yamalot-blog · 6 years
SHE IS THANKFUL FOR HER PATIENCE WITH HER. Candace isn’t so weak-heared that she crumbles in the sight of others, but she must admit her social skills are a touch subpar when it comes down to it. It is nothing that cannot be cured with time, though she wonders how much more time she must lend to the changing of herself. Is she doomed to always be this shy wallflower? It is a passing thought as hands change to run over the woven grooves of her braid instead of laying in her skirt. ( She never knows what to do with them. Where her legs are crossed and her back is straight, her hands are always fumbling for something to do as if she could not be content to simply be still. )
It is times like this that she is thankful for Maya’s patience at all. With her constant mumbling, her absentmindedness. No, she is thankful for it all — for her learning how to cope with such an odd creature. She is a turtle for lack of better phrasing and she’s confident the waitress has a way of saying it better in her too quintessentially Maya way that it makes her feel a little less odd. A little less pathetic at having chosen to hide away in a shop in favor of enjoying the nightly festivities with the others. “I know,” She replies. “I know, but still. You didn’t, ah. You didn’t have to.”
Maya didn’t have to do a lot of things. Maya didn’t have to make her feel included.
But she does. She always does and Candace nods along as Maya recounts the highlights of the festival to her. Then, suddenly hand is laced with hers and the seamstress is pulled out of her seat as she stumbles along behind her. Pins and needles shoot up her legs, numb from sitting for as long as she had without break. “Ah, Maya! Maya, wait!” She barely manages to keep her slippers on before they abscond from the tailor, stopping short of the entrance. It is only when Maya releases her hand that Candace straightens up, adjusting her sweater just slightly as the other digs through her bag.
Then, a sparkler.
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Head turns in the other’s direction and there is a pause between Maya’s delight and Candace’s confusion before she laughs. And she laughs, really truly laughs for the first time the entire night. It’s a quiet titter as all sounds from her seem to be. Shoulders shake slightly as she shakes her head to-and-fro because of course, it’s just like her to have a sparkler. Of course, it’s just like her to share the last of the fireworks with her because of course Maya doesn’t want her to feel left out. Candace is as much of a fixture of the town as was everything else in her life. So, she laughs and then she smiles before tilting the tip of it towards the other so she could light it. “Thank you.” She didn’t have to.
But she did. She always does.
A laugh. Maya turned her gaze to Candace, surprised to hear the quiet giggling from her friend.
“What’s so funny?” she asked, though a smile was already tugging at her features. Like drop of sweet milk in even the most bitter coffee, happiness had a way of spreading. She felt it in her tummy at first. It tingled all the way up her body until Maya joined in with her own loud, braid-bouncing amusement, cheeks rounding out like apples. In the end, it didn’t matter what. As long as Candace was enjoying herself.
And that’s what they were. Just two girls, enjoying themselves outside a tailoring shop on a festival night. She didn’t care what everyone else was doing. If they were eating, or playing games. Maya felt like she was just where she belonged: here, at half-past nine, the tiny white moths fluttering above them, with Candace.
Shaking her head, her laughter died down when fingers finally found the matchbook in her bag. (After all, you never knew when you were going cook something, especially on a festival day!) She turned it over in her hand, giving Candace a smirk before striking a flame in one swift motion. The tip of the match came to life. Maya paused, staring at the dancing light she held.
Fire felt a little bit like magic. It brought warmth, it brought change, it added something special to the evening. Something bright. She lifted that brightness to the sparkler and watched as, in an instant, a golden flare burst forth with a sizzle.
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“Woah…” she whispered, eyes going wide with awe. “It looks like a shooting star.” A soft glow emitted from the sparkler, circular, making the world smaller because just like a star, it pulled Maya in. It pulled everything in. It flickered over her face and highlighted the balance of light and shadow. It dimmed, then flashed. It colored the blues its own shade of orange and yellow.
Maya seemed almost hypnotized, her lips parted and silenced for once. She stood, unmoving, and someone might’ve thought she was going to stay like that forever until she raised her arm and clapped it over Candace’s shoulders, tugging her into a half-hug. Slowly, Maya sunk to the ground, bringing Candace with her. One hand stayed on her shoulders while the other circled around her own knees, hugging them, her eyes glued to the sparks. They hissed and grew smaller. The world seemed to shrink. Maya wanted to hang on to the light, to this moment, just a little more. A little longer.
“Hey,” she said suddenly. Eyes tore away to look at Candace. Maya’s gaze was deep. Hopeful. The fingertips around Candace’s shoulders relaxed and tightened, as if they were grasping at something. Her expression remained downturned. Maya didn’t say anything at first. She just stared. She wanted to remember this. She wanted to look back on this memory and recall the smells. The feelings. The light. Her face broke into a grin.
“We should make a wish~!”
Gift from the Sea | Candace & Maya
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Castanet was a rather pretty place. 
There was something about how mellow the town’s vibes encapsulated, the sounds of the seagulls cooing by the seashore, and the way how the waves splashed and greeted the sand. Dan quickly found himself fond of the place, and was told by a local fisherman to check some of the eateries nearby out. Well, why not? He could use a drink, or perhaps a good meal to end the day on a high note.
Humming to himself with his hands in his pockets, Dan enters the quaint cozy establishment with a friendly wave to anyone who decides to make eye contact with him.
" Hello friend!“ To him, anyone could be one.
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There was something about mornings that Maya loved. Each time the sun rose in the sky, it brought with it the promise of possibilities. Today could be the day she finally mastered baking chocolate chip cookies! Or maybe she'll discover a new super power she didn't know about! 
"Hum, da da da~" Wiping down the tables, Maya hummed to herself a tuneless song. The windows were open to let in the breeze, and it carried with it the salty spray of the sea. She paused, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. 
"Hello friend!" 
A voice chimed in unison with the little bell above the door. Her eyes snapped open, gaze trailing to the entrance where she met the stare of a stranger. 
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"Hi there!" she greeted with a smile. Folding the rag in her hands and tossing it over her shoulder, she walked toward the man with the bounce in her step. 
"I haven't seen you around before~ Welcome to Ocarina Inn!" For all the promises the morning had, it looked like today it brought her favorite one: a friend! 
"What can I do for you today? Did you want to have breakfast with us?"
Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Maya & Dante
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Home is where the heart is. Well, at least that was what Katalina’s parents had told her many years ago in her youth. Home was all about being with the people who care about you as well as supporting When it came to someone like Katie never really felt she had many places to call home after the death of her parents. Yet, in the back of her mind she didn’t believe she was deserving of a home. The pounding of the blood in her heart caused her chest to pulsate in a slight manner as her horse drawn carriage pulled down the street of her cousin’s inn.
Maya… One of her longest and closest friends that the goddess blessed her with. The best part about it was that the goddess believed they were deserving enough of each other to make them family. A true blessing definitely not in disguise.
Yet, it had been years since she set foot on the soils of Castanet. The place itself held so many memories filled with joy and happiness, however, such a place became tainted just like her heart was when she lost her parents. The positive feelings that radiated the place slowly turned darker and sullied the place to a point that Katie thought her love for the place would not return. That was all up until today.
Katie had finally opened the letters she had been sent by Maya, and felt a surge of guilt. She knew that Maya was waiting for her to return, yet she found herself ignoring the handwritten pieces. Before she knew it, her place was flooded with them. Out of sheer curiosity, Katalina decided it was time to pick one up and begin reading. Those letters were the only thing that slowly began to bring light back to her happy memories as a child. The sunshine and radiance than Maya reflected, even in her writing, began to lighten the place up again.
So, here she was, pulling up at Maya’s residence once more. Everything felt so… nostalgic. Even the smell of the salt air that filled her lungs felt so familiar and for the first time in a while Katie felt that she could breathe a sigh of relief.
She hadn’t even stepped off the horse carriage when she basically found herself almost falling into Maya’s arms. So she’s been waiting to see me… Katie had thought to herself, giving a small smile in response to the internal conversation she was having with herself. The hug felt almost constricting but it felt good. It felt good to be somewhere where she could call home.
“Maya!” Katie enthusiastically hugged her elder cousin back, trying to keep herself from forming tears in her eyes. The feeling of warm and friendship that radiated from Maya’s being made her realize how back of a cousin she had been. How bad of a friend she had been. Although she could admit that maybe it was the hug that was causing her to nearly cry from the pain. “Well, it’s been a while! We’ve got a lot of catching up to do! Show me how much everything’s changed because so far it feels the same!”
Her smile would soon turn into a playful pout when the elder of the girls made a comment on her height. “It’s not my fault you got gigantic!” she exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest before letting out a small childish huff. “Besides, what is that saying that everyone always says? I’m not small I’m sized small, or something along those lines!”
Katie was a little taken aback when almost instantly she saw Maya rush to come and take her luggage that her mother and father had been so kind to help with. Katie couldn’t help but laugh. Maya was always so headstrong and determined, she definitely had to be more like her.
You don’t gotta worry while I’m around! I’ll take care of anything you need!
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“So, what’s the plan for the rest of the afternoon? Let’s get this party started Mai!” Katie let out a small giggle, trying to contain the fact that she was so excited. Home. This place was definitely a place that she would call home. It felt so good to be back once again. She felt like she could take on the world with Maya by her side once more. “Let’s do something fun!”
The luggage Maya took from her father instantly jerked her arm downward with its weight. Geez, did Katie really need to bring so much stuff just for one week? Then again, she’s always been a little… excessive. But cute girls were all a bit excessive in their own way, Maya thought, puffing her cheeks out as she pulled another piece of luggage under her arm. Carrying her things… Sigh. It would be a long walk back to the inn. She didn’t mind that though, because the longer the walk, the more she could talk with Katie! Turning, Maya fell into step next to her cousin (leaving Jake and Colleen behind to pay the carriage and take care of anything else).
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“You gotta get settled, first!” Maya said, surprised that the trip itself didn’t wear her out. Or, maybe it wasn’t so surprising. Katie always did have a lot of energy when it came to this kinda thing—they matched in that way! Maya smiled at the memories of them as kids getting into shenanigans.
“Did you even eat anything on your way over here?” The notion of Katie skipping a meal was simply unthinkable.
“If you wanna get big and strong like me, you should have at least three meals a day and never forget to bring a snack or two with you. ♡” She flashed a smile, balancing the luggage in her hands and even going so far as to lift them up as proof of her muscular superiority. But sadly, she only had two very strong arms. If she had a third one, Maya would be able to dig into her apron pockets to check for goodies. She usually had a couple of spare treats tucked away… Guess snacks would have to wait until they got home.
Crossing the bridge and following the path toward the farms, Maya craned her neck up and inhaled deeply, taking in the cool breeze and sunshine.
“How much everything’s changed…” she repeated from earlier. “Well, actually, things haven’t changed much!” As if on cue, cow nearby moo’d, and Maya let out a giggle.
“I mean, we did get some new resident farmers! And, um…” But did that really count as a change, getting new residents? Castanet was still mostly the town it’s always been. Sure, there were weird happenings here and there… But it was still quiet. Still by the oceanside. It had the same familiar shops and the same familiar fashions… The Mayor still came for dinner every Wednesday at 6 o’clock on the dot, Luke still got lost in Fugue Forest at least once a season... As for Maya herself? She still worked at the inn, still sucked at cooking, still was as clumsy as ever. A small frown etched its way onto her face. Huh. Was she really not different at all from four years ago? The thought burrowed itself into her mind like a centipede, each little leg a different insecurity tickling her brain and making it tingle all over. She hasn’t changed. She hasn’t grown at all. She’s not close to being an independent adult yet.
Maya glanced at Katie. She was the shorter of the two. The youngest. And yet she’s been alone all these years, never asking for help or running back to her family because she couldn’t solve a problem. Life pushed her down and she fell onto her two feet, not letting herself hit the ground. Between the two of them, it seemed that Katie was actually the more mature one. Even after she was orphaned, she managed to have that pretty smile on her face. Sure, it may have taken her four years to come back to show that smile again, but in that time…
“What about you?” Maya asked. “It’s been so long! Has anything special happened since we last stopped talking?” Inching closer to her, the Maya grinned as she nudged Katie with her elbow.
“You know, any new jobs, new friends… a boyfriend, maybe?” She couldn’t help the way her smile spread knowingly. Katie was always popular with the boys and it wouldn’t shock her if that were the case. Maya looked away, heaving a sigh before she could even answer.
“Oh, I should’ve guessed it was a boy that kept Katiekins so busy~” They were approaching the bridge to town now, and her eyes filled with the fake weeping that came so easily to her. By the time she looked back to Katie, her turquoise irises glimmered in the sunlight with unshed crocodile tears.
“I can’t believe that he stole you away from me~”
Together Again | Katie & Maya
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
IT IS MUCH TO HER OWN EMBARRASSMENT SHE HAD POINTED IT OUT. A teasing quip at best, she hadn’t meant for Maya to have to clean up. It was kind of her to do so, but Candace can’t help the anxiety that crawls into listless hands. She didn’t have to clean it up. She wouldn’t really have even noticed if she hadn’t said something but it wasn’t as though it was really a bad thing. It wasn’t a bad thing. Maya wasn’t a bad thing. She didn’t mind the sand.
Not really, that was. Sand always somehow finds its way into people’s shoes and clothes when they least expect it. That was part of going to a beach, but not the reason she didn’t very much like the beach. That was. That is. Maya had a natural tendency to move through the world like a windstorm. She kind of picked up everything in her path. Leaves, flowers, sand, the occasional branch. People, sometimes. Candace was almost always one of those people. She had meant only to —
Chest tightens and she breathes out slowly. She nods in reply, fingers idly playing with the hem of her skirt before she gets up out of her chair only to sit down again when Maya brings a stool over. Probably for the best. She can’t quite feel her feet and falling in front of someone sounds like an embarrassment she won’t be able to swallow. “You didn’t have to do that,” Candace murmurs. “I could have,” A pause. “That is,” Her voice fades to a quiet whisper, barely audible to her own ears as she mumbles to herself. She shouldn’t have pointed it out like that. She would have been embarrassed too if someone had done the same.
“Sorry. You didn’t have to do that.” She shifts in her chair a bit uncomfortably, changing the grip on her hands to avoid the itching sensation to go and sweep herself.
To share the labor, however readily Maya had done it herself. 
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“Sorry,” She begins again. “I, I meant to go … on, on um. To the summer festival. I just. Um.” A nervous fidget. “Work.” It was a weak excuse and a false one. Her grandmother had insisted she attend too, only for her to deny such efforts on account of having a tendency to be alone anyways. The fireworks were nice from her window, too, she thought. “Have,” She hastens to change the topic. “Did you have fun? Today, I mean.”
Plopping down on the stool, Maya folded her arms on the edge of the table and rested her chin on top of them. She watched Candace’s face, her mouth specifically. Lips moved, but sometimes it was hard to match them with their sound. She spoke every word like it was a secret. But then again, maybe that’s what made them feel so special. Whenever Candace said something, Maya made sure to listen… A feat made easier by the silence of the shop. (Come to think of it, she wondered where Luna and Shelly happened to be. Perhaps at the festival still?)
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“Aw, it’s no problem, Candy~ It only took a few minutes.” She grinned, hoping it was in a reassuring manner. Honestly, it was nothing compared to what she faced at the inn. And her mother always told her, never let anyone clean up a mess you made yourself! The temptation to talk prodded her, but then she reminded herself that Candace was a bit slow at chatting, and she bit the inside of her cheek to let her finish. Those honey thoughts dripped at their own pace, and it was wrong to rush them.
At the mention of work, Maya’s gaze fell on the blue cardigan seemingly left on the table. Heh. She recognized that! It was the one Candace always wore through the spring, sometimes into the summer. Casually, she reached out and let her fingers run over the visible stitches.
“Yeah, the festival was fun~ People set up little bonfires and roasted fish and vegetables~ Oh! And the fireworks! They were amazing!”
It felt a little sad that Candace spent the summer festival all alone… Wait! Fireworks! Her eyes lit up, not unlike the colored sparks that were in the sky less than an hour ago. She bounced up from the stool and took Candace’s hand, pulling her.
“Candy! Come with me, I have something to show you!” she declared, leading her friend through the shop and toward the entrance. The warm evening air outside smelled faintly of barbecue, and Maya closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to Candace again. “Look!” she said, only releasing Candace’s hand to dig through her bag and pull out a small sparkler. It was one she happened to save in attempt to bring a little bit of the magic home with her later that night. But what was more magical than getting to share this moment with her friend?
“Here.” Maya placed the sparkler in Candace’s hand, going back into her bag to pull out some matches. “Let’s light it together. ♡”
Gift from the Sea | Candace & Maya
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
THE PEOPLE OF HARMONICA TOWN ARE ECLECTIC. It was a word used in one of the numerous, dense novels foisted upon her by their town’s deputy mayor — not vice mayor or mayor-in-waiting as she’s presumed incorrectly — in their brief respites from a soundless world. Eclectic, meaning an abundance of different ideas, style and taste deriving from different sources. It seemed apt to describe the odd array of personalities and people that Castanet housed, though she sometimes wonders if she counts as such an individual. Certainly, the quiet diligence of their fine mayor-to-be — pardon, deputy mayor would fit the bill of personalities. Passionate apathy is a contradiction in it of itself but is due well for their fine chef. Fearless ambition, her dearest sister. 
Needle weaves through a cotton weave, stitches small and tight. Bright, maybe blind optimism suited the waitress of the.Ocarina Inn. A tight-lipped smile. And what of her? What value did she have to their enclave of curiosities? What did she have to offer? Candace dares not tread the tenuous line between thoughtful investigation and morbid self-doubt. “Ah,” She murmurs to herself when the tip of her needle clicks against the tin thimble. She had sewn too much again by hand. She had only meant to make a few small stitches to repair the tear in her favorite cardigan, only to have stitched pointlessly down the side. 
Her mistake.
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There is a quiet sigh as she sets the cardigan back down on her small desk, turning to reach for her scissors before being greeted at once by a pair of hands and a pretty pink shell. She pauses, lifting her gaze from behind her glasses to find the hands’ owner. Shoulders tense, then relax and her expression softens as she allows her hands to fall away from her side table to rest in her lap. Speak of the devil and she shall appear in her bright, summer-induced cheeriness. Or well, Candace supposes that isn’t particularly correct either. Maya is always cheerful. Always smiling. “I didn’t hear you come in.” A quiet laugh to follow as she shifts in her seat, looking behind the waitress. “I didn’t hear the beach come in either. I don’t think she knocked. How rude.”
It wasn’t that Maya meant to sneak up on her. But the way Candace was lost in thought, and she was often lost in thought, made it super easy. Maya wondered what went on underneath those cotton-candy curls. What sweet honey was left untasted in the unopened comb of her mind? Even as her friend, she wasn’t really sure. She saw her shoulders tense, and Maya reminded herself to be a little gentler, a little softer, when approaching and talking to her. Okay, okay. This time, she would be calm. Collected.
…All notions that escaped like butterflies from a net when Candace mentioned something about the beach coming in.
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“Huh?” Maya followed where she looked and saw for the first time the trail of sand on the floor. Her eyes tracked it across the room… only to end up looking at her own foot. Uh-oh. She gave it a little shake. More grains peppered the floor, confirming that, yep, once again, the mess was her doing. Whoops.
“W-Well…” Maya turned back to her, sheepish smile on her face. “Maybe the beach just missed you~ It’s been a while since you last visited her, you know.” Tilting her head to the side, she reached up and scratched a reddening cheek. “It’s hard to remember something like knocking when you’re just super excited to see someone. But! Don’t worry! I can do the sweeping!” Maya placed the shell on the table and, not waiting for Candace to reply to her offer, moved to grab a nearby broom and pan.
There weren’t a lot of things Maya was good at. Talking in an inside voice, not crying at sad movies, cooking… But sweeping? Sweeping she could do. (What a rare moment to be grateful for the chores her mother constantly thrusted upon her.) In a flurry of movements, Maya managed to collect all the sand and leave it at the front entrance.
“Buh-bye, beach!” Maya called, smacking the palms of her hands together as if she were wiping off some invisible dirt. And with that, she slammed the door shut and spun around to face Candace again.
“All better now, right?” She skipped back toward her, this time stopping to grab a stool on her way there and pull it up next to the table.
Gift from the Sea | Candace & Maya
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Bttp: Into the Woods | Gill & Maya
Fugue Forest. Just thinking the name sent a shiver creeping up Maya’s back, like spiders on her spine. The nine-year-old girl craned her neck up, staring at the looming trees above the gates… the same gates that were meant to keep children like her out. (Or perhaps, something in?) Small hands gripped the straps of her red backpack harder. No! She couldn’t think like that! She had to be brave! Especially since…
She turned her head.
“Did you bring it?” she whispered to her companion. Gill Hamilton. He was with her. And since he was the younger of the two, that meant that she had to be the one to protect him if something went wrong. That was her job! She was like… his big sister! The grown-up between them. Her dad always said that when she was playing with the local kids, she should be the responsible one if they were smaller than her.
…But going into the forest in the first place didn’t feel very responsible. Whose idea this adventure was, Maya didn’t remember anymore. But once the two of them got it into their heads, it seemed to be all they could think about, all they could talk about. The Witch of Fugue Forest.
At her question, Gill presented the key to open the gates. Hinges creaked and the musty breath of the trees blew through the opening like a long sigh. Goosebumps rippled across her skin, and instinctively, Maya reached out and grabbed Gill’s hand, holding it tight as she peered into the darkness. From her spot she could already see the branches, swaying like fingers ready to snatch them up. Maya squeezed Gill’s hand tighter. Nothing bad would happen as long as they stayed together, right?
“M-Maybe we shouldn’t...” she said, whispering again. It felt wrong to speak any louder. Like something inside might hear them.
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
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maya (mai in the japanese version) is one of the available bachelorettes that you can marry in harvest moon: animal parade. maya is the cheerful and rather clumsy waitress at ocarina inn. she assists her family, and always strives to please others. maya has a passion for food, although she cannot cook for herself. after many long and frustrating cooking lessons from chase that never seemed to work out, maya decided to eat food instead! with her bottomless stomach, she will happily eat nearly every food item put in front of her. she especially loves pies, cakes, ice cream, and yams. the key to maya’s heart is through her stomach! when maya’s not working in ocarina inn, she can easily be found outside of the inn walking around in harmonica town. she doesn’t leave harmonica town, even on her days off. maya is available upon your arrival to castanet, and she will never leave.
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Together Again | Katie & Maya
The weeks seemed to drag on and on. Every hour during the day Maya found herself wishing it were tomorrow, and during the night, she dreamed about the moment she anticipated. And now, it was time. Her patience payed off. (If not that, at least her family could finally relax without her constant whining and wistful sighing.)
Katie had arrived.
Her dear cousin, the one she would spend vacations with, the one she would share secrets with, the one she wrote letter upon letter to since—well, she wasn’t allowed to talk about that. The point was, it felt like FOREVER since they last managed to spend some quality time together. And today, after years, Katie finally felt ready to visit Castanet again!
Maya could barely contain herself when she saw her carriage coming down the road toward Horn Ranch. She climbed the fence. She waved her hand high above her head. She climbed down, then up again. If it weren’t for her mother putting a hand on her shoulder, she would’ve probably sprinted all the way forward to meet the carriage halfway. Reluctantly, Maya managed to control herself until it passed the gates and parked in front of the family. But once she saw those familiar strawberry blonde ringlets, not even her mother could stop her from hopping forward and embracing Katie in a tight hug the second she stepped out.
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“Katie!” she cheered, squeezing her and even lifting her a few centimeters off the ground. (Because the harder you hug, the more they know you love them!) “I’m so glad you came! We’re going to have so much fun together! I have like, a million things I need to show you and tell you about!” And that’s when she realized she hasn’t even looked at her yet. Maya released her, stepping back to take in her form from head-to-toe.
“Heh, you’re still tiny~” She added with a laugh. Hand lifting, she gave a playful pat on the top of her head, just like the old times when they were kids. (Hey, being the older and bigger one had its perks!) Her attention didn’t stay on Katie long, though. Maya turned her head and saw her father unloading the luggage, which immediately brought a huffy pout to her face.
“No! I’m going to carry all her stuff!” she insisted, hurrying toward Jake and taking everything he managed to pull out into her hands. She didn’t care how heavy it was. She was going to show Katie how much she wanted her to be here!
“See?” Maya said. Turning to her for approval, she shifted the weight in her arms. “You don’t gotta worry while I’m around! I’ll take care of anything you need~”
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Gift from the Sea | Candace & Maya
The world looked much sweeter behind rose-colored lenses. Smile on her face, Maya pushed her tinted glasses up her forehead, bangs with them, as she entered Sonata Tailoring. Her paler forehead contrasted with the red on her cheeks, sun-kissed after a whole morning on the beach. A trail of sand followed at her feet, which she didn’t notice, of course, because her attention was on a particular something in the shop. No, not on the beautiful dresses, wide-brimmed hats, or bathing suits put on display… but more accurately, on a someone: the quiet woman hidden in the back like a pearl amongst fabrics.
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“Hey there, Candy~” Maya greeted in a sing-song tune. Hands fingering the straps of her cross-body bag, she practically skipped inside (paying no mind to the fact that it probably spread the sand around more). It was the perfect summer day: sun out, a breeze cutting through the heat with a cool ocean spray… And surrounded by all that blue--blue water, blue skies, blueberry tarts--she couldn’t help but think of her good friend and how much she wished she could’ve been with her.  
Sadly, that was impossible as far as she knew. Candace had work today, and she generally had a predisposition to stay indoors. But! If Maya couldn’t bring Candace to the beach, she resolved to bring a little bit of the beach to Candace. Hands dipped into her bag and fished out a sakura shell, tinted pink and polished by the sea. It was small—smaller than her palm, and she presented it to Candace with her hand up and fingers spread wide, as if it were a crown resting on a plush pillow.
“Look what I brought you! Doesn’t it look like a little petal from a flower? Heh, I guess that’s where they get their name from~” The words came easily to her. She tilted her head to the side, observing the seashell like it was the first time she really took a look at it. “It’s kinda small. I wanted to bring you a big one! Like the kind you can lift to your ear and hear the ocean! Buuut… this is pretty, too~ Maybe you can use it on a dress or something!” Her gaze shifted from the shell to Candace’s face, searching for any hint of an expression or feeling.
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
Mitski - townie
I want a love that falls as fast as a body from the balcony and I want a kiss like my heart is hitting the ground I’m holding my breath with a baseball bat No I don’t know what I’m waiting for I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
is it hard for you to want me
let it sink down to the F L O O R
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yamalot-blog · 6 years
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yamalot-blog · 7 years
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yamalot-blog · 7 years
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