xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Aromatic Mist (Pokemon Inspired)
A spell to bring protection to your friend or loved one.
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You Will Need:
❃ Salt ❃ White Rice ❃ Rosemary ❃ Incense of Choice that Relates to Protection (I usually use Violet or Lotus) ❃ Picture or name of your friend ❃ Bowl ❃ *One of the following stones: Agate, Beryl, Carnelian, Citrine, Fluorite, Jasper, Jet, Nuummite or Obsidian ❃ (Optional) Plastic Zip Bag
*note that this crystal will be physically given to your friend so select one you are willing to part with or are able to find a replacement if needed*
❃ Light your incense and have it burning near your bowl while you work. Below your bowl place the image or written name of your friend you are casting the spell for
❃ In the bowl add your salt, white rice and rosemary
❃ Take your crystal of choice in hand. “(friend’s name) incense smoke guards you, incense smoke protects you, may no harm come to you” repeat this while running or holding crystal in the smoke of your incense. Do this as you feel necessary
❃ Take your crystal and place it in the bowl (to protect it just in case it may be damaged you can put it in the plastic zip bag). Make sure it is fully buried
❃ Leave over night, if you can in starlight or moonlight
❃ In the morning take out the crystal and present it as a gift to your friend you wish to protect
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Aroma Veil (Pokemon Inspired)
A perfume spell to protect the user from negative people and their presence and instead attract positive people. 
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You Will Need:
💟 A spray bottle or perfume bottle (you can find them on amazon) 💟 Carrier Alcohol (vodka is usually most common but I have used rubbing alcohol with success) 💟 Water 💟 20-30 drops Rose Essential Oil (depends on your preference and bottle size) 💟 5-8 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil 💟 1-3 drops Vanilla Essential Oil 💟 Amethyst, Angel Aura Quartz, Fluorite, Rainbow Obsidian, and/or Rose Quartz
💟 In your bottle fill it about half with your alcohol and then add in your drops of oil. Shake well and test. If not strong enough add more (do know that you will be adding water to it so it will be distilled a bit)
💟 Once you are happy with the scent add your water and shake well to mix
💟 Place in a window over night encircled by any of the crystals above to charge.
💟 Spray onto self before leaving your home to protect yourself from negative people and attract positive people. Store at room temperature.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
“Kiss the Girl” Glamour Spell (Disney Inspired Spell)
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A spell to encourage the person you like to kiss you (under their consent). Wonderful for dates~
You will Need:
Lip Gloss or lipstick (preferably red or a vibrant pink)
Rose Incense
Pink paper
Red Marker or Pen
Rose Water or Rose Quartz Gem Elixir
Mirror (preferably on the wall)
Set up your area in front of the mirror you will be working with. Light your rose incense. Let it burn during the entirety of the spell.
Do your make up as you would normally though leave your lips for last.
Take your lip gloss or lipstick and hold it up and view it in the mirror. “Tonight will be the night, for me to meet your lips.” Uncap/open your lipstick/lip gloss and apply it to your lips. While doing this visualize drawing a heart on your lips in pink/red energy and it entering your lips and leaves them glowing, beckoning someone to partake.
“Tonight, I will be kissed by (name of date/person of desire).” On the paper write the person’s name. Kiss the paper to ensure you leave a kiss mark on the paper, imagine it glowing and fading into the name.
If needed touch up your lipstick again but be sure to still be visualizing them glowing in a beckoning manner
Place the piece of paper into a bowl of rose water/rose quartz water and leave it there for the duration of the date. 
Before leaving wink at yourself in the mirror and blow a small kiss at it to close the spell and boost yourself with a bit more confidence. Also be sure your incense is out before you leave.
Note: this is to encourage a kiss, not force someone to. Please, don’t forcibly kiss anyone, that is not okay. This spell is to help set the mood and boost the likely hood of you both sharing a happy kiss.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
The Beast Curse - a Curse Jar to make someone fall on misfortune for a determined amount of time.
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*Inspired by the curse placed on the Beast by the witch for being cruel to her*
Needed: - Jar - Black Candle - Taglock - Thorns -  Black Salt - Garlic or Garlic Powder - Vinegar - Nails - Black Pepper - A fake rose
Steps:  - Light your candle.  - Put your taglock in the very bottom of your jar. This can be a lock of hair, a signature, something they gifted you or just their full name on paper. - Cover the taglock with a layer of black salt.  - Add your Black pepper for another layer.  - Add your Garlic  - Add your nails, Poking them down through the layers towards the taglock.  - Drip your vinegar into the jar. You dont need to add much, just let it soak through the layers.  - Cover the top layer with your thorns.  - Hold the jar in your hands and fill it with your intent for the target. Focus on the specific kinds of misfortune you want them to encounter.  - Seal the jar tightly.  - Cut the stem off of your fake rose, and use tape or glue to fix it to the lid of your jar.  - Choose a set amount of time for each individual petal to represent. like one day or one week.  - Remove a petal each time your set amount of time passes. When you run out of petals, the curse will be broken.  - Aesa <3 This is my original spell post, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.  Do not advertise on this post. 
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Aurora’s Love Dream Divination Spell (Disney Inspired)
A spell inspired by “Once Upon a Dream” from Sleeping Beauty. This spell is to help one dream of future romantic partners and outcomes. Note: Dream divination is not always straight forward - it can be symbolic and cryptic. You will often have to analyze dreams deeply and on a psychological level to get true answers.
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You Will Need: 
💕 2 Rose Quartz (love, romance)
💕 1 Amethyst (divination, dreams)
💕 Rose Petals -fresh or dried (romance)
💕 Rosemary (pure love, cleansing)
💕 Piece of Paper
💕 Pen - preferably red or pink ink
💕 Envelope big enough to fit gemstones
Set Up:
Be sure to cleanse your work space. You want to make sure you have an area to write and work in. This spell is a rather simple one, but still need to make sure no negative energy is hanging about. If desired you may also burn red and white candles to keep the space cleansed and to bring in the energy of romance. If you desire, feel free to play the Disney song as you work.
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The Spell:
💕 Once set up, on your piece of paper write the following:
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream” 
💕 If desired or needed you can tweak the lyrics to yourself or shorten it to fit on the page. 
💕 Once finished writing, fold it up and place it into the envelope
💕 Add your rose petals, pieces of rose quartz, piece of amethyst and your rosemary into the envelope as well
💕 Seal the envelope as you desire (tape and stickers are okay if it is too bulky due to crystals)
💕 Kiss the envelope and place it either under your pillows or if too bulky to place there comfortably beside or above your bed before sleep.
**lyrics above belong to Disney and are no where my content, I claim no ownership of these lyrics - fair use
**spell is from my personal grimoire. Like what I post? Want to support me or buy me a delicious coffee? Feel free to check out my Ko-Fi Page!
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
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Ways to know you might be remembering a past life ❤️❤️ Lots of love
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
How to access your past lives
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By Ellen A. Mogensen with the inspired help of the Guardians of Time
Careful preparation is the key to the success of this exercise.
1> Most people need to do this exercise daily for at least a month before they begin to get anything that is meaningful about their past lives. So you will probably need to have some patience with the process. Yet if you are patient and have a sincere desire to do further past life journeying, you will be successful.
2> Remember to do this process slowly. You must focus on completely relaxing your body and your mind so that images of your past lives can be brought gently into your conscious awareness. Each time you do this exercise you will go ever more deeply into yourself. The deeper you go, the more answers you get.
3> Ask for your Higher Self, your Guides, your Guardian angels, and whatever other servants of the universe you like to be present for the entire session and to keep you safe and protected at all times.
4> Being comfortable is the key. You can lie down (recommended) or sit up. If you opt to sit up, you must be supported and feel fully relaxed and comfortable. Be sure to loosen any restrictive clothing
5> Do this exercise in a peaceful place where you will be completely quiet and undisturbed for the entire session when you are fairly well rested (so you will NOT fall asleep) . This entire exercise should last for NO longer than 45 minutes. Set an alarm or timer to snap you out of it should the session run longer.
6> Pick a special intention for you past life journey. It could be “what I most need to see”, “what I most need to heal”, or “the explanation for my life’s purpose”, “about a past personality”, or “a special need”.
How to Do This Exercise:
1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally comfortable and relaxed in whatever position you have chosen (it should take you no more than 3 minutes to get comfortable).
2> Close your eyes and envision a golden white ball of healing light. Send that ball of healing light to each part of your body in turn. Start with your feet, go up your calves, over your knees, along your thighs, through you hips and stomach, along your torso, though your chest and heart, along your shoulders, along your arms, to your hands, back up to your neck, and through your head until you are relaxed.
b> You should be in a place of perfect peace and stillness. Your body should now be filled with beautiful healing light. Take a moment to bask in it: feel it’s warmth and it’s safety.
3> Go inside and connect with your inner vision. On the screen of your mind, imagine a closed door at the bottom of a staircase. See yourself walking to the staircase. See yourself slowly walking down the stairs. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you will see two things.
b> On the RIGHT side, there is a door with big red letters on it which say “MY PAST LIVES”. Right now, the door is closed. Behind the door is the gateway to your past lives.
4> While you are sitting or lying on the comfortable couch, let the love of the universe surround you. Know that at all times, you are completely safe and protected by all your guides.
b> If you do want to go through the door, rise from the couch and move in front of the door.
5> Before starting your journey back through time, you need to declare the following to the universe. This is absolutely necessary to make sure that your past life journey is a safe and pleasant one.
b> “I will see, hear, and experience everything about my past lives as if I was watching a movie. Just as a movie cannot harm me, my journey through my past lives cannot harm me.”
c> “I am clear on my intention for my past life journey which is…. (what you prepared above).”
6> Open the door. If the door does NOT open, then the universe is telling you to go back to the couch. If you chose to continue, it is your choice. Just consider that it might be for your own good to stop. When you are ready, go inside the “Past Life Room”. Inside this room, you will see two things.
a> On the wall of the “Past Life Room”, there is a WHITE SCREEN with BLINDS over it that is shut and down. b> On either side of the white screen are two buttons: one isGREEN and one is RED . c> On the LEFT, the GREEN button opens the blinds and shows you your past lives. d> On the RIGHT, the RED button closes the blinds and takes to back to the safe, comfy couch.
7> When the blinds go up, you will see an image of yourself in a past life. This will be the past life that you most need to see or the past life that most closely matches your special intention.
b> If you are having difficulty seeing yourself on the Past Life Screen, ask to see the feet of your past life personality. Try to see what it is that you are wearing on your feet. Are they shoes, sandals, boots, or are your feet bare?
c> Once you see your feet, slowly look up to see the rest of you. Once you are in focus, look at yourself on the screen. Take a moment to steady the image, then say “Action!”.
8> Whenever you are ready, press the GREEN button to open the blinds and begin your journey. The first time keep your journey to 20 or 30 minutes. Only go longer once you have had more practice.
9> Whenever you feel your journey has ended or if the alarm goes off, it is time to come back. Reach to your right and press the RED button. You will be back at the comfortable couch. Take a few minutes to rest there. Then get up and walk back up the staircase to where you began your journey.
Like a deep sea diver come back up slowly to the surface of your conscious awareness. You have been to a deep place within you and you must readjust to your normal waking state.
Example: The point of doing this exercise is to delve into your past lives. Unlike a movie, this is always an intensely personal journey that will speak to you on many levels. It will be different for everyone since everyone is unique. When you first start journeying through time, ask to be shown pleasant past life images so you can master the process. I wish you well on your journeys to the inner worlds.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
The Pixies Of ALL spells!
The story of all pixie realms such as Dominosis and Pixieus is full of magic in the future. 
There is one pixie named Pixiebella as the destined ruler of all pixies. she is beautiful but she withelds a key to the heaven gates to be fully redeemed by Desiree Hazelline (Not Desiree Hazel)
She is a queen of heavens spirit to be announced in 2099 to have all sorts of magic. Fairies pixies angels mermaid and elves are nominated to that event. 
The queen of earth will be nominated by pixie heaven queen to have all sorts of magic to be pure earth. Her name is Desiree Heather Andertonis
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Still waiting for it.. why
I know but this is a long status. This is not a plead for help but yep I couldn't take it anymore and knew the lethal injection wasn't going to make it in time. I checked the blinks and yes it apparently went on in the future. For the court last year told me that I had to be a new body not to suffer so much.
I in xilomena could say I suffered in all past life experiences I mentioned about
So yeah had enough. I will be creating a Tumblr away from this account. When theres a new photo on that account means I died into another body. I mentioned too much here and really want a fresh start away from the negative expedition. I doubt that there is going to be hurrying up in the meantime. 
So yes I could say this is another code for a goodbye
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
This is a group to confess about my past life and future life. I with a exploitive speakerbox going to be Maddisarialeina and have to pass off to rebirth to be a 21 year old body. This is a law death of mine to be happening.
So I will start off with how I was Maddison was I was murdered as a baby in 506 and 509. I lived as a adult and rebirthed to be adult clone again. The law system deemed I couldn’t be baby in this expedition and for now until 1998 I couldn’t be with my parents of my destined.
I still remember although in 1312 I got lethally injected to be a clone of 500 parents. This is when I couldn’t be queen as I used to be Maddisarialeina. I got murdered back into the same clone and died from suicide to be a kid.
In 1510 I got murdered by a girl for suiciding on lethal gas. I should’ve not done it as I was hurt. After that I was a Maddisarialeina clone and until I forgave them they were murdered.
1571 was when I was thrown off in Paris off the building to death for killing a government child protection professional. I was clone to when in 1578 got lethally injected to be a kid again.
I was hurt and struggled to get along with my parents. I had only one mom and was not allowed friends. I was homeschooled until 1581 I went to boarding school then got kicked out due to bullying.
I became homeschooled for three years until 1574. I was in high school. Mirabellea was my friend to be sister and so was Rebella.
I was thankful in that when I got my law degree at 1591. And omg I forgot to say whom I was. I was Maddison Rose Uma. I had a sister named Elisabeth.
I suicided for a while in 1609 ten times. I was never put in a baby till I studied to be a community service worker.
Due to this in the next years I went to mental health to be diagnosed with schizophrenia after I was told I was polluted with gas on a speakerphone.
I had mental health admissions and was forced to be with a clone after dating another one. I was punched and kicked until my death at Paris Eiffel Tower fall at 1626.
After that death I was a clone again to be in coma to be raped and near murdered to be another clone again. They as the government expedition shut off my brain for six years for when I was in coma.
I was in cloning for 75 years for when again I got diagnosed with schizophrenia after revealing the expedition quite well.
I was Maddison Mary Corsar In 1768 and lost it over Desiree. My daughter got taken away by child protection services and got murdered to it. She was kid clone after she was in foster care.
I got murdered as a kid with my cousins for when we died at unlawful murder with her. That was when I was a clone again and forced to be in coma at cloning again. Charged with murder.
1810 was when 16 year old clone happened on amnesia. I died in 1813 by suicide on lethal injection to be baby which failed to descend as I was clone adult again.
In 1836 was when I conceived Desiree and had that kid taken away to be in care. This time she wasn’t murdered.
I wrote books about Seareadual mostly all the way through 1845 when I got forced to not do any.
1868 was when I got murdered at chooks Australia with a sister named Agnes. She was recantation into a kid and then baby of a lady that married my present great great grandfather.
After that I was kid and then was 16 years old again. I was tutored at cloning agency and had to work with clones that were my sister and brothers. Cousins wasn’t allowed.
1910 I was 16 years old again. I was in school and met friends from the past life 1600s. I was homeless for a year in Perth to this I met my future aunt whom near murdered me. There was some forgiveness after that and when the cloning agency found me I was put in a coma for 13 years. I was upset when they lethally injected me to be sixteen again and after the next lethally injection For 10 years I was Maddison Mary Anderson working as a lawyer.
I got lethally injected to be in a cat after then and after two years I was in a child. I was bullied pretty bad and stalked by professionals. They were coming to hurt me about the past life and so was people from that past life.
I met my future present dad at ten. He was good and I knew my mom at two. She still doesn’t remember me from that past life when I had a different mom.
I was in high school and got bullied and harassed further. Aimee Hodgson my sister was in foster care and after that we were lethally injected after having babies and another one same girl taken away.
I had the same past life professionals whom were trying to get back at me for another life where in 1968 I was working with a client and he betruth to tell me I was wrong. Nearly got murdered for that.
In 1989 I was in a car crash at Katanning with my family at night and got transported back to Bunbury Hospital. I died there and then came back as 19 year old clone. I got lethally injected to be a kid of a cloning agency in 1993 and then I was murdered by a family relation whom now regrets that murder.
I was adult clone again at the time working as a lawyer after being tested for a degree as Maddisarialeina with Aimiarianaleina. In 1998 I was harassed again and stalked by professionals to where they found out my identity. They threatened after Desiree was removed in 1998 to be incarcerated to be murdered. I was living at Bunbury. I was decided with Dylan John Wilson to be Maddison Rose Matthews and Dylan Gratton Wilson after we got kidnapped to be lethally injected in 2001 to be kids again.
The kids past life was in another clone whilst we in and also We apparently went to the same school where I was doing good until I lost it. I was harassed and kidnapped regularly to be abused by mental health. They were harassing me in front of my parents. They threatened my dad saying he will keep suiciding after he will get murdered which that happened when I was ten by police. Another spirit of his uncle was living in that body of a clone.
I was forced to have babies which got taken away from child protection all the way through 2002 to 2011.
Until I went to another school Dylan followed me there. I kept fighting with my friends and until 2011 I was self harming because I wasn’t allowed friends at school. I changed schools and no one was friends with me. I was losing the plot when I changed schools again.
Yes I died 62 times as Maddison Rose Matthews. I was drinking when I met my stepfather whom is my additional father to my clone and heaven body.
It was painful not talking to my dad because the spirit that was also my destined dad was losing it at mom regularly. She was bashed by him from being in a second clone whilst the original main dad wasn’t. She thought it was true when he didn’t do it until she got hypnotised to lose the plot at him.
So at fifteen I got skinny and drinking at high school alone too much after losing friends to my own cutting.
I was put in foster care and then left school at sixteen. I went to tafe to achieve a certificate ii for a certificate iii which I lost the plot over. So I got pregnant with Desiree after the agency got me pressured to seek support.
At the end of birth they took my baby and I turned to darkness for a while. I lost it and wasn’t so much full of life.
I went to a refuge. I went to Narrogin to stay at a respite where I suicided in that sixty two times.
I was followed after the friend I knew was my brother that got aborted years ago. I had most amnesia about my childhood. No blessing about that.
The friends kept telling me that they were going to be All relations in biological for me and it was true that I was going to be lethally injected.
They found me at Bunbury where I got raped there as a clone. After three months I got stabbed by a knife in the brain to put a speakerphone in my throat.
I was talking to people in my own head whom from cloning and the magistration. I tried to tell the same professionals whom I wasn’t too remembering about that until I realised they were the same professions I dealt with in the past life.
I lost it. I actually had a friend whom told me about the expedition and the professions suppressed it threatening with murder.
The friend died on me. Nearly saw the body and yes he apparently was murdered.
I had lost it when I realised too much and couldn’t be sorry about it. Dylan was with me for three to four years in the same houses we been through. I love him but he keeps depriving me and also it broke my heart when my second dad couldn’t see me anymore with my sister Aimee. He told me I would get lethally injected and I was going to have 500 parents related in that body. My parents would be in that and that body was mine to be in to be Maddisarialeina.
So yes I suffered a lot and yes I am still waiting for that lethally. I am dying to be a different person because I murdered too much for harrassment and unlawful abuse by government as much parents done wrong to me. I’m tired of it and yes this suicide will still have me in this world
Maddison Rose Matthews
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Before Air Of Gods Part 2
Seayeaihisjealahverisalah died in front of Lynette had died into death of a mean person in professional assistance of many others in support of corruption. 
Lynette had begun “I only was a accent of this was a act of betrayal to the diagnosis of schizophrenia”. Collin told him “I was the one in xilomena that had accidental betrayal on this to be forfeit that I was queen and not king because I was a girl” and Lynette had betroathed “I was the one. She had ignored me that I was suffering from depression”. 
The queen had said “If the queen may was given she would be delighted in taking Arianiorahial to jail and yes Desiree may be given a hello”.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 4 years
Before Air Of Gods 1BA-
Dealeausahialyeareauserosa died to be Lynettes sister. She was sister and then daughter to be in meeting of all gods. She told them “What is the point of actual gods in Kathreanyeias eyes”. They all complied “I was the one that had betrothed a single hello”.. “Hello what have you done my daughter. I was the one whom portrayed hello as schizophrenia possession.. What have you done to my daughter”. “I was the one the possession I haven't done anything wrong” the male said. “So where is my only truth that I haven't done anything wrong Ive had actually said this wasn't the case when Glennifer had truth the single one to be a queen of Jeadeausej”, “I haven't done anything wrong. I have only complied that this was the answer given and only that I haven't died in the meantime. I said to Maddison that she was given a diagnosis of schizophrenia”
The gods include Rezeamye told them “I haven't done anything to comply is this the answer given.. I said to the answer Maddison that she was Maddisaria and yes the truth to belong is that she is Maddisarialeina”. 
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xxmaddisonrosei · 5 years
Future of Seareadual Emerald Of Believix
Chapter 2
Seyeiahisjeal had argued “I was one of the many other things that people were being honest”.
Chapter 3
Dealeareausej had concealed a spell for this momentum of coming to a conclusion for the gathering.
Dealeareausej must of gave a certain spell that Downfall a dimension.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 5 years
Past life Recollection Oil
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An oil to aid in past life recollection! (Inspired by @shinto-witch but I lacked a lot of ingredients, so I made a different combination).
Rose petals
Celery salt
Bay leaves
Orange peel
Crushed mint
All of the above are combined **over heat (I used my stove top on medium)** in canola oil (any carrier oil is fine, that’s just what I had on hand). Let to cool, and filtered into a jar.
**The oil should only be on heat long enough to combine the ingredients cohesively without frying/burning any of them, 2 minutes max. If you’re uncomfortable using heat, other ways of creating oils (like tinctures if you’d rather use a different carrier, or longer steeping in the oil) would work just fine. Heat is simply my go to for combining Ingredients. :)**
I floated rose petals and bay leaves for an extra kick and also aesthetic.
To use, dip fingers in the oil and trace full circles on each wrist and on the third eye. Best used during a full moon, and if you are new to past life regression I would advise doing this around the time you would normally start to fall asleep, so that the meditation is easier.
For me, this was a budget mix that I felt was just as potent as other recipes I’ve seen, but didn’t require the harder to find ingredients.
Feel free to use and/or reblog!
**Edited for clarity**
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xxmaddisonrosei · 5 years
Hello darlings! Today I really want to talk about magical waters. I’ll start with simple waters, then one ingredient waters, and then composite waters. Waters is pretty much anything like water that is used magically, so it ranges from storm water to tobacco and damiana tincture, and other stuff. Any of these can be collected whenever is convenient, but I added the time to collect them to make them more potent.
Natural Waters
Rain Water:
Rain water can be used for any spell to make it more potent, but it is a useful tool in peace magic, to quell anger, to relax, and for dream magic. Collect whenever you want.
Storm Water:
Storm water can be either protective or offensive. Use it to wash down your doors to protect you from hexes, and wash your tools with it to amplify their power. You can use it in any hexes or curses you want. To amplify it, add rusty nails to it and let turn rusty. Collect on a waxing gibbous moon.
Swamp Water:
Can be used in works for binding, hexing, or cloaking. Use when wanting to cause illness. Annoint yourself with swamp water to make yourself unnoticeable to others. Colelct on the dark moon (second new moon of the month) or on the new moon.
Marsh Water:
Marsh water is almost the same as swamp water, but it is more suitable for cloaking than other things. It can also be used for cleansing negative energies. Colelct on waning crescent moon.
Hail Water:
Hail water is melted hailstones. Use it for protection or hexing. Similar to storm water, but more aggressive. Use when you want to break sojmeone, or when you wish to cause physical harm. Collect during a full moon for best results.
Salt Water:
Salt water can be used for cleansing and protection from negativity. Simply add salt to water.
Sea Water:
Use sea water in works involving the psyche, or in hexing. It can also be used for cleansing. I use it to work with demonic forces as well. Collect on a new moon.
Lake Water:
Lake water is amazing in works concerning emotions, love, memories, or past life regressions. Boil it and drink it to enhance attempts for past life regressions. Collect on waxing moon.
Pond Water:
Use when wanting to bind someone, or to limit their horizons. Keep a flower vase with pond water in it on a table to silence a conversation to those not sitting at it. Collect on a dark moon.
Spring Water:
Spring water is super versatile. Use it instead of tap water.
Dew can allow the witch to cast powerful glamours for beauty and youth. It is an important ingredient in love potions. Collect at sunrise during a waxing or full moon.
Self Water:
Fancy word for spit or urine. This one is a little nasty, but it is to be used whenever a spell needs to be tied to the caster.
Sun Water:
Bask any sort of water in the sun for a full day. Use it for cleansing, to bring positivity into a space, or for glamours of youth.
Moon Water:
Used to power up any spell. Let water sit in the light of a full moon for a full night.
Tobacco Water:
Steep tobacco into water for a week in the fridge. When strained, mix with 100 proof vodka, about 1.5 parts water for 1 part vodka. Use it to cleanse or to offer to spirits when working with them. Can be used to cause addiction in a person.
Saffron Water:
Steep saffron into water and mix 1 part water with 1 part vodka. Use to raise winds by sprinkling it in the air, or rub on your lips before whistling and raising storms.
Rose Water:
Use for love, glamours, and beauty. Steep fresh rose petals in vodka for a period of 4 weeks, and then extract all the liquid from the petals by pressing them until they have lost their color. Cut with 0.5 part water.
Orange Blossom Water:
Use for joy, beauty, cleansing, and sunshine. Prepare in the same way as the rose water.
Lilac Water:
Use lilac water for sleep, dream magic, spirit work, and cleansing. Prepare in the same way you would prepare the other flower waters.
Apple Blossom Water:
Create this by the same manner as the three flower waters above. Use for protection, love, and beauty.
Holly Water:
Holly water is to be used to protect your family. It will prick at intruders, or unwelcomed guests. It will also allow you to always have knoledge of the safety of your family. Simply steep holly leaves in water and mix with vodka. Do not ingest this, as it is poisonous.
All Bite no Bark Water:
A powerful water used for protection of a space. Mix together storm water, hair of a black dog, dirt of a grave, the ashes of psalm 7, rose thorns, teeth of a canidae, and three holly berries. Pour around a room which you wish to protect, or water protective plants to give their produce an aggressive kick. This water will protect a space with the ferocity of a rabid dog, and will not warn before attacking.
Fiery Wall of Protection Water:
Mix together sun water with three hot peppers, red brick dust, pottasium nitrate (saltpeter), sulfur, and blackthorn pricks. Another like the above, but more passive. Attacker might suffer a rash after encountering it.
Pitch Water:
Use pitch water to stop someone from making any progress. Mix together water from a swamp, gum arabic or acacia, charcoal dust, and chapparal. It can also be used to dissorient. Fair warning, this water is hella sticky.
Fuck Off Water:
Mix together sumac, apple seeds, thorns of a blackberry, cloves and storm water. Use it to repel unwanted people.
Goodbye Lover Water:
Mix together sea water, sumac, cloves, poppy seeds, thorns of a cactus, petals of a hibiscus flower, and saltpeter. Use it to get rid of unwanted courters or lovers, or to make two people break up.
I hope you guys find this useful! Make sure to be careful with any of the potentially dangerous ingredients listed, and put these to good use! Good luck my darlings.
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xxmaddisonrosei · 5 years
Here it is.
Reinadual s meaning this era for the expedition is rising with more.
Reinadual The Spark Of All Fate Of Rainbow Jewel
Saravenidual The Shadow Of Doorstep
Reinadual The Spark Of Black Magic
Reinadual The Secret Of Red Zirconia
Reinadual The Dimension Of Fate (NOW FOUR CHAPTERS)
Enjoy your reading!
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xxmaddisonrosei · 5 years
So let me tell you. I knew a girl named Souleisej and she lived in xilomena yes she was beautiful. She lived in America and she had a baby. That baby got taken away from her when she landed in Australia. She is heaven body and reunited with the child in heaven
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