I still can't believe you motherfuckers are actually doing crab day. I literally saw a trans rights are human rights post that was marked as sexual themes. You are out of your minds giving these motherfuckers your money
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Indonesian fiber artist Mulyana has taken over the Fisher Museum of Art with colorful, hand-knitted and crocheted aquatic life. 
With the duality of life and death as a recurring theme, Mulyana crafts a tactile, mystical world in which fish, whales, and coral reefs coexist with sea monsters and slow states of decay. 
Read Renée Reizman’s review of Mulyana: Modular Utopia.
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New url change. :)
Pinned post for my blog link.
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he’s… not wrong
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lmao you guys and your canned responses make me fucking sick
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Thinking I might leave tumblr for good soon. Me just existing isn't inherently sexual. I've got way too much going on in my life to have one more thing actively and publicly hating me for how I exist.
"Queerest place on the internet" my fucking ass.
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I think being selected for jury duty should have everyone watch 12 Angry Men.
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Doing some important research here, hopefully this will reach a sample size above ten.
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At least the name I used as a child that I want isn't taken by pornbots on pillowfort.
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Anyway I would bring back 'if you get knocked off on titan you have to lie in the lava for the rest of the fight with no chance to rez and you aren't even allowed to see what's going on up there'.
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Why don't zoomers use emulators or torrent things anymore? A good amount of zoomers could probably figure it out with time but people either just buy digital games or use pirate streaming sites.
I think there's a certain technical knowledge gap between people whose first computer was a Windows XP machine and people whose first computer was an iPad. On a mobile device like that, even the filesystem is abstracted away from you, so if that's all you've used your whole life, you may not know what a "folder" or a "file" is. If you don't know what those are, how could you be expected to understand something like torrenting? Then add the layer of a VPN, which is basically a necessity when torrenting lest you get a love letter from your ISP, and I'd say it's all but impenetrable for our strawman.
Idk man. Torrenting isn't hard, but there's a barrier to entry that a lot of people who grew up using smartphones aren't equipped to handle. There are plenty of millenials who don't know how to torrent either, and plenty of zoomers who do. It's just a technological generation gap.
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here’s one of them for all of you
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identify that card
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I think cross-class leveling is on par with TP needing to be a thing again which is what i voted for, but i don't think sprint should take TP. Why do magic classes have to manage MP while melee classes have unlimited "stamina"? Doesn't seem fair.
I also cast a vote for "You forgot about..."
Unless you're doing high end content cards don't mean a fucking thing! Sure they help, but not like they used to! I don't pull cards to help my party anymore. I pull cards to fulfill my own gauge because that's more satisfying which isn't how a support role should work.
And, yes, while I love how BRD is now I miss the songs doing different things to help the party as well. Like AST, BRD is a little too easy now. I think, overall, the game has cut back a little TOO MUCH on the difficulty.
Let's Go Back In Time...
Kids these days don't know how it was... they don't remember the GOOD old days of SUFFERING that was eventually patched out because it wasn't really that fun or important...! NO MORE! Let's go back. Let's get WORSE.
Reblog for a larger sampling size and to share YOUR propaganda about how actually not being able to move as Bard was GREAT or how I'm a FOOL for cutting 'the return of Accuracy as a Stat' because that's the OBVIOUS choice
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Want an invite to Pillowfort? I currently have 9, so send me a PM.
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Thinking I might leave tumblr for good soon. Me just existing isn't inherently sexual. I've got way too much going on in my life to have one more thing actively and publicly hating me for how I exist.
"Queerest place on the internet" my fucking ass.
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dumb comic about gamer acronyms
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