xzidane · 12 days
Zidane hated it when Kuja grabbed his face because it was never a sweet gesture, despite the daintiness of those perfectly manicured hands. Everything was a condescending power play or an opportunity to take a dig at him whenever something was eating at his tail.
"Ya know, I did notice you slipping-- but I wasn't gonna say anything." Zidane regarded him with some annoyance and rolled his eyes, "Kinda missed getting those hourly reminders."
He had some nerve bringing up Mist Monsters!
"But since you like the monsters so much more, maybe they can be the ones to help you with all these Terran mysteries." he sassed.
He clasped his face between his palms, leaning in so close that their eyelashes feathered against each other. “Have I mentioned how deeply I loathe you lately?”
The nobles passing by the streets of Treno feigned indifference, pretending not to stare. “Truly, my sweet moron, I have encountered mist monsters whose drool holds more talent than resides in your entire essence.”
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xzidane · 12 days
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Insults as a love language.
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xzidane · 2 months
"You wish. I'll yank your tail off if you even think about putting your ugly shoes on me."
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"Oh dear. Jealous?"
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xzidane · 3 months
It felt nice to get preened by a knowledgeable hand. Usually, it was painful whenever someone messed with Zidane’s tail, but this was pleasant enough almost to lull him into sleep. Kuja knew exactly what he was doing, so any sort of apprehension he usually had seemed to disappear altogether.
That went on at least for a few minutes, though he wasn't sure if his tail was that much of a mess or if Kuja was just a perfectionist. Zidane was fine with smoothing out the coarse fur and just leaving it at that. This he could appreciate though, even if it was still an odd sensation having someone else touch his tail.
He dare think it was going smoothly before the brushing got a little too rough; not enough to be painful but enough to snap him out of his momentary snoozing.
"What gives? Go easy on me." Zidane complained lazily, peering back at Kuja questioningly. He looked like he was concentrating on his task a little too hard just then.
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He is meticulously combing @xzidane's tail with the very finest of fine tooth combs.
Brush brush brush.
He pauses to inspect the section he just groomed, noting how it gleams like spun gold.
Satisfied with the result, yet inwardly envious that it is his brother who boasts the golden tail, while he himself must contend with mere silver, he advances to the next section. Brush brush brush.
Harder and harder, unintentional.
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xzidane · 3 months
So basically, the second half of Megamind Rules is even better from the first somehow?? @xkuja had to put up with me blowing up about it on release night cause I couldn't handle the absolute Megarox Win I was handed on a shiny, gilded platter???
I dunno how I'm gonna function anymore. They gave me everything I wanted, but I am greedy and want more. 👀
This shit had me howling, I mean there's so many clips on Twitter etc, but this is so absolutely PEAK ship content, I'm gonna scream and not shut up about it EVER.
Also as always, sending nothing but love to Team Megamind for creating such a fun show, I really cannot begin to explain how incredibly well this was put together and I'd need a dissertation sized document to catalogue it all. I'm going to be pestering everyone I can for a second season for REAL.
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xzidane · 4 months
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"It's time to put the past behind us."
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 8
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xzidane · 4 months
The only boarding he will ever be into is waterboarding.
Kuja has good balance. Proven by how when he rides his dragon, he stands on its back rather than sits.
By this logic he’d probably be very good at surfing if he ever lowered himself to take up a pleb sport.
Of course he won’t, but it fits with the Hawaiian theme to think about it.
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 7
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 6
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 5
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 4
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xzidane · 4 months
Zidane raised a brow with apparent curiosity. Kuja visiting the theater wasn't anything new, but the reason for it struck him as odd.
"Huh... what a dumb reason to have an event! You're seriously going all the way over there to see a stupid chandelier?" he asked incredulously. He couldn't even conceive of doing something that utterly pointless, and he was good as wasting time.
He'd never understand rich people.
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"Kuja, if this is your weird way of inviting me to go with you, I'm gonna have to disappoint."
He did not seem interested in looking at some gaudy chandelier.
|| ||                  His tail swayed like a metronome beside his chair, and as Zidane's eyes widened with his smattering of excuses, Kuja's own narrowed, tinged with suspicion. To him, noticing such things was too a form of prying.
      "They are unveiling the new grand chandelier at the theater," he announced, resting his cheek against his palm, all languid aristocracy. "The Auction House contributed financially, necessitating that Lord King grace the event with his presence."
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      "Given your apparent interest in eyeing my affairs, perhaps you might find it suitable to 'cart' my luggage instead?"
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xzidane · 4 months
Zidane's tail swept from side to side while Kuja berated him like he always did. He wasn't entirely unaware that he lived in a way that grated Kuja's nerves, but neither was he apologetic for it. His smile hadn't wavered in the slightest.
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"Alright, fine... so I take a few liberties. But can you really blame me? This place is even nicer then Cid's."
Well, the part of the Regent's palace that he had seen, anyway.
Bright eyes widened when Kuja accused him of going through his plans, which was something he hadn't actually done. He wasn't really that fond of reading.
"Hey, hold on a second... I didn't snoop around. I only asked 'cause I saw one of your manservants carting your favorite luggage around."
|| ||                    "Don't mistake my ire for loneliness. Should I not take offense when you treat my grand abode as though it were some common inn from which to come and go as you please?"
      With a precise flick to the midpoint of Zidane's brow, Kuja pivoted, sauntering with graceful indignation back to his seat. "And to have the audacity to peruse my plans uninvited? What a fate have I spared the Canary by keeping you close..."
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      Despite his irritation, Kuja conceded it somewhat justified for Zidane to monitor his actions, given their notorious past. He had left the Lindblum itinerary conspicuously on the desk, available to any prying eyes, and his love of the theater there was hardly secret.
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xzidane · 4 months
"Owww..." Zidane griped and rubbed the spot with a gloved hand. Kuja didn't know how to roll with the punches at all. But he wasn't gonna let Kuja ruin his good mood today!
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"I guess that's not much different than now. Last time I left you alone you got mad at me for being away a while. Wouldn't want you to be lonely." he teased with a grin. "Speaking of which... you should be off on one of your trips soon, right?"
Flustering Kuja was so fun. He got mad at every little thing, which is precisely why Zidane deliberately did things to get on his nerves. Zidane blinks at the accusation as he peers up at the towering genome above.
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"Guess those snake charming lessons really were for nothing after all!" he responded with a grin.
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 3
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xzidane · 4 months
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Bernard not giving a Fuck: Part 2
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