yellowunderlights · 4 months
i reinvent myself too often and too many times unintentionally that when i see past photos/posts, i go like, "THIS WAS ME????? I DID THIS???????"
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yellowunderlights · 4 months
i'm too private sometimes that i don't even post in my private lmfao gotta keep it all in my head
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yellowunderlights · 5 months
daydreaming about writing: 🥰😍🥹❤️😊🌺✨😘
the act of actually writing: 😭😰😵‍💫😭😰😭☹️😖
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
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patronising little fuck
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
me when it's angst canon compliant (that sometimes come with character study 😭)
When you read a fic so good that you’re beside yourself and don’t even know how to function
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
let me
i beg you to not ask me to grow up
let me run away to the trees where you say it's dangerous
let me live in my visions of flowing petals
let me believe in the wishes on dandelion fuzzes
hear me out when i preach of what i heard in the wind
let me let the child in me believe in what she sees
to spin with the trees waving and giggling
to cry with the river that never gets tired of running
to feel the whispers of the wind that tickles
to run barefoot on this earth
please let me be lost in my dreams
to question everything that doesn't sound right
to feel my wounds as deep as they actually are
to scream painfully so i could be heard
please, let me
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
Could u do a reading for sunoo and niki relationship ? 🙏
sunoo and niki's dynamic based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
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how was their dynamic in the past?
kingofsw, aceofc, world, 3ofc
their dynamic seemed to have been more work-based in the beginning stages. they were colleagues and respected each other, it was fine. they started gaining a strong bond with each other as some time went by. i'm getting lot of trust and harmony between them, the existence of the other fulfilled them in a way. niki completed what sunoo lacked and vice versa. really beautiful and loving dynamic, very wholesome. they truly enjoyed each others company and felt comfortable with one another, shared many fun times together. they were precious friends who believed in one another no matter what.
how did niki feel towards sunoo in the past?
world, 8ofw, moon&devil, empr, 3ofcrx+highpr
awe. niki felt whole whenever he was around sunoo. it's almost like sunoo was the friend he never knew he needed. he brought a lot of harmony in his life, i'm getting a lot of grateful feelings. "i'm so happy you're here." is what i keep hearing. however, he felt like things turned toxic too quickly. sunoo started becoming too secretive, hid his feelings from not just niki but everyone, stopped engaging with him. niki never stopped deeply caring for sunoo, even during this period. but he felt distant and had problems getting close again. he couldn't figure sunoo out at all.
how did sunoo feel towards niki in the past?
strength, magicrx, 3ofsw, knofsw, 10ofw, death, 4ofc
although sunoo received a lot of strength from niki in the beginning, i think he felt like there were problems and blocks in their communication from the start. he had difficulties and lacked confidence to really express himself in an open and honest way. there seemed to have been a period in which niki got too harsh with his words out of immaturity. sunoo felt immensely hurt. he thought niki was being reckless, impulsive and inconsiderate. those wounds truly weighed on sunoo, as this caused a major change in his feelings towards niki. i think he really hated showing how hurt he actually was and preferred to act indifferent. he wanted to protect his heart.
how does niki feel towards sunoo now?
7ofsw&pagofp, 8ofc, 8ofw, 5ofp, sun, tower
niki is still trying to figure out how to talk to sunoo. he feels awkward, cautious and unsure what to do or say in order to get to his bandmate, since he feels like he's still not communicating with him openly. he knows sunoo is sensitive. he's also very aware of the shift that happened between them, and is genuinely trying to communicate, but it just doesn't seem to work out. there are times in which the two do share some happy and joyful times together and things seem fine, but in the end they somehow end up fighting again and are back at level zero. on and off friendship type of thing. niki feels kinda hopeless in that regard and seems to have accepted that this is the way it'll probably stay for a while. but deep inside he seems to miss the more harmonious old times.
how does sunoo feel towards niki now?
2ofw, temp, pagofp, 8ofc&3ofsw, kingofsw
sunoo's heart is still scarred and wounded, but he's okay with things being the way are now. he realizes him and niki clash way too much in order for there to be any changes at this point. similary to niki, he feels a sense of awkwardness and unresolved tension that'll probably be there for a while, unless the two lay out their honest thoughts in open manner. but they both seem to be very "my way" type of people, so things will probably stay kinda tense and cold for now and sunoo is aware of that. i get "it is what it is" type of vibes. i guess he's glad they don't fight every two working days anymore lol.
how is their dynamic now?
aceofsw, justice, fool, 2ofw, hieroph
i don't think there's any huge grudges but their dynamic definitely isn't how it used to be. it seems like they did manage to balance things out in a way where it doesn't affect their dynamic as group members. since time has passed, they are also able to enjoy some fun and light-hearted times with each other now without holding on to any weight from the past. but they're very much on two different pages now. it's more of a work-related relationship between two colleagues. they do what needs to be done but probably aren't crazy about spending much time together outside their schedules.
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
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sunki 🧡 220808
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yellowunderlights · 6 months
lmao i'm a decade late to tumblr but hello 👋
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