yay-is-for-yorses · 9 days
strawberry sunrise...
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we’re all gonna be sixty posting shit like: cranberry juice…
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yay-is-for-yorses · 10 days
actually I think id rather make a yorse game on its own than a minecraft yorse mod, itd give me more control over the artstyle and I could make silly horse prince references
though to do that I'd have to learn how to make a game...
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yay-is-for-yorses · 10 days
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she's everything to me
I just think itd be really funny if suddenly a lot of people knew about yorse. If she just became a thing like someone could know yorse without knowing rwby
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yay-is-for-yorses · 10 days
So I guess the RWBY Hiatus has left people desperate enough to cross another rubicon…
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Time to await the Row, Wow, and Blow…
Also, because I can.
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yay-is-for-yorses · 11 days
anything for yorse :3
i had a dream that someone made a yorse portal mod for minecraft - and it got popular enough someone else made an immersive portals mod for yorse portals. the way you make a yortal is you put a horse on top of a bed (but the horse has to be blond, and the bed might have to be yellow). unfortunately i couldn't find the correct variety of horse to make the portal with before i woke up so i didn't get to witness the yorse dimension.
@strawberry-seal77 get to work
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yay-is-for-yorses · 13 days
I just think itd be really funny if suddenly a lot of people knew about yorse. If she just became a thing like someone could know yorse without knowing rwby
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yay-is-for-yorses · 22 days
I should make one of those "is x happening" blogs but it's "is yorse older than this post"
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yay-is-for-yorses · 29 days
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I introduce you to:
And of course: Yango and Bloconut
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yay-is-for-yorses · 30 days
last night I had a dream that there was some poll with countries, and one of them was somehow misspelled as Yorse. and OP reblogged their post saying something like "I DID NOT MEAN TO TYPE YORSE"
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
What Is Yorse?
Yorse is a cursed meme from the RWBY fandom! She originated during the hiatus between volumes 6 and 7, and has been yorsing it up ever since.
Yorse consists of a mix between Yang (a prominent RWBY character) and a horse, with varying levels of each. This can go from a that's vaguely Yang, to a centaur or satyr, depending on the tastes of the artist.
Most often it's a horse with a Yang head, like in the Horse Prince game. In fact, horse prince screenshots are where Yorse originated.
Why Do I Like Yorse So Much?
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Interested in yorse history! send an ask or dm if you wanna talk :3
Earliest known yorse post: February 6th 2019 - hallucid
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
the yorse brairot is trotting back in
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
Ooooo.. she sent me both Yorse and Hang, but that would have been a fun thing !! :O
hey !! since you're interested in digital archaeology, would you be interested in hearing about how I searched for the first Yorse post? (which I now know was by an account that has been deactivated, and thus didn't show up in tag searches)
Absolutely! I thought that was something that just occurred this morning but there is deeper lore to it?
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
Putting this under a cut cause it got a bit long BFHDGFD
the start of my yorseness was june 14th, 2023 on this post, where Yorse was casually mentioned by Erros
Later, on september 1st, I did a youtube stream while on discord call with some friends, and drew Yorse and Blake in the same positions as a Horse Prince screenshot. At that time I didn't know it had even been done before, which is wild!
I posted it on tumblr, and among the notes, I learned that someone else had, in fact, done it before me! It was tumblr user imnotgayyelling, all the way back in 2020.
Sometime in December, I decided that maybe I should spare my rwby mutuals of the yorseposting, So I made yay-is-for-yorses. (After all, if hay is for horses, does that mean yay is for yorses?)
Then, later, I started to wonder why Yorse was made in the first place. And that lead to, of course, Yorse's creation. I asked around, but the answers I got were inconclusive, this was now a mystery!
A mystery that had to be solved.
I went to a site similar to findtags, and decided with perfectly logical thoughts, to scroll down the entirety of the yorse tag. This yielded not only a plethora of yorse posts over the 5 years she's existed, but also a look into all the discussions -and drama- relating to it!
These were (Off the top of my head anyways):
- Yorse's mere existence as a cursed meme - A very cursed fic featuring Yorse, the subsequent search for it's creator, and a confession on valentines day (the ficwriter was actually someone I'd been asking about Yorse in the past!) - Arryn, a voice actor in the show, finding out about Yorse, and discussion of wether or not it was ethical to involve crew members in fandom cursedness - All the yorse-type creations following in Yorse's footsteps (most prominently being Bloconut)
Arryn's reaction was especially focused in a later burst, as it showed a tumblr tag search for yorse! This meant I had at least one yorse post to try and find the date of. Though evidently, the username had been changed (or worse; account deactivated.)
I discussed with notoftheskaal, a mutual who participated in a good deal of my yorsing, and eventually made a post asking if anyone knew where to find the post. And we were in luck! Buzzbuzzbumbleby had found it, revealing that luckily, it had just been a username change.
Alongside scrolling the tag, I also searched the archive of commonly appearing users to see all the posts they'd tagged as Yorse. Which yielded a good amount of conversations, but not many first contenders.
After all the scrolling, the earliest post I landed on was by a user named princessnightt on February 6th 2019, and featured, wouldn't you know it, horse prince!
We know now that it wasn't the first, and in fact there were signs on the post itself, but alas I didn't think to look for them at the time. Instead, the search efforts slowed, and I returned to regular yorseness.
Wouldn't you know it, feb 6 was fast approaching! My Yorse brainrot was yet to let up, so I decided to focus my energy on creating a Yorse texture pack for Minecraft (which, fun fact, I still play with!)
I shared my progress with a few tumblr mutuals, among whom was cowcowow! Cowcow also participated and, though past the date itself, made a Yorse plushie! (by sewing the head of a Yang onto the body of a Yorse)
Fae was even kind enough to send it to me, which is how I am in possession of what is (probably) the only Yorse plushie! hehe
At some point, I decided to go back to that post by princessnightt. They had tagged someone named Hallucid, but the blog was deactivated (you can tell cuase url tagging redirects even if a username is changed, but goes nowhere if the blog deactivates).
It was a dead end. Unless.
I may not be able to go to hallucid's blog, BUT. I could find someone they talked to, as long as that person tagged their asks by username. I searched the latest username I knew (hallucid2), and lo and behold.. there was a blog!
Down into their archive I went, to February 6th. Where I found a Yorse post, The Yorse post, in fact. Older than all the rest, and Horse Prince to boot!
To be honest, I have no clue how, but I also managed to find a blog that named Hallucid as one of their old usernames.
I sent them a dm, and through some sort of magic, it was the very same! Meaning I had found both the first Yorse, and it's original creator.
I also recently made a page for Yorse on fanlore! Though I wouldn't say it's high quality, eheh
hey !! since you're interested in digital archaeology, would you be interested in hearing about how I searched for the first Yorse post? (which I now know was by an account that has been deactivated, and thus didn't show up in tag searches)
Absolutely! I thought that was something that just occurred this morning but there is deeper lore to it?
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
sorry to inform the stardew valley people but Yorse is not in fact. just a silly name for a horse
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
oh!! do you know what Yorse is? (the stardew name was a reference to it >:3c)
(@ @ ) a silly horse name? like a horse with a y?
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yay-is-for-yorses · 1 month
Ah !! close !
Yorse is a meme from the RWBY fandom, featuring Yang (Xiao Long)'s head on a horse!
It first appeared on February 6th, 2019, from a user going by Hallucid, and was an edited screenshot from the mobile game Horse Prince!
Yorse can also appear as a centaur, or just a vaguely yellow horse.
oh!! do you know what Yorse is? (the stardew name was a reference to it >:3c)
(@ @ ) a silly horse name? like a horse with a y?
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