xiomvras · 6 years
god dang i’m so sorry this group has to close. y’all are some great people and i had so much fun interacting with you guys. thank you guys for a lit and amazing few months where i got to expand my muse and interact with some really, really amazing people. as for where i’ll go? you can find me at my rpt blog here and my indie blog here. feel free to hmu or interact with xio on my indie! once again, thank you all for an amazing group! lots of love, lydia.
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xiomvras · 6 years
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xiomvras · 6 years
text ✉ xio
cassie: truer words have never been spoken
cassie: that's okay, i'm pretty sure everyone has moments of insecurity no matter how great things seem outwardly
cassie: well then keep your schedule clear for june cause you're coming with me. yeah i heard nintendo's already announcing big things for this year. i mean ubisoft is OK, at least year they got me excited for assassin's creed & far cry but kinda hoping that new cyberpunk 2077 game will be shown cause it looks pretty good from what i've seen
xio: snaps to that!! if i ever meet someone that's always confident 25/8 and they mean it they'd be like unreal... my dream girl... because that's so unreal man
xio: i will keep that month open! usually i go on a long canoe trip then but i can postpone it to july... well i mean YEAH assassin's creed is great but after unity i've kind of been overwhelmed by what they've been doing. they're so focused on game mechanics and good graphics, but i kind of miss the great stories?? that's the best part of the games. like black flag and rogue had the perfect balance of good graphics AND good storyline. wish they had more of that!
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xiomvras · 6 years
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ lilly
lilly: fuck xio soupmate
lilly: what
lilly: why's thAT
xio: yes bby we're soupmates
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xiomvras · 6 years
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jaime: i don’t think i like any social media jaime: unless pinterest counts…i love pinterest jaime: oh no i’m sorry i bet you’re tons of fun jaime: that’s not true
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xio: i have like ten pinterest accounts and three of them are for shitty memes xio: it’s okay hunay i’m not mad i’m a self-deprecating hoe xio: it’s so true my only friend is jerry the weiner dog
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ remi
remi: a lot of things about humans should be curable. facts.
remi: cheese fries are the best fries!
xio: um i know???
xio: ngl i didn't get to try them until i was 18 and i was so mad that i didn't try them before. they are so good!! wtf!!!
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xiomvras · 6 years
text ✉ xio
cassie: that seems pretty random but nice of them too
cassie: what?? are you saying you're not confident all the time? i don't believe it
cassie: it was! i couldn't play too much since i had to work but i had fun. well it's about to be over BUT i'm probably going to e3 this year so if you wanna come
xio: random acts of kindness is the way to go
xio: yeahhhh i'm actually lowkey a lil insecure and question myself all the time? i'm good at hiding it i guess
xio: i would l o v e to go to e3 cause nintendo usually shits on every single company but i'm always excited to see work from bioware and bethesda! and sony has some good stuff too... basically everyone but ubisoft lol
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ lilly
lilly: you know me so well but we've barely met
lilly: some would say we're meant to be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
lilly: i could go for sand
lilly: i wanna eat a tin can too i'm not crazy and it's all about balance
xio: so baby this is what ur soupmate looks like i look gay right?
xio: u know what i'm not going to even try to fix that autocorrect seems to not like to work when i'm trying to impress a chick with my extensive knowledge of relatable song lyrics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
xio: mmmmmmmmmmm that cronchy goodness
xio: did u know sand tastes different in different regions? california sand is a little spicy
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ charlie
charlie: count me IN.
charlie: the beach here is the prettiest i've seen, it's a shame it's left a mess sometimes.
charlie: we should donate trash cans. CAN you donate trash cans?
xio: that is the most accurate thing i've seen said this week. seagrove beach >>>>>> your fave
xio: i think that's possible??? i can't donate myself i know that fsuisdifd maybe other trash cans will work
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ clive
clive: Ideally, yes, but you seem to already know that we don't live where ideals are usually considered as possibilities.
xio: true, but there isn't any reason why you shouldn't try. not trying it all makes the likelihood of it working out 0%.
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ tj
TJ: It's the most important lesson from the movie. They were probably right for saying it forever.
TJ: It will be pretty as fuck. If you do it both days I'm down.
xio: true!! also 'just keep swimming' that's literally the only reason i got through high school lmao
xio: two days, twice the fun! i love it!
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ kyle
kyle: that's so horrible, what is wrong with people? urgh!
kyle: of course! where do you wanna meet up?
xio: hmmmm i can do this weekend?
xio: the weekends are my designated 'stay outside all day' days
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ remi
remi: RIGHT!! but instead, some humans are too lazy and because of that, innocent animals have to suffer.
remi: i'll just take some fries tbh!
xio: we are apparently such an advanced species...? laziness should be curable by now. facts.
xio: fries omg that sounds good. cheese or plain?
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ minji
minji: but i don't get it, really? like, just throw it away? got a bag, put it in there until you reach a garbage bin. lazy? don't be, throw it the hell away. i just ???
minji: high five to us, we're the true reason marlin found nemo's bad ass, really.
xio: you can even put it in your pocket!! it's not hard at all!! and it requires less work than throwing it into the goddamn ocean
xio: ppl are so weird why can't we actually have smart ones in the world
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ katie
katie: yeah running is good. anything that gets my heartbeat up in a good way is... good stuff!
katie: no no ur the one with this genius, good samaritan idea. ur no trash, my friend.
xio: running is good. good is caring for the environment, therefore running is caring for the environment
xio: flawless logic!!!!!!!!
xio: that's the nicest thing someone's ever said to me :'))))
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xiomvras · 6 years
text message ✉️ peyton
peyton: i've been trying to eat healthy lately...but at the same thats exhausting...
peyton: how about burgers??
xio: lololol healthy idk her
xio: um yess??? i love burgers 2 death best idea ever
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