xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Sorry I haven't been around lately! I've had nonstop job interviews, and finally got a job and have to move to Los Angeles (which is all the way across the country). I'm here, though!!
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
I haven't worked out in weeks, and I feel so weird about it. Then again, if I even tried to work out, I'd probably faint, so I guess it's okay. Bleh.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Oh god. My back is killing me. I don't even know why I bother trying to do anything other than lay down.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
When the girls started to approach them, Nina smiled and was friendly towards them, but secretly hoped that there wouldn't be too many other people that would notice them. She was definitely very appreciative of her fans, but hated the idea of any information being leaked about her, before she was able to announce it herself. As more and more people started to come around them, she quickly zipped up her jacket. She was barely even showing, but she didn't want to take any chances. 
As Max was paying, Nina continued talking to the girls and then glanced outside. When she noticed more and more people gathering outside, she turned back around towards Max. "We're never going to get out of here," she whispered, nervously. "Oh, god. I think there's even paparazzi out there. How do they get here so fast?" Nina grabbed her purse out of the cart, and held it so that it was covering her stomach. The more cameras she saw, the more paranoid she got about everything. 
She didn't really have a plan as they exited the store. While she knew she couldn't just ignore everyone, she wasn't sure what she would do if they asked a question she didn't want to answer. She also hoped that they wouldn't crowd around them too much. Even looking out at them made her feel a little worried and claustrophobic, which was probably largely in part to her feeling protective over their baby that was growing inside of her.
Grocery Shopping || Max & Nina
Nina was having a fake conversation, a very smart thing to do. She really surprised Max sometimes, how she could come up with those solutions right away. Himself, he was the person that would think about those things after it already happened. He heard Nina sigh.. He cleared his throat and turned to the girl. It would be so rude to just ignore her. “Yeah, hi!” He said, eventually. The girl freaked out. But what else could he have possibly done. 
Some other girls walked towards them. It started to get quite crowed, so he pulled Nina next to him. After a brief goodbye he started to walk towards the cashier  He just hoped he could just pay and leave with his Nina, but Max already knew it wasn’t going to be like that. There would be fans outside, who all needed a picture, autograph and such things. But one thing he always does is being nice to his fans. Without them, he would be nowhere.
“Nina?.” He said quick and softly. Max paid and started to bag the bags. This was worse than he had imaged, they should have been more careful. His management always told him to wear a cap, wear sunglasses and that sort of things. But he just completely forgot about it. Now, he tried to be nice to the people but also just hurry up and kind of ignore them. He hoped the could leave the building without problems.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Nina laughed for a moment, and then stopped and covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry. I shouldn't laugh," she smiled, shaking her head. "It's just that you don't look fat at all, and it's funny that you think you do." Nina glanced down at her own stomach, and then raised her eyebrows. "Wait... I'm showing aren't I?! I swear my stomach was flat this morning. Oh my god. Now, I'm paranoid."
Vanessa made a face, "I'll do it for you.." She set her things down beside Nina and started putting sun screen on herself after stripping down to her bikini.
"I look fat." She whined, as she sat down, holding the dress over her body to cover herself. "I can be at the beach in December.. I love it."
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Oh, wow. There are so many crazy people in the world. All you have to do is watch the news for about five minutes to figure that out. I'm starting to think everyone should be required to go to counselors. 
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People. I was watching this show called I killed my BFF or something like that and it was about some woman who killed her best friend for money or something.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Nina nodded her head, and then quickly jerked it to the side to look down at her purse. "Is that my phone?" She mumbled, before digging it out of her bag and pretended to answer it. "Oh, hi! It's so funny you called, we were just talking about you," she smiled. "Yeah, we're so happy that you two are having a baby. Have you picked out any names yet?" 
Nina continued having a fake telephone conversation with herself, and helped Max throw random things into the cart. She wasn't even sure what she was grabbing at this point, but she just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. "Did you? Oh, I didn't get in until really late last night. I'm so hungover," she said into the phone, rolling her eyes under her sunglasses. As much as she didn't want to look like she was going out and getting drunk every night, at least if people heard her say it, they wouldn't think she was pregnant.
After a few more moments of this, she ended the conversation with the imaginary person and tossed her phone back into her bag. She was trying to ignore the girls who were whispering and taking pictures, but as soon as one of them approached Max, she froze. Nina let out a quiet sigh, and then slowly looked up at him to see how he was going to respond. 
Grocery Shopping || Max & Nina
“I don’t know, maybe.” Max said. “I just hope they didn’t understand we were talking about you being pregnant.” He whispered quietly. After he agreed with Nina about hurrying and call her manager as soon as we were home, Max started grabbing anything that looked healthy or just eatable.
“Are you done sweetheart?” He asked when he reached in his pocket to get his wallet. They’d have to hurry, people were really starting to notice now. He overheard a teenage girl talking to her friend about Nina and Max. “God dammit.” He said soft. “Nina, hurry please.” 
His heart dropped when he heard a giggle right next to him. “Excuse me, but are you.. Max Irons?” A teenage girl asked. She was a fangirl, Max could see that. How would he deal with this? Ignore her and she would possibly cry or something. Talk to her and the whole store would go crazy.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
What?! Who wants to do that?
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Why would people want to kill their best friends?
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
I'm going to try eating bananas. Nathan said that helps, so we'll see.
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Try sleeping or eating something?
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Does that help? I'm going to try it. I'll try anything at this point. It's been like this for hours.
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Try eating bananas.
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
I'm hoping that I'll be able to fall asleep soon, and it'll be gone in the morning.
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I’m sorry to hear that, honey. 
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xo-nina-dobrev-blog · 11 years
Oh my god. My stomach has never felt so terrible in my life.
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