yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
If you ever decide to meet pepito just head into the forest, pepito likes meeting people in neutral ground
There’s a lot of forest
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Pepito is pretty shy and has a dog
I wish I had a pet but Maxo doesn’t like pets
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
For a refresher, Pepito is the kid you saw at the mall
Yeah I remember, the kid with the “Where’s Waldo” sweater and all the crows.
Pepito seems like somebody else who likes being quiet but also making loud noises
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
What's your definition of scary?
Well things are scary in different ways but the kind of scary I mean about Richas and Tallulah is like. When you’re playing with them and things are chill and then they see your face and they’re like “are you mad at me” and you didn’t know you were doing anything with your face and then they’re like “you hate me” and you don’t and you don’t know what to say, and when you try to explain you sound angry? To them? But you’re just confused. And then they start crying and you’ve ruined their life and you’re just sitting there with your blocks while they walk away crying and you don’t know what to do so you keep playing blocks and then Chayanne comes up and asks if you were being mean and you don’t know if you were or not because they just started crying out of nowhere and you don’t know what you did wrong or what face you were making, but now Chayanne is mad at you. And it happens every time you play so you start looking scared when they ask you to play and they get upset about that and when you try to not play with them they get even more upset and then Chayanne makes you play with them and you’re just sitting there ruining their life because you’re not smiling enough or talking right and it’s really really stressful. And then they’re the good kid and you’re the bad kid because they’re so nice and pretty and good at art and everyone loves them and you can’t do anything but make them cry.
That kind of scary.
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Richas isn’t scary, just energetic, also has a lot of animals
I like energetic and animals. He’s just also scary the way Tallulah’s scary only with biting.
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Ok least scary to scariest: pepito, empada and sunny
Okay cool. You gotta work up to these things
Visitation Order:
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
No time limit, we just figured you might like having another friend or 2
I probably would yeah. Can you rank the new three in order of least scary to most scary
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Maybe you can ask chayanne for help if you ever want to meet the new kids, he’s on pretty good terms with them
Chayanne already thinks I’m a big dumb baby. I’ll figure something else out.
Also is there a due date for this? You keep asking. Are bombs gonna go off if I don’t do it in time? What’s the time limit
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Do you think you’ll ever want to meet one of the new kids on the island?
The idea is less scary than it used to be but still scary.
I know my seven siblings and Pomme and. Her, but now there’s like four other kids right? I know about Richarlyson but we’ve never met and now there’s three new ones
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
*a crow flys in and pulls out a bag of chocolate chip cookies and hands them to trumpet*
The good things continue
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
You don’t need to do anything to deserve having good things happen to you, especially if it’s after you’ve been having a rough time
Ohhhh so like if a bad thing happens to you then you deserve a good thing to balance it out
I really hope that's true because it would mean I deserve way more good things
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
I’m glad things are finally getting better for you trumpet, you deserve it
But I didn't do anything
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
You have your own room!! :D
They said I could do whatever I want and I think that means I can paint on the walls I always wanted to paint on the walls it’s gonna be so cool when I’m done
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
"Okay," says Trumpet. He has a Calico Critter in each hand and is staring at the open dollhouse with all the seriousness of a tactician surveying a battle map. "Now- now Senora Gata and Mr. Squirrel are both going to work- you make them go to work, 'kay? That's on the other side of the couch."
[@thediamondmodcart @maximum-father]
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yaaay-propellerhat · 2 months
Trumpet’s only ever been a guest in the eight short years of his life.
The moment he tumbled free from his shell, he was a guest of the Federation, and lived his first seven years of his life under the premise and hope that he would someday leave.
Four days he was a guest in the light with Maxo, not nearly enough to settle in. The next six days were spent leaving - very slowly, but leaving. And then not even death had encouraged him to put down roots in her domain; the hours and hours he spent there were basically just her convincing him to leave. He’d tried to resign himself in the following months to being a more permanent guest of the Federation, but that fantasy had ended up as shattered as his shoulder. And now he’s here.
Trumpet likes his new toys. He likes playing with his dolls. He likes cuddling his plushies. He likes sitting down and building his huge new puzzles on the floor. Sometimes Maxo or Dan or Pierre or any arrangement of the three will come and work on the puzzles with him, and that makes him happy.
He likes wearing his new clothes. The first week, he’d sometimes change multiple times in one day. He likes waking up and getting to decide what he looks like. He likes smelling like good soap and having pretty, soft hair.
He likes making machines with his Papa. Pierre doesn’t sleep at the house anymore, but he still comes over every day, and Trumpet’s gradually starting to get more confident as a helper. Pierre is endlessly patient and quick to praise, and it makes Trumpet feel like he can do anything.
He likes hanging out with Dan. It's always willing to play with him, or build with him, or read to him. Sometimes he brings shiny rocks or pretty flowers and sits next to Trumpet and tells them all about the mod that they’re from, and Trumpet likes to sit and listen.
He’s starting to like food again, more than just soup. Maxo cooks and it smells good and it tastes like somebody caring. She sings weird little songs in the kitchen while Trumpet sits sneakily just on the other side of the doorway and listens and giggles, pressing his hands right over his mouth. Sometimes she gets quiet right after he giggles, but then she starts singing again, so it’s probably just a coincidence.
Between Maxo’s overflowing affection, Pierre’s steady positivity, and Dan’s quiet company, Trumpet slowly starts to live his life under the assumption that somebody will be there if he needs something. And he still views it as transient, but not in the way where he’s expecting it to go away. It’s more that transience is all he’s ever known. Trumpet’s Not-Eight-Ification has left him living squarely in the present, and the present is pretty damn good.
He’s more worried about the fact that he, as a humble guest, doesn’t have anywhere to keep all of his cool new shit that isn’t in the way - and no way to pack it all up if he needs to leave.
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yaaay-propellerhat · 3 months
Okay stay where you are
What’s a stripped club
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yaaay-propellerhat · 3 months
*a crow brings trumpet a dragon plushie*
*His hoard grows.*
*He doesn’t really have a place to put all his new toys. It’s kind of stressful. He has way too much to carry if he ever has to leave.*
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