yanderereblog · 4 years
Y/n *doesn't answer their phone for 0.01 second*
Literally any and every Yandere:
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yanderereblog · 4 years
I was wondering, based on how you write botw link... Do you have yandere Hcs you can share of him for a human? Just curious!!
Ok before I go off, thank you so much for sending this in. I really hope you realised this was gonna open a pandora’s box lmao. It’s probably quite obvious considering you got enough yandere vibes to ask about headcanons, but I love my yans more than life itself, so I’m completely over the moon to answer this.
Out of all the yandere archetypes (there’s 7 main ones: clingy, obsessive, possessive, manipulative, overprotective, sadistic, and stalker), Link’s character really lends itself to the obsessive, possessive, and overprotective. Overprotective yans are characterised by a need to protect their love interest from anything they deem harmful, possessive by a need to take ownership of them (usually accompanied by a lot of jealousy), and obsessive by a fanatical admiration to a degree where they think of them in the same way someone would think of a work of art.
To make things easier to parse (because I know for a fact this is gonna be a long-ass post), I split the headcanons up into those archetypes.
Although humans aren’t a weak or fragile species, Link can’t help but compare them against Hylian levels of strength and durability.
He struggles to untangle his own personal feelings of over-protectiveness against what could genuinely hurt you and his responsibility as the hero of Hyrule.
This is certainly not made better by his guilt at what he considers to be a failure to save the other champions (as well as everyone else who perished in the calamity) and keep them safe.
He’s always considered it his duty to protect everyone, and I think the immense pressure he feels as the last remaining champion and the hero of legend only serves to make that worse, especially since he’s already failed once.
He won’t be able to tell when he’s going overboard.
Any reasonable person should know that grasping at his sword in the immediate periphery of a human who tries to approach you is a little intense, but the lines are blurred when Link genuinely thinks you’re easier to break than glass, and he’s already failed to protect so many other people. Furthermore, he doesn’t have the experience (or common sense) to recognise when he can afford to tone things down.
Expect him to shield you with his body a lot.
When he fights to protect you, he fights to kill. He’s not about to hesitate if he deems anyone to be a danger to you.
The desperation and feral anger in his fighting style is enough to tip people off that you’re precious to him.
He’s ready to give his life up for you, even if that’s not something he can explain past his heroic duty.
Genuinely doesn’t care how beat up and close to death he gets when he’s fighting to protect you. He’d rather he comes out of it with three broken limbs than you even chip your nail.
“It doesn’t matter what happens to me as long as you’re safe.”
Even as a yandere, he won’t cause you any physical harm. His main goal is always to protect you.
Link just likes the human body. He likes how nice and soft it is. He wants to touch you all the time, and he wishes he was with you every hour of the day.
Takes lots of pictures of you. Looks through them often.
When you’re in periphery, he’s always staring at you. Over time, you catch him less and less, but it’s only because he’s gets better at knowing when to look at you so as not to get caught.
Loves watching you sleep. There’s something that makes him happy about seeing you so peaceful.
He’s not well-versed with privacy, so he doesn’t really understand how obsessive he can get before it’s considered creepy.
If he thinks he can get away with it, he looks at you whenever you get changed. Part of it involves scanning for any new wounds or injuries, but it’s also just because he loves your body.
When he can finally hold you, he’s incredibly reluctant to let go. He’s trying to feel every little bit of you, grasping you like you would run away if he took his hands off your skin.
Link’s feelings manifest through a strong desire to break out of his unhealthy, martyr-like approach to being a hero by taking ownership of something (and by extension, becoming possessive over it).
You’re one of the only things he can name his own, and he doesn’t want to lose that or give you up, meaning his jealousy flares more often than should be physically possible.
He doesn’t like you talking to other people, and he’d certainly rather you just didn’t. If he could have his way, he would definitely choose to be the only person you can talk to.
If you give him the green-light, you’re his.
All of this is just made worse by the fact Link is completely clueless. He’s an oblivious newbie to feelings in general, and being thrown in the deep-end with romance and jealousy could definitely run the risk of frying some of his circuits.
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yanderereblog · 4 years
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yanderereblog · 4 years
~Delusional Yandere Starter Prompts~
1. “I did this out of love, I’m doing this out of love.”
2. “Go on. I want to hear you say it.”
3. “It’ll be the family we always wanted! The one we’ve been trying for!”
4. “C’mon, let me see the test!”
5. “See? It’s not as uncomfortable as it could be, right?”
6. “Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
7. “This isn’t a punishment, it’s a lesson!”
8. “Look, this is for the best. You don’t understand now, but you will.”
9. “Just give it a little time! You’ll get used to this, I know you will!”
10. “I made us a scrapbook! It’s mostly pictures of you, but we’ll take more!”
11. “Let me see that pretty smile.”
12. “Did you miss me? Because I really missed you.”
13. “No one else makes me feel this way! I can’t lose that!”
14. “Stop yelling! You don’t know what you’re saying!”
15. “Just forget about them, alright? I know it’s going to be hard, but you can’t think about them anymore.”
16. “This is your mess. It’s only right that you thank me for cleaning it up.”
17. “I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world.”
18. “This’ll make us closer, I promise. Just hold still.”
19. “You’re so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.”
20. “You could rip my heart from my chest, and I’d still adore you.”
21. “All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted was you.”
22. “Our love comes first. Everything else is secondary.”
23. “I don’t like violence, angel. Please don’t make me do this.”
24. “I soundproofed the walls and everything, isn’t that romantic?”
25. “You’re trying to make me jealous, stop it.”
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yanderereblog · 4 years
(If requests are still open but if not ignore the message lol) Is it cool if you did a Yandere Tony Stark from mcu? Also I love ur art style ^^
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Hi, I’m so sorry for taking SO LONG for your request ;_;’
I hope you like it!
(My yandere Tony Stark kinda likes to drop some hints to his darling that he’s stalking them)
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Idk if you like Lúcio but could I get some yandere Lúcio please? ;~; ❤️
Thanks for the request! And sorry for taking so long ;_;… Anyway, I hope you like it.
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yanderereblog · 4 years
💌 Yandere! Fallen Angel!Hawks | Keigo Takami x Reader 💌
7.2k words
He falls from the sky, a man that doesn’t know quite what’s going on in the world around him. However, the more he finds out, the more intent he becomes on the idea that you should never leave him.
Soft yandere, consensual and non graphic sex, i chose to not write smut because if i wrote the words “thrusting��� or “stroke” or “length” one more time i think id cry, keigo doesn’t know jack shit, this is kinda just 7.2k words of obsession and not much else lol sorry, historical setting, 1960s im imagining but reader lives in isolation, picturing this somewhere in scotland or ireland but readers nationality and ethnicity is left ambiguous!, also you have chickens, this isn’t that dark i will try harder next time
From this ask
You’re not particularly lonely.
It’s definitely what people expect from you, since you’re living by yourself along the coastline. No, you’re just fine. You have chickens and a cat to keep you company. Sometimes your cat attempts to eat the chickens and sometimes you have to sort her out, dealing with your animals like children as you drag her away from the coop as she yowls.
Most weeks, it’s the most entertaining thing that usually happens to you, and you’re perfectly alright with that.
Your life is flipped one day, when you’re sitting on the patio, looking out onto the sea wistfully. A shawl wrapped around your shoulders and a mug of tea between two hold hands, you’re expecting it to be just like any other day.
But something - someone - falls. From the sky, literally, piercing through the clouds.
Keep reading
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Title: Snake Boy! 🐍
Summary: short story for Naga! Izuku that I might continue ;)
Warnings: obsession, kidnapping, sexual themes/tension?
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The woods looked long. And even longer and more complicated at night.
(Y/N) was at her wits end of paranoia. She had seen a ton of horror movies and stories about the woods being dangerous at night, or some killer hunts them down. Whatever situation, she still felt jumpy.
Oh, how she regretted going into the woods at this hour. (Y/N) went to a summer camp with a couple friends, when she had just ventured off to take a breath of fresh air when she stumbled curiously across the forest. But what dragged her in the most was the cry she heard from the bushes.
Her heart thrummed with excitement, splitting her in half because any logical part of her brain was telling her that she shouldn’t investigate. Like every stereotypical white chick in a horror movie.
But yet she did. An unknown force called curiosity and worry for the person overwhelmed her, so how could she not? At least she would die for a good cause, she reasoned. But her brain called bullshit.
She had been wandering for a while when the person cried out again, this time softer but more pained.
“Hello?” She called out. It sounded nearby. Her heart would go into cardiac arrest soon if her impending doom anxiety didn’t stop.
A whimper was heard from behind a bramble of bushes, which she rushed to. Struggling to get the stubborn plants out of the way of her vision, she realized that what she had been hearing wasn’t human at all.
Well, kind of. In a way. It was a creature with the upper body of a teenage male with curly, green hair and emerald eyes, with the lower body of a snake. And no garter/garden snake either. A naga. A real life naga, with a huge gash in his abdomen. He looked about to pass out, blood smeared into his hair and fingers by someone- or more, something else.
Concerned hazed over the shock, so naturally, the (h/c) girl tried coaxing him awake. “Oh my gosh... you need some help.” She held his head in her lap now. Gentle, silky, voice with soft touched against her plump thighs, she looked like an angel towards the hazy Izuku. “P-Please, stay awake for me. I’m going to try and help you.”
She remembered that in the bag she took with her had medical supplies in it for emergencies. It had patches, scissors, bandages, stilts, medicine, all kinds of bandaids, gauze, etc.
So she got to work in fixing the male up. “You should be fine now.” She gave her water bottle and some ibuprofen to the snake boy.
He shook his tail happily, a small smile on his face. He begrudgedly sat up from her warm lap. “You’re really fascinating, and so pretty...” She whispered out, flustering the naga. He put his hands over his face. She was continually surprised by how he understood her.
“I have to go soon,” the girl said to him. His eyebrows furrowed. His face scrunched up with sadness. And then he whimpered. It was quite weird to say that it was even an adorable sight to witness.
“Can you speak?” She asked.
He nodded, gurgling out a reply obviously not in English or human.
“Definitely not an English major, I see. Do you have a name?”
He hissed something that suspiciously sounded like a “ku” at the end.
“Izuku?” (Y/N) asked. His face went pink as he nodded. He seemed flustered at the use of his name. The girl smiled. “I love it! It fits you.” He was so cute. “I’m (Y/N).”
It gurgley mimicked her name and she smiled brightly. “Yes, like that.”
“Before I go, can I give you a hug?”
Izuku tilted his head in confusion as if to say “what’s that?”.
(Y/N) gestured with her arms. “Y’know... a hug? You’re telling me you’ve never had one before?”
Another shake of his head, as the female gaped. “Let me show you, then you do it back to me.”
(Y/N) inched closer to his sitting form, his curious emerald eyes gazing at her in bewilderment. She was kind of straddling him as she struggled to find a good hugging position.
Then, the girl wrapped her arms around his body and brought him to her, intimately pressed up against her body, (Y/N) regretting not wearing a bra. Her breasts softly pressed up against his muscular chest, nipples hardening at the coldness of his body.
He suddenly became really warm. A groan slipped out from his sharp toothed mouth.
Izuku had never felt this before.
Affection. Not hate, like from Kacchan, genuine, love and care.
She was so soft, so fragile, so warm and comfortable. His face went red and his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his ribcage.
His pain was momentarily forgotten when he was in her arms. She smelled so good too... he mimicked the hug, squeezing him against him like an anaconda snake, his tail curling around her.
...He decided he wanted her as his mate right then and there. No matter what.
Izuku lifted her into his tail, which slithered around her and she became anxious. “Izuku? What are you doing?”
And the girl was knocked out cold. Black surrounded her vision and she fell into an dreamless sleep.
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Yandere: ❤❤❤
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yanderereblog · 4 years
fictional character: *goes completely apeshit and loses control of their powers after the person they love is threatened*
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Hello! Could I possibly get some Yandere!Allister from Pokemon Shield? Him being so shy and what not he'd probably be really clingy and attached if he ever did get really close to someone.
hello hello! woah i never ever expected a rq for allister :0 he’s an angel. i hope you enjoy!!
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➤ poor, poor allister. he’s terrified of his feelings- what is it with you? he gets butterflies in his tummy if you so much as look his way and he can’t stop thinking about you. even his pokemon are getting worried about him.
➤ he’d never, ever tell you, but your hugs make him feel so secure, so warm, so safe. he never wants you to let go and he holds onto you just a little too tight.
➤ he loathes seeing you with others, even pokemon. the only way he knows how to cope is to isolate himself and cry. he feels pathetic- god, you’ll never be able to love someone so pitiful…
➤ allister starts to get clingy and desperate. he’s incredibly attached to you and can barely stand to be away for a minute
➤ you’re the only one who’s ever shown him such love and affections, how could he not want to be with you all the time? 
➤ he’ll undoubtedly take his mask off for you. he has complete trust and faith in you, and he wants you to see the real him.
➤ it just seems like puppy love at first, and you can’t really blame him. he’s so shy and softspoken- he could never, ever mean any sort of harm. and really, he doesn’t. he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, he just wants you to himself.
➤ eventually, he sends his pokemon out to watch you. he trusts you completely, don’t get him wrong, it’s just other people he doesn’t trust. he doesn’t want to see you get injured.
➤ his feelings are only growing stronger and stronger and at some point, he’ll confess to you. he can’t keep it to himself anymore, he loves you so much that it hurts.
➤ you wouldn’t reject him, would you? just look at the poor thing- his cheeks are blaring red and he’s even taken his mask off. it would just break his heart if his beloved wouldn’t accept his precious feelings…
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yanderereblog · 4 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Do you like Undertale?
Is this a trap to find out if I wanna fuck Sans
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Belphigor starting a fight with Lucifer becuse he doesn't want the human to leave becuse he feels like he hasn't made it up to them for killing them and that if he dosent make it up to them now then they'll probly never return to devildom becuse of him
(My keyboard has so many bad and broken keys, I apologize for any typos! Have some desperate Belphegor! ) 
“You can’t just let Y/N leave! I haven’t made up for what I’ve done!” Belphegor exclaims with a bewildered look in his eyes. His fingers are clenching as they grip Lucifers arm, forcing him to stop in his tracks, and stare down the younger brother with disdain. “For you to think you can tell me what to do only shows that you’re still an immature fool. Y/N is to leave and go back to the human realm, with no interruptions from anyone, including you, the very reason we almost lost our chance to show we aren’t angry savage children”. 
The words stung him, and he deserved to feel the harsh slash. He nearly killed you in a fit of petty anger and rage, because he had such a grudge over what happened hundreds of years ago. And its killing him to know he won’t be able to make it up to you, literally killing him. Lucifer wrenches his arm away, continuing his stoic walk down the halls of the building as if Belphegor was never there. The echoing footsteps only remind him of how empty this place is, and how much more empty it will become if he can’t stop you from leaving. 
Vivid memories come back from that day, where you only tried to calm him down and he saw you as an easy attack. He is such an idiot, he couldn’t bring himself to give you a chance to show him you aren’t like the others. How can he bring himself to make it up to you? He’s weak, he’s evil, and you still gave him a chance! He needs to prove to you that he doesn’t hate you, that you mean everything to him, that he’s sorry. 
A desperate urge to see you emerged from his chest, and he begins to race down the hall, shoving Lucifer out of the way in the process. “Y/N ! Y/N You have to open up! I-Its important!” he shouts, fists pounding on your door as Lucifer begins to catch up with him, anger clearly in his expression. 
The second you open the door, you’re met with a frantic push and a loud slam. A terrified, panicked demon hovering over you. “Shh” was all he said as he covered your mouth, listening to the pounding footsteps of Lucifer as they grew closer. 
“Just- Listen ok? I’m not letting you leave. It isn’t right! I-I deserve longer with you! “ He hissed, pressing the palm of his hand over your mouth even harder as you began to claw at his arm. “SHH! Just be quiet! Come with me, ok? I’ll explain everything!”. He hurried you over to the bedroom window, with one hand and a soft click he pushed the frame up.
He resembled a panicked animal as he looks around once again, knowing any second that door was about to break open. “GO! Just- Meet me in the woods ok? Im right behind you!”. 
Despite a heavy feeling in your gut, you figured this was urgent. You couldn’t place the feeling, but pushed that thought away for now, wondering what on earth you two could be running from. You feel your feet meeting hard ground for a few minutes, seeing no sign of the demon who had put you in this situation, and finally stopped to catch your breath when you saw trees towering over you. 
Belphegor was thrilled to see that you didn’t just dash back home, it meant you trusted him. You, an absolute gift to his existence, trusted something as vile and venomous as him. You were truly too good for him.  A diamond in the hands of a filthy thief, although thats more of a Mammon analogy compared to him. 
“W-Whats this all about Belphie?” You ask as you hunch over to try and ease the burning in your lungs. You look up confused, seeing him biting his lip in thought before he finally gave an answer.
“I can’t let you go. Not now, not ever”. 
You open your mouth to ask him what in the world he was going on about, but suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness. exhaustion really, as if you could fall asleep right then and be completely ok with it. “Belphie..I don’t under...I’m so...” you begin to kneel, feeling wobbly as the world spins around. You always thought dirt nap meant death, but it seems you’re quite literally about to take a nap on dirt. 
The demon of sloth just grins as he helps you to the ground, kissing your forehead as you slur your speech. “I know I know, im making you sleepy on purpose. I have to, trust me. When you wake up i’ll make sure this all makes sense” he babbled, watching as your eyes flutter closed and your eyes begin REM. 
Belphegor lifts you up, petting your hair as he walks into the depths of the woods, looking around to make sure you both weren’t being followed. “I have some good demon freinds...they’ll give us a place for a bit...Dont you worry, you’ll be safe. And I can spend all my time making up for what i’ve done”. 
(-Mommabean ((I LOVE THIS GAME )) ) 
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yanderereblog · 4 years
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I also held a giveaway on Twitter… and oh boi when they asked me for Yandere Levi…. I was living 
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yanderereblog · 4 years
Okay so I know this is a little specific but could you do headcanons for how the yandere!brothers would react to an MC with scars from an abusive ex (who is also the reason they don't believe they can be loved)? I really like your soft yanderes, that's really the only type of yandere I like (I'm weak like that ;)
I am the biggest softie for Soft!Yanderes. 
UNIVERSAL HEADCANNON: absolutely NONE of the boys would blame MC for what happened to them. They treat the marks like someone who scratched a priceless marble statue. The ex had tried to ruin pure art in the boys’ eyes. 
Seeing the marks sparks the biggest hellspawn rage, his eyes burn like white-hot coals as though he were the source of pure hate itself. 
Aside from actually burning down the ex’s house, Lucifer decides to “make up” the lost time and affection. 
Body worship. I personally love the concept of body worship as someone who used to self-harm and has low self esteem. Lucifer decides to sit his beloved down and explain precisely  why he finds them beautiful. 
All the tenderest love. Possessive, passionate love to express precisely how much MC means to him. Silken robes, fine velvet clothes, hickies, and high quality wine are his means to praise his love. 
He’s a pissed boi. He finds the jerk and beats them up. Just to inflict that same damage. Then he takes the bastard’s money and uses it to shower MC in all the finest the world can offer. 
literally carries MC around like the possessive baby he is. 
Probably just handcuffs himself to MC so that he can keep them close. 
“Your body and your scars are beautiful, but if you do not like looking at them the jewelry I bought you should cover it nicely.” 
Boi he has s t u d i e d yandere. He’s the yandere MASTER. Therefore he finds the most precisely fucked up way to get even with the dickhead. 
Starts showing MC pictures of anime characters that remind him of them. “See MC???? You look like this person!! The most BEAUTIFUL PERSON EVER!!!! YOURE SO LOVELY!! Even the great Henry has his scars!” 
Straight up locks MC in his room bc they’re as priceless as his Ruri-chan figurines. 
Holds MC like a body pillow, big snuggles while he plays video games. 
Yknow when a star goes supernova? Yeah that doesn’t match Satan’s red-hot rage at someone he loves so much being hurt. He loses his shit for a bit but calms down to be an icy king in the face of his darling. 
“Oh MC, dearest, would you mind terribly if I began to keep some herbs?” he says while plotting to poison the ex with nightshade. 
He’s a lot more rough than Lucifer would be. Choosing to leave hickies and nibble marks all over the location of the scars. Loving marks. 
Makes MC stay in his room to help him “research” various random things. 
He’s good at hiding his anger. Choosing to channel it into doting over his love instead. 
“Oh MC! you’re so lovely!! I must protect that beautiful body of yours so that the soul inside stays in my life as long as possible!!” 
Buys them all sorts of skincare and beauty products, wanting them to feel worshiped and adored. 
Locks MC in his room and snuggles them until they accept that he loves them. 
Big stone wall of a demon sheds several actual tears.
“Oh MC.... Do you want to sit here while I go get us some snacks? It’s the least I can do for such a sweetie like you.” 
Biggest hug he’s ever given. Bigger than when Belphie came down from the attic. He just wants to squeeze the trauma out of MC’s cute bod. 
He eats the Ex. Straight up. Eats them whole like goddamned s n a k e. 
Stabs the jerk. Definitely the most yandere of the brothers, choosing to torture the person for torturing MC like that. But of course....his beloved snugglebug will never know what happened to their abuser. 
Gives MC some of his clothes to wear so they can snuggle and have “good dreams to make up for the bad memories.” 
Holds MC’s hand like a lifeline. 
Watches MC sleep and kisses their scars to try and will MC into a better state of mind. 
OH??? You want to disrespect MC??? Well guess what???? THey’re my SPOUSE NOW BITCH. 
Literally buys a crown for MC and makes them wear it. A room in the castle (his room) and a private demon butler are also in the mix for Devildom’s newest monarch. 
Unleashes the wrath of all seven demon brothers on the ex. Seven ancient demon lords all ripping this abuser a new one. Oh yeah, also the anger of Solomon, Simeon, and Luke. It’s like the Avengers but entirely just for MC’s past trauma. 
Has them hold onto the crook of his arm and stay by his side all the time. The duo end up looking like an adorable elderly royal couple. 
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yanderereblog · 4 years
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Where’s my yandere content
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