xoxoaoi · 10 years
//i'm sick, today was horrible, i'll do my three replies and then i might go bac to sleep
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
day six;;
six: what’s their favorite book?
nothing really stands out as a favorite but she loves fantasy and donut cookbooks.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
day five;;
five: are they comfortable speaking in front of a crowd?
absolutely! aoi loves people.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
//i know i didn't do replies today. today was hectic. i'll jump on them tomorrow.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
day four;;
four: what do they eat for breakfast?
really depends; if she's exercising first/is up early, it's tea and fruit. any other time, it's coffee and a donut or four. her coffee order changes per day based on mood and what she has to do that day. she has no 'regular'. always hits up the same shop [goodnight sweets] unless she physically cannot
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
                      Aoi let go of her keys, dropping them into her purse and widening her eyes. Oh god, why would he do that. Why. She grasped the knife carefully, holding the handle in a way that was both fragile and solid. Slowly, she handed him back his knife. "I don't want your pocket knife," Aoi told him.
                  "Thank you," Aoi said, the jacket slung over her shoulders already bringing her warmth. It was freezing tonight, biting at Aoi's neck and shoulders and legs. "For the jacket. It's warm." Wow, Aoi, way to sound dumb.
                  "My name?" Even Aoi, overly friendly and cheerful, had to pause, trying to figure if that was a good idea. "It's Aoi. Aoi Asahina." The Olympic swimmer crossed her ankles, a nervous habit she had. 
some journey song // open
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
between the shelves // aoi & yamato
                 It was final season. Aoi could feel the impending all nighters and coffee addiction. It was here, so Aoi was at the library, clutching a pile of books so high they impended her sight. Knowing Aoi and her clumsiness on land, this was a disaster waiting to happen.
          Staggering under the weight of the books, Aoi straightened her back and walked briskly. It was definitely a good day to wear sneakers. Although honestly; who dresses up to study? Not Aoi.
         Stopping in a different section to grab one - or three - more books for her study weekend in, Aoi clutched her books with one arm and sifted through the shelf for the others. These books would be vital to her studying.
         Aoi let out a cry of excitement as she found her necessary books - they'd been all out at St. Orwell's library. She was definitely thankful that the aisle was primarily empty. She really did not want to be scolded. 
        Of course, because this was Aoi's life and she would probably never learn, she rammed right into someone, scattering the books everywhere and sending them both flying. Son of a bitch. "I'm so sorry!" Aoi blurted, starting to grab her books.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
sweet things // mei & aoi
          It was late - or early, if you chose to look at it that way. The sun was close to rising, and Aoi was just now getting off her shift at the Garden of Eden. It had been a long one, leaving Aoi tired and hungry as fuck.
        Goodnight Sweets was a favorite of hers and had been since it opened up. She frequented it at least once a week, usually when she was getting off a late/early shift, easily moving it into a top ten faves slot. It was cute and it had good food; Aoi really didn't need any reasons other than those.
       She'd remembered to bring her bag, so she had her work clothes in the bag slung over her shoulder, the tight black clothing balled up but the heels still on her feet. Ow.  She wore normal attire, a white tank top and a light, red hoodie that was unzipped, light wash jeans and her work heels. Her hair was down, but she'd washed off the heavy eyeshadow, going for a more natural look.
       The shop was empty other than a cute  girl sitting at a table and the clerk, although the wafting scent of things being baked had Aoi sighing in delight. Maybe she could chat up a girl. It had been awhile since she'd gone on a date with a pretty lady.
        Aoi made her way towards the register, then stumbled in her heels. She balanced herself, though, and smiled.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
What ship was your first ever OTP?
The first one I remember is Kim/Ron. Okay. Don't hate.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
no swimming in the tanks // yohsano
                 Do you know what Aoi loves? Donuts Water. Most especially, Aoi loves the sea. Aoi loves sea animals, loves swimming, loves the feel of the sea salt against her skin. However, Prava is landlocked, so the aquarim near her college, Lake Gevi, and the swimming pool at Champion's Gym will have to do for now.
              The aquarium was, shockingly, unbusy today. Aoi found herself wandering around, drinking from the chai tea bottle she'd snuck in in her purse. Fish, man. Aoi loves them.
          She found herself eagerly peering in to the tanks, becoming absorbed in the dolphins for an extended period of time. They were sleek and beautiful. #LifeGoals, man. Life Goals: Become a dolphin. Just fucking do it become a fucking dolphin.
          Finally managing herself to pull away from the sleek gray mammals, Aoi finished off her tea and turned, starting to walk. She fought with her purse to fit it in and in her haze of distraction, ran into some.
        Someone in a guide uniform. Ah, shit. 
       "I'm so sorry!" Aoi blurted out, stumbling back. Casually zipping up her purse no tea bottles here ma'am no siree. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry!" Aoi brushed herself off.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
             "D-decapitate you?" Aoi's voice shook because holy shit, the dude's fucking insane.  "K-kill you? For making me nervous? Dude, you need to slow the hell down." What kind of person did that? Aoi really hoped they were almost to the Saint District so she could get back to her dorm and sleep.
           Honestly, though. She should've waited to ask another bartender to drive her home. Why did she never think anything through. Why this. "Can you put the knife away?" Oh, please don't stab her. Please. She wanted to be alive for the next Summer Olympics.
         Aoi accepted his jacket, though. First off, she was freezing, her work clothes were way too skimpy for her want. "They're my work clothes," Aoi paused. "I'm a bartender."
some journey song // open
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
|| 21! ||
[girlphobic also sent me 21 that is incredible]
uh, super powers. mind/memory control maybe??
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
Do you have a personal?
Do you have a favourite season?
Do you have a favourite colour?
Who is the most influential person in your life?
Do you have a favourite quote?
Where do you think you’ll be in 5 years?
Where in the world do you want to visit?
Why did you pick your muse?
How do you feel about your fandom in general?
How do you feel about OCs?
How do you feel about compulsory education?
If you could learn any language, what would you choose to learn?
What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to roleplaying?
What is your favourite thing about roleplaying?
How seriously do you take horoscopes?
Can you do a handstand?
How did you first get introduced to tumblr?
How much faith do you have in tarot card readings?
Have you ever played the lottery?
Has any film ever changed your life and if so what was it and why?
If you could have any power, what would you choose to have?
What’s your favourite song?
How has your day been?
List five things you’ll do everyday without fail
List five of your favourite characters
List five of your least favourite characters
Would your rather grow a beard or a moustache?
How high can you jump?
What ship was your first ever OTP?
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
                Aoi flushed pink, pulling her hair behind her ears. "You have?" You would think she'd be used to this by now, but no. "It's a pleasure Kyouhei," Aoi told him, crossing her legs absentmindedly. Really though, an honor? Way to make a girl blush. Flattery gets you everywhere. 
               "You're a med student, huh?" Medical was one of the last things she would have guessed at a first glance; he just didn't give that feel. Then again, who was Aoi to judge? "I'm an undecided major," she replied, answering a question that he hadn't asked.
               "I go to the Champion's Gym four times a week, at least, haha. That's probably why you're familiar looking. I work at Garden of Eden as a bartender, myself." Which reminded her that she had the one AM shift again tonight. God damn it.
             "Only three years? I've been here since I was born. Why'd you move here?" 
sort of - but not really // kyouhei & aoi
                  He fell silent for a moment, wondering where he’d heard the name from. Although he liked to play sports and was fairly involved with sports in general, he rarely paid any attention to the big, big events. Unless, of course, he was part of them. Still, the name rang a few bells.
Tumblr media
                  "Oh yeah! Yeah, I’ve heard of you!"
                  Well— almost. He didn’t recall many details about her, but perhaps he heard about her in passing. It was better than being blunt and telling her he hadn’t heard her name before.
                  "An honor to meet you in person, really. Ah, how rude of me— I’m Kyouhei Rivers. Actually, yeah, I do! I attend St. Orwells, I’m a major in sports medicine, and a minor in medical sciences. I work at Champion’s gym as their fitness instructor sooooo, I’m usually there if I’m not completely captivated by Prava’s beauty. I’ve only been here for three years, and I haven’t been to many places."
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
Tbqh, Aoi probably vaguely recognized him, as they're both bartenders? Accept because again, Aoi. Dammit.
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
Accept, because she's too nice and  a little naive and it couldn't harm, right?? Even if he isn't exactly her type. oh yes it could my sweet summer child
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xoxoaoi · 10 years
Aoi would probably think about it, then accept because it couldn't hurt, right??? He looks pretty harmless. She could flip him if need be. How could going on a date with a stranger hurt?? aoi you're going to get yourself killed like that one day
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