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Thank you guys so much for 500!
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I’m also liking these pixel animations :)
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Changed this piece a lil by adding a city and some clouds and changed the animation 
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Diovadiova Chrome Karyn I www.kipomolade.com
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Diovadiova Chrome Michelle I  www.kipomolade.com
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Hahahaha if ever I need an excuse, “I think you know I’m too cool for this shit.”
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I think “Hey, fuck you, buddy. I spent the night learning to riverdance,” is going to be my go-to excuse for everything, now. –AW
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“School? What school?”
Holiday’s over, but I didn’t even feel it...
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I’m getting addicted to these Neon light themed pictures, I think they’re really cool and modern!
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This song is just catchy! 
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Animated gif illustration made for Gierik Literary Magazine from Belgium.
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An early blessing for 2017 <3
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One day you’ll find someone who gives you more effort than you expect…and it’ll scare you…
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aries: going to the pool and tanning all day, walking around the neighborhood when it’s dark and all the streetlights are on, cutoff shorts, 7-11 slurpees, wild hair, feeling so close to someone they feel like a sibling. taurus: small ice cream shops, the feeling of curtain call during a show when everyone is cheering for you, going to diners late at night, fairy lights strung up outside during a party, long road trips with all your friends, going out for breakfast. gemini: the run from the shore to the water at the beach where your feet are burning, peeling sunburns, playing music too loud from your car with all the windows open, super strong bass lines, when one of your friends goes off on someone you hate, small surf shops. cancer: seeing someone with an amazing aesthetic and wishing you had it, corduroy skirts, going places with all your friends and taking pictures of everything, the silence of an art gallery, the feeling of pure joy when you see a dog and it runs up to you to say hello, being with all your friends and feeling totally safe. leo: talking to an older family member about their past and feeling so much closer to them, standing up for yourself and not feeling guilty about it, eating a popsicle on a ridiculously hot day and trying to finish it before it melts, looking at old pictures of yourself when you were little, americana, small bakeries. virgo: someone so creative it’s shocking, paint splattered jeans, alice in wonderland, the feeling of gaining back a friend you thought you’d lost forever, baking with all your friends, looking at something you’ve created and feeling proud of it, graffiti. libra: going on a run and feeling immensely proud of yourself, long comfortable silences, when you walk out of a movie theater and it’s dark outside, really long hair put into really high ponytails, going to football games at school and feeling part of a community, full moons. scorpio: talking to someone and knowing you can tell them anything, super oversized flannels, dancing and not caring who sees, talking to online friends and feeling like you’re not miles apart, going through poetry books and underlining all the parts you like, staying out late with all your friends and feeling like you could take over the world. sagittarius: cryptozoology, the feeling when you smell a certain scent and are transported back to a specific time in your life, researching things that you’re interested in on your own time, when you do your makeup and know that you look great, watching scary movies with your friends, going to protests. capricorn: coffeeshops, going to the grocery store late at night when no one’s there, working so hard you feel like crying but knowing it will all be worth it in the end, science experiments, being stupid with all your friends but not caring if anyone is judging you, writing all your thoughts down and feeling immediately better. aquarius: blizzards, cat cafes, hearing someone speak a language you’re learning and finding that you understand it, finishing an essay and feeling immensely proud of it, planning your future and think it might all work out, singing in the car with your friends. pisces: fairies and folk tales, learning about your ancestry and feeling fascinated, feeling nostalgic for something that never happened to you, when you plan a party and it goes off perfectly, cut crease eyeshadow, shaving your legs and immediately crawling under satin sheets.
what the signs make me think of, based on the most important people in my life (via firewocds)
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Can we just take the time to appreciate this handsome man?
Like, HOLY S*** every part of him shouts aesthetics. The angle is just...amazing! If I tried to pose like this, I would fail miserably. And whoever took this picture, THANK YOU <3
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I feared death to the point I began to fear life
Survivor Season 33, David Wright
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I’m back! One of my goals this 2017 is to improve my writing, so I want to start posting more on tumblr. I also want to be more organized with my school work and learn to prioritize. My energy and determination also seems depleted recently, I want to improve that as well. Anyways, this year I hope to improve in the subjects that I care about (Math). My goal this year is to get a 90 average.
Chill (don’t be too uptight)
 Focus on English and Math
Read more non-fiction
Be active
Participate in more school events
Have fun!!!
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These are some pictures I took and edited last summer.
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