"Lion please don't step on the Roomba gems you might hurt them. They don't like being roombas anymore than you like having them be roombas, so don't be mean"
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Yellow Diamond roomba hurries to her son’s foot “VRRR!”
my baby!
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Lion is growing increasingly annoyed by the amount of Roombas showing up. The big cat steps on Yellow Diamond Roomba to try and trap it under his paw.
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Help... Please...
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Yellow diamond roomba is pleased. Your life will be spared... for now
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If I see more roomboos or whatever on my dash I’m gonna report it to Yellow Diamond. This planet and their dumb jokes….
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[ new otp: yellow diamond roomba x dj roomba from parks and rec ]
What Have I started???
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You will bow to me
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If I see more roomboos or whatever on my dash I’m gonna report it to Yellow Diamond. This planet and their dumb jokes….
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Agressive roomba noises demanding that peridot bow to Yellow diamond roomba
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If I see more roomboos or whatever on my dash I’m gonna report it to Yellow Diamond. This planet and their dumb jokes….
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Yes, good, lapis reccognized her. “Vrr. Vrrrrr. Vrrrrrrrrrr.”
Now pick me up
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“i keep seeing gems around me being turned into these Roomba things. what is going on?” *is still riding on top of the roomba i have recieved*
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-picks up the YD Roomba very gently- "why are all the gems being turned into roombas? You could get hurt like this."
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Slight whirring sounds of relief “Vrr...” yes, this was good. Her son was helping her.
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Yellow roomba bumps into Lapis “Vrrr!”
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“i keep seeing gems around me being turned into these Roomba things. what is going on?” *is still riding on top of the roomba i have recieved*
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“Vrrr~” happy roomba sounds and attempted roomba kisses
Yellow Roomba bumps against peroomba "vrrrrrr"
“Vrr!!” Affectionate roomba nuzzle.
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*attaches a boom box to the yellow floor cleaner* There now I can listen to R. Kelly anytime I want ^_^
Yellow Roomba viciously bumps into the anon’s leg in a failed attempt at revenge
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M!A: you are now a roomba. enjoy.
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Disgruntled Roomba noises eminate from Yellow Diamond, there will be hell to pay
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“Do you want some help?” she chuckled, holding a scrub brush
“And you did. About seven times already.” she smiled, sitting beside a reddened robonoid and starting to scrub
"Have I told you how hot you are when you get angry at someone?"
“Yes! No. Agh.” The lime gem sighed in frustration. Peridot couldn’t stay still for this was no laughing manner. Someone vandalized her Robonoids by covering them with atrociously colored paint. “Just twelve more to go.” She muttered. “Did I mention I hate red?” She asked as she continued to rinse off her Robonoid.
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“Pearl, there will always be fear, and there is no way to heal completely after loss... but I am sure that Rose would want you to be happy, even if it meant loving me...” she paused
“But I will give you all the time you need.”
Angel and Pearl
“Its okay to be afraid Pearl. Everyone has fears, worries, concerns… But I want you to know that I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. And If I ever do, that I don’t mean to.” she pulled Pearl closer, and wrapped her wings around them, trying to comfort Pearl.
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“Yes Pearl, I do.” she put a soft hand on her shoulder and smiled. “I want you to do what you want to do. not what homeworld tought you. If you want to love me, or be close to me, then I want you to without reservations.”
Angel and Pearl
“Its okay to be afraid Pearl. Everyone has fears, worries, concerns… But I want you to know that I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. And If I ever do, that I don’t mean to.” she pulled Pearl closer, and wrapped her wings around them, trying to comfort Pearl.
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“Pearl. There are different types of strength. I was a leader not because of physical strength, but my mind. I value knowlage and feelings more than power. Physical strength means nothing if there is no heart or stratagy behind it. A diamond or another quartz could attempt to win my heart and fail every time, because they all lack what you have.” she spread her wings
Angel and Pearl
“Its okay to be afraid Pearl. Everyone has fears, worries, concerns… But I want you to know that I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. And If I ever do, that I don’t mean to.” she pulled Pearl closer, and wrapped her wings around them, trying to comfort Pearl.
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“Pearl... I am no better than you are. I never was and never will be. And even if it were still the quartz era when I and Rose were in power, I would say the same thing I am now. No gem is more important than any other. No gem is worthless.” she brushed the tears away gently
“And nothing would make me happier, than to call you my little treasure... I will never tire of you, never do anything to harm you, never lie to you, or hide anything from you.”
Angel and Pearl
“Its okay to be afraid Pearl. Everyone has fears, worries, concerns… But I want you to know that I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. And If I ever do, that I don’t mean to.” she pulled Pearl closer, and wrapped her wings around them, trying to comfort Pearl.
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