xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
me watching as most of crwby’s contracts end and volume 10 hasn’t even been greenlit yet
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xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
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Cory Lee has visited 40 countries on seven continents, and yet the Georgia native has never explored Cloudland Canyon State Park, about 20 minutes from his home. His wheelchair was tough enough for the trip to Antarctica but not for the rugged terrain in his backyard.
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Lee’s circumstances changed Friday, when Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources and the Aimee Copeland Foundation unveiled a fleet of all-terrain power wheelchairs for rent at 11 state parks and outdoorsy destinations, including Cloudland Canyon. The Action Trackchair models are equipped with tank-like tracks capable of traversing rocks, roots, streams and sand; clearing fallen trees; plowing through tall grass and tackling uphill climbs.
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“I’ll finally be able to go on these trails for the first time in my life,” said the 32-year-old travel blogger, who shares his adventures on Curb Free with Cory Lee. “The trails are off-limits in my regular wheelchair.”
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Georgia is one of the latest states to provide the Land Rover of wheelchairs to outdoor enthusiasts with mobility issues.
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In 2017, Colorado Parks and Wildlife launched its Staunton State Park Track-Chair Program, which provides free adaptive equipment, though guests must pay the $10 entrance fee. Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources has placed off-road track chairs in nearly a dozen parks, including Muskegon State Park. In 2018, Lee reserved a chair at the park that boasts three miles of shoreline on Lake Michigan and Muskegon Lake. “It allowed me to have so much independence on the sand,” he said.
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Mobility FTW
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xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
Xinyan x Adventurer!Reader - Liyue Lunch
Quite the first day in Liyue. First, you meet a very beautiful woman. Next, you get to break up an argument on her behalf. And now, she's bringing you out for a lunch as her treat. Pretty great first impression!
"I tend to get in a tussle or two, but that's the first time someone's gotten upset like that about my performances!" Xinyan remarked as she led you down the road, rambling about the encounter with Petunia Pinkies. "Most of the time I'm real careful in causing too much damage. Guess the music just got to me that much."
"I mean, I think it's pretty neat that you're so passionate about your music. Can't actually blame your Vision for reacting to your emotions." You comment, glancing to the similar charm on the small of Xinyan's back.
"That thing sure is reactive. But it's nice to know it's tied to my spirit!" Xinyan boasted as she raised her fists with a grin. "Anyways," she let her posture relax, "we'll be heading to a friend's place. She makes some incredible food, and she's been to Mondstadt too, so she's got all kinds of different things for you to try. You'll find something to like, I swear it." She assured, giving you a playful punch to the shoulder.
"I'll eat anything right about now. I skipped the lunch offered on the boat here, so I'm starving."
"She'll like to hear that." Xinyan stated with another smile.
You had to raise a brow from the way she said it, but you simply continued to follow after Xinyan.
Xinyan didn't seem to mind being a tour guide for you as you both walked to wherever lunch would be. She took great pride in pointing out the best mom-and-pop shops, and her demeanor didn't lighten when she talked of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. In fact, her tone became more respectful when speaking of the owner and her unique tactics in reaching out to those of lost loved ones.
It was hard to ignore the odd or angry looks passersby gave her, and now you by association. They all looked so angry compared to her glee.
"Here we are!" Xinyan announced as she gestured to a nice-looking restaurant.
You held a hand to your stomach when a wave of delicious smells hit you. Something spicy, something sweet, sour, fatty, and all of the different herbs most likely used for the foods as well.
"Wanmin Restaurant, probably the best place in Liyue! And I know the Head Chef. Come on, let's grab a seat before they're all taken up!" Xinyan suggested as she linked her arm with yours, before essentially dragging you into the restaurant.
You allowed it to happen, and this time your face didn't grow as flushed as the last couple times Xinyan got close. Not severely, but there was still a bit of warmth.
Xinyan barged through the restaurant's door, and she quickly waved towards the kitchen.
"Xiangling, I got a traveler over here! They're an adventurer from out of town!" Xinyan called towards the back.
The other guests jolted in surprise or glared once more at Xinyan. One person almost choked on her tea.
A head of dark blue hair popped from the back of the kitchen, and the owner was also decorated with a massive grin and shining hazel-amber eyes.
"Xinyan, hey! Hi, welcome!" 'Xiangling' greeted you and Xinyan, fully moving out of the kitchen as she had a tray of various different foods.
All of them looked really good.
"Welcome to Wanmin Restaurant! Come on, hurry in and take a seat," Xiangling hurried around the dining space, "Xinyan, your spot's still open, and I can move a chair over for you guys, just a moment though, hi, this is your order, right?" She asked a patron while offering a plate of steaming buns.
"She's in a hurry." You murmur as Xinyan leads you to a small table close to the kitchen door.
"Xiangling never slows down for anyone, but that's what makes her a great chef." Xinyan remarks, pulling you to the one chair currently at the table.
"Oh, no, you sit down."
"Nah, it's fine. I can go ahead and grab a menu for you, anyways." Xinyan explains as she practically pushes you into the chair. "Remember, just because it's my treat doesn't mean you go buying the most expensive thing, alright?" She comments, giving you a playful stink eye.
"Of course, of course." You reassure, putting your hands up yet keeping your smile.
Xinyan let out a chuckle as she began to move towards the waitstaff's table, seeing a large stack of menus, disposable chopsticks, and other assortments needed for meals.
You found it a bit hard to look away.
"Oh shit!" You yelp, almost falling out of the chair as Xiangling appeared right beside you.
"It's neat to meet you! I'm Xiangling, head chef of Wanmin Restaurant and a waitress, and Xinyan's best friend!" Xiangling greets you, pushing her open hand out to you.
"Hi..." You murmur, hesitantly reaching out to shake her hand. "I'm Y/N. From out of town."
"So where are you from exactly?"
"Heard! Sorry, gotta go." Xiangling spoke before dashing into the kitchen.
You blankly stare at the kitchen door, watching it swing from the force before stilling.
"What just happened?" You muster.
"You properly met Xiangling." Xinyan answers, walking over with a spare chair and a menu. She set the chair down before sitting in it, and she offered the menu to you. "Told you she doesn't slow down for anyone."
"I can see that." You comment, taking the menu and beginning to look over each food item.
"She's got a lot of passion for this place, and she shows it. She's also been to Mondstadt for a cooking competition. I heard she even cooked with the help of the Traveler." Xinyan explains as she leaned an arm on the table.
"That blonde that's been all over Teyvat?" You ask.
"Yep. Met them once, too. Can't name a single person in Liyue who hasn't met the Traveler, actually." Xinyan comments aloud, seeming to ponder on it.
"Well I haven't met them." You remark.
"Doesn't seem like you've traveled much up 'til now, though."
"Eh, yeah, you got me there. Just had enough funds to finally start traveling around, and Liyue was the prime destination." You state as your eyes finally pass the list of teas. They have a lot of teas in Liyue.
"Why Liyue of all places though? I'd think plenty of people would want to go to Inazuma after the borders opened."
"I'm waiting for the storms to calm down over there until I head over."
"Fair enough," Xinyan nodded in understanding, "that did sound like a hectic mess from all the words in the air. Still, Liyue isn't really all that compared to other nations. Guess as a local, I have a bias though."
"You really do."
"Hey." Xinyan grumbles, but the smile told another emotion.
"I think Liyue is pretty awesome. What with all the different locations and towns here, plus all of the monsters that could be here. I wonder if there's any Lawachurls here." You think aloud. "Besides, your style doesn't seem to be worldwide." You remark, leaning back a bit in your chair as you toss the menu on the table.
Now it was finally time for a small blush to cover Xinyan's face.
"Your style. The spikes and fiery colors, and that awesome lyre with the blade! It's really cool looking, I haven't seen it before."
"I, uh, I, I've, well, I just, you-"
You snort a bit when Xinyan just collapses into a stuttering mess, her face growing redder by the minute. You laugh more when she can't seem to stop stuttering.
"Hey guys," Xiangling zips over to your table with a little notebook and pen in her hands, "sorry, had to start a new batch of oolong tea. Anyways, what can I get you?"
"Right, yeah, ordering food." Xinyan spoke, her voice very high-pitch. "Uh, just my usual, Xiangling."
"Okay, one Pyro Chicken Cutlet and one Blazing Wonton Soup. What about you, newcomer?" Xiangling asks you directly.
"I'll do the sampler plate you offer."
"Great! I'll let the kitchen know about your orders, and they'll be out in a jiff! See you in a bit!" Xiangling quickly assured before once more zooming into the kitchen.
"She is, very speedy." You comment while looking back at Xinyan.
"That's Xiangling for you," Xinyan remarks as she fixes some of her bangs, "uh, anyways, what were we talking about?"
"Your killer style?"
"Not that." Xinyan insists, her face growing red again.
"Alright, fine, what do you want to talk about?" You ask as you lean on the table, partially crossing your arms with your neck hunched some.
Xinyan ponders for a moment, her eyes staring off at the ceiling as her head tilts up by a margin.
She doesn't even try.
A smile forms on Xinyan's lip, but worry fills your mind when you recognize the mischief of the expression.
"You kept making mentions of fighting Hilichurls and whatnot, and you seem a bit fight antsy."
Xinyan leans on the table, almost copying your exact posture. Her eyes have a glint in them as she now directly stares right at you.
"How about you show me, just how you fight, Y/N?"
Your eyes widen in surprise, but a more confident grin placates your face.
"After lunch, I'm starving."
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xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
Xinyan x Adventurer!Reader - First Meeting
The scent of flowers and perfume filled the air, and a few petals were guided in the gentle breeze along with their sensory counterpart. The sky was clear of clouds or birds, giving a clear view to the gleaming sun that shone down upon you. The warmth brushes against your face like the caress of heaven itself. Chimes rocked back and forth, creating a soft rhythm to counter your heavy pace. Your stomach growled as you pass a stand with various goods. Many you didn't know, but you want to learn of in this moment. The atmosphere itself didn't help either; a young couple chatting over tea, children playing around in the street, an elder woman tending to a small hearth, and all the other chores of the locals.
A smile crept upon your lips, and your steps became quicker as you move further away from the pier and further into the city. You had finally made it. After saving countless Mora, multitudes of blood, sweat, and tears, and even getting a well-paying sponsorship, you had arrived to Liyue. The Land of Prosperity. The Nation of Wealth.
Your next adventuring territory.
Rumors were spread about the skilled warriors within Liyue. "Adeptus", you had heard them be referred to that term. Some type of ancient fighter that had withstood years, possible centuries, of wars and battles.
There were also rumored Regivines that burned instead of chilled their opponents, essentially cooking them alive. And all of the countless Hilichurls, Mitachurls, and Samachurls littering the place as well. Who know what was all out there!
There was so much to see in Liyue. So much to explore. So much to fight. You didn't know what was waiting for you out there, but you needed to find it, meet it, right, no- URRRRRRRGGGH
Or, maybe after something to eat.
"Hah, I knew I shouldn't skipped lunch on the boat. That fish looked real questionable, though." You murmur to yourself, glancing at every food stall or restaurant that caught your eye.
Everything smells really good, though something about the notes burns your nose a bit. And lots of things looked very filling. You do need to eat plenty to keep up your energy, but if you eat too much, then you'll be slow when going out on commissions. Ehh, but that one stand with the dough balls looks really good-
"What is this?!"
A man's bellowing roar rips through the air, causing everyone that could have heard it to halt in what they are doing.
Your body tensed, but a smile perks on your lips as your feet move without thought. That sounds like something needing your attention.
You hurry towards the volume, already smelling flowers. Now with a hint of ash and charcoal.
"Just what are you trying to push here? First you go screaming that incoherent noise to any poor sucker around you, now you're burning my Glaze Lilies!" A man yelled, wildly gesturing to a mildly burning flower shop.
His assistants were rushing to put the fires out, but his focus was primarily on... Wow.
"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start burning your product, I just got some chord ideas and had to test them out real quick!" An angel of a woman was standing opposite of the man, her stunning amber eyes holding genuine sympathy. An accent unlike none other gave a charm to her words.
The woman's dark brown skin had a natural gleam to it, and it matched the gloss of her beautiful, and spiky, brown-black hair put into two upwards pigtails. Streaks of hearth orange also decorated her hair. Same with the spiked collars keeping her hair up. She wore an elaborate, loud, colorful outfit focused on reds, oranges, and blacks, with white to help break up the other colors.
In her hands was a well-crafted string instrument, something like a lyre but with a different shape. And, an axe blade on the very bottom. Perfectly curved and pointed, and you could tell it could slice a hair in two with ease.
So this is what the women of Liyue are like. You think to yourself, the breath out of your lungs and your sea-lag now gone.
"Well what am I supposed to do with burned flowers? Let my customers think I'm an arsonist?"
"I can pay for them, all the burned ones!"
"Please, like you could pay for all of this!" The man snarls.
You could see a twinge of hurt in the woman's eyes. And now, you remember why you followed the yelling in the first place.
"That contraption should handle it."
"No!" The woman retorted, pulling her instrument away when the man tried to grab it.
"Hey, hey," You speak while moving between the two, "no need to get grabby, sir! That's a bit much!" You remark, keeping your arms up while giving the man a bewildered look.
"Wha-who are you? You connected with this crazy lady?" The man asks, pointing behind you.
"I just don't think older gentleman should be grabbing at young women, sir." You state with an emphasis, having a more mischievous smile as your hands moved down.
The man's face quickly went flush.
You hear a quiet snort behind you, and a suppressed giggle followed soon after.
"I wasn't doing that! That lady burned down half of my flower stand, and I'm getting compensation!" The man continued to yell.
"And did she not kindly offer to pay for all of the burned flowers?" You ask in return, waving a hand back to the woman as you gave her a quick glance.
"I did. And if the stall got burned, I can help rebuild it!" The woman offered, moving closer beside you. "I'm real good with tools! I mean I made my own lyre and-"
"Shut it, I don't want to hear anything from you! And you, rando, how about you mind your business?" The man 'offers' to you.
You now notice the two helpers, surprisingly built for a flower shop, moving behind their boss. Seems they were done with putting out the flames.
"Afraid not, sir. I cannot mind my own business." You retort, keeping your smile as you stay in place.
The older man's lip curled into a sneer.
"Now," The older man's right finger jabbed at your chest, "you listen-"
Your right hand immediately caught his hand, and using your thumb, put enough pressure to push his index finger to an uncomfortable angle.
The older man yelped, and the two helpers braced while glaring at you.
"Don't." You warn, your smile now gone. And your left hand occupied.
It was at this point that the flower shop workers, and you assume the woman, notice the small decoration on your adventuring attire.
A golden charm with a brilliant lighted vassal of elemental power. Your Vision. And boy was it aglow.
Silence crept into the air as you glared at the older man, the helpers unmoving and the woman still in surprise.
"Now, you are going to accept the kind woman's offer to pay for your damaged product, you are going to take it, and you are going to move on with your day. Okay? Shake on it." You state, shifting your right hand to shake the older man's right hand.
Your left hand lost its grip on your Vision.
You let go of the older man's hand, and he stared at his limb in surprise before gulping.
"Sure, yeah. Uh, let me add everything up." The older man stated. A gesture of his unbroken hand made his helpers rush to the burned flowers and their pots.
You brush your hands off onto your top, your smile returning.
A breath of a laugh left the woman, making you focus on her now.
Her amber eyes were glowing even more, and a smile was plastered on her lips.
"You know how to be frightful, huh?" She asked.
"Only when I need to be. You all good? He seemed pretty pissed off." You comment, turning away from the stand and to better face her.
"Bah, I've had worse. Just got scared when he tried taking this," The woman held her lyre up a bit, "away from me. Worked way too hard to get it just right." She stated. She took a quick glance to the stand before leaning closer to you.
You tried to ignore the new warmth on your cheeks as you let her lean to your ear.
"And I'll be damned if I'm letting Petunia Pinkies even touch my lyre." She whispered to you.
Now it was your time to snort. Much louder though.
You cover your mouth as you try not to laugh too loudly, but you could feel Petunia Pinkies giving you and the woman a funny look.
"I've never seen you around here before. I'm Xinyan." The woman states, offering her left hand to you as she used her right to move the lyre on her back.
"I am new around here, actually, and I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." You greet her with a quick shake.
"Nice meeting you too. Say, how about this, I buy you lunch? Consider it a welcome gift to Liyue." Xinyan offers as she places her hands on her hips.
"Oh," Your eyes widen with the new warmth returning, "well, uh, are you sure? I mean," You take a quick look to the flower shop, "you're handling all the flower payments."
"Yeah, but trust me, you earned a free meal." Xinyan remarks as she begins walking to the older man. Her hand darted up to give you a gentle smack on your upper back.
You let out a quiet yelp from the force. You can't stop a small smile as you reach your arm to rub the spot, watching Xinyan begin bargaining with the older man.
What a woman.
Let me know what you guys think!
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xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
Xinyan Headcanons
Here's all the small details I can see with Liyue's local rockstar!
Xinyan's mother is from Natlan while her father is a native to Liyue, making Xinyan mixed as well as giving her basis behind her southern accent (a lot of cowboys were actually from Spain or South America, and vaqueros were considered the first cowboys)
She takes pride in living a simple life and not obsessing with the riches and wealth of Liyue. Not to say she doesn't earn some income with her performances, but she understands to let it go to her head at any point in her life
Xinyan has an insanely high spice tolerance, and this was before she ever earned her vision. Combining the regular Liyue diet of Jueyun Chilis alongside the various spices within Natlan's borders, that can lead to a spice hunger stronger than an Abyss Mage's strikes. Another thing that people tend to fear her for
Multiple character stories of hers say that she is tall, taller than most other girls. Don't look at her character model, she is 5'9" at the very least
She tends to visit Xiangling's restaurant pretty frequently, and she is rarely ever spotted eating anywhere else when she isn't cooking for herself. She isn't scared to try the questionable new dishes on the menu, and Xiangling isn't terrified to add in a whole Flaming Flower Bud if requested by Xinyan!
Just because she prides herself on rock-and-roll doesn't mean that is the only genre she explores. Her lyre works well with classical acoustic songs, letting her try softer, more soothing tunes in private. Perhaps this is where her flames dye down and the waters begin to roll
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xinyansbiggestfan · 2 years
Hi there, Genshin Tumblr! I don't really know how you guys can refer to me right not, but I guess Mochi is a good place holder for now. I'm pretty new to the scene and I'm sort of stretching my legs, but I also want to start flooding the algorithm with everything in my head. So, greetings!
As you can see, I'm a pretty big fan of Xinyan, our resident rock-and-roll start in Liyue, and hopefully to more of Teyvat soon! I just love her energy and passion with her music, but it sucks that no one else seems to bat an eye at her! Or, for a few other characters either.
So I'm making it a mission to try and spread some light on the lovely forgottens, starting off with my own lovely forgotten. Headcanons will be coming up for her soon!
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