed Zurath Raiden's bill.
"Oh, you know. I needed some time away from Fengjian... a few villages away."
Zurath had a nervous chuckle, pulling out his cute little coin purse as he paid for Raiden's meal.
"Absolutely lovely. Thank you, Zurath."
Madam Bo quickly walked away. She was happy as Zurath paid her a little extra.
"Hi, I'm Zurath."
Zurath offered his hand to Raiden, his nails were long and his hands were soft.
"N-nice to meet you, Zurath."
Raiden took Zurath's hand, giving it a firm shake.
"Do you mind if i sit here?"
Zurath took a chair in front of Raiden's.
"Not at all! It's all friendly here."
Raiden said with a friendly tone. He was still blushing, why would a stranger pay for his entire meal?
"You didn't have to pay for my meal, you know... i easily could've covered it by cleaning."
Raiden chuckled, looking embarrassed as he couldn't pay for his own meal.
"I like paying for other people's meals! It's fine, i just like giving back."
Zurath smiled, his scarlet streak was randomly glowing...
"You can be used for free meals, Zurath."
Raiden looked concerned for Zurath.
"I don't care, really. As long as i have money, i can survive."
Zurath giggled, his smile was capable of making Raiden smile too.
"That's... a nice mindset, Zurath."
Raiden chuckled, he liked Zurath's explanation.
"How long have you been in Fengjian, Zurath?"
Raiden asked Zurath with a smile. He had never seen Zurath before, so he wondered if he was new.
"I'm not from here, actually. I'm from... another village!"
Zurath chuckled nervously.
Raiden nodded, but he couldn't help but be suspicious.
As the two conversed, the night grew.
"I'll have to get back home, Raiden. Nice meeting you! Hopefully, i get to meet you again."
Zurath got up, giving Raiden a little hug before leaving.
Raiden was blushing, he didn't expect the hug from the stranger.
"Goodbye, Zurath."
He smiled as he got up from the chair, taking one last sip of his water before leaving.
He enjoyed the nice wind as he walked back home, the moon was out and shining down on the fields.
"He was quite nice, i have to say..."
Raiden thought to himself, smiling as he was reminded of Zurath.
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