xrosieposie · 10 years
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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613 notes · View notes
xrosieposie · 10 years
"A chance to let off a little steam." 
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"I hear you like a challenge…" 
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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just when you thought he couldn’t get any cuter.
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xrosieposie · 10 years
Day 2: Breakfast.
The first thing she noticed upon waking, were the harsh rays of a morning sun. It didn't help that the entire wall was made of glass, filling her room with a golden glow. Rose soon regretted not pulling the curtain over last night, but the impeccable view was difficult to ignore. The second thing the assassin took in, was the smell the smell of…bacon? And something else but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Right on time, the silence was penetrated by a mighty stomach growl. Rose’s face fell, a small apathetic scowl forming on her lips with a wrinkle on her brow. Yesterday was only the beginning of a nightmare for the girl, and she had refused to leave her personal quarters. The nutritious bar she had that morning before leaving Slade’s headquarters was certainly not enough to satiate her voracious hunger.
She held contempt for the Titans, but it didn't mean she had to suffer for it. And so the villain stepped out for a surprisingly quick shower to start her morning. Wet, silver tresses hung limp on her shoulders, the ends curling against her back. She gave them a final pat with her towel before reaching for the mask in front of her and slipping it on. It felt odd wearing the mask so casually, but it was a necessity for she no longer was home.
Rose finally stepped outside with an air of confidence and poise. She wasn’t going to allow the Titans to intimidate her—or allow them to think so, at least. That’s not the message she sought to send, nor was she going to hide from them, forever. This was her new home, for the time being, and she will have no choice but to own up to it. The villain finally neared the living room, taking note it was vacant aside for their pet slug eating through a black steel-toe boot. Robin’s. God knows why they keep such a revolting creature, but seeing it gnaw on his boot, the vigilante realized it wasn't half bad
Finally she approached the kitchen, only to find it…empty. Fairly surprising since the stove was still on. A skillet lay on the heated stove, the sound of bacon sizzling reached Rose’s ears and the bold aroma of maple syrup and waffles assaulted her nostrils. So that was the distinctive smell she couldn’t decipher, earlier.
“Give it back!” Came a desperate voice from afar. Unmistakably Beastboy’s.
“Come and get it, then!” Came Cyborg’s predictable retort.
Well, that explained where a portion of the team was. Irresponsible to leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, but Rose didn't mind. She was alone, after all. Eyes firmly fixed themselves on the frying bacon in front of her, debating whether to make her own breakfast, or…
Finders, keepers. Besides, there was a giant platter on the counter filled with heaps of bacon, but that was nothing compared to the colossal stack of waffles that rested on the right. These guys could really eat... There were exactly five plates situated on the breakfast nook. A gloved hand grasped one of them, and the hungry assassin helped herself to a serving of bacon and two waffles, before turning off the stove and taking a seat.
“No one around...” Rose neatly sliced through the crisp waffle, enjoying the peace. “Wouldn’t mind if it was like this, everyday.” She mused.
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xrosieposie · 10 years
"Ouch. You wound me. But if that's your way of backing down, then understandable. Not many can keep up." 
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"What do you want, Ravager?"
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xrosieposie · 10 years
"I hear you like a challenge..." 
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"What do you want, Ravager?"
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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Now you know.
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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520K notes · View notes
xrosieposie · 10 years
Character appreciation post:  »Jason Todd / Red Hood
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xrosieposie · 10 years
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xrosieposie · 10 years
"I would consider this if you were a threat."
-Sneaks up behind him with a knife in one hand.-
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"Drop it, Ravager."
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xrosieposie · 10 years
I was thinking more along the lines of...going to the beach. -coughs.-
-burns every single one of his capes.-
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"You realize those can withstand temperatures into the thousands of degrees, right?"
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xrosieposie · 10 years
-burns every single one of his capes.-
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"You realize those can withstand temperatures into the thousands of degrees, right?"
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