yanderetothemax · 5 years
Can you do a yandere mccree/ Reyes whos love has depression ? I’m not feeling great :(
I’m really feeling this prompt, sorry for probably taking 2 years to get to this. Shit’s been happening. 
Jesse sighs as he looks in on your shared bedroom, looking at your sleeping form that is huddled under layers of blankets. He knows you’re sick, and not the kind that can be weathered through for a few days and then recover from. It’s the kind of sick that can break even the strongest people until there’s not much left. He knows this sickness too well, he’s seen it in so many. So it breaks his heart to watch you there, knowing that even with all of the love in the world, it won’t shatter the sickness that’s wormed its way into your brain. 
He feels helpless, and he walks over to the bed while kicking off his shoes and crawling in under the covers with you. Gently, he kisses your forehead, and then lowers his head so your foreheads can touch. He smiles, seeing your sleepy eyes slowly open and look at him with such a deep exhaustion it nearly cripples him to his core. Jesse feels like he is so close to an abyss that he does not want to cross over. 
“Hey there,” He says softly, reaching his hand up and gently cupping your cheek, “How’d ya sleep, darlin’?” He asks, watching as you shift to be closer to him. The action makes him happy. He feels loved, even in your darkness. 
“Pretty good. Sort of. I still just feel...” You trail off, not quite knowing how to put the void that’s been clawing its way from your soul and slowly taking over into words. He just nods, knowing sort of. 
“Yeah. I get it. Depression’s a bitch.” 
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yanderetothemax · 5 years
Smut, fluff or angst: only one can remain
I can’t live without my fluff
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yanderetothemax · 5 years
How’s school so far?
Well, I’m finally writing again which is nice. But it’s been mostly hell with some meh times. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Hey y'all!
So, I know I haven't written in a while. As most of you guys know, I'm a full time University student, and I'm in the STEM field. I really want to update this blog, so I'll try and get in some updates this weekend. School has been kicking my ass, but I'll get through it. Thanks everyone for your support and patience. I have received anons, but I also have 14 drafts to finish. Hopefully I can finish everything.
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Hello! I’m back. Sorry everyone for the delay, replies to stories should start increasing, at least on weekends. Just as a reminder, I do write for free, and I am entering my junior year of college, so if you have something in particular you want me to write, just DM me and we could do a commission. Woot woot! 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Who are ur fav and least fav char?
Honestly, I don’t really have a least favorite character. They all have their own unique traits that make them special, and there’s aspects to everything that has its unique strengths and drawbacks. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Why are readers are females so often?😩😤 Its just not fair!
Sorry darling! As someone that’s a DFAB, I find it easier to do it from the female perspective. I also just don’t really know how to write from a guy’s perspective because I’ve never been a guy. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Hun do u have a masterlist?
Hello! I do not have a masterlist. If you’re looking for a specific character, I’d recommend just using the search option. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Omg I hate calculus. Luckily I’m not doing math so I’m in a fabulous mood! Hope those papers don’t bury you.
Haha, thanks friend 😊 I'm just waitressing today, I'll see if I can get a couple of things published though, I'm so behind. I have 12 drafts and 7 unanswered prompts, rip
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
How are ya doin taday mate?
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates in recent times, I'm very swamped with work and calculus. But otherwise, I'm doing pretty good! How about you? :)
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Scaredy Cat
Anon Requests:  Reaper, Mercy, Genji, separately has an s/o who got scared of something like lightning and is hiding. Yandere coaxes them out with little nicknames like baby or sweet heart and stuff so they can have a soft moment.
Author Replies: Sounds cute! Hey guys, long time, no see. Currently, I’m working 5 jobs this summer and I’ll be starting calc 3 in a few weeks, so things are gonna be slow. If you wanna donate to my ko-fi for a fic featuring the characters of your choice, hmu or find the link somewhere in here. I’m also available for commissions. Woot woot. Enjoy! 
“Aww, common little one! It’s only a roll of thunder,” Mercy coos softly, her soft blue eyes lit with warmth and compassion. It was the look you’d slowly grown accustomed to. But like a cat, you were scared by loud noises, and had hid under her bed, looking at her hand warily. “It’s okay. I’ll protect you. No need to hide, or to be scared,” Another roll of thunder, and the sound of crackling lightning only sent you burrowing deeper beneath the bed. Mercy sighed, and wiggled a bit, trying to reach forward. 
“Babe, it’s okay,” She said, “I promise, we’re perfectly safe inside. No need to be mad, no need to be sad, smile my sweet,” Mercy crooned. You had to admit, she was good at calling you sweet names. Finally, after some hesitation, you crawl out from beneath the bed and she pulls you into her arms, kissing the side of your head. “See? I told ya! You’re safe with me.” 
Reyes was not warm or friendly. The most you’d ever seen him even try in that particular regard was an awkward pet on your head. Sex didn’t count in being ‘warm’ or ‘friendly’. It was rough, untamed, full of raw power. But it wasn’t like you expected anything else from him. He demanded nothing but complete and utter submission when it came to your relationship. He liked seeing your eyes in awe and fear of his power, and then how you would curl up next to his chest while he stroked your back with his sharp claws, careful with his touches. 
But there was a loud storm that night, and you were curled up in the base of his closet. Reyes normally didn’t have any patience for fear or weakness, but you were...a unique case. He grumbled and sat down beside you in it, his arm wrapped around you as he softly rubbed your arm in a soothing motion. You meant the world to him. He couldn’t imagine living without you. 
He could understand fear better than anyone else he knew. Genji had faced death and was able to rise up despite it. He had become faster, smarter, calmer. But despite his mostly omnic body, he still had a human heart. It was late when the first rolls of thunder came through, and he was jolted awake not from the noise, but when he found that you were missing from his grasp. He looked around, eyes panicked before he finally landed on you, and breathed a sigh of relief. You were in the corner, a favored blanket covering your head. 
“Hey,” He crooned, and moved his legs over the side, unplugging himself from his recharging stations and walked over to you. “You scared?” He asked, seeing the frightened look on your face. Your head jerkily nodded, and he sat beside you, just in his boxers and wrapped an arm around you. His scarred lips pressed against the side of your head, “All good. You’re safe with me. It’s okay to fear.” 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Damn it, I thought we were past this
Anon Requests:  I could get a request? Reaction of Soldier, Hanzo, Genji, and Mccree finally taming their s/o. Their s/o isn't afraid anymore and gives them love like they wanted, but then something happens (that wasn't their s/o fault) making them lash out and scare the shit of their s/o. So then all that hard work of them convincing s/o to trust them and that is gone and now try to back away from them and not let them touch them. Sorry if it's too many characters, you can take some out if you want. Thank you!
Author Replies: Sounds like a blast! I think I’m just gonna do McCree and Genji. Mostly because lol I have a shit ton of these to get through. As per usual, if you wanna support your fave broke college student, the link to my ko-fi is in my bio. It’ll get you somewhere between 500 and 1000 words as a thank you for donating. Also, if you want to commission me, I’ll write up to 3k words, with most kinks and up to 4 characters. 
SFW, DFAB reader
- He was so happy that you finally had conceded to being his, he didn't mind the occasional sassy remark. Hell, he loved a woman with some spunk! They were always the best in his mind. But now he had you cuddling up to him, rubbing his beard, giving him amazing kisses and the sex? Off the wall amazing.
- But, it seemed McCree's luck wasn't going to last. He came home in a foul mood, and you knew that look on his face all too well. The best thing to do was try and steer clear. But you had to be in the kitchen. You were cooking a big pot of soup for dinner. It was going to be special, you had something you wanted to share with him. Your back had been turned, when the loud sound of shattering glass pierced through the tense air of the room.
- "DAGGUMMIT!" He hollered, his voice loud. You jumped, looking back and seeing one of the glasses broken on the ground, and Jesse's face was cherry red, the anger through him was plentiful but he'd been good about not expressing it near you. You clutch onto the side of the counter, heart racing and try to make yourself as small as possible, watching him storm around. It was like a tornado, hearing his spurrs jangle, his loud stomping foot steps, the loud curse words and angry sweeping of the broom. You suddenly remembered to fear again. This man wasn't your friend. He was your enemy and suddenly you knew how to fear again.
- McCree finally comes to his senses and looks towards you, an expression of aghast coming onto his face, “Aw sweet sugar plum-” He starts, but you flinch at the feeling of his hand on your cheek. It breaks his heart, seeing you tremble before him in such a fashion. 
- He was a broken man, torn down by the world around him and told he was only one thing: a monster. But you made him believe that he was different. That there was some good in him. So he knew he had to have you, but fuck! You never listened to a God damn word he said. Your pride was nearly insufferable. So, of course he had to break you. Though you couldn’t see it on his face, it was contorted with pain with every swipe he had to give. 
- But finally, one day, he noticed your compliance. It was a beautiful thing. Your smiles were as radiant as the dawn, and though you didn’t speak as much anymore, he was ultimately thankful for you in his life. But one day, he got word about his brother, and all of Zenyatta’s teachings had vanished from thought. Despite all the progress he had made, it had all been swiped clean with a single blow. You hadn’t seen him this enraged before, and honestly? It scared you. 
- The way that his sword sliced against the tree, turning it into ribbons reminded you of the raw power this man was capable of. All of the traumatic memories you’d tried to stash in your brain, and keep compartmentalized seemed to erupt, and you could remember every hit, every chain, every word he spoke to you. It was as if a tidal wave had crashed over you. Your clenched your eyes shut, and waited for his rage to calm down
- It finally did, and when he no longer saw red, there you sat, eyes wide and he could tell that all of the beautiful moments he’d shared with you- the tender kisses, and soft caresses- suddenly they were wiped. And you could only see the metal monster Overwatch had created. It was heart breaking for him, and he tried to come over and embrace you, to hold you in his arms and smother you with kisses and affection, but it seemed to be of no avail. There was only one thing you would see when you looked at him- an angry, broken man who only cared for revenge. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Psssst. Hey. Just wanted to say that your work is lovely! Take your time and keep blowing us out of the water, m'kay?
Omg!!! You are so sweet, thanks for the encouragement!! Thanks for your support, I'll try and upload something tonight :) ♥️
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Something Borrowed, Something New
Anon Requests:  Hi. Could you do one where yan Hanzo’s fem s/o is broken and has fallen in love with him and she wants to do something nice for him since he provides for her and looks after her but she can’t figure out what since he can do everything himself so she keeps spacing out and thinking about it and feeling useless and Hanzo notices her recent behavior and tries to ask her why she’s being like this.
Author: Fo shizzle my dude. I’m really fucking lazy, so if you wanna donate to my ko-fi, the link is in the bio. HMU if you want a commission. The most I’ll do is 3k words, but it’ll be dope af. Also, I’m working like 4 jobs this summer, so please be patient. I have 11 more requests in my drafts, plus two in my inbox. This is more or less a stress relief. Also, please give me compliments, it makes my heart feel good. 
DFAB reader, SFW
You sit on the smooth wooden deck that leads out to the private garden. It’s your favorite place. It’s the only place you can go without always being watched. Or, at least noticeably feeling watched. There were eyes everywhere, and you’d given up on escape by now. No, you were content to be his little canary. To sing when he wanted, to lay when he wanted, to give him everything his heart so desired. It made you happy now, especially when you got the satisfaction of a smile on his face, the flicker of pleasure. 
So, in your own way, you wanted to do something for him. He already had the physical pleasures with you. The way his mouth would plant itself on your shoulder, his calloused hand cupping your breast, moving aside the robe that so rudely blocked him from being able to give you all the love, all the touches he wanted. But there had to be something else you could do for him. 
He snuck up behind you like a ghost. You only knew he had come to sit beside you when his hand rested on your head, his fingers running through your hair and a look of gentle adoration came onto his face. 
“You look troubled, my songbird,” He spoke, finally taking a seiza pose beside you, his legs folded beneath his body in effortless grace. “Has something displeased you?” Hanzo asked, his fingers running through your locks, feeling their silky smoothness between them. He kept you in bright colors, as he enjoyed wearing that which was on the darker end of the spectrum. You shook your head and smiled a bit at him. 
“No, nothing,” You reply and gently take his hand in yours. After giving it a soft squeeze, you look up to the sky and lean back on your hands. The sky was a cloudless blue, the sun warm and inviting, “It’s just,” You speak up after a moment of his unwavering gaze, “You have been so incredibly kind and patient with me. I wish there was something I could do for you,” You felt foolish saying this. But his hand softly crept up around your neck and to your cheek, turning your face towards him. 
“Your company and voice are all I need,” He replied back, “Anything else- it’s just extra. You are the one I treasure. That’s why I keep you safe here from the world. You are a goddess to be kept from those who could hurt you. A divine soul trapped in a mortal body. The mate to my dragon and I. Though,” He paused, looking at you, “There is one thing.” 
“Name it.” 
“I want to impregnate you,” He replied, moving his hand to hold above where it was located, “I want to see you grow round, to see you with our child at your breast. To teach our children how to be a true Shimada.” 
You’d expected a lot of things, but a baby? This was a shock. There was a moment of silence that seemed to go on for too long. 
“I... Don’t know what to say.” 
“Then say yes, my love. Say yes to us.” 
There wasn’t much else you could do. Even if it didn’t seem so, you were but a prisoner in a gilded cage. The moment he grew tired of you, his fingers could snap and you would be gone. And the expression on his face betrayed he knew you knew. The way there was the crazed glint in his eyes, the twitch in his fingers. But you knew him, you knew that he’d figure out a way. So why not be willing? 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
No Pain, No Gain
Anon Requests:  Can I have prompt #19 with Moira sfw fem pronouns please?
Prompt 19: “I know it hurts, honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
Writer Replies: For sure! Thank you all for following and supporting my blog! It always makes me so happy to see all of my new followers. If you enjoy what I write and would like to support your fave broke college student, feel free to donate to my ko-fi and get a fic! https://ko-fi.com/S6S4BYUP I also would love to start doing some commissions. DM if you want one! Price is negotiable. 
Your soft cries were like music to her ears. You were sure of this, they had to be or else that smile on her thin lips wouldn’t be there. The way her hetero-chromatic eyes stared at you, as if trying to burrow into your soul, the tightly kept emotion locked behind them. But your cries were all she cared about. 
“Stay still,” Moira spoke, her lips coming close to your ear as she adjusted the arm which she so frequently commented about ‘gifting’ to you. It was sleek like everything she did. New, untested. “Now, what are the rules again?” She asked, her gaze momentarily looking away from her new sadistic invention towards your face once more. 
“I’m not a child, Moira, I don’t need any fucking rules,” You replied back, and yelp a bit as she ‘accidentally’ shocks you with one of her pristine electric tools, and the sound of a tsk comes from her lips as she shakes her head. 
“Wrong answer,” She replied, putting on her magnifying glasses. Her expression was shrewd, and obviously she wanted to hear the answer she wanted. You look away. Moira had started to go a bit over the top when it came to you. And when the accident had happened, when your arm had been mercilessly crushed beneath the weight of the machine you’d been working on, she’d been the one to perform the operation to ensure you could still use your hands. 
“Don’t do stupid shit,” You finally reply, and she smirked back towards you. Her eyes reminded you of a bug. Intrusive, cold, merciless. You weren’t fond of insects. Quickly, you looked away, feeling another shock run through you. Another yelp came from your lips. 
“I know it hurts, love, but that’s what happens when you don’t do what I say,” She replied, and kissed your cheek, lips cool to the touch. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
Talon’s Mistake
Anon Requests:  Hope you’re doing fine!! Could I ask How would Mccree react to his fem s/o being kidnapped by talon? Thanks :)
Writer Replies: Heck yeah! Thanks for all the support guys, y’all really make me so happy. I’m going to try and catch up over the next week or so on all the requests in my inbox. No promises they’ll all be completed though. Thanks for sticking around, I’m glad you are enjoying my writing! Here’s a link to my ko-fi if you wanna support your fave broke college student https://ko-fi.com/S6S4BYUP . Also, DM me if you want to commission me for a fic! I also do other fandoms, and can negotiate price. 
SFW, DFAB reader
Jesse McCree hated when his things were touched. This was especially true of the ones he loved. Well, one person. He had thought the pair of you would be safe here, in a little cabin all by your lonesomes. But it was clear he had been wrong. 
The first feeling of anxiety came when he saw the lights in the cabin weren’t on.  It was growing darker quicker with the sun setting more around 6:30. It was 7, and it was dark. It could have been you’d just forgotten to turn them on, but he didn’t think so. He’d told you to keep on at least the kitchen light so he could see you through the window. But it was dark. 
His stomach dropped when he saw the door was wide open. It was never supposed to be like that. He had a firm policy on it only being open when he was around- hell, you guys lived in the middle of the woods, and liked your privacy. He parked his truck, and got out, his spurs jangling but not a merry tune. When Jesse turned on a light, he nearly lost his damn mind. 
Furniture was toppled over. There had been a fight. Blood was on the floor, and a handprint against the door. On the ground, there was a shatter frame with a picture of the two of you in it. He had been smiling, arm wrapped around you, his lips pressed against the side of your head. Anger began to shake through his whole body, and all he could see was red. 
His sweet summer bloom had been taken, and he hadn’t been there to prevent it, to keep you safe, to make sure no one could harm you. Shakily, Jesse picked up the frame, and carefully removed the photograph from the shattered glass, angry tears pooling in his eyes as he looked at your face. Whoever had stolen you from him would pay for their egregious mistake. 
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yanderetothemax · 6 years
May I please request sombra petplay?
Hi Anon! I’m actually not that much of a fan of pet play. Like, I think wearing a collar or having a leash could be kind of sexy, but I’m a little freaked out by wanting your S/O to be a literal sex kitten. You can always send in another request! 
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