xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Reblog if it is 182948291093733% ok to randomly message you and become friends
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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hi guys~! please like or reblog this if you’re interested in rping with a real life divergent & headcanon-based hani from EXID. adaptive to ANY fandom/based verse discussed in pm! If i follow u it means i am ur muse’s fandom’s trash. mun loves para, mini, para, ask & convo’s! ALL MUSES FROM ALL FANDOMS ARE WELCOME!
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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170412 | Boy + Hani
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Babycakes’ P.O.V.: Babycakes watched his friends go back and forth, perking up when Pony finally looked to him for help. It was almost crunch time, and every moment would count. Steve was a wreck, and Frank could care less. It was up to him and Pony to get things done on their end, and he was a powerhouse when it came to an all out charging in. He giggled quietly and gave her a nod.
“ I’m ready when you are! Down with the machine! ”
The large student stood ready at the door, waiting for his friends to begin heading out as he spontaneously pushed the door open.
Hani’s P.O.V.:
During each of her friend’s depositions, Brandon had caught her up on everything outside. As she suspected, both he and Steve were equal contributors to this whole ordeal. Then again, wasn’t she a believer in fate? What really could have avoided this? Nothing and no one. It was already decided.--the moment she laid eyes on Steve Smith. Apparently, he and Frank may or may not be on their way right now.
Huffing one last breath of winter air, Hani headed back inside with Brandon and a worried Jacob. Her feet rushed her to the end of the hall, finding Leann emerging from the office. She scooped her up in a tight hug before Jacob could. (Sorry, Jacob.)
“ Hey. How did it go? ” Hani smiled warmly, searching Leann’s face for any sign of distress. All three of them were questioned, so were they all free to go?
To her relief, the guards waved them off. Hani guided Leann away and began walking, with the guys following at their side. The library was the obvious place they’d head to next.
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Someone pls write imagines with Isaac pls. Unf.
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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© exidyeol
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Frank’s P.O.V:
“ Uh.. It’s Hash. Doesn’t sound like him though..” Frank squinted at the email on his screen. ((FRANK!!! This is Brandon! I’m with Hani, Leann and Jacob! We’re being questioned by the Dean. Don’t know what he knows. Please help us! We’re at the library.))
He read it aloud. Since when did guys use multiple exclamation points? Oh well. If it was from the guy’s student account, it had to be him. (Not that he doubted it) “ Looks like my bro needs me! I must be the answer to this ordeal if Hasher says so. Hah, CLEARLY! ”
Frank lazily rose to his feet, looking at the group for their input. He didn’t want to go alone, and he was sure no one here would either. Just as they were last night, they were in this shit together. Then again, when weren’t they? The shit storms always revolved around them.
“ Well, should we get going? I hope Hani’s okay.~ ” A mock remark of concern, just to secure Steve’s involvement. He was their ride and everything was mostly his fault anyway. Pony was also equally at fault, at least in Frank’s eyes. Brainstorming sometimes backfires and they’re all in deep shit in the end. He looked to Babycakes, who was seeming eager to get going.
“ Hani’s my friend too! She was tellin’ me last night that her mom’s really lame n’ such.  I’d hate the thought of her ever leavin’ for good cause of all this.” Babycakes informed the group, recalling some of their conversation over shots and pink wine coolers. He got up to put on his shoes which were by the door.
Frank was actually surprised to hear something so serious. How had BC not mention this earlier? Why would the girl leave for good, anyway? That was pretty extreme, considering this was targeted at prof’s jobs. Frank shrugged off the thought, putting on his own shoes and jacket.
Hani’s P.O.V:
They thought of going to the library, about 15 minutes and two cigarette breaks later, Jacob had already emerged from the room. She patted Leann’s shoulder for comfort and support. Maybe Jacob’s speedy questioning was a good sign for her friend that was next. Hani whispered to the brunette.
“ You’ll do just fine! You guys are the least of The Dean’s concern.”
She smiled warmly to her friend, watching Jacob then squeeze Leann’s hand with equal assurance. The citrusnette was mostly sure things would go smoothly, hoping her friend wouldn’t show any emotional stress in that room. The Dean was the type to assume anything.
“ We were really drunk. Let him know that, several times.” Hani reminded her, taking a deep breath when she’d head in.
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Brandon’s P.O.V. “ Do that then. Use my phone and email him. The dude’s a little off, but I’d bet he’s with the rest of them. Mention that I’m here. He really... likes me for some reason. ” Brandon said as he finished the cigarette, flicking the tiny nub that was left aside. He handed the girl his newly nuked phone. He didn’t care about the risk and wasn’t connected to the campus wifi. It should be fine, and if it wasn’t, he’d take the blame. He recalled the professor’s favoritism towards him when they walked from the History building. He wasn’t really listening to the neurotic man’s ramblings but he remembered how he wanted him to “win” the fight with Steve. There wasn’t one---Not yet, anyway. His jaw clenched at the thought. Kicking Steve’s ass would be satisfying, but it would solve nothing. (and probably upset Hani in the process) Didn’t they both do enough of that? Still. That fucker wasn’t getting off the hook by any means. He let Leann finish the email until it was time to head back inside. His heart was racing at the thought of Hani’s status here. What did she say? What did the Dean say? His gaze jumped to the door that was held open, watching Hani emerge. His gaze softened. She didn’t look troubled, and she seemed fine.
Hani’s P.O.V.
Before departing, Hani looked back at the Dean. “ Can you give my friend Leann a few minutes and question Jacob instead? She’s really shaken up by everything and could use some freshening up.”
The Dean sighed heavily.
“ Fucking hell! Fine! But after the boy, she gets no mercy. It’s suspicious enough of you to ask for a favor. I’m keeping that in mind, Ahn.” Hani thanked him and hid the satisfied grin that was tugging at her lips. When she finally emerged, the sight she was met with had caught her off guard. Hasher was here. She didn’t hold a grudge and had already forgave him about last night. She blinked when she met his gaze, unsure of what to say as her friends came to greet her. The dancer leaned in to whisper, as Brandon came up to her along with them. Her attentive gaze focused on Leann first. The poor girl had seriously been crying. Hani smiled warmly.
“ Hey! Your makeup is all smudged! Unnie isn’t happy.” Hani teased as she gently rubbed Leann’s obscured mascara with her thumbs, wiping away any remnants of tears afterwards. She quietly continued. “ So, he asked me in a million ways if I know anyone that would do it. I said no. He also asked about my relationship with Steve. I let him know that there is none.”
“ Should we convince them a little more? ” Brandon interjected. What the? The next thing she knew, she felt his hands gently grip to her waist, pulling her to him. He gripped the back of her head protectively, whispering against her temple. “ I’m sorry. ”
Hani wanted to jerk away, but she couldn’t. Her tense frame soon eased in his hold as her hesitant palms rubbed his back. She forgave him. She knew he wasn’t the only one to blame for this mess. Steve and his friends were just as responsible for seeking him out. She just wanted everyone to be okay in the end. Getting a bit too comfortable, she rolled her eyes at her pounding heart and cleared her throat.
“ You can let go of me now. ” Hani smiled over his shoulder.
Of course, the blonde took a minute but unwillingly complied. The guards walked up to the group soon after everyone’s conversation ceased. “ He wants the boy next.” The men walked up to Jacob. Frank’s P.O.V:
Devouring his fourth slice of pizza with delight and guzzled a King Drunk in his other hand, his pocket had suddenly rang and vibrated. He felt his friend’s eyes on him as they gasped at the sound. It was negligent and very Frank-like, but he hadn’t turned off his phone at all. What did it matter anyway? The lanky Prof took it out and swiped it open, densely curious at the alert on his screen. Babycakes urgently asked what it was while the others were dead silent. “ It’s an email. That’s fucking weird. Who emails anymore? I wonder who this fucking nerd is... ”
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Brandon’s P.O.V.: He had gone to check if everything was alright, considering last night’s events. When he got to her dorm, nothing. It was locked but he knew she wasn’t there. It was only a half an hour past noon, but he knew she had to be on campus. He asked around until he was pointed in the right direction.--The main building. He heard quiet sobs around the corner, finding Hani’s friends sitting outside of the Dean’s office.--Well, it was just one of many he uses when shit goes down. The guards at the door said it all.  Fuck. This can’t be good. He rushed over to the two. “ What’s going on? Is she in there? ” While consoling the brunette in his arms, Jacob explained everything. Brandon wanted to smash something at this point. He bit back a loud “fuck”, glaring at the guards that blocked their entry. It was wise not to make a scene, and they should continue this conversation elsewhere.
Brandon lead the two around the corner, flipping off the guards when they were questioned. He let them know that his friends needed some air. Seeing the 6′1 blonde standing between them, the men backed off. “ Have them back in 5 minutes, or we’ll come looking! ” “ Fuck off, we’ll be back in 10.”
The chilly air hit them when they left the building. Brandon leaned against the wall, rolling a cigarette on his thigh and sealing it with a lick. He lit it and took a long drag. “ Fuck this no phone shit! We need to call Steve. They need to fix this shit and get Hani out of there. She has nothing to do with this.” He looked to the two for a helpful response. He had no means of contacting Steve or his friends, but maybe one of them did. Something HAD to be done, and NOW.
Hani’s P.O.V:
“ My--what? Um, he helps.. tutor me in History, if that’s what you mean. He is the head of the department and he was nice enough to offer... His brother’s lecture hasn’t really clicked with me so I needed the help...” The Dean scoffed, looking the dancer up and down. Apparently, nothing that involved Steve Smith was that simple. His eyes admired her before eventually fleeting. A cringe worthy smirk spread across his lips.
“ Tutoring “History”? Don’t make me laugh! He's banged one out with every hot girl that has a pulse! In case you weren’t aware, you fit the description.”
Hani wanted to scowl, swallowing her sudden disgust. Leann’s warnings had proven true. Steve’s reputation was shit. Regret welled in the pit of her stomach when she remembered making out with him last night, and how fucking good it was. How it would have went further if her room wasn’t occupied. No. Fuck him. He was one of the reasons she was in this mess. Hasher was the other.
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“ That’s all that’s going on, and I’m keeping it that way. Thanks for the insight.” Depression replaced anger as Hani’s gaze met her lap. What would happen to them if the Dean uncovers more of the supposed hacking? What would happen to her? This was all just too much to handle. The situation was even bigger than she realized. In the end, Hani knew shit would get worse from here. The Dean continued to drill her with questions after that. Thankfully, they weren’t about Steve. Flip Flop’s friends had done well in keeping quiet. (Assuming they were tracked down and questioned already) She was grateful that people were too drunk to snapchat anything besides her living room. No evidence proved that Steve was there. Thank God.
“ So, tell me about your friends outside. Why did they look so rattled? ”
“ ...I don’t know. I just think we were all impacted by the whole police thing. Everyone was.... from what I could remember. I drank a lot, like I said.”
“ Right. You have a work hard, play hard mantra, don’t you, Miss Ahn? This isn’t the first time you’ve thrown a get together at your dorm. You’re quite popular.”
What is he getting at?
“ Um, yeah I guess! It’s nice to unwind after a long week of studying... Some of my friends just have a habit of inviting other people without asking me. I might be done hosting parties after last night. ”
“ Oh, don’t lay low on my account. Someone with a perfect GPA deserves to have a good time, especially if you have nothing to do with what happened. At least, for your sake--I would hope so. ”
Is he threatening me?
“ Th-thanks. And, well.. I really am sorry for what happened. Whoever they are, they should know it won’t go unpunished, considering how serious this sounds....” The Dean chuckled.
“ It’s definitely serious. It’s enough for some jail time or the very least get them expelled. I sure hope they aren’t on a student visa like you. They’d be risking a lot more, wouldn’t they? ”
“ Yeah.. they would. So, have I given you enough information? Can I go now? ” Hani asked with a tired sigh. She knew what he was implying, but she should have nothing to worry about.
The Dean waved his hand in dismissal.
“ Go on! Your friends are still next! Keep out of trouble, or I’ll be seeing you again.”
Hani nodded and left the room. The mime held the door for her on her way out.
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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a soft cutie here 
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Hani had finally finished her paper. After breakfast, she and her friends hit the library to get their last minute schoolwork done. Life would be tedious without her laptop for a while, but she was happy that it was done before the deadline. The students had then departed from the library, roaming the halls. Maybe they could get more coffee. As they walked, she turned to Leann. “ Hey, do you guys think--- Hani stopped in her tracks. “ Crazy party last night, huh? ” Blocking their path, was none other than the Dean and his hired muscle accompanying him. (and the mime who was always at his side for some reason) The citrusnette felt her heart drop. Anxiety ached in the pit of her stomach when their eyes met. It seems he knew full well that last night took place in her residence. What now? What does she even say?
“ I’m gonna need you all to come with me. Now.” Dean instructed as his bodyguards surrounded them. They had no choice but to comply. They were lead to an office at the end of the hall, and the Dean lead Hani inside. She looked over her shoulder, panicked when the guards blocked Leann and Jacob from following. He cryptically stated that he was just going to ask her some questions, and that they would be next. He shut the door behind them.
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Hani quietly took a seat, flinching when the Dean swiped the blinds shut so no one could see inside. He stood across from her, leaning over the desk. “ Hani Ahn, right? The same that hosted a weekend bash last night in her McCormick Manor dorm?” Time to face the music. Better be smart about this.
“...Y-yeah! I had some friends come over but it blew up into a big thing....” She laughed it off nervously, smiling weakly. The Dean smirked darkly.
“ It really is strange that the host of her own party was nowhere to be found. In fact, no one was except a Professor drinking in your kitchen. What reason did you have to leave your own dorm? ” “...Um, I---I drank quite a bit. P-people I didn’t even know caused everyone to panic for different reasons. My friends just wanted me out of there and I slept over at their place. We were all just really drunk. I honestly don’t remember more than that....” Hani said as her hands fiddled in her lap. The Dean was unfazed. “ Right. So tell me why last night, I get a security update that says our firewalls were breached.---and suddenly everyone flees when cops arrive. I’ll get to the point. Someone at YOUR party is responsible, and you’re gonna tell me who.”
Firewalls breached? This couldn’t.. this couldn’t have to do with Brandon? Is that why Steve and his friends needed him? and why her laptop was smashed into a million pieces in the trash?
“ W-wow. I have no idea who would do such a thing. Like I said, everyone was drunk and it was a huge party. People brought friends and their friends brought more friends over. I don’t know more than half the people that came. I-It could’ve been anyone. The music was loud and the dorm was dark. I didn’t see anything going on. It’s.... pretty crazy that someone would do something of that degree. I should really make a guest list next time...” Okay, stop rambling. You know nothing and that’s it. The Dean slammed his palms on the desk out of frustration.
“ Cut the crap! I want answers, princess. Who the hell goes to a party just to use their computer?! No one should even be coherent enough to turn the thing on, let alone attempt to fuck with the system. Who do you know that would be that stupid? ” Apparently, Hasher. “ .....No one, sir. ” Dean paced the room, agitated that she claimed to know nothing. The look on his face next had her worried as he took the seat from across her. It was as if he had a realization. A dark grin tugged at his lips. “ You know, word gets around quick. Do tell, sweetheart. What’s your relationship with Steve Smith? ” How the fuck was she going to get out of this?
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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+ bonus:
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
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       ❝ it’s 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 the perfect time for a 𝓷𝓪𝓹 ❞
         REBLOG for a starter, FOLLOW for a friend
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Frank’s P.O.V.: “ Well, ya know.” Frank paused, taking a chug from one of Steve’s beers he had taken from the fridge. He sprawled out comfortably on the couch, sitting next to B.C.. He withdrew with a satisfied pop. “ Followed Hash some of the way. He went to his criiiib, and I headed here. No big. I mean, we stopped at Hani’s before since he had to check up on things. That guy can clean like a maniac! He made Crystal help too. It was pretty fucking priceless, bro.” While he was at it, he took another swig of his King Drunk. His back ached from sleeping on the living room floor (adjacent to a snoring Babycakes nonetheless) so what better time to do nothing than now? The so called plan his friends formulated wouldn’t go on til later, anyway. He internally hoped he wouldn’t have to move for a while. In the meantime, seeing his brother all torn apart was too entertaining. When it came to Hani, Frank had his bets placed on Hasher. He almost pitied his brother for getting so stressed about her and her friends. Almost.  “ Anyway, we should order pizza. Don’t know about you guys, but I’m fucking starving! ” Frank exclaimed as he reached for the house phone on the coffee table.
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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xobamsae-blog · 7 years
Jacob’s P.O.V.:
A small smile tugged at his lips when he finally saw Leann, who was making her way to the dorm with the popular girl in her company. Fuck it. He reached out his arms to welcome the brunette to a hug, hoping that she’d reciprocate. He was tired from last night’s events, but that alone wouldn’t stop him from waiting for her and Hani to emerge from the room. A minute prior, he thought he’d missed them. Apparently, the girls woke up even earlier than he did. He just was thankful to see that they were okay.
“Hey. And yeah, I was. Haven’t been to school yet, but it looks cop-free so far. I’m glad everything’s alright.. even if only for now.” Jacob looked to Hani then, who’s gaze had dropped to her feet. He kicked himself for mentioning police, but on minimal sleep, it slipped his mind. He remembered the girl freaking out the night prior, hoping she wouldn’t get in any kind of trouble. He, too, hoped that would be the case.
“Well, since we’re all awake.. we might as well put food in our stomachs. I’m off today but I can use my discount to get us breakfast.” Jacob smiled at the two, looking to Hani when she spoke up.
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“We kind of already had oatmeal and coffee.. but I could definitely go for an egg sandwich!” It seemed the mention of food had thankfully cheered her up. Then again, wasn’t that the secret to every woman’s happiness?
Jacob chuckled, motioning the two to head out with him. He wanted Leann around his arm, but he wasn’t so bold to ask. Not this early in the morning. The ball was in her court from here.
Super Computer | @dontcallmerimes
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