xiao-jue-nu · 3 years
Lanh. leo~
dem khuya hoi lanh ran nhin tram hoa roi tu dung roi trong sa sam ta dung  tran noi khong xa tram ngong  khong the nho  cung khong the quen   co don hoa dao roi  vi dau ta buong ban tay  kiep nao ta xa lia nhau  h day mong lung tim ai giua noi tran gian  vo chan dau don man dem dem ran buong khien tuong tu tran day nhu tram hoa ua vay day than sac nay dao hoa roi nhe huong con vuong ao ai nhe nhang phiu tan nuoc vui tan mot tan hoa lang nhien quon theo y troi hoa yeu thuong rat roi hon ta vo doi do bao nhieu tinh kiep do bao sinh kiep khien con tim nay nhu heo mon ba doi ba kiep kiep sau gap nhau oan hay con yeu suong boi tren bo vai thoi gian troi k cho ai cron xua ben nhau con day tim dau du am ng thuong luu lac nhau da xa cang xa bao nam toan roi xuan dao hoa tram nam con roi chi mong om trong vong tay ven nguyen k bao h buong doa hoa ngay nao the uoc tam the 
  man dem dem ran buong khien tuong tu tran day nhu tram hoa ua vay day than sac nay dao hoa roi nhe huong con vuong ao ai nhe nhang phiu tan nuoc vui tan mot tan hoa lang nhien quon theo y troi hoa yeu thuong rat roi hon ta vo doi do bao nhieu tinh kiep do bao sinh kiep khien con tim nay nhu heo mon ba doi ba kiep 
  tim yeu ba doi ba kiep nhu con huyen mong bao nhieu nam thang phai le cay dang long nhan ra nhau ma sao voi quay buoc di de mac cho gio cuon muon huong man hay hay dao hoa gio sang dem mat buon vi vu k biet huong con vuong van ai troi chiem nguoi vi sao hoa roi co y khong may gap nay nuoc chay vo tinh nhu the kiep cho tron giac mo
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xiao-jue-nu · 6 years
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Shōda Kôhô aka Kôhô Shōda aka 庄田耕 aka 庄田耕峰 (Japanese, 1871-1946, b. Japan) - Lake Biwa from Night Scene series, 1910-1930s  Color Woodcut Prints, Ink on Paper
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xiao-jue-nu · 6 years
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So I can’t really find any English translation of the techniques from Buddha’s Palm style on the Internet. So here is me trying to do just that. I also include a Vietnamese translation so I so I can easily search it later.
Như Lai Thần Chưởng - 如来神掌: This is the style name in Chinese, and it can be easily translated into English as Tathagata’s Divine Palm. Buddha’s Palm translates into Vietnamese (Phật Chưởng) just sound ridiculously weird tbh.
Phật Quang Sơ Hiện - 佛光初現: This is probably the hardest one to translate since it sounds so awkward in English if translate directly word-to-word, I sticking with Buddha’s First Light at the moment, Genesis Manifestation of Buddha’s Light is a little closer to the original meaning but too wordy.
Kim Đỉnh Phật Đăng - 金頂佛燈: Another weird-looking sentence when fully translate into English, Buddha’s Lantern…. With Golden Top? It probably better to ignore 頂 and go with Buddha’s Golden Lantern.
Phật Động Sơn Hà  - 佛動山河: 山河 mean mountain and river, but when go together they mean the territory of a country,  動 means to move/moved, so this can translate into Buddha Moves the Land. Though I think that it’s not moving something physically, but more about the existence of the Buddha causes a country and its people to shift in various ways.
Phật Vấn Già Lam - 佛問迦藍: This one is super easy, Temple-Surveying Buddha.  問 means asking question, and last two words refer to a Buddhism temple.
Nghinh Phật Tây Thiên - 迎佛西天: Another easy one, The Western Heaven Welcoming the Buddha. I’m not sure if this is necessary or not to mention this, but Western here doesn’t mean Europe (or the Christian’s heaven) but the heavenly realm of Amitabha Buddha somewhere to the west of China, though I’m not sure whether the Buddha in this technique is Amitabha or Gautama. Since Western Heaven is also where Sun Wukong and the gang went to receive the sutra and the one who gives it to them is Gautama.
Phật Quang Phổ Chiếu - 佛光普照: Buddha’s Light Illuminates All, this one is quite straightforward with no hidden meaning whatsoever.
Thiên Phật Giáng Thế - 天佛降世: The Heavenly Buddha Descends to the Mortal Realm is a little wordy, but that’s what 降世 usually used for though i.e Something from heaven descends specifically to the mortal realm.
Phật Pháp Vô Biên - 佛法無邊: Immeasurable Buddha’s Dharma, this one is surprisingly easy
Vạn Phật Triều Tông- 萬佛朝宗: The last one is ridiculously hard however, I don’t know if 宗 means ancestor or sect. Ten Thousand Buddha Honors Buddhism looks….clunky but I don’t know how else to do it. I guess you can ditch the last word and just go with Reverence of Ten Thousand Buddha?
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xiao-jue-nu · 6 years
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Kiếp này vì người mà say mê Tình yêu này trên đời chẳng thể có hai
Thiên hạ vô song
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xiao-jue-nu · 6 years
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DISCOVER: Breathtaking Japanese Hiking Trails
With more than 70% of Japan’s rocky archipelago covered by towering volcanic peaks and snow-capped summits, Japan is heaven for hikers.
From scaling the slopes of active volcanoes to epic mountain pilgrimages and treks through subtropical forests, Japan is home to some of the most spectacular hikes on the planet.
A vibrant hiking scene means Japan is well set-up to receive visitors, and with a myriad of mountain destinations, the only hard part is choosing where to go first. 
To help get you started, here are five of Japan’s ultimate hiking destinations:
1) Mount Fuji, Shizuoka: The big one
2) The Japan Alps: Alpine air in the heart of Honshu
3) Yakushima Island: Beaches, onset and cedar-covered peaks
4) Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage: A 1100km mountain pilgrimage
5) Kumano Kodo, Kii Peninsula: Hike Japan’s spiritual heartland
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xiao-jue-nu · 6 years
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MARCHESA Pre-Fall 2018
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
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Người hút thuốc không ngửi được trên người mình có mùi thuốc, cũng giống như người được yêu mãi mãi cũng không hiểu được người yêu mình có bao nhiêu đau lòng.
{Weibo - dịch: Mê Mê}
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
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messy 2k17
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
Lương thiện của tôi chỉ dành cho những người mà tôi yêu thương. Chết sống của kẻ khác đối với tôi có quan hệ gì?
Hoắc Chi Vấn (Dịch: CHIÊU)
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
vì sao e cảm thấy không ai hiểu được nỗi buồn của e. một nỗi buồn sâu trong tim.
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
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The Journey of Flower  ~ Beautiful Scenes
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xiao-jue-nu · 7 years
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Devilish in my innocence. (hier: Franz Kafka muzeum)
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xiao-jue-nu · 8 years
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xiao-jue-nu · 8 years
Có những người ấy mà, không gặp thì không sao. Nhưng khi gặp thì càng buồn hơn, không phải là không thương…. Thương đầy cả cõi lòng, thương đến phát đau, đến độ chẳng còn muốn thương nữa. Bởi vì buồn , thương - mà buồn quá!
From Vam (via brokensagittarius)
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xiao-jue-nu · 8 years
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It is so important to know what is physical, and emotional abuse ladies, and men too can experience this
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xiao-jue-nu · 8 years
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