xsorakim · 3 years
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Luxor Academy’s Superlatives, 2021. @xsorakim
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xsorakim · 3 years
Text @ The Carnifex Queen
King Isaac: From the hand of King Isaac's most trusted advisor,
My Lord wishes me to inform you that he has chosen to take Your Majesty's most worthy advice, and will be spending the afternoon at the beach by the lake. Furthermore, he wishes me to express the sentiment that Your Majesty's company would be most welcome on this outing, should you still wish to grace him with your most royal presence. He regrets that he cannot write this correspondence himself, as he is too busy getting himself prepared for this outing. He hopes that Your Majesty will therefore be receptive of my writing to you on his behalf. Should you still be of the inclination to join my Lord at the beach, please send word, either by your own hand, or by the hand of one of those who serve you dutifully.
With the utmost respect,
Caasi Gnik, Trusted Advisor to King Isaac King
Queen Sora: From the fingers of Her Majesty's only trusted advisor,
Her Royal Highness, So-ra Kim, Queen of Carnifex, has asked me to relay to you that she is overjoyed by the King's prompt decision to accept her ( in her very own words ) obviously genius advice, as anyone should ( end of her own words ) and that she had already begun the process of getting ready to join him, given that she was not under the impression he would refuse her company. She has asked me to state that she will be ready in no less and no more than 30 minutes. Should The King respond with a time to meet him, she has also asked that I reiterate that a Queen is never late and everyone else is simply early. Should The King have a preference of whether they meet at the beach or outside of his palace, I ask that either you, his most trusted advisor, or His Majesty respond at either you or his earliest convenience.
With the utmost respect,
No Name ( as Queen Sora requests that her advisors remain nameless ), Her Royal Highness' Only Trusted Advisor
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xsorakim · 3 years
“It was great. It was part graduation gift, part engagement celebration, and part family bonding. And considering how I would have felt a year ago about all this, I’m really glad I’m in a better place to accept all this change happening and stuff,” she admitted. She felt a bit more comfortable talking about her feelings and emotions more with Sora, knowing that the girl was willing to put up for it just because it was Kenzie. “Maybe you should get some of those blue light glasses instead. They’re apparently good for when you use your phone and stuff and they can look the same,” she suggested. “Is the one exception your brother or do you need to share some news with me?” Kenzie asked, arching a brow. “Sounds awesome. Any time out in the sun or by the pool is a yes from me.”
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“You lost me at family bonding,” she started teasingly, “but honestly, it sounds like a great time and I’m glad that you had fun.” Which was the truth. “I’m also very glad to hear that you are in a better place and that you’ve made so much progress. I’m proud of you, Kenz. Not that you need my praise or approval, but you have it anyway. Feel blessed.” The last part of her statement was tacked on teasingly, because of course she couldn’t manage to be one hundred percent serious. “I didn’t know those were a thing but I might have to invest in those if it means not ruining my perfect eyesight. Can’t have that. Everything about me is perfect, after all.” She grinned. “Well, I mean, obviously Ian and Jiho are exceptions, but they don’t count.” She laughed. “Anyway, I didn’t mean that I like anyone. I just meant that Isaac is fun to be around, which is more than can be said for the majority of the guys at this school.” She shrugged. “Same. Summer is meant to be spent in the sun anyway.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
“God, I’ve been back for all of five minutes and I am already bored.” Helena complained as she flounced into the common room, flopping onto a sofa dramatically. “Please do something entertaining. Or I may have to fly directly back to Paris.”
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“And here I was under the impression that my mere presence was entertaining enough. I exude fun,” Sora teased, gaze briefly traveling from the screen of her laptop to settle on Helena. “As nice as it is to be graced with the presence of someone who isn’t dull and lifeless, traveling back to Paris might not be a bad idea. Paris is far more exciting than anything going on here. Hell, I’d even take going back to that stupid island over the lack of fun I’ve endured since the semester ended.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
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Luca’s face contorted into an expression of disbelief and judgement, although his furrowed brows quickly relaxed back into their nonchalant state. He didn’t understand why it should have been immediately obvious why it was effective, but he also didn’t care enough to question the girl on it. “You might be great but there’s no shame in trying to improve,” he allowed, offering a small shrug as he inputted his thoughts on the matter. He had better luck figuring out why Sora found his next statement obvious too, a smirk growing on his lips as he watched the peculiar girl. “Not that the glasses aren’t sexy,” he chided, speaking the words as casually as a conversation about schoolwork. He let out a disgruntled groan at her response, irritated that they seemed to be the only ones interested in letting loose. “What happened to suck all the life out of this place?” Luca questioned in a semi-serious tone, his usual playful inflection fading slightly. “Can’t say I’ve ever met someone with that name. It’s cool,” he quipped amiably, watching Sora inquisitively as he complimented her, although his intentions weren’t readily identifiable.  He narrowed his eyes for a second as he considered her words, pleased that she seemed so willing to accept him. “And what are you looking for, Sora?” he asked sheepishly, smirking as he spoke.
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“There isn’t anything to improve upon,” Sora was quick to respond, the corners of her lips turning up into a sort of half smirk, half smile. She felt the statement to be fact and spoke it as such. However, she wasn’t satisfied with merely being the best, which she, of course, was under the impression that she already was. She wanted to be better than the best of the best and wouldn’t settle until she was. For the most part, that was a result of her desire to be better than everyone, but there was also a small part of her who could constantly hear her father’s voice in the back of her head telling her to be better. At his following words, her smirk widened a bit. “Of course, but anyway, they aren’t worth the headache. Bad for my already perfect vision, too.” She lifted her shoulders into a shrug, before trying to think of how to best answer his question. Sora had very little desire to dredge up the torture The Crusade had put the majority of the student body through, but she wasn’t quite certain how to reply without mentioning them. “The vendetta of bratty teenagers who couldn’t handle a bit of discipline,” she answered after a prolonged moment of silence. The words were a severe understatement, but the truth, regardless. “The one thing my parents did right was give me a nice name,” she said flatly, tone lacking any real trace of emotion as she mentioned them because it was her life’s mission to remain unbothered. Noting his smirk, hers deepened even more, if at all possible. “Excitement,” was her simple reply, though she purposely chose not to specify what kind of excitement she was referring to. 
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xsorakim · 3 years
“Have I ever said you’re a genius?” Jack cooed as he dropped down next to Sora, grinning widely. “‘Cause if I did, I meant it. A party is exactly what this place needs. I’m so fucking bored I nearly quit smoking just to give myself something to do,” he whined, shaking his head as if disappointed in himself. “You know, people bash the Crusade, but I admire the drama caused. Least there was summat to fucking talk about around here. Not that,” he continued, “talking about ourselves would ever get boring. But you know what I mean.”
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“Once or twice, probably, but please-- feel free to continue. I never tire of hearing it,” she teased, though she didn’t actually need the validation. Regardless, she enjoyed it. “Isn’t it? I’m so bored that I’m considering starting to smoke just to give me something to do and that’s saying something because everyone knows how I feel about my precious lungs.” She let out another heavy, unnecessarily dramatic sigh. “Right? I almost regret having figured it out so easily. I should have just kept my mouth shut.” Of course, she was joking. “Well, duh, that goes without saying. But as much as I enjoy talking about myself, I need other forms of entertainment to keep me satisfied.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
“I’ve been around, but this week I was in Mexico,” she teased, grinning as she hugged Sora back, glad this was becoming a more common thing for them. “You can never argue with me. Ever. It’s like a rule,” Kenzie joked, checking out the glasses Sora had set down. “I love your dedication to your acting, but I don’t think headaches and hurting your eyes is entirely worth it,” she commented. “Thanks. I guess I just needed some time away to learn that. Or maybe it was all the guys staring at me on my mini-vacation. I’m already testing Derek on being a protective stepdad and he gets top marks,” she joked. “Sounds like a good idea.”
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“Mexico? I think is the first time I’ve been envious of someone else. I’ve been seriously regretting my decision to stick around Luxor all summer.” She sighed heavily, like there was nothing more tragic to her than not choosing to go on vacation. “This is true. I’m weak for you. But we’re the only ones who need to know that,” she teased. “I mean, you aren’t wrong. I’m glad I remembered to take them off because wearing prescription glasses when you don’t need them can actually damage your eyes.” She wrinkled her nose at the thought. “Time away does help with a lot of things. And anyway, most of the guys here are stupid. I can think of, like, one exception,” she said with a laugh. “I’m glad that he’s protective of you. He gets my approval for that.” She grinned. “Yacht parties are always a good idea. I’m also thinking of visiting the Bahamas again at the end of the summer. A vacation is needed.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
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When Sora began to mock him, Marcello merely stood looking down at her with a lack of amusement, his hard eyes peering into her as if he could force her to go away. “Seriously. Already? What is the point in making this harder than it has to be?” he asked coldly, giving her a look of distaste. It was honestly already bad enough that he had to spend an extended period of time with Sora, but he should have expected her not to let up just because this was mandatory for them. “You said you would stop calling me that,” Marcello pointed out with a frown, his tone almost bored as he spoke over his shoulder to her. He barely glanced over as she caught up to him, although the view of her in his peripheral vision spiked his irritation again. “Well then, you should have worn something different,” he deadpanned, not having a shred of remorse for Sora’s discomfort. He didn’t initially notice her walk away from his side, but as soon as he did he began frantically scanning the store until he spotted her again. Marcello walked toward Sora in quick strides, his hand grabbing her wrist and tugging so that she’d turn to look at him. “Don’t wander off like that. My father would fucking kill me if you got kidnapped or something,” he scolded. He looked over the pieces Sora had been examining before he interrupted her. “What are you even looking for, anyway?” Marcello inquired gruffly, his attention turning back to the girl.
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“Seriously? Already?” Sora mocked him, narrowing her gaze even more as she continued to glare at him. “My apologies. Would you prefer I smile innocently and pretend I’m enjoying myself? Because I’m a fantastic actress, but I’d rather choke.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she did so. “Did I?” She battled her eyelashes, acting like she didn’t recall saying such a thing. “I have no recollection of that,” she fibbed, lips twitching as the lie easily left her. “And anyway, it’s a harmless nickname. Still don’t get why you hate it so much,” she tacked on, shrugging. “Gee, why didn’t I think of that?” she muttered sarcastically, unable to resist the urge to roll her eyes yet again. Even as she talked, she was mentally cursing her father for forcing her into this situation. It was the first time he’d put her in a situation she didn’t have any desire to be in and to say it was irritating her would have been a severe understatement; she was livid. Sora felt herself relaxing a bit after she’d walked away from him, her fingers reaching out to brush the sleeves of a particularly gorgeous jacket, before she felt her wrist being grabbed. As her gaze fell on Marcello, she glared once more, perhaps a bit too forcefully tugging her arm away from him afterward. “Don’t grab me again,” she snapped, her displeasure written all over her expression, undoubtedly. “Gee, and here I thought for a second that you might be worried about me,” she teased, mostly to annoy him. “Something pretty,” she answered simply, after an unnecessarily long moment of ignoring him. “Being pretty is effortless. Looking this expensive isn’t.”
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xsorakim · 3 years
Text @ The Carnifex Queen
King Isaac:
To The Esteemed Majesty, Queen Sora Kim of the Kingdom of Carnifex,
It is my sincerest hope that my electronic correspondence reaches you at a time that is most convenient to you. My reason for writing is that I find myself in need of the counsel of a fellow royal, and so, naturally, I have turned to the very best. I find myself in the midst of dilemma with regards to determining in what manner I should spend my time this afternoon, and hope that you could offer your advice on the matter. I hate to bother someone of your importance with such trifles, but if I am to rebuild myself as a ruler, then I must follow the best possible example; anything lesser would be doing a disservice to myself, as well as to my kingdom. Therefore I humbly ask for your input on making this decision, so that I may be guided to making the choice which is most befitting of a King; should I spend my afternoon at the beach by the lake, or should my afternoon be dedicated to the pursuit of perfection with regards to my fencing techniques? Or, is the answer, perhaps, that I should not do either or these things, but something else entirely? Should you choose to bestow your wise judgement upon me, I shall be most grateful to you.
With Most Excellent Regards,
King Isaac of The Kingdom of Luxor
Sora: In response to the inquires of King Isaac of The Kingdom of Luxor,
The Royal Highness, Queen of Carnifex, Sora Kim, has to say that you have most certainly reached out to the correct person regarding the matter of how to spend your afternoon. One, there is not, nor will there ever come a day, where Queen Sora will claim that an afternoon at the beach is a bad idea. When in doubt, sipping mimosas while watching the waves crash in is always the answer, never the question. Heretofore, Queen Sora ascertains that King Isaac should, indeed, spend his afternoon at the beach. ( Before or after enjoying noodles because a King always need his energy. ) And as such, she would like to inquire whether he will be in need of company on his outing? If only because she is exhausted of watching over her subjects and in need of a break from royal duties herself.
If yes, please respond at your earliest convenience,
Sora Kim, Queen of Carnifex
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xsorakim · 3 years
Kenzie had sort of disappeared for a week, but it was for a good reason! Derek had taken her mom, her, and his son Nash on a quick little vacation to celebrate her graduation as well as their engagement. It had been a lot of fun and very relaxing. So Kenzie was back on campus with a great tan and a more relaxed attitude. “Well you look hot in everything,” she teased Sora as she came into the room, plopping down in the seat next to Sora. “Sounds like a good plan. I’m feeling really hot lately, so I am ready to show off at a party.”
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“Kenzie, my love, my darling, where have you been all of my life?” Sora said dramatically, wrapping one arm around Kenzie and pulling in for a sort of half hug before pulling away. “I mean, this is true. Can’t even argue that, and honestly, why would I? I’m gorgeous.” She grinned. “As you should. I keep telling you that you’re a bombshell. And a party is a good excuse to show off. And what better way to show off than in a bikini, right? Let all these idots drool over you,” she teased. 
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xsorakim · 3 years
“I feel like you take everything as one,” Sky muttered, although there was no malice in the words. If anything, he was jealous of the confidence. “Luxor wouldn’t be the same,” he agreed with a slight smile. “We’d all cry. Lots.” Well, Sky would do that either way, but he supposed at least that made it honest. “You’re making me sound like a zombie,” he complained with a slight frown.
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“That’s because everything is one. At least where I’m concerned.” She playfully gestured to herself, like she was saying just look at me. “Crying makes me uncomfortable.” She wrinkled her nose. “No one is allowed to cry at my funeral. I don’t want to be uncomfortable when I’m dead, too,” she joked, grinning. “And what’s wrong with being a zombie? Aren’t they the cool thing these days? I mean, it used to be vampires, but I’m pretty sure zombies have taken over.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
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Lee Sung Kyung for Dazed & Confused November 2018. Photographed by Mok Jung Wook
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xsorakim · 3 years
“my ex-boyfriend just released a song about me and let me just say…it’s brutal. like worse than olivia rodrigo brutal. and i’m not sure whether to be offended…or flattered. what do you think?”
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“And that’s a bad thing?” Sora raised a brow, though her gaze was still focused on her phone, because she couldn’t bring herself to appear all that interested in the conversation. “I’d take it as a compliment. Means you left an impression. And leaving an impression is never a bad thing.”
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xsorakim · 3 years
“It’s truly a tragedy,” Gemma agreed, the smile on her face contradicting her words as she laughed along with Sora. “Well they were just so charming about it all,” she agreed, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she rolled her eyes dramatically. A sigh followed the words, Gemma pouting at the other girl. “Don’t, I can barely handle the disappointment of it. If I think of you out having fun, I may just die,” she said, the over-dramatics just following one after the other. Her lips parted slightly, blinking rapidly in surprise at Sora’s statement, never fully prepared for the sheer exhibitionism of some of the Luxor student’s families. “Bahamas really does sound fun. Truly could not blame you for running off instead of staying around Luxor. Just don’t rub it in my face too much if you do decide to go, okay?” 
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“The worst thing that’s ever happened to me, honestly,” Sora replied, another sigh echoing the words before she let out a laugh. However, it wasn’t entirely untrue that being bored was one of the worst things imaginable to her-- not much could have been considered tragic about her life. “So charming. Especially The Chad. I don’t know how I had the strength to turn him down,” she muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she thought of that entire situation. “Okay, fine, I won’t, but only because I wouldn’t want you to die over it,” she said with a grin, barely able to contain her laughter. The blatant surprise on the other’s face only managed to have her grin widening. “Honestly, I’ve been wanting to visit again since we all went last year. I might do it closer to the end of the summer, say goodbye to my favorite season with some real fun. Well, I make no promises, but I can try,” she teased. “If your class is over by the end of the summer, though, you’re more than welcome to join me, if you don’t have anything else to do.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
Sav looked up from where she was sitting at Sora’s words, her forehead instantly wrinkling. “Why would you do that?” she asked, a hint of horror in her tone. She barely wore her glasses as it was, and she had a prescription for them. “They do look great on you, but I can’t imagine your headache. I’ve gone glasses-less when I ran out of contacts for a little and it’s torture trying to see when you can’t,” she said, shaking her head, Sora’s obvious compliment of herself not even causing Sav to bat an eye. “Ooh,” she said, brightening up at the idea of a party. “I’m always down for a party. And yes, I agree that we seriously need some excitement. Hopefully without some blackmail or death threat happening. Are you inviting, like, everyone, or…” Sav’s voice trailed off, her head tipping to one side. 
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“To get into character, of course,” she answered simply, continuing to rub her temples for a few seconds before dropping her hands into her lap. “Don’t they just? I haven’t found anything I can’t pull off. A blessing, truly,” she said somewhat teasingly, a grin following the words. “You don’t want to imagine it. It’s awful. Though, trying to see without glasses when you need them sounds almost as awful. I’m thankful I was blessed with perfect eyesight. I suppose that suits me, however. Perfect everything.” Of course she couldn’t resist getting another compliment in. “A party without either of those would be ideal. I mean, I think we’re safe now but all of that being over still feels a bit unreal so I’m not going to hold my breath, just in case.” She was partly teasing, but it was true that she still hadn’t quite accepted that the torture was over. “That’s the plan, yeah. Normally I’d be picky about my guests, but I’m trying to be nice by letting everyone in on the fun. And anyway, even if it was an exclusive kind of thing, you’d be on the invite list. I already told you I don’t have an issue with you just because Ian isn’t your biggest fan.” 
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xsorakim · 3 years
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After familiarizing himself with the campus more, Luca realized most of the students attending were bizarre and unnaturally self-absorbed. He had concluded that minding his business was the best course of action, but sometimes he really couldn’t help himself. He wasn’t surprised when the prissy looking rich girl began divulging about her method acting, her complaint earning a half-assed chuckle from him. “That’s some dedication you got. Did it help?” he inquired amiably. He raised an amused eyebrow at her sudden assertion, wondering how an individual required such high esteem for themself. “You look better without,” he contended casually, as if his words weren’t the slightest bit offensive. His attention was captured by her mention of a boat on a yacht, and Luca was suddenly finding himself growing a liking for Sora. “Agreed. That is the first bit of exciting news I’ve gotten since I’ve been here. Luca,” he greeted with a nod of his head. He glanced around before finding Sora’s gaze again, a mischievous smirk pulling at his lips as he leaned in. “And I got plenty of party supplies. Spread the word,” he replied slyly, raising his eyebrows as if it were obvious what he meant. 
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“Of course it helped,” she was quick to answer, as though that should have been obvious from the start. “I mean, I don’t need the assist because I’m a fantastic actress either way, but method acting is useful at times.” Particularly when she had been acting much less, thanks to the circle and the crusade, but that was over now, as she felt the need to remind herself at least twice a day because it still didn’t feel real. His following words caused her to raise a brow, and she was mostly amused by the backhanded compliment; it wasn’t as though she needed anyone’s validation. She knew she was hot. “Well, obviously, but that goes without saying,” she gave simply, amused by his reaction to her mention of a yacht. “If that’s true, that is seriously depressing. This place used to be much more exciting,” she said with an unnecessarily dramatic sigh. “Sora,” she introduced herself afterward, something resembling a smile forming on her lips. However, the almost-smile quickly morphed into a grin as he continued. “Well, if the promise of partying on a yacht isn’t enough to motivate them, which it should be, I’m sure whatever you have to offer will.” The words were spoken barely above a whisper, ass she found herself starting to look forward to such a party. If there was alcohol and drugs, certainly more than a few people would show their faces. It didn’t take much to gather everyone together when mind-altering substances were involved and while she wouldn’t partake in drugs herself, she wasn’t opposed to other people taking them. 
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xsorakim · 3 years
Aries: (Ultra Arrogant Bitch) Better yet call this sign the Ultra Bitchy Bitch cos this sign can be damn overbearing
Taurus: (Ultra Possessive Bitch) Oh man this sign tends to be damn possessive even to things that they don't even own
Gemini: (Ultra Lying Bitch) Lying is intrinsic to this sign, no wonder they do it without much guilt
Cancer: (Ultra Pessimistic Bitch) Their defeatism strikes at anytime anyplace and you can't do anything about it
Leo: (Ultra Demanding Bitch) This sign look demure but they have so many diva moments (And they're proud of them)
Virgo: (Ultra Critical Bitch) Their perfectionism is their disease and they won't approve of anything unless it's perf
Libra: (Ultra Flirtatious Bitch) Aphrodite + Zeus = This sign being so much of a flirt if they feel like being one
Scorpio: (Ultra Resentful Bitch) HAHAHA HAHA HA don't even get me started with how much unforgiving this sign can be
Sagittarius: (Ultra Tactless Bitch) They can be so goddamn inconsiderate and heavily self-absorbed, it can kill a life
Capricorn: (Ultra Condescending Bitch) Who's the sign who can be a judgemental elitist and proud snob? This one!
Aquarius: (Ultra Hostile Bitch) Weather's too hot? Stay next to this sign cos its heart is a frozen wasteland
Pisces: (Ultra Sensitive Bitch) Ayayay, even the tiniest negative remark can make this sign face a corner and sulk
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