yejinuz · 9 years
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yejinuz · 9 years
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yejinuz · 10 years
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yejinuz · 10 years
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yejinuz · 10 years
And listening to sad music as well-- 
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Then I’ll eat the chocolate and the Ice cream. You’ll just watch and cry with me— We can also watch those sad movies.
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yejinuz · 10 years
No, if I gain weight I think I'll be even more sad.
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Let’s buy ice cream, chocolate and cry together, summer muse.
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yejinuz · 10 years
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yejinuz · 10 years
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Oh my, I don’t know why my heart is fluttering like this. While I’m in front of you, I don’t even know your name. But, oh your heavenly stare is really alright.
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yejinuz · 10 years
No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves, & if you’re lucky, God will let you watch.
Tablo (via humanseoul)
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yejinuz · 10 years
favorite Taeyang song sang by another favorite of mine <3
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yejinuz · 10 years
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ailee’s reaction when she heard taeyang’s voice over the phone
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yejinuz · 10 years
♥~ BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out. ~♥ || Happy? ¬_¬'
Yes, I’m happy. Thank you! You’re such a lovable person. *cof cof*
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yejinuz · 10 years
It's sad that when someone is feeling upset I do whatever it takes to be there for them, and to listen to their problems. But the moment I start to feel depressed suddenly everyone is too busy to care. Am I selfish for wanting someone to comfort me in the same sense that I do the same for them?
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yejinuz · 10 years
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yejinuz · 10 years
xhmchan replied to your post:xhmchan replied to your post:[ Rebloguei uma foto...
[ Ui, má. Num esquece que por causa dela nosso sabado teve emoção. ]
[ Eu preferia o meu sábado sem emoção. Bjs ]
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yejinuz · 10 years
[ Oi! Seja bem vinda à collective. c: ]
[ Oii! ~ Obrigada. cc: ] 
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yejinuz · 10 years
I think it's a great idea. -- Whoa, thanks, it means a lot for me, really. You were amazing in "Touch my body" and "I swear", as well. Oh, yes, it's a problem to me, because I like eating meat like, every time, and it's as if I have a black hole in my stomach. { ' she laughs. } But I'm working on it, yea. Eating hidden? My specialty.
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I have not had the opportunity to go there, we could go there later, what do you think? [/ She smiles] Thank you, well you doesn’t seem to be out of shape, I watched your last MV and you were simply amazing. [/ Sighs] Actually have a good shape is not so hard, the problem is keeping it. You should not be envy of me, I’ve lost count of how many times I have eaten hidden.
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