xkavanx · 3 years
Looking around the croft was interesting to him and he found himself down there more and more often. He was curious as to how the slaves lived. Hearing the shower, he moved closer to the public baths. How awful. Bathing with others was the worst thing and he had no desire to ever do so again. The slaves were perfectly fine though. In captivity, it was the will of the captors that mattered and nothing else. The castle had decided this was how it would be done. Slaves could live with it.
“When you’re finished, put on some clothes and come with me.” He could use someone to help him organize his paperwork and this was just the first slave he had come across. At least he knew that the man was clean.
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The words that had been spoken came out in such a stern tone that he almost immediately knew what the man was before he even turned to look over his shoulder - a vampire, and at Krovs? That meant he was a master. Looking the man over so that he could seek him out once he had put on his clothes, he gave a firm nod before he began to finish drying himself off. Once he was satisfied with how dry he was, he sat the towel aside and headed back into the Undercroft to find his bed and the very little clothing he was given.
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Truthfully, he didn’t like clothes - they were constricting, and as someone that had spent most of his time in his scales, the dragon just didn’t understand why people wanted to cover themselves up. Still, he slipped on a white tee and a pair of loose shorts and headed towards the front of the Undercroft, finding the master that had requested him to come with him. “Where to now, sir?”
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xkavanx · 3 years
Compared to how he’d been the previous weeks, Gareth was in a very good mood.  Lots of sex during that surprise heat plus finally claiming someone (who he would grudgingly admit to himself that he’d been eyeing for awhile) had definitely done wonders for the lamia.  He hadn’t been expecting to make a trip down to the Undercroft so soon, but Gareth had heard about some of the new captures and was always more than happy to introduce himself to any new slaves that the castle brought in.
He found one in the shower room, having ducked in for a moment, and was very obviously looking the man over when he spoke.  The lamia smirked, crossing his arms and leaned against the wall.  “Oh, by all means, take your time.”
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Though the other had told him to take his time, Kavan made sure to move at a moderately swift pace and once he had managed to get enough of the water that was on his skin dried off, he moved to turn to face the man that had entered. And boy, what a man he was. Even with the collar dulling his senses, he could smell something primal about the man and just one look at him told him that he was quite virile.
And part of him had himself wondering just what the man was.
There was one thing that he knew he was, however, and as he moved to place the towel back on the towel rack - modesty was such a modern concept - he straightened his back as he looked at the other man. “Is there something I can help you with, sir?”
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xkavanx · 3 years
While Abel rarely cared much for the slaves living in the castle, he did find they sometimes could be useful for his own twisted amusement. Being the man that he was, with little heart to speak of, that amusement often came in sadistic or humiliating forms. The thrill of asserting power over other creatures. As if he didn’t get enough of that, being a councilman and all.
Having an off day and looking for something non-business related to do, Abel made vis way down to the Undercroft to see if anyone would catch his attention. Once he got down there, an idea entered his head and he made for the slaves’ communal shower room, just to watch. Knowing full well it would make some of the slaves uncomfortable. In there, a new face caught his eyes. Or at least one the vampire hasn’t seen before.
“You really think that is necessary? I’m quite enjoying the view just as you are.” Abel said with an amused huff, not evening hiding his eyes looking the naked stranger up and down.
With his back turned to whoever had approached, Kavan hadn’t been able to tell that the other was staring at him like he was, but he could feel eyes boring onto him and he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about him. All he could do, however, was turn to look over his shoulder to look at the male that spoke, and as he did, he could tell almost immediately that this guy was a vampire. Taking a deep breath, the dragon moved the towel so that it no longer was blocking any part of his body - allowing the vampire to appraise him as it seemed he cared more about the view than anything else.
“I suppose not... Not like I’d catch a cold or anything,” the dragon spoke, humor to his tone as he shifted to give the vampire a better look at his body. Scars lined every inch of him, signaling that he had a long and hard life, and his muscles were taut and chiseled. “My name is Kavan... I just arrived last night.”
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xkavanx · 3 years
Beni paused hesitantly, glancing around before turning back to the stranger before him. “Oh uh- sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you– I was just wondering if you knew where they kept the soap? I mean is there soap?” Lord, he hoped there was, still trying to figure out where he was and why. 
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With the towel moving to wipe over his face, collecting whatever water was still on his face, when the other male spoke up and asked about soap. “Soap?” was what came out of his mouth, brow furrowed in confusion. While he knew that some people used it, it hadn’t been the first thing he used and, given the fact that he often used lakes to bathe in, he hadn’t really had any experience with soap. “Uh... I couldn’t tell you... I didn’t really use any...”
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xkavanx · 3 years
August sighed a small breath of relief when the other claimed to be in the same situation as he was. “S-Sorry,” he said and cleared his throat. His eyes stayed cast towards the floor as he sat back down on his own cot and let the other male through. Another slave, one of the first ones he’d met down there. He’d already been informed of his situation, so at least that initial shock was over with. “I arrived last night… I think. The haze is still wearing off,” he admitted. “My body isn’t used to being so… normal yet.” He scratched at the collar around his neck. “This makes it so I can’t see.”
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Being in captivity wasn’t new to the dragon, but being in captivity around others was definitely new to him. It was interesting to see how the other slaves in the Undercroft were dealing with... well being slaves. The one in front of him seemed to not care about looking people in the eyes, but as he spoke, Kavan could understand why that was - it seemed he couldn’t see. “Mm, yeah... These collars are something else. As much as I hate not being able to stretch my wings, I can understand why we have them on. The last thing a bunch of vamps want is for a dragon to burn this place to the ground.”
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xkavanx · 3 years
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xkavanx · 3 years
Hearing heartbeats was one of the ways August was able to see as well as he could after his accident. But there were creatures here that didn’t have a beating heart. He knew they were there through his other senses, but getting a read on them and seeing them in his own way was proving more difficult then he thought. It frustrated him. Before his accident, he didn’t even believe in werewolves and vampires. The world was much more simple. And now he was stuck in a foreign country in a castle with these mythical beings. But worst of all… he was a slave to them. Or so he had been told.
August felt someone approach him, he shifted his body to face in their general direction but kept his face casted towards the floor. “If you’re trying to sneak up on me, it won’t work,” the pup said plainly to whoever, or whatever, was approaching him.
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Originally posted by mrssylargray
Originally posted by mrssylargray
With the collar around his neck stifling his abilities, the dragon was grateful that he still had some of his senses - but, really, he should’ve been more grateful for the collar given the amalgamation of scents within the Undercroft, and with the undercroft being, of course, underground, there was no fresh air to clear out the scents. And for a guy that lived a majority of his life outside, surrounded by crisp mountain air, it was a bit suffocating to be surrounded by so many scents.
Still, it was a price to pay if he wanted his bloodline to continue, and as he made his way through the Undercroft and to his cot, he had to pause when someone spoke up. “I’m actually not... just trying to get to my cot,” the dragon spoke as he continued to move through the rows of beds before he sat on his, only to shift his attention to the creature that had spoken up. “You been here long?”
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xkavanx · 3 years
One thing that Kavan had to find himself getting used to was being around so many different creatures. In his youth, the only interaction he had with other creatures was when he had been terrorizing those that lived outside of his nest and then once he had been enslaved by the Strigoi, he had only really seen the Strigoi and whoever the man wanted him to breed with. But being here, around so many different creatures? This was something that the dragon was definitely not used to.
And he definitely wasn’t used to the concept of public showers.
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That was why, as he finished rinsing off the grime and dirt that came with being in the Undercroft - he hated being underground, hated the lack of fresh air and sunlight, but it was a price to pay to ensure that the whelps he fathered would stay safe - that he stepped out and found himself tensing as he heard footsteps beginning to approach from behind, but he took a deep breath to steel himself. This wasn’t like bathing in a lake where bathing meant that you were vulnerable to attack.
 “I just got done... give me a second to dry off...”
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xkavanx · 3 years
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Kavan | Slave | 37/2398 | Dragon | Versatile/Top
“Survival was my only hope, success my only revenge.”
Champion of the Skies, The White Terror… Over the millennia, Kavan has had many titles bestowed upon him that struck fear into all manners of creatures. With brilliantly white scales, he was able to fly through the skies undetected until all that could be seen was a large shadow looming over his intended prey and for years, Kavan was proud of how he was seen and regarded. Farmers would offer their fattest sheep and cattle, villagers would scrape together whatever coin they had to offer to him, and some even viewed him as a God. But the one thing that he found himself taking the most pride in being called was father.
Being a father was everything and more that he wanted for himself, and he prided himself in making sure to teach his young whelps what it meant to be a dragon… From taking them on hunts to teaching them to fly, nothing filled him with more pride than seeing one of his offspring move on and become a fearsome dragon like he was. That all changed, however, when he let one of his young whelps go on a hunt by themselves. After hours of the whelp not having returned home, and a growing sense of dread building in his gut, Kavan set out to find out what happened. And while he was preparing for the worst, nothing could have prepared him for what was to come next.
What he found was that his whelp had been held captive by a strong and powerful creature, a powerful Strigoi that wanted to experiment and use the dragon for his own personal means. The paternal instinct in Kavan was strong, and though he tried to fight to free his son, the Strigoi proved to be more powerful than he thought and he found himself being forced back into his human form by the hybrid, but instead of killing him, the hybrid took an interest in him and offered a proposition - if he didn’t fight, he’d release his son and take him instead, and Kavan, wanting to protect his child, agreed.
Life changed for the great dragon then. No longer was he the White Terror, but instead he was tested and experimented on, the Strigoi using him and his blood for rituals and experiments and even forcing him to sleep with other creatures to see what the resulting offspring would be. And once the Strigoi was done with him, having used him for centuries, he tossed him aside to Krovs Castle to be used by other creatures, making sure to tell him that if he fought, he would hunt down every last one of Kavan’s children and slaughter them before coming back to kill him.
Knowing that the Strigoi was certainly capable of that, Kavan didn’t fight as they hauled him away to this Krovs Castle - but the one thing he knew for sure was that it had to be better than the experiments that the Strigoi had forced him to be part of.
At least… he had to hope so.
Location of Birth / Location in which he was taken: Somewhere in modern day France / Belgium
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Resourceful
Negative Traits: Vain, Unforgiving
3 turn-ons: Worship (Body/Muscle/Cock/Ass), Dominating, Size Difference
3 turn-offs: Feminization (Self), Mutilation, Toys
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xkavanx · 3 years
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xkavanx · 3 years
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