xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
kidnapped and brainwashed
A/N: this is about y/n getting kidnapped and brainwashed into becoming a member of the league of villains your also in class 1-A
you start to wake up feeling groggy and still tired from the drugs and you open your eyes slowly and try to move aswell but you find yourself tied to a chair and gagged when you try to speak and when you fully open your eyes you immediately freeze in fear seeing the league talking not realising your awake until dabi turns around
“well well look whos awake finally~” he says as he approaches you with a sinister smirk on his face and the rest of the league turn around seeing you awake and they all immediately smirk at you
“our little new toy huh?~” toga says as she is smiling psychotically at you “can i drink her blood she looks so cute!!” you immediately look at her in fear praying she isnt gonna drink your blood
“no toga you cant we cant have you drinking our new recruits blood can we?” shigaraki says addressing toga your heart races as you hear him say your their new recruit
shigaraki then pulls a device out his pocket and holds it up for everyone to see “shall we get our little brainwashing party started?” you start to panic not wanting to be brainwashed tears forming in your eyes not wanting to become a villain and a member of the league but you realise you cant really do much about it so you just accept your fate feeling defeated and upset
shigaraki then moves closer to you strapping the device to your head and then pressing a button on a small remote and you feel a surge of electricity going through your body and you start getting dizzy and disoriented and then your world goes black again passing out
-couple weeks later-
you’ve been brainwashed for a couple weeks now your completely at shigaraki’s mercy and you do everything he tells you to do and today your on a mission when you bump into someone and you look up to your surprise its bakugo!
y/n is that you?” he says shakily surprised to see you almost in disbelief that your standing right there infront of him
“who are you?” you ask forgetting who bakugo even is not having any regonisisation of him whatsoever since you’ve been brainwashed your past memories gone wiped
y/n dont play these games im bakugo dont you remember what did those bastards do to you!” he starts getting pissed off as he sees your confused facial expression and he starts piecing things together and then he speaks up again “your coming with me back to UA right now we will fix you” he grabs your wrist pulling you
you try pulling away scared since you dont remember who bakugo is and you dont remember UA either so you think your going back to another place where your gonna be held hostage again bakugo on the other hand has a tight grip on your wrist making you unable to pull away from him as he drags you to UA
-20 minutes later-
yous both arrive at UA bakugo still dragging you through the halls taking you up to aizawa’s office bursting through the door
“aizawa i found her” he says sounding annoyed
“oh my god niamh are you okay?!” aizawa asks obviously clearly worried about you he jumps off his chair running over to you while you just look at him confused wondering who the hell he is
you dont know who i am do you i see it in your eyes have you been brainwashed?” he asks sounding irritated and upset that you dont remember him and the thought of you being brainwashed
“no who are you?” you say still curious and confused who he is your eyebrow raised in confusion
“your brainwashed for sure” his tone is more firm and serious then he turns to bakugo
“take her to the infirmary bakugo they’ll know how to undo the brainwashing ill catch up i gotta let nezu know about this” he says sounding more demanding bakugo nods and turns his attention to you
“come on we will help you i promise and ill never leave your side okay i wont let anything happen to you i promise” he says before taking your hand in his walking to the infirmary with you
-A couple days later-
bakugo kept his promise and now your near enough back to yourself again you remember aizawa and everyone in your class again since they’ve each came and visited you
you’ve slowly gotta used to being around them again but you still have thoughts in the back of your head about the league getting their hands on you again but its been fine since you were found by bakugo and you’re more comfortable your classmates and aizawa helping you through the trauma and everything you’ve been through not letting you go through anything alone keeping you safe from any dangers whatsoever
Authors note!!
thank you for reading this i really appreciate it i actually wrote half of this on the plane coming home from tenerife lols at like midnight but hey it kept me occupied lols! đŸ–€
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xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
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Shiggy's hairstyles
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xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
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xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
Izuku: Til death do us part, right, Kacchan? Katsuki: It's cute you think death can separate us.
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xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
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Had to make a meme to describe me currently
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xxrheaswifexx · 3 months
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xxrheaswifexx · 4 months
might write today ngl im quite bored but if i dont my bad im probably sitting listening to music and forgot to write <3
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xxrheaswifexx · 4 months
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xxrheaswifexx · 5 months
Kidnapped by the LOV
Description: You go to UA also dating Bakugo and are in Class 1-A until one day you were kidnapped by the league but for what is the question read along and you will see hope yous enjoy it <3
One night you were walking down the streets during the day whilst you had a day off school you start sensing someone following you so you start walking faster, pulling your phone out messaging ur boyfriend Bakugo “help I think someone’s following me”
he replies almost immediately back to you “babe just stay calm and keep walking ill come get you okay? I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you and you know that”
You don’t reply but you read it and you turned your head to see if anyone is actually following you and you turn your head
when you see the league of villain leader Tomura Shigaraki you freeze in fear when you see him almost paralysed in fear as he slowly begins to approach you smirking sadistically at you and thats when you start trying to run away but then he catches up to you grabbing your arm tightly not letting go as you sit struggling trying to get your arm back so you can run and then Shigaraki injects something into your neck which makes you sleepy and drowsy and you fall asleep completely at Shigaraki’s mercy

~A couple hours later~
You start waking up you go to rub your eyes but then you realise you can’t because ur tied to a chair and you open your eyes seeing Shigaraki staring at you and he notices you waking up and he speaks up
“Someone’s awake now I see~” he says in a cruel sadistic tone which makes a shiver go down ur spine making you panic even more and you start struggling against your restraints terrified what he’s planning to do with you until he walks over to you grabbing ur chin which makes another shiver go down ur spine feeling uncomfortable and you look at him in the eyes with tears filling ur eyes as you panic trying to catch ur breath but does Shigaraki care no

You feel so helpless wondering if ur boyfriend Bakugo knows what happened and told the class so then they’d come and rescue you from the league and then Shigaraki lets go of ur chin walking over to a table in the room you look at it fear fills ur body you feel like you could throw up from the anxiety because the table is full of what looks like torture devices he picks one up and starts walking over to you with it in his hands with a smirk on his face and he starts using it on you, Your screaming and crying in pain as he’s using the device on you but your screams are only making it more enjoyable for him

~Another couple hours pass of him torturing you~
Your body is so weak like you could pass out at any minute your body is just in complete pain and its unbearable for you and you eventually pass out after a while of trying to stay awake and whilst ur passed out aloud bang happens you don’t wake up your class and Aizawa charge in to come and rescue you, Bakugo takes notice of how injured and weak you are unconscious and he just gets mad straight away and charges after Shigaraki fighting him out of pure anger for hurting you whilst Aizawa runs to you untying you picking you up in his arms walking out with you in his arms taking you to a nearest hospital where you would be treated for your injures and kept there for a while Bakugo finishing Shigaraki taking him to the police station handing him in
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xxrheaswifexx · 6 months
meeting for the first time pt.2
a/n: since yall wanted a pt.2 and also yall are getting high with dabi so HAVE FUN and this one is a bit shorter than the last one but hope yall enjoy it!!
dabi x reader
getting high with dabi in dabi’s favourite alleyway to smoke
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its around 4:30pm and your on your usual walk and you notice at the corner of your eye dabi in the alleyway again smoking so you go over to him smiling all happy to see him again
“hi im back!!” you say all smiley and glad to see him
“oh hey there!!” he says taking a draw of his cigarette in his hand then you pull out a joint from your pocket smirking
“you wanna?” you say with a smirk on your face
“lets do it!!” he says flinging the cigarette away so yous can smoke the weed together
you light the joint taking the first hit and then you pass it to dabi and after a while when you both finish the joint together you both are extremely high off the weed your imaging things not able to walk in a straight line meanwhile dabi cant stop laughing at you not being able to walk in a straight line yous are both like this for a while and dabi invites you back to the league of villain base you go with him but he’s holding you making sure you dont just go flying on your face even though he’s high himself and yous arrive at the league of villains base and when you walk through the door dabi just cant stop laughing at you and shigaraki turns around raising an eyebrow
“whos this?” dabi takes a deep breath trying to calm himself because how much he was laughing
“this is y/n!” he says smiling as your trying to stabilise yourself
“y/n what a vulnerable person
” he says with a more sinister tone eyeing you down
“their just a friend dont worry their just a bit high like me at the moment” dabi says bluntly not even trying to hide the fact you both are so high
“oh yous are high now?” shigaraki says more angrily you just nod holding onto the couch stabilising yourself talking to your hallucinations
“their more high i cant lie” dabi says pointing it out basically
“i can definitely tell their talking to themselves” shigaraki says pointing at you while your just sitting talking to the hallucinations but to shigaraki and dabi your talking to yourself
after a while you start feeling sleepy so you lay on the couch your holding onto falling asleep not even caring your at the league of villains base whatsoever meanwhile dabi and shigaraki just watch over you shigaraki debating on trying to recruit you into the league or not dabi just sitting admiring how cute you are while you sleep and then toga walks in seeing you asleep
“awwwww there so cute sleeping can i have a little bit of their blood?” she says in her usual psychotic tone but then shigaraki looks at her shushing her snd shaking his head signaling “no” but your just knocked out asleep on the couch for hours and hours

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xxrheaswifexx · 6 months
Reblog this if you want Dabi to slut you out.
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xxrheaswifexx · 6 months
Meeting for the first time pt.1
Dabi x Reader
(no NSFW stuff because yall are just meeting)
your 21 by the way and dabi is 23 (his canon age)
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its around 10:00pm your walking down the streets when you notice someone in a alleyway smoking so you walk up to them wondering who it is and your eyes widen as you see its one of the most powerful men in the LOV dabi you freeze in fear as you see him but then he notices you

“whats a little girl doing walking the streets at this time at night?” dabi asks
“i was bored so i thought id go for a walk” you reply with calming down slightly as he seems more sweet and calm talking to you than you have heard him talk on the news
“you gotta be more careful a women like you could get hurt somehow like you could get kidnapped or murdered you gotta be careful” dabi says to you but in a concerned tone which makes you a bit confused why hes so concerned about you and you begin to ask yourself “why is he being so concerned and nice? i mean isnt he one of the most powerful people in the LOV?” in your head but then you just reply to him anyways
“yeah i know ive had that pep talk before from my mum also can i have some?” you ask pointing to the cigarette in his hand
“yeah here but i have one question for you quickly?” he asks handing you the lit cigarette
“thank you and you can ask i dont mind” you say taking a draw of the cigarette
“are you a hero or training to be a hero because you dont seem a villain?” he asks curiously
“yeah i am actually i go to UA!” you reply blowing out the smoke and giving him the cigarette back
“oh so you are a UA student mmmm” he says in a more creepy tone like but you brush it off not caring before he asks again “what year you in?”
“im actually in my final year!!” you say smiling
“ohhhh and if someone like me for example from the LOV was to ask if you would like to join them what would you say?” he says in a way that sends a shiver down your spine
“id say no” you say in a more demanding tone like you dont ever want to join the LOV
“oh right move topic what is ur quirk?” he asks just trying to change the topic because deep down he wanted you to join the LOV
“fire manipulation and throwing!!” you say to him and then when you say it he raises an eyebrow
“guess we are more alike than you think is ur fire blue or red?” he asks just wondering to see if you both are more alike than what he thinks
“its actually blue why?” you then ask curiously
“we are definitely alike because my quirk is the exact same as yours” he says but with a smile on his face
“oh is that a good thing or?” you ask confused if it is really a good thing or not
“yeah it is dont worry but yeah anyway i think you should head home its getting late for a young women to be out this late want me to walk you i dont mind?” he asks but more concerned again like he wants you to say yes
“i mean i dont mind yeah!” you say smiling and then the two of yous leave the alleyway you leading the way to your house walking home with him and after like 30 minutes of walking you arrive home and you turn to dabi
“thats me now ill see you around?” you say hoping you will see him again
“yeah sure i always smoke in that alleyway so you’ll most likely find me in there” he says happily that he gets to see you again
you smile at him before walking into your house going to bed as soon as you get into your house you realise both your parents are asleep so you creep around heading to your bed falling asleep fastly as your so tired

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xxrheaswifexx · 6 months
hellooooo everyone im thinking about writing fanfics on here instead of wattpad so enjoy it all its gonna be a mix of WWE and MHA so i hope yall enjoy im going to cook up my first MHA fanfic <3
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xxrheaswifexx · 8 months
rhea ripley x reader
tw: dom!demi x sub!reader, smoking, fingering, oral sex, mentions of tongue piercing, somewhat public sex, afab reader
you and rhea both work for wwe and are supposedly enemies, but you both yearn for each other when the other isn’t around.
a/n - experimenting with different point of views, hope you enjoy <3
(ignore my incorrect terminology, i don’t smoke)
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entering the empty locker room, you propped yourself up against the wall as you pulled your pack of cigars out of your jean pocket. you plucked one out of the package and put the rest away as your other hand grasped your lighter. you put the lit cigarette up to your lips and began to relax. today had been a stressful day, especially with all of the work chaos going on. it felt crowded even in the huge building. you blew a puff of smoke out as you thought about one of the people here on business. dominik mysterio. bianca belair. rhea ripley, a beautiful person with a not so beautiful attitude. rhea hates when you get on her nerves and you love to do it on purpose. you blew out another puff of smoke, but got interrupted when you heard a feminine figure gasp as it saw you. you looked out of the corner of your eye and saw rhea. you smiled at the sight of her, blowing another puff of smoke out. speak of the devil, you thought to yourself. you couldn’t shake the thought of how sexy she looked today.
“are you just going to stand there?” you asked, looking at her with an annoyed face. you could see a light blush spread across her cheeks, but you decided to brush it off. she shook her head back and forth slightly as she regained her composure.
“it’s not like i was expecting to see you here smoking,” she said as she formed her eyes into slits. you shrugged as you put the cigarette back up to your lips and closed your eyes. before you could relax too much, you felt the cigarette being snatched out of your hand. hastily, you opened your eyes and there was rhea’s burly figure holding the cigar that was on your lips moments before.
“what the hell is wrong with you?” you asked looking straight at her, your voice growing angrier and your brows furrowing. she pursed her lips before she opened them to speak.
“that’s not good for you, you know,” she said as she held the cigar by her side.
“oh, come on ripley,” you said, knowing that she got annoyed at that nickname every time, “why should you care?” she looked at you without speaking for a few seconds.
“i don’t. fine, have it back,” she said as she lifted hand that the she held the cigar in towards you. you didn’t take it. instead, you took your time looking up and down her body. as stubborn and annoying as she was she did have an amazing build, you’d give her that. you lifted your hand to take the cigar but instead wrapped your fingers around your wrist and swiftly pulled her closer to you, your back arching against the wall. she gasped in response, but you decided to ignore that as you looked into her beautiful blue eyes. you wanted to get lost in them, but her voice stopped you.
“w-what are you doing?” she said, her face heating up even more than before.
“you took my cigarette. i need something else to put my lips on,” you said teasingly as you edged your face closer to hers, “but i don’t think you would mind it,” you said, waiting for her answer. you pulled your face away when she didn’t give a response.
“rhea, if you don’t want me to do anything i’ll stop,” you said, still looking into her eyes, but now concerned instead of lustfully.
“n-no. i do want this,” she paused as she studied my features, “you have no idea, y/n.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you pry, smirking at her.
“you think i don’t notice, hm?” she placed one of her veiny hands on your waist as she continued to speak. “the way you stare at me. the fact that you wear revealing clothes when you know i’ll be there.”
“i-i don’t-“ you started, but was cut off by her index finger on my lips.
“shh. don’t worry baby. no need to be embarrassed, i’m gonna take good care of you,” she purred as she put the cigar out and dropped it onto the floor. you could feel her eyes fixated on your figure. you didn’t protest, taking her index finger into your mouth in response. she was surprised by this action, but it still turned her on nonetheless.
“such a needy girl.” she whispered, letting out a quiet chuckle before getting on her knees. you looked down at her, your eyes widening.
“rhea! anyone can walk in,” you spoke, looking down at her. she gazed at you in response, a grin proudly displayed on her face.
“did you just realize that, darling?” she questioned, still looking up at you as she toyed with your waistband. her expression looked worried when you didn’t respond immediately. “y/n, i can stop if you’re not comfortable.”
“n-no, it’s not that. i’ve just never done this- never in a public place,” you state, your voice barely above a whisper. you could feel the your cheeks heat up as she conjured up a response from beneath you.
“then let me be your first. you can be quiet for mami can’t you?” rhea answered. the name sent shivers up your spine. all you could do was nod your head yes in anticipation while she slipped your jeans off. wasting no time at all, she quickly discarded your panties and started to softly tease at your clit with her middle finger. you quickly bit your lip, attempting not to make any noise at the sudden contact. she kept toying with you for a couple minutes, ignoring your quiet whimpers and pathetic attempts to grind up against her hand. “you’re so eager, baby,” rhea said, half focusing on your pussy and half focusing on how your body squirmed under her touch. “i think you’ve been patient enough.”
before you could even register what was happening, rhea’s tongue piercing had already positioned itself on your bud, making fast circular motions. her hands rested on your hips as she devoured you. one of your hands rested in her coal black hair, the other taking its place over your mouth as you tried to silence your moans.
“feels good baby?” rhea took a break to ask. you gave her confirmation, keeping your volume low. you let out a loud pleasure filled groan as she inserted her middle and ring fingers into you, repetitively curling them inside of you while putting her tongue back in its original position. it didn’t take much for your legs to begin shaking, you struggled to keep quiet even more than you were before.
“i’m gonna- mmm, shit.”
“i know baby, i know. cum all over my fingers like the good little slut you are.”
you did exactly what she instructed you to, tightening around her as you released. rhea made sure to guide you through it, praising you about how good you were doing.
“rhea! rhea, you in here?” a masculine voice yelled from outside.
“yeah, dom give me a second!” rhea quickly stood up, wiping your slick off of her face to give you a kiss before walking out and closing the door behind her.
you were left shaking, still recovering from the amazing orgasm that rhea had just given you. you still couldn’t believe it.
who knew rhea ripley could be such a gentlewoman?
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xxrheaswifexx · 9 months
hii guys!!
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