xxmiamcmakinsxx · 1 year
-The day was an absolute gorgeous one in Mia’s opinion. The sun was out and there was a gently breeze. Not too hot, or cold, just right in the low seventies. It was a perfect day to take stroll in the park, perhaps get some homework done as well. Looking for a nice place to sit in the grass, she didn’t notice the toy on the walk path until she stumbled over it. 
Little curse slipped out as she barely avoided fall flat on her face for all to see. Scooping down, she brushed off the toy, it in surprisingly in good condition after colliding with her big feet. Glancing around for the owner, she noticed a man and a little girl not that far up the path.
“Excuse me!?” She called out, picking up the pace in order to catch up. “Does this belong to you guys?” Mia held out the toy for them both to see. “I found it over there on the path and thought maybe it’s home was with you guys. 
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xxmiamcmakinsxx · 1 year
First Day
Today was her very fist day on the new job. Mia had small part time jobs here and there, but mostly she focused on her schooling. That had been the deal with her brother, if she continued to live with him she’d have to focus on school. Mia had kept her end of the deal, but felt it was time to start on her own journey. 
The small bell above the front door jingled, announcing her arrival before she could say any sort of greeting as entered the lobby. Glancing around, she took in the waiting area and then the receptionist desk, where she’d be doing most of her work. 
“Good Morning, Corey.” She spoke sweetly, smiling as he came into view. “I know I’m about twenty minutes early, but I figured I could get a little settled in and drop my lunch off in the breakroom before we start the day. Hope you don’t mind?” It was always good to get there early on your first day, but perhaps this was too early and he was ready.  
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xxmiamcmakinsxx · 1 year
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KATHRYN NEWTON via instagram
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xxmiamcmakinsxx · 1 year
Location: Balvie’s Bistro, after hours.
Status: Open.
Balveer was behind the counter with his back to the restaurant. He heard the door open and close, but didn’t turn to see who or what had entered. “Didn’t I tell you not to come snooping around back here?” he called out to what should have been empty tables and chairs. “Whatever you’re buyin’ or sellin’, I’m not sellin’ or buyin’.” He continued working on the piece of technology that was in his hands. It wasn’t clear what it was, but it was obviously broken.
With no response forthcoming, he finally dropped what he was holding dramatically onto the countertop and turned around. “What is it with you? What is it you’ve got that’s so damn important?” his face dropped as he realised that not only was it not who he expected, it wasn’t even somebody he knew at all. “Oh! Oh! My apologies!” his demeanour changed and he bowed apologetically. “Unfortunately, we are closed for the evening, so-” he paused, furrowing his brow. “Is everything alright? You look a bit...shaken.”
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Stubbornly, Mia wanted to sleep in her brand new apartment. It was still empty, expect for the mattress on the bedroom floor, an old tv in the corner and a box of cereal in the cupboard. It wasn’t much, but it was all hers and that is what mattered. For the first time, she felt like a functioning adult, instead of the kid sister that had to be taken care of. In her left arm, she carried a paper bag that was filled with some necessary toiletries to hold her over until she began the lengthy process of moving in. 
The sun had gone down and the only light around was coming from a couple of street lamps and the light reflecting off the moon. Mia never thought of herself as jumpy person, but as she walked alone on the sidewalk back to her apartment, she grew anxious. Checking over her shoulder, a figure stood out to her. Off in the distance there appeared to be large male, someone trailing far enough behind her, she most likely wouldn’t have seen him if she didn’t have her gift.  
Without hesitation, she darted into the first building she could. Her heart raced as she thought of who she should call, but the angry owner made her freeze. Mia didn’t want to go back out there quite yet, but it had been made known her presence wasn’t wanted. Taking one large step back, toward the door she’d just came through, she began stammering out an apology. 
“I-I am so so soorry.” It wasn’t her intention to intrude, though he apologized for his outburst, Mia felt guilty for just barging into a closed establishment. “I understand, I don’t know what I was thinking...” Mia gave the stranger an apologetic look and was ready to turn and leave when he asked if everything was alright. “N-No, I don’t know.” Mia’s bright blue eyes were wide as she answered. “There was someone trailing behind me...” The stranger outside aura was off, but if she explained that to a stranger, she might just sound like a judgy brat. “I just wanted to make a call and see if someone would come and bring me home.” 
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xxmiamcmakinsxx · 2 years
Sisters by Choice || Mia&Bella
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         “You have literally no idea how much I needed a girls night,” Bellamy told Mia as they sat at the bar of the small lounge. No doubt when Mia had told Charlie she was going to a bar with Bella he’d envisioned a club but Bella found those kinds of environments less fun now that she was with Kemper, and in reality, if she was meant to be finding someone for Mia to flirt with for the night a nightclub was so not the move. They needed one of these lounges, quieter music with a small dancer floor, the ability to order small plates of food, and much much better drinks so the price was at least worth it.
          Tapping her nails on the bar as she heard the quiet romantic pop music playing she continued. “I cannot believe Kemper’s ex not only came to town but actually works for me, it’s going to be fucking awkward, especially since she wants to be a manager, which would mean I’d be interacting with her like like…all the fucking time and he’s already going to totally be at her beck and call because he feels so guilty, I know I’m going to end up just snapping at him.” Bella shook her head in frustration, fake blue gems that hung from her earlobes shaking as she did so. “So I totally need the distraction of finding you someone cute.”
These nights were special to Mia. There was nothing wrong with Charlie, minus the stick stuck up his ass. Though despite all his faults, and she could think of many, she loved her older brother. It was still nice to get away from him and his contestant criticism. Bella was like the older sister she’d always wanted.
The blonde scooted her fancy fruity drink with an umbrella towards near the edge of the bar, taking a sip out of the straw as she looked sidewise at the older blonde. Love sounded complicated, not that she knew anything about it. Charlie did an outstanding job scaring all love interests away, which is why she lied about the night. They were out watching a chick flick with a very sappy love story to insure he’d want nothing to do with them tonight.  
“She works for you?” Mia brows raised, thinking that was a terrible idea. “Oh, boy.” She breathed out, pushing the drink back at the mention of her wanting to work upper management. “Are you going to promote her? Does she at least do a decent job?”
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xxmiamcmakinsxx · 2 years
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KATHRYN NEWTON via instagram stories
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