yeehaw-melbourne · 2 days
Brands you can boycott to help Georgia (the country) fight against the foreign agent law +what you need to know about it:
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[Image ID: Three logos of different international chains depicted on a white background. On top the bands presented are Wendy's and Subway. On the bottom, it's Dunkin' Donuts. End ID.]
The foreign agent law (also locally referred to as "the Russian law". On February 2023, the ruling majority of the parliament registered a draft law, addressing a completely made-up problem of transparency of non-governmental organizations. The law refers to non-governmental organizations that receive funding from abroad as "foreign agents." In Georgian, "foreign agent" carries the same meaning as "spy." Back in 2023, we managed to fight back against the law that would completely destroy student exchange programs, charity work, LGBT and disability organizations, etc. The law would also allow the government to persecute you for something inconsequential, such as an anti-government post on social media. If the law passes, it would cause most of Georgia to be locked out of international relations and would demolish most of our scarce support systems.
Those are not all of the brands that support the Russian law here, however they are the international ones that through their owners in Georgia support the passing of the law.
Additionally, the government has paid people outside the regions to protest in support of passing of the law, and has threatened them with losses of their jobs and the jobs of their family members.
The protests have been going for many days endlessly, and policemen have been getting more and more brutal. Utilizing things such as water jets, armor, shields, flashlights, smoke, gas, etc.
Please stay with Georgia and support it against the country that has endlessly colonized, genocided, and raped us.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 days
Do we know if there's a list of resources being put together, like funding for people who would want to leave? Is there anything we can do? Truly terrifying circumstances, I hope people stay safe.
hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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yeehaw-melbourne · 5 days
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yeehaw-melbourne · 7 days
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yeehaw-melbourne · 11 days
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The Haunting Spire: Messier 16 © Hubble
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
I had a dream that a bunch of people were making jokes about how the economy was so bad that gay people couldn't afford closets and were just "in the corner"
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
People make a lot of good "thank god I'm not a kid anymore" posts about like school bullies or homework or puberty. But actually my #1 top of the "thank god I'm not a kid anymore" list is the fact that I can leave the event when I want to.
Any event I'm at! I can say "okay well I'm tired I'm going home goodbye." Could not do that shit as a kid. If you're a kid it's like yeah you will sit here at your brother's soccer game in the cold for the next 1.5 hours. You will sit here at your sibling's football practice. You will stay at this BBQ until the whole family is done with the BBQ. You are stuck at the mall until mom finds the pants she needs. You are stuck at the grocery store. No we don't know how long. You are stuck at band practice. It's running late but you're not allowed to leave. You are stuck at the party that the adults said you're leaving soon but they keep talking to these 2 people who showed up late. What the Fuck.
And that shit is on top of having homework.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
wasnt a failed assassination. it was a successful long-range ear piercing by a deranged claires employee. they force femmed him. because of woke
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
Yes yes, I too am very sad and annoyed that Trump is not dead, I got all breathlessly excited and queued up "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" to be ready for a great announcement, and then I didn't even get to play it. It's a huge bummer.
However, step two of this huge bummer is NOT "Oh no and now his fandom will be EVEN MORE ANNOYING, we have basically already lost :((((" That is the devil speaking. Step two is to say "Ah heck, his fandom is going to be even more annoying, better FUCKING VOTE AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE I KNOW ALSO VOTES" Stop your worthless defeatism, stop your stupid pessimism, stop trying to GIVE UP AND SURRENDER just cause one weird thing happened.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
people seem to be caving to doomerism rn, and it was starting to get to me... but then I thought about it and like. i already have been mentally preparing that trump might win. and that if he loses, our democracy is broken and fascist enough. no matter the outcome we just have to do all we can to try and build strong, equitable, autonomous communities. we can't rely on voting in big elections or on the structure that got us here in the first place. but unless you have a plan to leave the country, we are stuck here and we have to come together to build something better and take care of each other in the meantime. the only other alternative is to wallow alone in our sorrow.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
Nows the time to really put your media literacy skills to the test.
Half my reddit feed is people insisting it was staged and fake.
Multiple innocent bystanders were seriously injured (2 I think).
There is a shooter that is dead.
Do you fuckers really think that nobody hates Trump enough to try this? Really? Are you that goddamn dense?
"What was their motivation?" WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Fuck all the way off with your conspiracy theory bullshit.
That's definitely enough reddit for today.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
I just want it noted that while I'm sure other people probably had a similar viewpoint, I made this post 10 days before trump got shot & people are realizing how damaging this could be for us.
As funny as it would be for trump to get got by Biden & as much as I want both of them gone/deceased/ not in power, I'm worried about what will happen when trump DOES kick the bucket, however that happens.
People stormed the fucking capital because of the election, despite even FOX NEWS and judges appointed by trump confirming Biden won & recordings of trump bribing Georgian officials were released. Combined with low media literacy rates amongst the public & how easy people fall into conspiracy theories, I have to wonder some things.
What WOULD happen if a bunch of people, who have already gone to extremes for their beliefs, do if they felt like he WAS assassinated? I don't trust these people to not start a coup over his death. (I know most people who will vote for him aren't that extreme, but enough people who thought of themselves as just citizens doing their civic duty were still willing to wave guns around the capitol).
Does this even end with trump, or will they prop somebody else up & we have to keep going through this?
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
LGBTQIA+ members, are you a gamer? (gaymer)
I used to be
Kind of
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yeehaw-melbourne · 2 months
Not autistic, but I thought most people didn't fuck with hierarchy? Like that was the general trend of society, but only people buying into patriarchy really put stock in hierarchy. Even for things like business hierarchies.
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yeehaw-melbourne · 3 months
I think you are confusing an ocean with a fresh water body. Oceans smell salty. Freshwater bodies lack the salt so they smell like rotting plants. Now BAYs on the other hand, they smell fishy.
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