xylaquint · 2 years
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Since the day she was made, Alyx's journey was filled with much struggle. So Alyx asked to have a portrait made by a skilled artisan of the realm. For Xanadu it would be a Memento. For Suigin it would be her Gift. For Alyx it is a Reminder how far she had come. She had saved her mother from madness Learned of her true name defeated her father and finally laid the root problem of the Greatmother for good. Alyx felt a heavy weight lifted and for once she was free of the shackles that bound what made her. To forge a new story. So on the day Xanadu wondered why her mate chose to change her hair, only to realize it was her own way to show she's moved on from the past. "Best smiles everyone!" So it it would be made, The Quintessence Family Portrait.
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xylaquint · 2 years
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Since the day she was made, Alyx's journey was filled with much struggle. So Alyx asked to have a portrait made by a skilled artisan of the realm. For Xanadu it would be a Memento. For Suigin it would be her Gift. For Alyx it is a Reminder how far she had come. She had saved her mother from madness Learned of her true name defeated her father and finally laid the root problem of the Greatmother for good. Alyx felt a heavy weight lifted and for once she was free of the shackles that bound what made her. To forge a new story. So on the day Xanadu wondered why her mate chose to change her hair, only to realize it was her own way to show she's moved on from the past. "Best smiles everyone!" So it it would be made, The Quintessence Family Portrait.
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xylaquint · 3 years
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“What good are gods if they cannot save a single child?” After many years of development, The witch’s heart will be the origin story of Alyx and Xyla shared to all. Please support by reposting as much as you can and engaging it with others. This was quite a lengthy project. You can find the full comics among these links below. tapas.io/series/The-Wit… webtoons.com/en/challenge/t… imgur.com/a/ig3ez8W
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xylaquint · 6 years
Strangest person you've ever encountered?
“I’ve met quite a plethora of strange people in my life...strangest i’d say is the odd talking mammet named Geppetto that Arala owns. It looks like a Cait Sith, talks like a child and randomly shouts ‘doodle’ whenever it is happy, sad or reacting. Often it eats a diet of Popotos to which i just chalk it up as an energy source but his infatuation with tuber extends to the point where it’s like an addictive drug for it. Just don’t ask for a baked Popoto with him around...he is adamant you try it.”
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xylaquint · 6 years
never forget i’m always opened to asks and questions. Don’t be shy just don’t expect solid answers
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xylaquint · 6 years
Reblogging for the family wiki links.
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“I fear no man…but that ‘Thing’ scares me. The man who started this mess. The man who broke my mother mentally and abandoned us. The man who sought power. The man who even mentioning his name sends a chill down my spine. I cannot grasp the full extent of his strength or power. Even when tossed into another realm, I knew that eventually he will return. For he grows in power by the minute. Even now i see him when I meditate. Koma, Wataru, Hachi, Vice, even previous Voidsent I’ve seen failed to scare me…Scare me enough to wish for death. I am the daughter of both a Witch and a Lich. While one seeks to give comfort for the fallen, the other defiles their corpse for their own gain. Where one would preserve life, the other will destroy it. Wind spreads Pestilence, Water becomes Famine, Fire fuels War and Earth rots into Death. He has transcended beyond anyone’s imagination…He is Varthamith Von Netowa. The Lichlord of Eorzea. The master of Necromancy. Commander of Undeath. My…Father.”
(full version can be seen here and all credit goes to @setzeri for working on it. Man…Just in time for Halloween too o.o. Also yay finally got art of Varthamith :D)
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xylaquint · 6 years
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“I fear no man...but that ‘Thing’ scares me. The man who started this mess. The man who broke my mother mentally and abandoned us. The man who sought power. The man who even mentioning his name sends a chill down my spine. I cannot grasp the full extent of his strength or power. Even when tossed into another realm, I knew that eventually he will return. For he grows in power by the minute. Even now i see him when I meditate. Koma, Wataru, Hachi, Vice, even previous Voidsent I’ve seen failed to scare me...Scare me enough to wish for death. I am the daughter of both a Witch and a Lich. While one seeks to give comfort for the fallen, the other defiles their corpse for their own gain. Where one would preserve life, the other will destroy it. Wind spreads Pestilence, Water becomes Famine, Fire fuels War and Earth rots into Death. He has transcended beyond anyone’s imagination…He is Varthamith Von Netowa. The Lichlord of Eorzea. The master of Necromancy. Commander of Undeath. My...Father.”
(full version can be seen here and all credit goes to @setzeri for working on it. Man...Just in time for Halloween too o.o. Also yay finally got art of Varthamith :D)
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xylaquint · 6 years
Friendly reminder: Questions always taken 
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xylaquint · 6 years
My question is strange but important and so I shall try to keep it brief. Think back on your whole life. Recall the things you've achieved and loved as well as the losses you've endured and the sacrifices you've made. Was it all worth it? Why was it or was it not?
“I’ve not lived too long personally but my mother can confirm that she said it was worth her sacrifices if it meant i had this second chance at life. As for myself? I...Cannot comment. I have yet to sacrifice much of significance. I loved many people but...I have lost Keiichi in my life. He went on a caravan and for months i heard nothing back from mail. It got to a point that I went into a denial stage and thinking he was still alive...Thankfully my friends were there and despite the loss it was an experience that I needed to learn. My first love...My first loss. It was indeed worth it or i couldn’t grow as a person.”
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xylaquint · 6 years
Let's say for one day you're able to be impregnated Alyx. Assuming you'd like to how would you like your fertilization to take place? I'm sure you must have thought about it. If you don't mind sharing that is.
“A strange question...But i have not thought about it purely on the fact that while it would be interesting it would be inconvenient for my line of work and duty. I have bad parenting skills as is and lacking time to set aside from being a Record Keeper, the child in question would never be birthed. I’d adopt one that is a few seasons older but no. I have not once really thought of truly going into it. I like the idea but not the reality.”
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xylaquint · 6 years
If you're accepting perverted anons then Alyx how does it feel to take a creampie? Surely someone as intelligent and logical as yourself can provide a detailed analysis.
“Where to begin? The feeling of having the sperm of one person flow inside you and fill you up to the brim makes for a delightful experience. It ranges when it can be thick or thin, warm or lukewarm...but i find the best type would be thick and gooey like melted marshmallows or plenty of whipped cream. In the heat of the moment as you hasten your hips and motions, you feel hotter and hotter...Soon you have this urge to bottom out every. last. drop inside. Just the sensation alone makes me wish i could give a child in exchange...Less breeding as people tend to call it and more true love children...But i ramble on. The best way to summarize it is...warm, thick, full and satisfying. Even moreso when you climax along till the last pump of cum is inside...”
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xylaquint · 6 years
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commissioned by @smeghenegham; a full body of their FFXIV character
thanks for commissioning!
★ commission info ★ ko-fi ★
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xylaquint · 6 years
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art done by Emptycicada
Igni’s use of fire extends past simple knuckles. It’s her second wind!
Pages /1/2/3/4/5/6&7/8&9
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xylaquint · 6 years
Never touch Sogno like that if you value your life. (thx for taking on the commission :D)
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FFXIV Commission for @xylaquint, thank you for your support!
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xylaquint · 6 years
lack of updates still. Things ARE coming! Just...please be patient D:
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xylaquint · 6 years
(shouting through megaphone)
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xylaquint · 6 years
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lack of posting cause of BFA. Have all my current alts in the beachwear btw. Posts will come back soon once commissions are finished being done.
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