yaybadluck · 5 days
it feels like my brain is rotating around inside my skull
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yaybadluck · 7 days
my time being alive is increasingly limited and the only plans I have are to pass the time until it's over.
Time for a cost-benefit analysis to see if I can quit this job grind and just play video games until I die
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yaybadluck · 10 days
Je suis un pauvre connard, minable et démunis
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yaybadluck · 19 days
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Spotted in a downtown park (Dominion Square).
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yaybadluck · 1 month
Humans have existed in their current form (complex cultures and technology) for 60000 years. Imagine all the history, all the struggles, all the romance of countless stories that are forever lost and forgotten and unknowable. Just a few traces and buried bones left behind
Why does the entirety of human history feel so short sometimes, like 20,000 years doesn't feel like THAT long, humans from populations that were separated onto different continents and previously hadn't been in contact with each other since before the ice age equally likely to be wearing a nike t-shirt just feels kind of surreal
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yaybadluck · 1 month
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yaybadluck · 1 month
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yaybadluck · 1 month
Tumblr is where I come to feast on the darkest despair of shattered people. And then wash it down with some playful and friendly wholesomeness.
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yaybadluck · 1 month
just hang on it will pass
this will pass this will pass this will pass this will pass this will pass just hang on
everything and everyone will pass
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yaybadluck · 2 months
An echo from somewhere behind
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yaybadluck · 2 months
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Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Dulle Griet. Detail. 1561
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yaybadluck · 2 months
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Tony Sandoval
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yaybadluck · 2 months
Do I make people feel bad when I'm around? Naaaaah that can't possibly be true
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yaybadluck · 2 months
I think everything you post is quite entertaining and funny, but I don't want to tell you. Because you might not mean to be funny in which case I'd be laughing at your misfortune and then you'd feel worse.
If you think this is about you it probably is
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yaybadluck · 2 months
I miss evenings of beer and cigarettes
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yaybadluck · 2 months
The future is a meme! Enjoy
I have received a prophetic vision! The year is 2029, the 5th year of the Trump dictatorship. A controversy occurs on ClickClackApp (an American region-locked bootleg of TikTok after it was banned in 2025) where 5,673 people die after inhaling a substance described as "DIY lung moisturizer" by a popular influencer who is revealed to be a rogue AI. The creators of the persona are never revealed, but the Trump administration passes a bill requiring all social media to make the legal name and address of all users public information.
Edward Snowden rescues me from America because I post about how sexy he is, but reprimands me for owning electronics made after 1999.
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yaybadluck · 2 months
Do people ever indirectly tell you how happy they are that they are so very different from the way you are? For me it causes a powerful cognitive dissonance, where on the one hand I feel insulted and infuriated, while at the same time I know that they're absolutely right to be happy about that. And then my thoughts get tangled and I'm unable to formulate any kind of response. And I rationalize that they do not know what their words mean to me, but then again maybe they do know, at least sometimes.
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