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Little map for the cardverse au I’m writing!
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Fill her out or I’ll nuke Matthew Williams.
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Full circle
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This is so real.
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Jesus Christ. There’s no escape-only nine month periods of denial.
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hi! May I request a matchup? Gemini, INFP. she/they pronouns and can I get a male matchup? i practice witchcraft, read astrological charts & tarot cards, and I love journaling and drawing! i like reading about philosophy, astronomy, & a lot of stuff haha. i love color guard / dancing too. i am gentle, empathetic, but I also have a very playful nature / silly humor :) i am a hard worker and am passionate about my interests. I like partners who are smart and can hold good convos! Also kindness and trust ♥️ I don’t like cruel or manipulative people - thank you love 💗
Alright hear me out on this one
So I think balance is going to become a really important thing in these matchups going forward cause in all the successful relationships I’ve been witnessing the people aren’t necessarily the same person, but different and complimentary. That’s why I ship you with….
But not the kind most people think of right off the bat. I’m a firm believer in the Al that’s very passionate and energetic, but also southern style sweet. He’s open to all religions and spiritual practices, as well as fascinated by the supernatural and things beyond human comprehension (think New Orleans and the psychic culture of Louisiana and Charleston), so he’d be fully intrigued and interested in learning about and practicing witchcraft and cards with you!! He’s been keeping detailed journals since 1800, so that could for sure be a bonding point for y’all. He would LOVE to see your drawings and would literally tear up if he saw you did a nice one of him! He is the United States, so astronomy is one of his strengths! He was big into philosophy during the Cold War, so he could talk to you for HOURS about either topic. He would simply melt at the sight of you dancing or doing color guard-he loves the romanticized high school 80s culture it’s associated with and thinks it’s really cool! OMG he would SO take you out for ice cream after every big performance and would LOVE to help you practice!!! Al needs someone who’s gentle and empathetic to calm him down sometimes-he’s unresponsive whenever anyone tries to calm him down by yelling at him, so I think kind and gentle words would be a welcomed change. He also has an inner child, and would love letting loose with you and forgetting the world exists for just a little while ;). Al appreciates your hard work-and 100% respects and looks up to you for it. It is rooted in American philosophy that hard work is to be valued and rewarded, so this aspect of you definitely works well with his style of thinking and core values. Al is very sweet, and he doesn’t have it in him to be manipulative. I fully believe that lmao 💖💖💖
All in all one of my fav matchups I’ve done 2000/10 I adore this pairing omg ❤️❤️❤️
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Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for the matchup! I appreciate the time you took to answer it.
Hopefully, the abductions don't become a reoccurring thing :)
AHHHHH you’re so welcome!!!! I think they harvested all the data they needed from me so we should be dandy 💖
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May I request a matchup? I'm a straight female, Leo, 1w4, INFJ, Ravenclaw. My passions are languages & writing. I'm adventurous & have completed a dream of mine -living/working in a country that doesn't share my native language. I like biology, genealogy, demonology, history & alternative rock. I'm easily flustered, clumsy, gentle (but can be intimidating), witty, sarcastic, athletic & conscientious. I can handle a lot in a partner but not one who's egotistic and belittles others. Thank you!
Hey y’all! Sorry I’ve been inactive but I was actually abducted by aliens and they returned me to a dense forrest in Guam where I had to fend for myself until a kind farmer found me and lent me his broomstick over a nice meal so I could fly home like in Kiki’s delivery service.
Anyways I ship you with…..
Where do I even begin? As a Taurus (with, undoubtedly, some sag placements) and an INTJ, you two would compliment each other fabulously! He would love to learn new languages with you and share some of the novels and poetry that he’s written throughout history. He admires that your dream is to live in a country that doesn’t speak your native language, and admires your courage. He was quite adventurous back in the day, and you help revitalize the curiosity he felt in his youth. He’d be reluctant, but very willing to learn the language of whatever country you find yourself in directly from its personification. He shares your love of history, and especially demonology. He is a witch after all! You guys would have the cutest little banter about punk vs. alt rock. He too is flustered quite easily, but he would insist on making the first move, as it’s only “gentlemanly.” He is also VERY sarcastic. Artie might be a little condescending to Alfred at times, but it’s out of brotherly love and not belittling.
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New post? Unfortunately.
This time it’s Romano though ❤️🇮🇹
And with a funky color scheme
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Lmk if y’all want an overview cause it’s actually pretty alright lmao
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Sorry the time lapse is slanted lol. Anyways, ladies and gentlemen. I give you Hong Kong ❤️ (in my more realistic style) started out as Lithuania, but I felt that he looked more like HK after an hour
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hello, i am a girl that is usually chill and laid-back, but i can be a bit cheerful at times, besides those i can be also be anxious, emotional and reactive. i love to draw and illustrate my feelings and what's in my head, my dreams are having a good life, peace and many people that will fulfil my heart (doesn't need to be romantic) and my aspirations are to correct and reform things, and to innovate the world. i don't really have a preference though, not too energetic and active,to be continued
I ship you with…🥁🥁🥁
Japan/Kiku Honda!!!
He too is pretty chill, and would enjoy your cheerfulness and emotions to balance him out! You would bring out the best in him 100%. He would also be awesome about helping when you get anxious-always willing to sit and talk with you over some calming tea 😌. He would also love to draw with you-and would also like a peaceful life! Japan is one of the world’s leaders in innovation-and he would love to hear your ideas for further inventions to reform and better life!! He’s quite calm and not very energetic-so I think y’all would go together great!! 💕💕💕
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I would like to request a match-up! I'm a 5'2 girl who isn't afraid to be silly (despite being an adult). Despite this, I work an office job. I love sweets and I have artistic hobbies like art, sewing, and listening to classical/opera (i have tickets to back to back ballet and opera this month! Im so excited!) The only videogames i play now are rythm games (hatsune miku owns my soul). I hate waking up early and the cold. I switch from being a introvert to and extrovert with ease. I get anxiety but once I'm pushed off the edge. I do well. I'm usually the one in the friend group who comes up with ideas and plans. But I can get overwhelmed if I'm left to do this all the time.
Congrats on your tickets!! Hope you have a great time!!
I ship you with🥁🥁🥁: North Italy!!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹
Feli would love your silly personality-y’all would have SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER omg
He too enjoys acting like a kid and you would help each other forget about your responsibilities and worries!
He would love waking up late with you and he quite enjoys rhythm games since they aren’t too scary. He has a nice warm climate and would love doing all sorts of art with you! He quite enjoys operas, since they remind him of his days with Austria!
It’s good that you make plans since he’s usually one to be free-spirited, which usually comes with a lack of planing. He does usually plan a nice dinner for y’all about once a month though! He’s quite extroverted as well but doesn’t mind staying home and cooking with you if you get overwhelmed ☺️
I can totally see him bringing food or flowers to your job all the time!!
Overall love this pairing!! 💕💕💕
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Sent that one picture of aph Norway smiling to my mom by accident 💪💪💪
Pray for me
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"Bluetooth device paired. Bluetooth device unpaired. Bluetooth device paired. Bluetooth device unpaired."
-Queen Elizabeth II, after suffering from COVID-19.
May God bless her soul.
Wonder who could’ve sent me this 🤔
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K. Here are my like…official matchup request guidelines
Tell me things like your dreams, aspirations, things you can and can’t tolerate in a partner, any gender preferences, and a brief overview of your personality and hobbies 😌
I won’t be taking things like age and mental conditions into consideration
As with everything else I do-no NSFW
Hetalia characters only
Please keep in mind that I’m new to this-only positivity on this page please 😊❤️
Feel free to ask questions!!
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Writers block has me in a CHOLKHOLD RN so I’m currently willingly awaiting any requests 😚. Hcs, matchups, etc… (all Hetalia)
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