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Yarmulcopter is foundational to my hierarchy of needs
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xylocopa-violacea · 9 days
Well thankfully they've decided to shut it down by the end of this month. No doubt the rampant radicalised echo chamber was a part of it.
Finally got an anti-Zionist definition of Zionism
An Israeli was brave enough to pop into the Dropout Discord’s Palestine channel today (May 5th, 2024) and ask what definition of Zionism they were using. While most people all had the same base of “Jews having their own state in their homeland” every single one of them goes off the rails with their own respective definition and conspiracy.
The first person said this:
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Fig. 1. First person responding to the Israeli gives their definition of Zionism.
Notice that they say Zionism is the idea that Israel is uniquely and solely the rightful homeland of the Jews. This implies that there’s a malicious intent in Zionism towards non-Jews within Israel. This person has likely never heard of Kahanism, but in their mind Zionism and Kahanism are likely the same.
Here’s the second person to respond:
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Fig. 2. Second response uses refers to anti-Zionist. Jews and their supposed definition.
Now, I know a bunch of anti-Zionist Jewish groups and people and I have never heard this particular definition. I’ve only heard this from extreme antisemites who hide behind the guise of being anti-Zionist progressives and actual terrorist groups trying to create a false antisemitic conspiracy narrative. However, this is my own personal experience and this could be the case, as the user says this is what is said in their circles. And if it’s true then it’s a conspiracy driven alt reality version of things as it denies all evidence to the contrary. There are whole levels to this that ignore the non-Jewish Israelis, the rights that they have in Israel, their representation in the government, and so on.
and the third person to respond is someone I’ve talked about before. This is the Jew who claims they were indoctrinated and all their elders are brainwashed and just need to “open their eyes to the truth.”
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Fig. 3. Third response from a user who expands on Fig. 1. User’s definition and adds their own conspiracy.
I want to point out that this token Jew who believes others are indoctrinated actively believes the Israeli is making it so only Jews can be citizens. This is not any policy I can find, nor is it something I’ve seen even talked about outside of the most extremist elements. I think they’re referencing the 2018 stuff about Jews having the right to self determination, setting Hebrew as the National language, and government endorsement of settlers. But that’s far from the Israeli government and Zionism stating that Israel is for Jews and only Jews, and active programs to remove non-Jews. It’s something that, once again, would only come from antisemitic groups who want to generate strife through a particular narrative.
These are the definitions that they’re working with and/or believe. It’s no wonder you can’t actually talk to these activists because these definitions are laced with rhetoric from terrorist groups and antisemites. There’s traces of Jewish supremacy, world control, and other tropes throughout, and what’s sad is that a self confessed Jewish person believes it. Not only do they believe it, they’ve been extremely vocal in the server about it. They have so much to unpack that I can’t imagine what brought them to this level of conspiratorial thinking regarding Jews and Zionism.
It takes a lot of work to get people to see their conspiracy theories for what they are and that they’ve been misled. It’s easier to fall into them than to crawl out of that hole and realize you’ve been radicalized. That takes time, self reflection, and often a big “oh shit” moment, which may or may never happen.
At this point I’m just documenting how radicalized the people in the Dropout TV Discord are and how many of them believe in antisemitic conspiracies and downright falsities. Maybe they’ll do something about it one day, but I doubt it.
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xylocopa-violacea · 19 days
I’m calling it now - if the next election shows that a majority of Jews voted republican (or even a larger than average percentage), the left will double down and say all jews are irredeemable.
by Virginia Kruta
Cruz’s response got straight to the point: “If this is a student, she should be expelled. If this is a #Columbia professor, she should be fired. No university should allow one member of the community to advocate the murder of other members of the community.”
Cruz was not alone in his sentiments, as others flooded X with comments on the photo. AG added a second post, saying, “This image also made me think of a great line I saw from @neontaster the other day: The difference between a radical anti-Zionist and a moderate anti-Zionist is that a radical anti-Zionist wants to kill you, and a moderate anti-Zionist wants a radical anti-Zionist to kill you.”
“This was the least of it. At least one Jewish student was attacked at Yale. Several Jewish students were threatened at Columbia,” AG added in another post. “There are videos of the crowds threatening violence, telling Jews to go back to Europe, cheering terrorism, celebrating the American flag being taken down. This is all happening on 2 American campuses. It’s clear that these campuses are clearly not safe for Jewish students right now and not particularly productive for others as they have been taken over by antisemitic and pro-terrorist mobs. This is all coordinated and well-funded by some national activist groups, but the schools allowed for it to get to this place by allowing those involved to keep pushing the line/normalizing such behavior and they hired faculty/administrators who encourage it. Now it’s up to these schools to figure out how to address these mobs. It’s their problem because their reputations are on the line and their failures that led us here. If they refuse to address it, they should face civil rights investigations, lawsuits from students, and permanent reputations loss.”
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xylocopa-violacea · 1 month
QUICK someone give me a color
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xylocopa-violacea · 1 month
"Olga Khazan wrote that the "tone-deaf" article serves as a cautionary tale against Islamophobia today, and noted that it "echoes current conversations about European Muslim identity."
Oh my god shut up. Shut up and fuck you. And fuck wikipedia for including this. This antisemitic essay is a cautionary tale about antisemitism. I'm so sick of every aspect of our suffering being appropriated to serve others.
The arguments never change. Classical antisemitism has not been effected by Israel - at all. The best worst part is when the author teases her husband and other Jews circa 1939 for being too scared of Hitler, who obviously can’t be so bad because he’s just putting a slightly rougher edge on what all the good Christians she knows already believe. One can’t help but wonder if the marriage lasted, and how the kids turned out.
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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Teen Magrat, complete with excessive kajal and mystical jewelry, finally completes my "Young Witches of Lancre" series.
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
"[275a] For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem [275b] to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise."
-Plato (the OG boomer), Phaedrus
when books got invented mustve been a fucking crazy time just all of sudden everybody you know is carrying around a strange rectangle just looking at it? like an actual zombie staring at it for hours, brains fried! their attention spans are so low now like what ur too good to listen to bird song on loop for 9 hours a day? this generation is so fucking doomed
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
Real “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” energy.
no one should be killed for it but i hate this homework
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
the year is 2024. homestuck has long since faded into obscurity. I cut out an article on the unpredicted rise of the juggalo party this presidential election, pinning it to my cork board coated in a layer of various clippings, maps and photographs held up with tacks connected by colorful string. meteors. excerpts from pesterlogs. clown sightings, some salvaged from 2016. one of the few surviving photos of andrew hussie flutters to the ground. his expression, enigmatic. his prophecies, invaluable.
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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i'm not built for this
HAHHAH lethal company is insane 😭 video context for this below
this is the most embarrassing scream ive ever screamed in my life
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
if you have 6k+ followers on here you collect a series of unfortunate stalkers who salivate at the thought of skinning you alive. this is true whether you post about politics or puppies (woe betide you if you post about both). many such cases
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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ENA and the Power of Potluck
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xylocopa-violacea · 4 months
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