xycngs · 6 years
text → lucky
LEAH: i'm having a mighty craving for some bubble tea
LEAH: care to join me? my treat :)
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xycngs · 6 years
text → dylan
LEAH: hello favorite person of mine
LEAH: i'm requesting your presence at my place of residence
LEAH: friday night at 7:30
LEAH: come in your finest pjs and bring your own popcorn
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xycngs · 6 years
text → ashton
LEAH: new scripts, fresh off the printer!
LEAH: want a sneak peek before we even send them off to the actors? :)
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xycngs · 6 years
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xycngs · 6 years
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this is legiterally me
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xycngs · 6 years
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xycngs · 6 years
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when chloe is all of us on a bad day   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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xycngs · 6 years
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xycngs · 6 years
my only new character from og zenith...........the only intro i can c/p............*weeps*
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( chloe bennet / cisfemale / she/her ) the paparazzi have spotted LEAH YANG, the TWENTY-FOUR year old CREW MEMBER who’s currently working as WRITER on LIFE: BY LEAH. the tabloids have called them KINDHEARTED and ALTRUISTIC, but also SHY and WEAK-WILLED. during their time in the spotlight, they’ve been dubbed the RACONTEUR.
so leah’s career started when she was a child
not as a writer tho !! ( tho she did write stories when she was a kid it just wasn’t the beginning of her career )
yes, our dear leah was originally a child actor !!
she played faith kwan on a show called raising brooklyn, and she was the Mean Girl
she was like eight or nine when the show started and she was a riot during her audition like if you’ve seen amanda bynes doing stand-up during her younger years that’s what leah’s audition was like
she was a v shy kid tho and nervous as all hell during her audition and jokes were how she dealt w anxiety
so basically she was the exact opposite of faith and whenever the director would call “cut” she would apologize a lot to whoever she had to be mean to
the show ran for a long time like ten seasons long
there was a v popular crossover episode between them and life: by leah and that’s where she met our very own dylan !! her first publicity bf, though it ended up turning into a real thing and he was her first love
they broke up mutually and are still friends tho !!!
anyway after raising brooklyn ended leah decided she didn’t want to act anymore, but she didn’t want to leave the industry entirely !!
so she started at the bottom as a writing intern, even tho she was offered writing jobs solely bc of her name
eventually worked up the ranks on a show called ‘double trouble’ about two twin troublemakers with a single mom ( think suite life but not in a hotel lmao )
after the show got cancelled dylan told her there was an opening on the writing staff at life: by leah and she jumped at the chance !!
she’s lovin it tbh and she’s been there for a couple seasons and is gonna see it through to the end
she’s gotten approached about reprising her role as faith on the show but she’s like ???? idts
rly likes working behind the camera more than in front of it
( would probably do it if dylan asked tho )
um so !! she’s super sweet and shy and gets flustered around pretty people sometimes and also when too much focus is on her
lets people take advantage of her bc she doesn’t speak tf UP
but if u love her she’ll love u
so love her and plot w her !!!!!
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