xsvervn · 4 years
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Agust D - 대취타
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xsvervn · 4 years
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xsvervn · 4 years
The long shifts were not getting any easier. The training was kicking his ass, literally and figuratively, and he figured that this was enough of an excuse to head to the local convenience store and fill his arms with calories that would make him feel better. 
His plastic bag swung in his loose-fingered grip on his walk home, and in his other hand was ice cream. The sudden clatter from the alleyway made him jump, causing him to jerk and ice cream to smear across his cheek.
“Jesus!” Donnie peered into the semi-darkness, frowning heavily. “What’d the garbage-can do to you? Oh, wait, here, whilst you’re at it–” He surged forward, dropping his empty wrapper onto the pile.
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Saeran had picked through the garbage, tossing it back into the bin slowly as if to make it more of a punishment for themselves. They’d acted like a brat, like they had no self-control-- though with all of the instances of lost time they were experiencing, maybe they had less self-control than they had originally thought.  The added garbage just made them sigh, heavily at that. “You want to find out? Keep tossing shit over here.” Saeran snapped, though their tone was a warning. They really didn’t want to actually fight anyone, the urge to do something reckless was just becoming very tempting to cave into, and by the smells of it, this person really wouldn’t hold up well against Saeran in a fight anyway. 
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xsvervn · 4 years
Ever since Jae moved in, Maxxie rarely found himself out without his car. He rarely found himself out at all, his time much better spent at home sprawled over the couch with his petite lover between his arms. It wasn’t like he missed walking around the streets of Crystalline, which were still a little dirty from New Year’s celebrations. Confetti marred countless sidewalks and he’d seen even more discarded bottles of liquor, poorly concealed in brown paper bags, than he usually did. But, every so often, work got so irritating that he couldn’t stand that itch anymore. The itch to go out, knock back a few drinks and cool the fuck down.
So far two out of three items on the list had been attended to. Which was… making progress, at least.
He lifted a cigarette to his painted lips, stained a faint autumn orange that made him look slightly less dead than he felt. His long, coated eyelashes cast shadows over his cheekbones as his gaze found the flame at the end of the cigarette. Brown eyes looked at slip of fire briefly before his thumb moved away and it was gone. The first inhale felt like a release, but the relief was short-lived, extinguishing immediately when his gaze lifted once more at the sound of something falling over and clocked the short, downtrodden figure in his way. 
His lips curled into a frown, and he briefly considered walking away before they could see him. Then again, the freak probably had super scenting skills alongside their proclivity for murder and irritating the fuck out of him.
Multi-talented little fuck was like an all-purpose irritant.
“That is so poetic,” He drawled, eyes dull and vacant as he watched Saeran clean after themselves. “Almost autobiographical, really.”
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“I knew I smelled something gross,” They had mumbled before they could stop themselves. 
Saeran had never been Maxxie’s biggest fan, no matter how one spun it. There had been attempts on both parts (at some point) to salvage some sort of civility, but all of that was gone now. Saeran had a good habit of making messes and Maxxie had an even better habit of pointing them out. 
The vampire let out a small huff. Well, they had wanted a fight. They just really didn’t like that it had to be Maxxie of all people. Jae being in a relationship with him complicated things-- any time the two quarreled it became very personal for Eun-Jae, despite Saeran caring very deeply for the pink-haired, soft individual. They held him almost to the same standard and Hoseok. Almost. 
As the last of the garbage was tossed into the can and it was back in its original position, Saeran turned, wiping their palms on the front of their jeans. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Obviously, they knew what Maxxie was saying, but their lack of proper come back didn’t need to hang in the air. Over text message, it was easy to come up with things to say, but in person, Saeran often struggled to find the words that they needed.
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xsvervn · 4 years
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194 notes · View notes
xsvervn · 4 years
Saeran tossed a cigarette down, crushing it beneath their boot and a scowl set on dark features. It’d been a rough few days. They couldn’t even remember where they had been or what they had done, they just knew that it had left them feeling sour and itching with discomfort. the vampire almost wanted conflict. It would resolve the tension between their shoulders, the itch to their palms. 
They stepped away from the corner of the building they’d been leaned against, hoping-- wishing that someone would run into them. Give them a reason to snap. 
Saeran wasn’t sure what was wrong, they just needed a release. They could have clawed at their skin or cried. What had they even been doing before? The last time they couldn’t remember someone died. 
When the seas of people continued to part around them, Saeran couldn’t help the groan that parted their lips. They turned, kicking the closest trash bin over. It helped just a touch before the immediate guilt hit them-- littering was a really gross thing to do. 
So, they knelt down, picking up the mess they’d made. 
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xsvervn · 5 years
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xsvervn · 5 years
If Saeran could have felt blood run cold, it would have. If their heart hadn’t stopped so long ago, it would have. They felt faint and once the door was closed they stood, frozen on the spot with their back turned to the man.
The man who had basically played this fatherly role in their life for so many years. His tone was... hardened. Scary. One they had never really been on the receiving end of.
A trembling hand raised to run through the stray strands of hair as they finally turned, their brain trying to come up with an answer. Something that would make sense.
Hank knew they lied to him, they could see it on his face when he caught on.
But did he want the truth.
“Um... I’m not sure what you mean.” Saeran said finally, their eyes not quiet landing on Hank as they thought quickly. Nausea was a prevailing feeling.
That and fear.
They didn’t want to disappoint another person.
Shit, that was lame. But they needed to buy time. To figure out an answer.
Saeran had been in the middle of a game, their hair tied back from their face, a hoodie the only thing covering their otherwise bare torse rested unzipped on their shoulders, black sweatpants with various phrases scribbled in white across them. This was the first moment of calm and relaxation that they’d had in a moment. They weren’t shaking from hunger, their brain had totally shut out their usual nagging unrest over literally everything, and for once they just felt… okay. That was until there was a knock on the door of the motel they’d been hanging out in the last few days.  Saeran tossed the controller down, hands running through a mess of dark hair as they climbed from their spot at the poorly made bed and walked to the door. One hand tugged the zipper up as the door was yanked open– for their five feet three inches Saeran certainly had a personality.  “wha–” They broke off, eyes centering on Hank, confusion being the prevailing emotion at that moment. “Uh… well, I’m not sure how you found me all the way out here… this isn’t my usual place, ah, obviously…” They trailed off, stepping back to pull the door the rest of the way open. “Come in…?” 
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He wanted to be wrong, he wanted to be wrong, he wanted to be wrong. That was the only thing in Hank’s mind: how much he wanted, needed to be wrong about all of it; How much he wanted, needed, to have gotten the wrong person, to have misunderstood Saeran’s involvement with the fires in any way, shape or form. 
This kid was the kid that got in trouble every now and again, the kid that he didn’t mind helping out, the kid Hank would take a fall for just so they would be safe. The Syndicate couldn’t have corrupted them. Hank had to be wrong.
With a small nod, he makes his way inside, lacking words, lacking courage to voice his accusations. His eyes wander, towards the bed, the videogame, the details around the hotel room. “ I’ve been a policeman for more than twenty years now, I can find someone when I’m looking for them, Saeran. ” and it wasn’t supposed to sound like a threat, it wasn’t supposed to come out like I will find you if you run, but it did.
He wanted to be wrong so goddamn badly, all Hank needed was an excuse to look elsewhere, a pretext to find someone else to put this on. “ Saeran, what were you doing the night of the fires ? Where were you ? ”
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xsvervn · 5 years
Solo Mission: 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉
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Saeran didn’t really know how to humiliate a guy that ran his business in an abandoned ice cream factory. The place was sort of ridiculous. The outside having advertized a circus clown as the mascot, the inside really trying for this whole Willy Wonka vibe, but it had obviously missed the mark. Saeran could practically smell the underpaid, underappreciated workforce that had been employed here. 
It was cold, dark, and excessively dusty, and if Saeran couldn’t smell the people moving around just a floor beneath them, they would have thought this place was abandoned too. They looked up, gaze hazy as the dust fluttered up through the trails of light that peaked through broken windows. It was late, maybe nearing midnight, and Saeran could feel a yawn ebbing its way free. 
Ange hadn’t been particularly specific in what they needed to do, or how he wanted it done, but Saeran knew that they had a very specific job to do. And though a part of them had wanted to rebel and do literally the opposite of what their boss wanted, Saeran really didn’t want to miss out on the chance to grab a free meal. 
That was the most appealing part of all of this. Food that didn’t involve their friends doing anything for them. 
Their stomach still ached when they were reminded of how they had gotten Eun-Jae to steal for them and though they were grateful for his efforts, they couldn’t bring themselves to feel anything other than upset by their own actions. Somehow this felt better. Somehow they could find reasoning in killing some scummy guy that worked with scummy people in a shitty place. 
At least their friends wouldn’t have to do anything for them. 
Long fingers adjusted the rabbit mask that sat firmly over their features, they tugged their hoodie up over the mess of waves and curls, and they began their search for an entrance. 
With a superior sense of smell, it was easy to weed out just exactly where people had been coming and going from, but it was hard to tell if it was safe to get through or not-- after all, Saeran didn’t want to get into a fight with a bunch of giant dudes. They wanted to rush in, grab this dude, do what they had to do and get back to their ratty motel room that they’d been crashing in for the last few days. 
None of their current situation was exactly ideal, but it was certainly better than anything else that they could think of. 
Saeran had opted to move out of the apartment with Hoseok for the time being. It was safer than being a hungry, unpredictable mess around their human and entirely edible best friend. Of course, Saeran was eating. They were doing okay. But they didn’t want Hoseok to be around them when they didn’t trust themselves. Lately, they had been acting out. Getting to be unpredictable emotionally, and worst of all, they had absolutely no idea what to do about it other than just take themselves out of the equation entirely. 
Everyone asked them not to-- that Hoseok would just get hurt if they left, but wouldn’t he get hurt if Saeran snapped? 
It didn’t take long for them to slip into the narrow, poorly lit hallway that they could only assume would take them to where they needed to go. Armed with only a knife at their hip and a picture of the guy in question, Saeran didn’t really plan for much. 
Maybe a couple of run-ins along the way, but they really hoped not. It’d be a lot easier just to pretend that only one person would need to get hurt for them to finish this job.  The hallway felt sort of endless as they walked, the steps -- no matter how lightly they fell-- echoing off of the walls. Maybe this was its own sort of security fail-safe. The vampire could only expect a couple of guards at the door when they pushed it open. Which, kind of sucked. They really just wanted to get this all over with and maybe log a few hours on Minecraft before they tried to get a normal, human nap in. their hands pressed against the cold metal, ear resting just above them as they listened. Sure enough, the sound of maybe two or three heartbeats caught their attention. If they had a functioning heartbeat maybe they would have felt it surge, or even stop, at the realization that they would need to fight a few people before the night was over with.  it took a small, light push for the door to squeak open, a sound that sort of made their ears ache. It’d been much too quiet for them moments ago.  Had they been anyone else they would have been caught off guard by the hands that reached for them, but Saeran had already expected this. Rather than engaging, however, they simply ducked out of the way, small body easily able to avoid hands that had likely expected someone much larger.  They sidestepped the two men, barely giving themselves a chance to glance at them before they started flitting quickly through the somewhat disheveled... lair? Saeran was the villain in this situation and while they wouldn’t refer to their motel as a lair, nor did they consider HQ a lair either... did people who weren’t part of the syndicate get to be villains with lairs?  Regardless, they continued their search, pushing between heavily wrapped boxes. This was starting to look more and more like a warehouse as they progressed. More than likely there were drugs or something being transported back and forth here, which, wouldn’t really surprise them. It seemed like everyone with a little bit of money in the city was working in this sort of import/export business.  Their quick disappearance into the building had caused a stir within the people who worked there, it seemed, and Saeran sort of dug that. The name ‘Alucard’ had already reached their ears a couple of times. It really did pay to be a known villain, sometimes. Or at least, it really fueled their ego.  They hoped, though, that this disturbance would flush out the guy they were looking for. They’d refused a name. Saeran didn’t like knowing who the people they ate were. Humanity bugged them.  When they finally slowed their steps they were off to the side, nudged between a couple of shipping crates, mask pushed back and resting on top of their head as they gazed through the crowds of people. The disturbance really hadn’t been huge. They wondered if they were keeping it calm so that they wouldn’t get into trouble for letting someone slip through. There were a few neatly organized lines of people, quickly and efficiently picking up various items of illicit nature and tucking them into what looked like children's toy boxes before carefully stacking them into boxes at the end of the line. Saeran guessed that was sort of cleaver if you were like, a Kim Possible villain or something. 
At the very back though there looked to be a security office, it was basically a box made of glass and sitting in the middle, his head tucked down as he looked over his desk, was exactly who Saeran had been looking for. It took them a moment to think through how they were going to get there without being noticed.  See, the eating him part was easy. All they needed to do was get in the room and drop the blinds and dig in-- the thought had their jaw aching and their mouth-watering fuck were they hungry. But the whole getting to him part was a little difficult. while parts of the underground warehouse were completely devoid of people, this part wasn't. No, all of the smells were kind of starting to overwhelm them. This was way too many people for them to properly deal with. Not when the smell of human people was this strong. It made them a little dizzy. they ran their hands over their face, trying to think. 
The crates and boxes all seemed to be vaugely close together, maybe a foot or two of distance between the two. Saeran figured if the scaled the boxes that they would be high up enough not to really catch anyones eyes, then they could just hop down and rush the dude. 
It seemed easy enough. 
They pushed themselves up from their crouched position and shifted back. they gripped the top of a box, nudging their foot into a groove and pushing themselves up, repeating this a few times until they were resting atop the pile, a heavy sigh passing their lips as the mask was returned to it’s spot over their face. This was scary. Maybe they should have asked someone to tag along so that they would have at least had some back up-- but who really wanted to come with Saeran while they ate someone? 
getting across the stacks wasn’t as easy as they had thought. No they were all stacked at varying heights, making it a little difficult for them to manuver. But once they’d come ot the end they had no problem slipping down and landing on their feet. 
That was, until they realized that there was one person lingering near by. Now, Saeran had no idea how much they had seen or how long they had been there but there was no way that Saeran could even give them the time to react. Without hesitation they moved forward, hand darting into their pocket to grab the switch blade they always carried, the other hand moving to cover the collateral damages mouth as they made quick work of them. The knife buried into their throat and exited in a quick movement, and their body hit the floor in the same fashion. Saeran really hated to waste blood that way. And they tried their hardest not to really take into account what that person crumbling like that meant. They tried their hardest not to consider that they had murdered someone for no reason.  And it was working. 
The rest sort of felt like a blur. The vampire had entered the room and dropped the blinds so quickly that the man hadn’t even had time to look up from the papers that were on his desk before Saeran was over him, hand gripping his face as they pushed their mask back, tossing it down onto the table top and eyeing him.  “Ange says ‘hi,’ by the way.” They said in a tone that really didn’t sound like their own, a smile etching itself onto their features.  they looked him over for a moment, the confusion and general fear in his eyes really was fuelign this whole thing. They loved how vulnerable he looked. They loved finally having control over something. Maybe they could get used to this. 
Fingers slipped from his jaw, loosening the mans tie as they did. He was saying something, but they didn’t hear it. Instead they busied themselves, tugging the tie free and turning his chair. “if you try to run, or if you scream i’ll snap your neck.” They warned, hearing the way his heart rate spiked. Obviously the guy didn’t beleive him, and Saeran didn’t hesitate to use the tie that they had once considered tying his wrists with to wrap around his throat as he moved forward, likely in an attempt to run. They jerked him back, listening to him gag as he fell back in the chair. “I warned you.” Saeran mumbled, turning his chair back so that he was facing them once they’d secured the tie to the back of the seat. 
Saeran was still stuck on how to humilate the guy, no, all they could think of was the food that they were about to have. How they were absoletly going to lose their shit when they dug their teeth into his throat. 
But in order for this job to be done right, they needed to think. 
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Eyes scanned the room as the man babbled. 
“I can give you money-- I can get you anything you want. Whatever it is you’re planning, I promise you it’s not worth it--” 
“Dude, shut up. I’m trying to think.” They mumbled, hand running through their hair. Actually, they couldn’t fucking think with him talking. 
They squatted down, tugging his shoe off.
“What’re you--”
“Shut up.” 
they pulled the sock free. It was pretty nasty and grimy looking, they imagined it wouldn’t taste all that great either. Well, that wasn’t their problem. “since you like having your mouth opened so much how about I fill it for you.” Though the statement in it of itself was lewd, when Saeran pried his mouth opened they just stuffed his smelly ass sock in, as far as it would go really, just so he would shut up and let them think. 
How did you humiliate someone in such a way that it was obvious in a picutre? 
Sure he was tied tight with his own tie and choking on his own sock, but Saeran was at a loss as to what they could do to make this mission a success so that they could hurry up and eat. 
They spied a cup of coffee at the end of the table and reached for it. That was quickly poured over the mans lap. It wasn’t hot in slightest, no, just a bit warm and it absolutely made it look like he’d just pissed himself as it held a nice brown, dark contrast to the light beige of his pants. 
He squirmed, whining against the improvised gag. 
Then it hit them. 
It wasn’t exactly humiliating, but it would have to do. 
They started digging through the drawers, gathering as many colorful markers as they could to do the job. 
When they were finished, well, he certainly resembled the mascot that was on the buildings signs. 
Finally they stepped over to the computer, goolging the words ‘Clown porn’ and bringing up the first video that they could find, tossing it on the screen and leaving it on the screen as they stepped back to take a ‘before’ shot. 
Once they were finished with that.. well... it was feeding time. The rest of the night was something of a blur as they tore into them, as they tore into anyone that came to stop them as they left, as they tugged the mask back on to hide the blood that stained their features. They nearly forgot to send the ‘After’ picture to Ange. 
They figured it was a job well done. 
or at least, good enough. 
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xsvervn · 5 years
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— yoongi lockscreens
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xsvervn · 5 years
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xsvervn · 5 years
Saeran had been in the middle of a game, their hair tied back from their face, a hoodie the only thing covering their otherwise bare torse rested unzipped on their shoulders, black sweatpants with various phrases scribbled in white across them. This was the first moment of calm and relaxation that they’d had in a moment. They weren’t shaking from hunger, their brain had totally shut out their usual nagging unrest over literally everything, and for once they just felt... okay. That was until there was a knock on the door of the motel they’d been hanging out in the last few days.  Saeran tossed the controller down, hands running through a mess of dark hair as they climbed from their spot at the poorly made bed and walked to the door. One hand tugged the zipper up as the door was yanked open-- for their five feet three inches Saeran certainly had a personality.  “wha--” They broke off, eyes centering on Hank, confusion being the prevailing emotion at that moment. “Uh... well, I’m not sure how you found me all the way out here... this isn’t my usual place, ah, obviously...” They trailed off, stepping back to pull the door the rest of the way open. “Come in...?” 
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he knocks twice. calmly waits at the door. hank knew already which group of criminals was responsible for setting the city on fire. they piratically signed their names at the end of the chaos, virtually claimed ownership of the wreck they had turned crystalline in. ( he failed to see how to someone could attach themselves to that group and still think they were in the right. ) but it didn’t really matter.
not what he knew, not how proud the criminals were of it, not how unfit to deal with the situation his officers were, none of it change anything at the end of the day. what was right was still right. the law was still the law. and so, he opened an investigation, all the same, as if it was any ordinary crime. worked to follow clues, get people on the case, take accounts from any and all witnesses they could find. the personal need to stay at the top of it all instead of letting other officers deal with it was mostly due to fear. hank could take a hit from a mutant, he could end up at a hospital. his officers, on the other hand, had families, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, lives that would be could wrecked, ruined. he wouldn’t let that happen.
all the clues led to that place. hank made sure to be the one there going there, by himself, so no one else would be harmed in the process. —— when owner of the place finally opened the door for him, he removed his glasses, attempt a small smile. “ hello, hm, good morning, i’m sheriff roosevelt, i was wondering if you could answer a few questions ? i’ll try not to take up too much of your time ”
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xsvervn · 5 years
Hoseok and Saeran has always been close— Saeran often believed that they were soulmates— and though the two tended to cling to each other emotionally, Saeran had never considered them to be anything more. None the less, they found their features going a dark red, shaking their head quickly. “No, just friends. He’s just... like... family. I don’t... wanna lose him and I feel like if— if he stops needing me then he absolutely might leave me and that’s just—just not what I want.”
“Ah… that’s…” They said, hands rubbing over their features as they tried to get it together. “My life isn’t going so great is all,” Saeran said finally, stretching as if that would sober them up some. Talking to other people was hard enough, they didn’t need their words slurring over one another on top of their obvious lisp. “I’m living with a friend but he doesn’t really need me?”
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“Oh, that’s good,” She commented bluntly, taking another sip of her drink and leaning forward in her seat. “It’s terrible to be needed. I was with the nicest old fellow for a few years, but he was so very clingy that I just had to, you know,” She gestured scissors snapping. “Cut him off. But you seem awfully unhappy about it. Is it really a friend?”
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xsvervn · 5 years
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everyone be quiet yoongi is going to sleep
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xsvervn · 5 years
Saeran resisted the urge to roll their eyes, stepping into the kitchen as their hands carded through a mess of tangles in their hair, the other reaching for the refrigerator door.
They tugged out a sprite, frown heavy on their lips as they began to count on their fingers how long Hoseok had been avoiding... well... everything. It was getting to be long. Dangerously long.
Saeran was entirely aware of how depression spiraled and spiraled and took over everything. How some days in bed turned into weeks of just laying there and festering like a poorly maintained wound.
Smelling like one.
They wondered how long it had been since Hoseok showered.
“Don’t care, we’re eating together tonight.” Saeran said finally, looking through their cabinets for something that their own body wouldn’t reject immediately. “Just something small, anyway. I promise you’re going to feel worse if you don’t at least get something warm to drink.” They knew they were being a bit much, harping too much on things that Hoseok didn’t want to deal with right then, but Saeran was getting worried.
They felt like if they left him alone too long that he wouldn’t be able to get better.
They were huddled beneath blankets, arm’s holding a black mass of fur close to their chest as they sort of zoned in and out of focus, vaguely considering the fact that they had spent most of the day this way. That was what eternal life was like, though. Hours would tick by like moments, their mind not processing time and its constant changes because… well, they didn’t need to. 
There was no fear of running out of time, of losing, when they had all of it to spare. 
But it was when they heard their friend shifting around somewhere in their home that they blinked slowly as if waking up from a long sleep. They felt stiff, confused even, as they climbed up much to Salem’s dismay. 
“Hoseok, I’m making you something to eat. What’re you feeling?” They asked, louder than their normal tone as they weren’t exactly how close or far away their friend was. Their enhanced hearing sometimes tricked them that way. 
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xsvervn · 5 years
A cup of noodles in her hand replaced what would typically be an alcoholic beverage. Dainty elbows pressed against the bar top as she listened to the other speak so solemnly. A pair of chopsticks waved around as she explained, “  Bridges can get too noisy, don’t you think?  Terrible place for real estate. Especially if it’s one of those underpasses beneath the motorway.  ” She took a quick slurp after remixing her styrofoam cup. “  What’d you do that’s got ya all melodramatic anyway? And start from the top, I’m here for the tea.  ”
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It was the noodles that set them off at first, their face cracking into an uncharacteristically wide smile. Why noodles? Why here? They were laughing before they could get a handle on it. “Excuse me, what?”
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xsvervn · 5 years
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The straw lodged between her slightly upturned lips made a loud slurp as she drew up the remnants of her pretty pink cocktail, her glassy eyes fixed pointedly at the person who was speaking to themselves. It was always a treat to see the misery of others, especially when unprompted. In a weird way, it made her feel relatively giddy. Life was strange, but at the very least she didn’t want to go live under a bridge with trolls like this person.
She twirled a lock of her blue wig around her finger, the lace-front hairpiece seamlessly blended into her hairline so the patrons of the bar were none the wiser. “Sounds like fun,” She cooed once she finally released her straw, waving over the bartender and signalling for another. “What’s inspiring the move?”
“Ah... that’s...” They said, hands rubbing over their features as they tried to get it together. “My life isn’t going so great is all,” Saeran said finally, stretching as if that would sober them up some. Talking to other people was hard enough, they didn’t need their words slurring over one another on top of their obvious lisp. “I’m living with a friend but he doesn’t really need me?”
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