xtinay17 · 8 years
What It Really Means Love is not always about flowers and chocolates. Its not only about buying gifts during anniversaries. Love is not only about sending each other sweet messages. Love isn't only the good times but also the bad. Love is hard, its something you have to work on everyday. Its choosing the same person even when they're a pain in the ass. Love is wanting to go to their house even if its kilometers apart from yours. Love is holding their hand even when you're too mad but you do it anyway. Love is saying "sorry" when you know the other person made the mistake. Love is still kissing each other after every argument. You see, love may not be rainbows and unicorns but love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Love gives us hope that something so frightening, that something so uncertain, maybe would lead us into something we thought we'd only dream of. And that is, true love. True love is something that doesn't question why. But you just feel it between your lungs whenever you see them after a long day at school or work. You just feel so connected to a person that you know you would never feel with someone else. When all their imperfections are compatible with yours. And you know, you just want to spend the rest of your life with them. 💌 Glowee Uy
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xtinay17 · 8 years
‪This Is How You Deserve To Be Treated‬ ‪You deserve someone who will open doors for you.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will take you out on convenient times.‬ ‪You deserve someone who looks at you like you’re magic.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will listen to your deepest fears and embarrassing stories.‬ ‪You deserve someone who won’t play games.‬ ‪You deserve someone who is willing to meet your friends and family.‬ ‪You deserve someone who can make you laugh.‬ ‪You deserve someone who you don’t need reassurance from.‬ ‪You deserve someone who knows what to do you’re sad,‬ ‪You deserve someone who will swallow their pride to fix things.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will never give up on you.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will be there for you no matter what.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will clear their schedule for you when you need them.‬ ‪You deserve someone who isn’t afraid to say what they feel.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will tell you they love you.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will respect you.‬ ‪You deserve someone who prays for you.‬ ‪You deserve someone who will never let you slip away.‬ ‪You deserve love, don’t ever let a boy make you think otherwise. ‬ ‪💌 Maria Isabelle Torres ‬
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xtinay17 · 8 years
Happy New Year😘
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xtinay17 · 8 years
2017 Is The Year To Say Goodbye To Fuckboys And Hello To A Better You I spent these last few weeks of 2016 swiping left and right for fuckboys. As 2017 is quickly approaching, I realized that 2017 is the year I will be saying goodbye to these fuckboys. These are the lessons I’ve learned, and I thank my best friends wholeheartedly for drilling these into my head, which have now become my daily mantras to welcome my best self yet. You can’t ask someone to be in your life; they have to be there willingly. There is no need to chase people. A relationship is a two-way street, where both parties are required to put in their solid 100% effort, but you are only required to put in your 50% of that 100%. If he doesn’t reply your texts, then leave it. You deserve more than someone who doesn’t have the decency to take 5 seconds out of their day to tell you that they’re busy or unavailable to you. If someone is sending you mixed signals, a snap over here and an Insta like over there, but doesn’t reply to your messages or phone calls, they aren’t serious enough for your time and affection. If someone doesn’t reply when you ask to hangout or for something more, leave them. You deserve someone who will give you definite answers. You deserve someone who doesn’t play games with your head and heart or toy your emotions. There is no need to beg. The moment you start to realize that you become desperate and yearn for any reaction out of them is the moment you walk away. Your self-worth is more than spamming texts and snaps in hopes they’d reply. Either you stay or you go, and most likely it’s time for you to go. Never settle. Stop making excuses for why he doesn’t reply in exchange for those dumb and meaningless likes on your latest Instagram pic or Facebook post. Stop feeding into those drunk snaps at 1am on a Wednesday. If he wanted you, he would have said so. He would have taken every moment he had to get to know you, the real you, at 1pm in the sunlight. You don’t have to compromise his inconsistent attitude, even if he is good eye candy. You sat on the floor crying for a reason. You deserve a better man, one who cares about every single part of you, and thinks your humor and passionate heart is more beautiful than the color of your hair or the makeup on your face. But sometimes there is no better man, so why waste time on all these flaky and inconsistent fuckboys when you can spend time on yourself instead? 2017 is the year to say goodbye to boys who simply do not appreciate and respect you. There is a better version of you waiting to be explored, strengthened, and grown. 2017 is the year you’ll find that you are the most worthwhile; there is simply no fuckboy better. 💌 Charlotte Nip
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xtinay17 · 8 years
Dear girl, Don't be desperate for a guy. Don't be desperate for a guy to feel the same way about you. Don't be desperate for a guy to make time for you. Don't be desperate for a guy to give you a lot of attention. You lose a little bit of your self-worth every time you show him how desperate you are to be the girl he wants. You're showing him that you're insecure, you're showing him that you're weak, and you're showing him that you're the one that needs him and he doesn't have to need you. How do you expect him to respect you when you're always letting him walk all over you? How do you expect him to take you seriously when you're always allowing him to put you down? How do you expect him to admire you when you give him control over feelings? No guy is worth losing your self-worth for no matter how you feel about him, and you shouldn't be okay with yourself for that. Most importantly, don't be so desperate that you'd give a guy enough power over you to determine your happiness because your happiness is only yours to keep. If he can't see that you're worth it, then he ain't worth it and you should find comfort in knowing that you are worth it to someone else out there right now. Don't be desperate for a guy's love, especially the wrong guy. Sincerely, A guy who cares - Teddy Nguyen
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xtinay17 · 8 years
You don't need anyone in your life that comes and goes as they please. You don't need anyone that is here for you, one minute and gone the next. You need consistency. True friends and genuine relationships are built on consistency. If someone is riding for you only when it benefits them, then allow them to exit freely!! As soon as they leave, you will begin to experience some sanity, some peace. Children play games. As adults, there is no room for mind games. Let them play there games with someone else. Dry your tears and be thankful that GOD made room in your life for someone to come in that is authentic, and won't change like the weather.
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xtinay17 · 8 years
It ends or it doesn’t. That’s what you say. That’s how you get through it. The tunnel, the night, the pain, the love. It ends or it doesn’t. If the sun never comes up, you find a way to live without it. If they don’t come back, you sleep in the middle of the bed, learn how to make enough coffee for yourself alone. Adapt. Adjust. It ends or it doesn’t. It ends or it doesn’t. We do not perish.
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xtinay17 · 8 years
I've got all this love, waiting just for you I just gotta know that your love is true Can't keep running boy in and out my life Wanna be your girl, not cause the mood is right
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xtinay17 · 8 years
"Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you. who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love"
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xtinay17 · 8 years
“You have to let go of the life you could’ve had. The life you would be living if you hadn’t made certain choices. The life that would have unfolded if you hadn’t let certain people into your life or if you just hadn’t been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wishing for things to be different and beating yourself up for the mistakes you’ve made won’t change your circumstances. It’s happened, it’s done, and this is where you’re at. And it’s okay. YOU will be okay. Your life isn’t over — it’s just going to be different. And different doesn’t have to mean bad. It just means you have to become more creative with your self-care. It means you have to find slightly different ways to navigate the world and your relationships. And sometimes, it means finding new strengths; strengths that become anchors and anchors that open new doors. Doors that lead to new passions and friendships and connections. Doors that make you look back and smile for having doubted the resiliency of life - for doubting your own resiliency. You can’t go back and change the past, but you can decide how you live today. Your story isn’t over yet. There may be pain and struggle, but there are always ways to make your time here meaningful and worthwhile. It might take time, and it might challenge you, but the light is there. There is always a way. I promise.” - Daniell Koepke (via internal-acceptance-movement)
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xtinay17 · 8 years
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xtinay17 · 8 years
The best relationships are the ones that unfold organically with two people bringing their best selves to the table and discovering who the other person is and developing an appreciation for that person. It’s not about using the other person to gain status or self-esteem or security. A relationship can give you these things, but that’s a by-product, not the goal.
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xtinay17 · 8 years
Nakakatakot din pala kapag masyado kang mahal ng isang tao
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xtinay17 · 8 years
‪Hold Out For Someone That Handles Your Heart With Fragile Hands‬ ‪ ‪ ‬ ‪Ditch the men that treat your heart like a rag doll. You’ve had your emotions tossed around enough in the past. You’ve had your eyes blurred by tears. You’ve had your stomach sickened by loss. You’ve had your mind bloated by regrets.‬ ‪You don’t need a love like that anymore.‬ ‪Hold out for someone that handles your heart with fragile hands. Someone that realizes you’ve been through hell and your heart isn’t strong enough to handle any more fractures. Someone that sees you’ve been broken, sees the darkness cowering inside of you, and loves you more for it.‬ ‪One day, you’ll find someone that respects your mind, your body — and your emotions. Someone that will snuggle up closer to you as you’re talking about your issues instead of inching away. Someone that will encourage you to spill your feelings, even though you’ve been conditioned to hide everything inside.‬ ‪One day, you’ll find someone that endlessly voices their love, so you’re never left questioning if they’ve grown tired of you. Someone that whispers affectionate sayings after sex, so you remember you’re more than warm flesh and blood and bone. Someone that delicately chooses their words, so they never express something they regret during an argument.‬ ‪One day, you’ll find someone that will commit to you in this era of non-commitment. Someone that reminds you that you don’t have to settle for a false love filled with false promises and false intimacy. You don’t have to use sex as a way to grow closer to someone. You don’t have to enter a casual relationship to avoid being labeled as desperate or clingy or weak.‬ ‪Love isn’t what you’ve come to believe it is. It isn’t analyzing his texts and waiting for phone calls that’ll never come. It isn’t wondering if his flirting means anything and guessing where you stand with him.‬ ‪Love isn’t uncertainty. It’s security.‬ ‪So hold out for the type of love that you deserve. The all-consuming kind. The stay-up-all-night and stay-in-bed-all-morning kind. The kind that you’re not fully convinced exists yet.‬ ‪But it does exist. And, if you hold out for someone that treats you like the beautiful soul you are, you’ll experience that love for yourself. It’ll feel comfortable and complex and right.‬ ‪And it’ll be worth the wait. 💌 Holly Riordan Twitter: twitter.com/officialpagelah Instagram: instagram.com/officialpagelah
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xtinay17 · 8 years
Date The Man That Can Handle All Your Crazy Meltdowns Date the man that would never call you crazy, even if you come home crying over something insignificant that happened at work. Even when he doesn’t understand why you’re upset. He doesn’t need to understand. All he needs to know is that you’re hurt and that he wants to be the one to cheer you up. He wants to be the one to make you feel okay again–to make you feel better than okay. Date the man that calms you down when you scream at an inanimate object, like your phone or computer, instead of laughing at you for getting upset over something so silly. The man that will help you fix your problems instead of standing by the sidelines and watching you suffer. The man that will remind you that it’s okay to ask for help. That you’re not alone. That you can always rely on him. Date the man that would never be stupid enough to accuse you of being on your period when you get emotional. The man that appreciates the fact that you express your emotions instead of hiding everything inside. The man that values your willingness to be open with him, and knows that the only reason you’re telling him the truth is because you’re completely comfortable with him. Date the man that answers your texts, even if you’re freaking out over something ridiculous. The man that’s willing to work out the problems you have with him instead of turning off his notifications and acting like the problems don’t exist. The man that puts all of his effort into your relationship, because he actually gives a damn about you. Because he wants your relationship to work for the long-term, and not just for the time being. Date the man that would never make you feel shitty about suffering from anxiety or depression. The man that would never make you feel like a psychopath. Like a crazy girlfriend. Like a bad girlfriend. The man that understands that, even though you are responsible for your actions, you aren’t always in complete control of your emotions. Sometimes, your anxiety takes over and makes you freak out over things you wish weren’t bothering you. Date the man that’s comfortable letting his emotions loose in front of you. The man that will let you see him cry, whether it’s after he’s lost a loved one or after he’s watched a rom-com with you. The man that doesn’t think he’s any less manly for sharing little pieces of his soul with you. The man that actually wants you to know him, the real him, “flaws” and all. Date the man that doesn’t have any limits on his love for you. The man that thinks you’re beautiful, even when you break down crying. The man that makes it his mission to clear your tears away, because you’re the love of his life. Because you’re all he’s ever wanted and more–so much more. 💌 Holly Riordan Twitter: twitter.com/officialpagelah Instagram: instagram.com/officialpagelah
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xtinay17 · 8 years
When love is real, you won’t have to beg it to stay. It just will. It will stay.
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xtinay17 · 8 years
How do you teach your heart it's a crime to fall in love again?
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