ydaavez · 9 months
new years resolutions
Get my tubes tied or cut this year.
Lose weight by being able to go back to excercise and healthy habits.
Heal my herniated disk, advance in this at least 100%.
Travel somewhere outside of my current state. just like I have done these past years.
To have a closer relationship with my nephew Santiago.
To be more diligent and responsible with my workload and worktasks.
To sort and become secure on my feelings to take the important decision of my intimate future.
Advance my college resolution of thesis by at least 50%.
Bring The Gallery Vi success, fame and sales.
To heal my emotions, my inner child, myself as to grow inner peace.
To learn and apply better cleaning habits with my partners, so we all can become more attentive to household needs.
I manifest economic wealth and prosperity for the enterity of 2024, for me, for my partners, for my family, for my job.
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ydaavez · 9 months
Please please let me be worthy to stay for let me be worthy to help please, please please don't take him away?
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ydaavez · 9 months
Please. Don't leave, please I will do my best I will be better but please don't leave I want to be worthy of you but I don't wanna hurt you what if it's better to not be together I don't want that I want to be able to repair this please don't break up with me, please don't leav, please I pray we can try please please I will do anything I am too much in love with you and... fuck please, gods, please. For once. Please let me keep something this precious safe.
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ydaavez · 5 years
we gonna try
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