xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
As long as you enjoy the work, that’s all that really matters!
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Yeah. I enjoy it, no matter what.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Very much so. And did filming go well for you?
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I am glad to hear it. It has been, thanks. Hard work but I enjoy it.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Aw, that sucks – it was a good time!
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It sounds like you enjoyed yourself.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Oh, that’s too bad, you really missed out.
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I thought filming was a little later but it wasn’t. So annoyed I wasn’t able to go.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Yes, me too. But I don’t plan on getting sick of eating apple-everything at the carnival today, I can say that much.
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Neither would I. I wish I was in town to go there.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
iwannrheonn :
That’s good. And, we most certainly do! Although - you know - back when I’d just started acting, I couldn’t get used to 24 hours warning for auditions, it took me ages!
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I was used to all that. Then there was a point that I didn’t even need to audition.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Which is awful; there’s nothing worse than starting to hate something you normally love because you’ve just had it too much.
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Yeah. I hate it when that happens.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Oh gosh, yeah, we would end up spending every penny that we make on baked goods! Which seems like a good idea until it’s not.
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That and you would be sick of the sight of the stuff.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Moving…also known as ‘where did all of these tiny bruises and scratches come from?’ into a new place, and unpacking the last four years of my life all in the same week put my stress levels on par with putting together IKEA furniture. A good friend called and reminded me to slow down and smell the roses- enjoy the move. So I’m going to take Elvis out for some fun. Or maybe a nap. Not sure yet. But with all of that said, I’m Ana. If you ever find yourself itching for a frozen strawberry daiquiri made by the best of the best, then I’m the girl to see.
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I have to agree with that. I ended up with a few bruises and scratches when I moved in. It is great to meet you, Ana. How are you? I’m Meryl.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Plus, it’s a once-in-a-season type thing, so I don’t feel as bad. It’s not like I’ll spend that much next week, except for whatever I buy at the Apple Carnival, of course.
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Yeah...you have a point there. That would be worrying if it was that much each week.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
I’m glad to hear it! Lots of pumpkins, and a few baked goods, too. Plus probably way too much sangria, but I can’t help myself!
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Yeah, but who can resist buying stuff like that? I know I wouldn’t.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
jennslaw :
I’m having an awesome weekend. I’ve been hanging around at this fall festival all weekend buying all the Halloween things that I can find.
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You did the same as me then. Buy anything when you were there?
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
Have you been enjoying the Festival so far this weekend, then? Buy anything pretty?
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I have and I did get some stuff. What about you? Get anything nice?
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
iwannrheonn :
I suppose you’ve sort of got to be with acting. You know, if you don’t go into an audition having faith in yourself, it’ll lower your chances quite a bit! I think you’ve also got to keep sort of modest too. Otherwise, I suppose taking criticism would be quite difficult.
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That sounds like me. I can deal with things thrown at me. I have had plenty of it.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
amylouadxms :
Yes you do, we would love it, we can fix you a nice dinner. That’s good to hear. How’s the family?
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You don’t have to do that for me, Amy. The family is great. The children are all busy doing their own things now.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
dempjoe :
Nah, just stupid enough to say whatever I feel like mostly.
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That can get you into trouble sometimes.
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xmeryl-streepx-blog · 6 years
deltslea :
That’s awesome! I’m looking forward to eating lots of goodies and probably spending way too much money, but it’ll be worth it.
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I look forward to that too. It sounds like something I would enjoy.
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