yanyiu-legends · 2 years
Across the road, you could see the roofs of beautiful little huts which seem to be a part of the forest's roots! With a strong stride he walked towards the village he knew so well! Searching for the door near a riverbed full of flowers. He softly knocked on the door, then a grandma opened the door with a bright smile and little sparkles like magic on her face. The table was already set, and he could smell the sweet and prickling flavor of his favorite dessert, the Sour Flour Muffin. Looking around the comfy little room you could find flowers in all different varieties of colors, bound to the furniture were little shimmering gemstones, and also metallic items that once were a part of something. The old lady Amalia told him a young female adventurer joined their village a month ago. She seems to be a collector and stays helping out for a while until she collects enough goods to return to the capital. The man softly chuckled about the old lady, remembering how gentle and kind she treated him when he first appeared on the edge of her stairs. Some things won’t change, and they hold the wisdom of this village for decades. The door opened, and a niandra entered the room. He could feel her presence as soft sunlight touched his skin, and the air felt fresh as she moved around. Why couldn't this be the last time we met? His memory starts drifting into darkness as the room seemed to fall apart, black from fire and the smell of blood. Running to the door gasping heavily due to all of the smoke surrounding him. He could see a body laying on the ground protected by a giant backpack it covered the lady, hiding her from the eyes of the evil souls around her. He took her hand as green light…” There you go Cyran! Your Sour Flower muffins are fresh and sweet…”, said the little girl in front of him, while happily showing him a plate full of muffins! “As the bond we keep '' he finished her sentence while standing up from the desk he was daydreaming on.
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yanyiu-legends · 2 years
The dragons are a mysterious old folk of giant creatures with great power and an ancient tradition to be guardians of nature and every critter in this world. One of the oldest legends told among adventures was the legend of “The Dragon Queen.”She was the first protector of the glowing soul tree, giving her life to be the shield of Mount Forlorn. Deep down protected by stones, her soul and heart were connected to the tree and her magic floating around the mountain's. The fog is her warm breath telling all the secrets of the ancient lands, the rocks, her steeled body hiding the precious tree behind a long confusing way to the top, and the shimmering light of her memories showing all the souls which are gone long ago. She was the mother and guardian of many dragons and guided them through many decades until she had to decide to leave everyone behind.
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yanyiu-legends · 2 years
The sun was rising and lit up a silhouette behind the soft fog. The giant Mountains, the symbol of strength and honor, can be seen behind the curtains. The rocks looked like scales that protect the ancient treasure on the top of Mount Forlorn. A shimmering tree growing blossoms on shimmering branches and crowns on the top. The fresh air seems like a spring breeze making everything blossom, and it gets shaken softly by the gust of wind. Dragons gather around the roots to accompany the souls on their last departure to become a part of the protecting light. You can feel the rumbling of the old soul of the dragon queen below the mountain as her heart starts groaning. She feels the dragon's pain saying their last farewell to the beloved souls. Under the soft light, the moving dragons seem to be floating around the tree, and between them, the red hair swings in the rhythm of the humming creatures. "I will make you bloom and create your new path!"
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yanyiu-legends · 2 years
The History of YANYIU
The true name of the precious guild book was lost a long time ago but people of the kingdom are calling it "YANYIU's Legends '. An old story that has been told is the history of the "Setting Sun". The founder of the "YANYIU Guild" was an ancient mage known for glorious fights and incredible strength. She was given the honor of a blessing provided by the gods. During her stay in the capital of the kingdom, she was cooking for mercenaries in a tavern. A lovely smell was always floating through the alleys of the city attracting any kind of critter. One of the special dishes she was serving was known as the "Onigiri '' which people accused to grant special powers. The YANYIU tavern was growing, even more, changing into a guild getting built up by her closest friends and guardians. The first members are called "The Celestial Guardians'' and are still loyal fighters of the kingdom. She was leading the guild for centuries until the grand war on the Kamiwari battlefield. The last memory of Koi Yanyiu was her hair looking like flames in the light of the setting sun and her glowing eyes staring at the red of the battlefield…
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yanyiu-legends · 2 years
#yanyiu #yanyillo
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