xkvton · 3 years
Little Chocola diet I made :) ♡♡
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xkvton · 3 years
Did pretty well yesterday.. will try lower today, As I wasn't even hungry tbh..
App is called ' Lose it! '
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xkvton · 3 years
TW// Cals, Weight, ED
I haven't been losing alot of weight lately :/
Because I'm trying to eat a little more to make my mum happy, But I'm happy I haven't gained!!.. I'm still 52kg though..
12th Sep is when I'm gonna start up with less cals again, Maybe 300-800, As we are in lockdown and my mum is pretty much monitoring me.
Can't wait for school 😩
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xkvton · 3 years
The feeling of losing weight is so satisfying, like watching the numbers continue to go down to a point you shouldn't even be losing anymore.. Like??
And skipping meals just to feel skinner ♡♡
Sure sometimes it's hard, but it's so worth it to be a better version of yourself.
Weight before : 60kg
Now - 52.6kg
Sure I know it's not alot of difference, but it has only been maybe a month :)..
I'm hoping to reach at least 48kg at the end of thia month!
Breakfast -  100
     Cals lost 5
   Lunch - 317
     Cals lost  5
   Dinner - 0
     Cals lost - 0
        Total - 407
     - Purge -> No
     - fasted for like 2 seconds lol
Also was lazy as shit today 😨
Stay safe! 💙
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xkvton · 3 years
Tips & Tricks Not To Do
1. Ice baths do not burn an insane amount of calories - being cold will actually SLOW your metabolism, because your body is trying to retain heat. You burn more calories in room or hotter temperatures. Ice baths can also be dangerous because it does lower your body’s natural core temperature, and this can lead to blood clots, heart problems, and various other complications. 
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2. Ignore the 100 calories workouts. Why? Because you do not burn 100 calories. There are no universal workouts that burn the exact amount of calories for everyone. Someone who is 300 pounds burns twice the amount of caloris than someone who’s 150 pounds. And honestly, the only person who burns 100 calories on those plans are people who are over 300 pounds. Even then it’s iffy. Just don’t fall for it. 
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3. Hydration. Is. Key. Just upping your water intake to the levels your body needs will be enough to help jump start weightloss. It regulates the water your body needs, help’s you get rid of excess water weight, plus it helps your body maintain a majority of it’s natural processes. It can take only 3 days to die without consuming water, don’t risk it. 
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4. Don’t bother with lax or diet pills. Lax will dehydrate you and only force you to lose extra water and waste weight. Diet pills have insane amounts of caffeine. Your best bet is to use cayenne pepper extract  and vitamin b complex which naturally do what diet pills are marketed to do. Not to mention, just google diet pill side effects. 
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5. Do not chew and spit. It’s not a good alternative. The moment you smell food your body starts the digestive process. Now most of the time this isn’t a big deal. However, once you chew food, your stomach is producing stomach acid. Without food for your stomach to digest, you will have acid build up cause acid reflux, stomach ulcers, nausea, and various other problems. 
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6. In terms of eating disorders, fasting is never a good option. While fasting can be healthy for someone who is healthy, chances are if you’re restricting your body is already battling to maintain it’s life. Our bodies are not designed to have low intakes all the time. Consult a physician before you fast. Also, do not fast when you need to operate a vehicle or any other machine. End your fast if you feel a burning sensation in your stomach or develop acid reflux. 
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7. In every health case, avoid fast food. Not only is the food insanely unhealthy for you (there are healthier options at most chains if you ever need to eat out at one) but the FDA actually allows a lot of these chains to lie about their calorie count by 20%. Most food companies can do it anyways, but fast food is the most guilty.  Supersize Me actually did expand on this so watching that will give you a bit more information. 
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8. A good 90% of the so called “pro-ana” tips being spread around are complete BS. While some people may find them helpful, the reality is that most people don’t. You will find what works for you naturally. 
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9. The more you restrict or fast the smaller your stomach/intestines shrink. It may sound good now, but the moment you eat more than your body can naturally handle, you are at risk for stomach/intestinal ruptures since your body is no longer used to eating regular amounts. 
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10. Do not eat cotton balls for the love of God. I don’t know who even came up with this idea but cotton balls can easily cause intestinal blockages that can kill you, cause massive infection, and could end up needing to be surgically removed. I’ve also seen a few people suggest tying candy to a string then pulling it back up to induce purging? You’re going to choke to death at some point with that, or tear a hole in your esophagus which, best of luck surviving that one. Seriously, don’t follow these stupid tips. 
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11. Take a multivitamin. If you restrict you lose nutrients, losing nutrients lands you in a hospital, hospital finds out you have an eating disorder and forces you to eat.
In conclusion, just use your common sense and reason. If it sounds too good to be true, or if it sounds dangerous, it most likely is. Stay safe
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xkvton · 3 years
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Thank you Miku ♡♡
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xkvton · 3 years
I love how I can literally not eat all day and not be hungry.. I ♡ This
Honestly I haven't eaten since I woke up at like 7:30am.. it's 6:25pm right now.. Going to hopefully try and get out of dinner tonight ♡!
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xkvton · 3 years
😍😍 lol yep
reblog this if you’ve ever been called fat by a family member
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xkvton · 3 years
Plan for today.. Haven't eaten lumch today yet , seeing as it's like 6:40am lol.. But that's my plan.. nothing different... and water ofc
Breakfast - 4 Raspberries, 40cal?? Less??
                    1 Green Tea
                            = 40 cals
Lunch       - 3 biscuits , 178 cal
                  ▪︎ Digestive - 71
                  ▪︎ Malt Milk - 48
                  ▪︎ Cream      - 59
- 4/5 Raspberries , 40/50cals? Less??
- 4 Cherries 30cals ?? More? Less?
Dinner - N/A
                           = ???
Overall Calories
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xkvton · 3 years
Ate 242 cals so far out of 700, might even eat less.. though waiting for dinner, Hoping it is low cal.. or I'll cry 😍
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