xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: @Jinx, have you stopped fucking around since you got a crush on Hat Lady?  
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GASP!! Dramatic hand clutched at her chest as if she’d just taken a rifle shell to the heart from HAT LADY HERSELF, stumbling back with equal theatricality and hunching over EVER SO SLIGHTLY – Capping the entire display off with PAINED WHIMPERS. “You wound me!! How can you possibly call me, Jinx, a whore like that!! ME?! The chempunk, the reveller, the anarchist, the sexually ferocious psychopath who keeps flirting with Cait and begging her to donkey punch– OHHHHHHHHH. Yeah, alright. It checks out.” Plus Zaun’s reputation didn’t come from nowhere. “Well, I’ll have you know that, yes, at present the Sheriff is the ONLY ONE on my mind. And no one’s in my bed.” Which in some ways DID distress Jinx. Just the sheer thought of not caring anymore about an entire avenue of ADRENALINE & FEELING, but fact was… Jinx had always been a fairly simple bean at heart. And in fixating so heavily on Cait, it soured any and all ideas toward fucking ANYONE ELSE, cause, well…
                                                                                                   THEY AIN’T CAIT.
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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“Want a cup of tea?”☕️
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
More icons for the bae @boxndlxsschxos​ hope you like em! <3
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
@boxndlxsschxos​ | FOR JINX.
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          Caitlyn couldn’t recall a time she’d felt so AWKWARD & UNCOMFORTABLE --- Stuffed inside a cramped & rancid sewer-pipe with her adversary. Behind her husband’s back. In the deepest depths of Zaun. Sitting cross-legged on the cold cement floor. Feeling completely INCONGRUOUS. Was in these moments she realized just how truly well-off everyone topside was --- Jinx had no lavish bed. No expensive technology (aside from guns she’d likely built herself). No food. No clothes. NOTHING. Which lead to the question, “I’ve never been to a slumber-party before, what exactly are we meant to do?” 
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
boxndlxsschxos :
xunxjustxjusticex said: “We need to change your bandages soon.”      
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Things had started clearing up – ALCOHOL, CHEMICALS & PAIN ALIKE. So strange the feeling of being atop the cliff after a night like that. Stranger still that it had been HAT LADY of all people (even without conflict with FATHANDS) who’d taken her up. Away from the fear, fumes and fury of Zaun, City of Iron & Glass – Yes, FEAR – Progress Day had been utterly TERRIFYING for Jinx, with more than a few reasons why. “Again?” Voice scratched painstakingly at the back of her throat, meeker than usual but forever irreverent – A TRUE (WILD)CHILD AT HEART. “I swear they’re fine…” She spoke in total seriousness, pointing toward a soggy bandage turning crimson just beneath her left tit. Someone had REALY went for the heart – Thank the Void they’d MISSED. “Fine. Let’s get it over with.” Not that she didn’t ENJOY the other’s ATTENTIONS & AFFECTIONS but it did make her feel kind of PATHETIC to be needing bandaged up PERIOD – Let alone by a Piltovan. (Had to be the Zaunite in her.) “Two question, though: Why did ya do it? And where the fuck actually am I?” Psychotic had passed the fuck out all over again before even reaching the top of the conveyor. With luck, they were NEITHER in a hospital nor in some kind of police infirmary – Which would seem to be the case considering Cait’s continued PRESENCE & SUPPORT. Unless she’d purposefully been visiting? Helping out? Either way, Cait had dedicated herself to PERSONALLY TENDING to Jinx IN SECRET or actively taken time out of that busy Sheriff Day to VISIT. Yeah, shit just kept get weirder, and Jinx & Cait  continued to deny the WRITING ON THE WALLS. Instead, the younger woman pushed herself up to a seating position and pushed aside the COMFY AS FUCK blanket, baring a pretty simple crop-top & short-shorts form to the other.
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          “Yes. Again.” DETERMINED & AUTHORITARIAN --- Wound was deep & the bandages were sopping with blood. Jinx had complained the last time she changed them. So, she’d waited longer. PETULANT PSYCHOPATH was still whinging. It truly baffled the Piltovan. How someone could be so...INFURIATINGLY NONCHALANT about a stab to the gut. Did she even care about her own well-being? Better question : Why did Cait? “They are hardly fine, dear. Look. They’re soaked right through.” Attempts to soothe the older woman’s anxiety only served to further worry her. “There’s a good girl. Sit up for me.” Sheriff AVOIDED Jinx’s inquiries for the time being --- Propping the tiny thing up against the headboard & beginning to METICULOUSLY remove the crimson-stained bandages. Having to push up the crop-top to get better access. Revealing the underside of itsy-bitsy tits. TRAINED HUNTER ignored that fact (and the way she subconsciously rubbed thighs together), focusing intensely on the task at hand. Priority number one was PREVENTING INFECTION. “This is...My parents’ mansion. In northern Piltover. They have several spare rooms. Said I could borrow one.” Caitlyn had NEGLECTED to tell them that she was using said room to house a fugitive --- Very same fugitive that she herself had printed & hung wanted posters for. “I told Vi that you escaped custody.” LIED TO HER. “As for why...” CONFLICTED PAUSE. “I’ve been attempting to work that one out for hours now. Jury is still out.” Cough to clear her throat & refocus --- Soiled bandages were tossed in the bin next to the bed & she was wetting down a cloth in ointment. “My turn. What on Runeterra happened?” 
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: @jinx, ever consider you might just be in love with Cait?
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What on Runeterra was THAT for a question? Who, just, just, just, FUCKING WHO asks something like: ‘Have you ever considered that you might just be IN LOVE with FUCKING HAT LADY!?’ Well not her, no sirree! Jinx didn’t even LIKE HER, or at least that’s what she TOLD herself in extensive effort to hide away from TROUBLING & COMPLICATED feelings she just flatly didn’t understand! “You think I know what the fuck LOVE feels like? I don’t even feel HAPPY without watching my own LIGHT SHOW go up in FLAMES!!” Silence paraded, like all those colorful wild animals on Progress Day, for a minute – MAYBE MORE – Mind curving but hitting that same blockade that always got hit whenever Zaun’s Loose Cannon tried to reflect inward. Always requiring either a hit of SHIMMER, a fresh MARK, or a whole lot of ALCOHOL to bury down and reset to SQUARE ONE. Like that one question regarding the pruny, shrivelled-up, bloodbag behind cages of ribs: Did she have a heart? In all perfect honesty, the psycho hadn’t the SLIGHTEST CLUE, always rendering herself a self-beaten, screaming, strung-out MESS as a result. Only one person had EVER circumnavigated that blockade with Jinx, aiding identification of that beat in her chest, declaring with absolute certainty that – No matter how confusing, irrythmic or even numbed-to-fuck it got – It STILL had to be a HEART. That person was…
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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          There were quite a few CONFOUNDING COMPLIMENTS being thrown into the air by the CRAZED LUNATIC --- First, praising her reflexes. (Which she wasn’t wrong, they were impeccable --- When she wasn’t INTOXICATED). Second, standing up to her against Vi. Jinx had not only kept their meetings a SECRET & lied for her (which, she certainly didn’t need to do), she’d also called her a more intelligent and proficient officer. However true that might be, it was still UN-JINX-LIKE to pay homage to anyone who wasn’t a giant shark-shaped rocket-launcher. Hell, she was regularly CALLOUS toward Fishbones, too. Left the Sheriff more than a little INTERNALLY CONFLICTED. What did this all mean? What was Jinx’s motive? Did she have one? Was she running on emotions? Did she even HAVE emotions? Why keep hush-hush about their private rendezvous? Telling Vi that information would LITERALLY DESTROY Caitlyn & tarnish her reputation with the police force. Tear apart her marriage & ruin her life! Would DEVASTATE Vi as well --- Wasn’t that what Jinx WANTED? Guard lowered ever-so-slightly once her partner had vacated the premises --- CONCERNED BLUES thoroughly inspecting every last inch of the small girl’s body. Luckily, she was hardly wearing anything aside from her own SKIN & BONES. If one of her ribs was BROKEN --- They’d see it. 
          Caitlyn hadn’t the opportunity to fully digest the way her heart leapt into her throat at the hand-to-hand contact --- All she knew was, she LIKED IT & she didn’t STOP IT. Zaunite scum was stepping forward & her guard was shooting back up. They were calling Jinx out for FRATERNIZING WITH THE ENEMY. To be fair, they weren’t WRONG. For all the SHIT the blue-haired bitch had given Vi when she left home & joined the force --- She’d certainly formed a SPECIAL ATTACHMENT to Piltover’s finest. Fingers itched for her gun & if they weren’t currently preoccupied holding that skeletal hand, she’d likely have already pointed the barrel of her rifle in their faces. GUTTURAL GROWL rumbled in her chest & bone jut beneath the pale skin of her cheeks when the ASSHOLE called her best friend a CUNT --- ‘Should put a hole through his skull for that alone.’ She thought to herself. Remaining SILENT on the outside & allowing Jinx to DEFUSE the situation. Grip tightening on her hand & threatening to crush deceptively strong carpals. These were HER PEOPLE. She’d know what to say to calm them. If they could get back out onto that shoddy dance-floor without a fight, she WELCOMED IT.
                                            BLINK. BLINK. BLINK.
          “Beg your pardon? There will be NO clit biting.” She glanced over to the hoodlums (why she felt a need to justify herself to them, God knows), “There will be NO clit biting.” Crass words CONFIRMED Caitlyn’s ongoing hypothesis --- Jinx didn’t CARE about her as a human being. She had no plans of changing her villainous ways & becoming an upstanding member of society. This wasn’t about a possible (improbable) RELATIONSHIP --- Nor romance. This was about SEX. Plain & simple. “And Vi is NOT a Rottweiler---Whoa!” Just like that, the itsy-bitsy ball of mayhem was JERKING her out of the bathroom & across the club in the direction of the dance-floor. Piltovan was still hung up on the “clit bit” comment, if she were being perfectly honest. Mind overflowing with UNWANTED IMAGES of herself nestled between those anorexic thighs, chomping down on that swollen bundle of nerves (same one Jayce always seemed to MISS) & basking in the whines of pain & pleasure as blood---Wait. What? “You truly are FUCKED in the head. Remind me to NEVER hurt you again. More than ready, cupcake. Better be good.”
                                              IT. WASN’T. GOOD.
          “Wha---What are you doing? You call that dancing? What are you five?” Caitlyn wasn’t sure whether to LAUGH OR GLARE --- Settled for a mix of both, it would seem. Lips quirking at the ends & a snort of laughter escaping against her will. Brows furrowed. Pale blues HARD & ANNOYED. She’d blame the alcohol for ANY positive reaction --- Speaking of, the older woman REGRETTABLY lifted the REVOLTING CONCOCTION to her lips & finished it off --- Setting both the glass & her gun down at the bar. Stupid move? Perhaps. But, she couldn’t exactly dance with the huge clunky weight on her shoulder. “Stop. Stop. Please, stop! People are staring!” Why did she expect the PSYCHOPATH to give a shit about that? CRAZY FUCK probably got off on that kind of shit! Had to right? Considering everything she’d done. Was that what it was all about? Was Jinx just a lonely, abandoned girl who CRAVED ATTENTION? Was it even THAT deep? Proper Piltovan felt nothing less than utterly humiliated by her current companion --- Frantic hands SNATCHED ROUGHLY at Jinx’s wrists, harshly pulling them down & ceasing the LUDICROUS waving motion. “I said, stop!” Stern & demanding tone. The kind only a powerful & confident woman could possess. Especially surrounded by people who WANTED HER DEAD. “Around my neck.” To emphasize her words, Caitlyn propped those thin, pale arms across her shoulders --- Releasing them & placing smooth palms upon Jinx’s SHARP HIPS. Effortlessly yanking her WEIGHTLESS body closer. Chest-to-chest. No space between them. “Like this.” Curvaceous hips swayed along to the rhythm --- Violet nails subconsciously scraping beneath the waistband of those teensy, tattered shorts & pulling her CLOSER. (How sloshed was she?)
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: @Jinx, you have vlogs rubbing yourself off to Cait? Isn’t that just porn? lol tf (Had to lol)
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“Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, Hey, Hey, Hey, HEY!!” Loose wavey hands joined Jinx’s vocal efforts in cutting the other THE FUCK OFF, like, seriously: “First of all: you weren’t supposed to KNOW THAT!! And second of all: I make the vlogs to remember what I did and how I felt! What better way to capture that, and never forget how badly even the THOUGHT of Cait made my TOES CURL than by just DOING IT!!” …… Pause. Eyes shifting, avoiding, dipping down to her grimy boots as they kicked at the cracked pavings of The Sump. “IIIIIIIIIIII saidtoomuch…” ……. Another pause. “B-Besides, it’s not even any of your BUSINESS how I spend my time! If I wanna make porn, I’ll make porn – GOT IT?!” ……… “AAAAAAAAAND ON THAT NOTE, Imma go teach some of the Lost Children how to pickpocket. Might help them NOT DIE before they get older!!” And just like that: JINX. WAS. OUTTA THERE!!
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: ❤️- For a secret crush
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SIGH. “I thought about her again today…” She’d clearly edited this video, cut out the intro with the ever-more BORING camera start up procedure. Clearly… Becuase this PARTICULAR VLOG began with a front on shot of Jinx lay on her stomach, chin in palm, legs kicking up and down behind – Filling the room and flooding the microphone with ECHOES CLANGS, like a ship falling apart. “I don’t even know why! Didn’t even get to SEE HER!!” Probably the reason, if the psychopath was being honest, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT since this was JINX we were talking about… “I just… I don’t know… It wasn’t supposed to BE like THIS – Wasn’t supposed to think about it, or, or, or – OR MISS HER, Y’KNOW?!” Hand curved from chin, across cheek to blanket her forehead, thumb and middle finger stretching to rub aching temples before falling back in place. “Well, anyway, some gang warfare shit spread all over the Sumps. We won, whatever, I don’t care.” Hands reached out now to shut it off. And some few seconds later only audio is heard. “Where the fuck WAS SHE?!” Jinx is heard before the briefest pause. “…SHIT! I forgot to cut the audio…” Had she? Maybe subconsciously she WANTED THAT to be heard. “Fuck it. Whatever. Leave it in. I’m going to bed.” White noise can be heard for a full hour after, broken up only by noises of RATS, BANGS & RUSHING GUTTER FLUID.
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
boxndlxsschxos :
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“With a name like that, you better believe it’s the ONLY drink some fuckers here at all TRUST!” After all, who in their right mind would make an actually toxic alcohol with such a RED FLAG of a name? The alchemist that had brewed it faced MONTHS of accusations and suspicions before finally having his cocktail accepted on the markets of Zaun – FUCKING ZAUN!! “It’s fine. I get it. You’re a pussy.” An angle Jinx hadn’t taken before – Magenta eyes watching curious to see if Cait’s pride could possibly outmatch that RIDICULOUS hat of hers. Plus, the terrorist-slash-murderer-slash-thieve-slash-vandal-slash-feelings-hurter’s ego might just have been LASHING OUT. “So you’re the rich Sheriff in town, and you got your UNDERLING paying for drinks? Talk about a STEAL!! Bahahahahahaha!” It wasn’t that funny. Or at all, for that matter. But Jinx lived in her own bubble, where the only sense of humor that mattered was HERS. “Oh, bitch, please, like FATHANDS can dance!!” Careful, Jinx, you’re getting a bit HOT about all this. Calm. Down. Calm. Down. CALM. DOWN!! “Work late, huh? So what time do I need to getcha home by?” Such BRASH ARROGANCE to even assume as much. “And why not tell Fattytwochins that you JUST found out ya gotta be in EARLY? Hmmm?” Brow raised, grin growing – CONFIDENCE RECOVERING. (Hopefully Hat Lady’d at least consider it.)
WELP: That killed the atmosphere, but then again was there anything in life Jinx HADN’T YET KILLED? Still something panged itself in her chest – The fuck even WAS that? Had to be frustration. Cop Bitch wasn’t allowed to be WORRIED about Vi, right? Or maybe it was fear? That she’d gone too far and shot herself in the foot? (And with guns like HERS – Damn would that hurt.) “Relax, relax! I just sent a few people for her to BEAT UP so that I’d know when we’d be INTERRUPTED. I thought it was quite ROMANTIC, actually.” Liar. Not even Jinx would be so calloused. “H-Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY!! The bar paid good money for that!!” Words spoken with ZERO IRONY, given the fact Jinx had already bit three fucking holes in the damn thing. “I’m the child? You just stole my finger!!” Heart thrummed, a mix of ADRENALINE & HILARITY coursing through polluted veins. And there it was again, Cait arousing every kind of emotion at once (arousal included), she loved it – LIVED FOR IT. “Talk about a GROUCHY-PUSS!!”
“Then we’ve gotta figure this out before Stupid gets back or bipped!” INCESSANT PUSHING: A sign of a complete lack of impatience, as well as clear-cut fear that this chance could SLIP ON BY. “Ooof!! Yeahhhhhh, ya really should stick with those, after all.” Face had gotten itself all scrunched up watching Cait damn near hack her drink BACK UP. Were only Fishbones here, he’d undoubtedly be telling his owner not to give Hat Lady such a hard time for being UNACQUAINTED with the kind of harsh liquor that Zaunites had long grown accustomed to. “Awwww, it’s cute that you care about his feelings! I care – Not at all!” Hm. That… Would be a CURIOUS test of obedience to say the least. Would it offer Vi a crisis of confidence? Would she truly allow her own employer to dance with the BLUE-HAIRED DEVIL so to speak? A wanted criminal who had terrorized the fuck outta both Piltover & Vi-herself? Or would she betray Caitlyn’s law and attack her on sight? Well, she damn sure would if the GOONS committed to their assault – And the Sheriff damn-sure wouldn’t hold it against her.
“Fine, fine, fine, if it means that much to ya, I’ll tell ‘em to go.” Quite roughly, tiny hands grasped at Cait’s DAINTY & PRETTY wrists, pulling the top-hatted girl along with the freshly poured ABOMINATION. (But not before pausing a second, feeling that pulse so HARSH & BEAUTIFUL against her fingertips.) Upon reaching the bathroom, knuckles rapped at the door, a rather distinct whistle drawing out the goons. “DEAL’S OFF.” Still she flipped a few coins – Washers, duh, psycho wasn’t made of money - To the collective. Plus one Gold Hex for the ring-leader. Seemed Piltover & Zaun weren’t ALL THAT DIFFERENT once the overly complex cogs got stripped away. “Come on, though, didja really think they were gonna take down VI? I mean even I couldn’t pull that off, an’ I dropped a fuckin’ TREASURY on top of her.” A few quick steps before Jinx threw an arm over Cait’s shoulder, pulling her close. “SO! What’s the plan, Peaches?” WHY PEACHES?!
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          “She dances quite well, actually. An excessive amount of grinding and groping, though. Nothing like I’m used to.” LIAR. Two of them had never danced before. (She was just trying to get beneath thin toxin-grayed flesh). As with MOST EMOTIONS, tiny ball of manic energy & rage couldn’t mask her JEALOUSY. Insulting Vi at every twist & turn & even having the NERVE to call Caitlyn a PUSSY. Of all things! Despite the way her ego SWELLED & BRUISED, she still refused a change in drinks. For all she knew, Jinx could have been playing mind-games & manipulating her into drinking POISON! Besides, wasn’t like she CARED about some lowlife’s opinion. Considering her current location & job description, it was safe to say, she was one of Piltover’s BRAVEST citizens. No one could take that away from her. Especially. Not. Jinx. “You need to get me home---I need to return home by fifth bell. At the latest.” Stumble over words was PROOF that the alcohol was QUICKLY OVERTAKING her circulatory system. Humiliating fact only made worse by the fact that her company was teasing the ever-living-shit out of her LOW TOLERANCE. “I won’t lie to her.” Ironic & hypocritical. 
          “How on Runeterra is threatening my best friend and enforcer’s life considered a romantic gesture in your mind?” Frustrated clack of her tongue across front teeth --- Lips pursed & molars BITING HARSHLY into the insides of her cheeks. Caitlyn was a PATIENT woman. She could wait hours with gun pointed at the location of a mark fixing to arrive. This woman TESTED that virtue. THANKFULLY with that obnoxious finger out of the way, Caitlyn could better concentrate. “How much do they cost?” Measly five washers. “Here. Keep the change.” Sheriff dipped into her purse & retrieved three Gold Hexes --- Slapping them down on top of the bar & pushing them across to the man who GREEDILY & HAPPILY snatched them up. Eyes were on her purse now. Most of the crowd plotting & devising plans to nick it --- She had FAITH that the massive rifle perched upon her shoulder would DISSUADE them. If not, she might have to make an arrest or two this evening. And on her NIGHT OFF too. “Bipped? Thought you said you’d sent them to BE beat up?” Brunette intentionally IGNORED all of Jinx’s insults, pet-names, & “jokes” --- Face remaining relatively INDIFFERENT throughout the conversation. Aside from a smirk or two. 
          “Good girl.” Wasn’t until bony digits wrapped firmly around her own wrists & pulled her off the bar-stool that she TRULY REACTED. Eyes shooting wide as saucers & a gasp escaping her throat. Wasn’t a gasp of PLEASURE. (She’d tell herself). Wasn’t like she ENJOYED IT. Wasn’t like she wanted those hands all over---STOP! “What do you think you are doing? You’re going to spill my drink!” Voice cracked & rasped with indignation (and maybe something else). Ripping the arm with her drink free, she BEGRUDGINGLY allowed the itsy-bitsy maniac to drag her through the crowd toward the bathroom. If only because she didn’t know the exact location. If she had, she would have one-hundred-percent pushed Jinx away & went on her own accord. She didn’t like the feel of those GRUBBY, GUNPOWDER slathered hands. 
          Goons were followed by a large, ANGRY LOOKING Vi. Gauntlets covered in the blood of a few UNFORTUNATE hoodlums who were knocked out on the floor. She was cursing a lot. Pointing fingers. Gaze darting between Jinx & Caitlyn. Looking both like a vicious mutt & a kicked puppy-dog. ‘The fuck’re ya doin’ with her?’ “Language, Vi.” GROWL & fists tightened --- Ready to charge & beat the shit out of the blue-haired girl. Pound her face into MUSH. Thought tore the Sheriff in two & that kinda pissed her off. Jinx had wreaked havoc in Piltover for YEARS. She’d made her life a LIVING HELL. Part of her CRAVED seeing her put in her place & locked behind bars. Maybe even killed. Was what she DESERVED. All the lives she took. Families she’d destroyed. However, a stronger part of her wanted to keep the bitch alive --- For whatever SELFISH reason. (She knew exactly what it was, but would never admit it). FLINCH when the scrawny little thing tossed a wiry arm over her shoulders. She AGGRESSIVELY SHRUGGED it away --- If only to save face in front of Vi. (If only?) If she found out about the borderline flirtation happening between herself & Jinx, it was only a MATTER OF TIME before Jayce was informed. “I want you to go home for the evening, sweetie. I’d like a chance to explore Zaun on my own.” ‘On yer own? Looks like yer with her! Y’know, the wanted fuckin’ criminal?’ Muscular woman was VISIBLY TREMBLING --- Muscles tensing & twitching. Veins popping out beneath flesh. HARD SWALLOW & a glance in the Zaunite’s direction. Truth be told, she hadn’t a clue how to begin explaining this situation. It was something she would have to do at the office tomorrow. That would give her time to think up a SUITABLE LIE. For now, she was banking on LOYALTY. “Go. Home. I will see you tomorrow. I can take care of myself.” Huff & a grunt & Vi was pushing past the two of them --- Making sure to deliver a BONE-CRUSHING punch to Jinx’s stomach that sent the tiny thing flying into the wall. Caitlyn hid her concern. Lest to give away to either of them that she CARED about the felon’s well-being. Pink-haired enforcer may have punched a few other innocent bystanders on the way out of the club. Perhaps she was JEALOUS too? Sheriff had never looked at her friend in a romantic light & she never would --- She’d always been STRAIGHT until she met...STILL STRAIGHT! She’d never considered that Vi might have a CRUSH on her. Hopefully it wasn’t that DEEP. Brute likely just wanted to punch holes into Jinx’s face. Letting out a sigh of relief, Caitlyn waited for her employee to vacate the club before taking a few steps toward the BROKEN GIRL & extending a hand to her. “Get up. You owe me a dance. Remember? And after all the flak you gave Vi, you’d BETTER be damn good.”
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
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xunxjustxjusticex · 5 years
xunxjustxjusticex said: 🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
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                                             “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                               BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                                     AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!                                                     BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Could you imagine that? Like? Could. You. Imagine. JINX with a heavy, emotional secret? Like? JINX!! Jinx didn’t have emotions! And she damn sure didn’t have any secrets!! Right? RIGHT?! Of course not!! You know… Apart from that SHADOW looming over her head, painting the world a near perpetual gray that she had to literally BLOW COLOR INTO WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER. But other than that? Nah. She was clean. Pristine. So pure and see-through – INPENETRABLE. Just… Don’t go into that little room she hollowed out behind one of those aluminum panels that made up the SEWER TRENCH she (rarely) slept in. No one could ever find out about that little tinkered up Hextop that housed every last second of CHRONICLED EMOTION – Captured in time, where it could never, EVER escape the vortex of her mind like they used to so easily before. Every last time she ever felt GOOD – About herself AND in life. Those could never, ever be shared. And if you haven’t seen Jinx in a while? Double don’t dare even APPROACH her domain. Sometimes she just… Didn’t have the energy to empty out the Void… And no one could EVER know that. “You REALLY wanna know my heaviest secret?” Uh-oh. “I’ve got a girl that I can’t get off my mind. And I don’t have the slightest fucking clue why…” Wait. That was it? No prank? No laughter? NO MANIA OR CHAOS? Well, shit… There ya have it… “Now get the fuck out so I can hate this whole mess.”
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