yessicaaaaa · 23 days
Cardboard cathedral poster try
Color selection turns the background photo black and white. At the same time, in the choice of font color, choose the color of the church colored glass to carry out visual differentiation. In terms of font type, I chose a serif font to highlight the mystery of the picture. Echoes the design of the cardboard church.
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yessicaaaaa · 23 days
Some poster creative ideas and try out ideas:
Choose representative New Zealand architecture, such as Sky Tower, Queen Victoria Market, Parliament Building, etc. as the main visual experiment The contrast of colors highlights the uniqueness of the building Try to integrate the iconic elements of New Zealand into the design, such as the totem of Maori culture, silver fern leaves, etc., to enhance the regional characteristics and ethnic customs of the poster Add concise text on the poster to explain the history, characteristics or importance of each building, so that the viewer can have a deeper understanding of the buildings In the way of typesetting, the outline of the building is used to form words to increase visual interest
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yessicaaaaa · 23 days
Phase 1:
In this episode, we will explore the unique traditional architecture and rich social culture of New Zealand. By discussing the meeting houses of the Māori people, Victorian architecture, and modern innovative buildings, we will reveal the rich history and cultural significance behind these structures. Let's listen to this episode together.
Phase 2:
In this episode, we will focus on the architectural landscape of New Zealand, exploring the Cardboard Cathedral in Christchurch and Baldwin Street in Dunedin, two iconic buildings. Through these discussions, we will explore New Zealand's impact on the environment and social culture in contemporary architecture. These two buildings are not only landmarks in New Zealand's architectural history but also profound reflections of New Zealanders' deep connection to the natural environment and cultural heritage.
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yessicaaaaa · 24 days
Podcast Content Design:
Phase 1:
This episode uses traditional Māori architecture as a starting point.
Introducing the Māori Conference House.
Introducing the changing times: Māori culture, Victorian architecture, modern aesthetics.
An architectural introduction to the cultural diversity of New Zealand's society.
Phase 2:
This episode focuses on modern and contemporary New Zealand architecture.
Cardboard Church and Baldwin Avenue are examples.
The unique background of the time is expressed through the characteristic architecture of New Zealand.
Introducing the New Zealanders' philosophy of environmental protection.
An introduction to the unique architectural layout factors in the context of the New Zealand era.
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
case study
This is a set of poster design for Chengdu by China Resources, a Chinese enterprise. The posters use natural landscape and architecture, ancient Chinese architecture and modern architecture, etc., and use the same Angle to connect the design. While reflecting the sense of difference, the sense of structure of the picture is not destroyed, and the sense of difference and integration of the city in all aspects is shown.
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
My media output
In my project, I hope to show the interaction and experience of social culture and urban landscape through my observation and experience of some people, especially those who have lived in multiple regions. First of all I want to use the form of posters. In the design of the poster, I hope to make an intuitive comparison of different national landscapes with similar scenes, and then in the choice of text, I may consider a concise theoretical generalization to enhance the cultural value of the poster. As for another media result, I may consider using podcasts, partly to analyze some scene concepts based on my own views and insights, and partly to express my experience of social culture and landscape through the intuitive feelings of people with multiple life experiences.
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
Some of the ideas and research found in the references
Benjamin Disraeli wrote “a great city, whose image dwells in the memory of man, is the type of some great idea. Rome represents conquest; Faith hovers over the towers of Jerusalem; and Athens embodies the pre-eminent quality of the antique world, Art. In modern ages, Commerce has created London; while Manners, in the most comprehensive sense of the word, have long found a supreme capital in the airy and bright-minded city of the Seine” (Metro-Roland, 2011)
The cultural charm of each city is unique, but it has a relationship of integration and promotion with its urban space (Wang et al., 2021).
Metro-Roland, M. M. (2011). Tourists, signs and the city the semiotics of culture in an urban landscape. Ashgate Pub.
Wang, S., Yang, S., Xu, Y., Zhao, Z., Jiang, Y., & Li, X. (2021). Comparative Study of Cultural Space Characteristics: Inside Areas of Xi’an 2nd Ring Road, China, and Manhattan Borough. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(4). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000747
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
This is a TED talk about "Why I'm an architect who designs for social impact, not for architecture." The essence of design is to solve existing problems, which is why the essence of design is to start from the society rather than from the building itself. At the same time, it also triggered my thinking about the form of media, the power of language should not be let down. I might try podcasting some of my thoughts. Just like documentaries, the tone of human narration and the feelings given to the audience are directly presented differently.
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
This is a video about Norwegian architectural society and culture, and it is a special architectural studio as a starting point to tell the characteristics of architecture in the social environment. This video introduces a very interesting idea called "a Keyless Society" to introduce the integration of many open public space designs and cities in Norway. Each building responds well to the social culture of the place. The video emphasizes that architecture must be created for people, which is also the point I want to express through this media attempt. Architecture must not be an individual separated from society. An object, in this land, must be related to the people here, the landscape here, the social culture here, is a part of here here.
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
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Some ideas and perspectives on architecture and society-culture
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yessicaaaaa · 2 months
In terms of social-cultural considerations, in China there is a very concise term for “衣食住行”("clothing, food, housing and transportation"). This covers all aspects of human life, and the differences between regions clearly reflect social-cultural impressions of human life. With the development of society, including the development of the Internet of Things and Internet technology, the differences between various countries and regions are gradually narrowing. But food and architecture are still good carriers of social-cultural differences.
After coming to New Zealand, I can clearly feel the difference between the roadside scenery and China is huge. At the same time, on Chinese social media, there is a very interesting topic called "a picture to prove that you are abroad". In many cases, it is not necessary to have a particularly representative thing to prove that a sea or a small road can be clearly seen.
I have always been a person who likes architecture very much, and I also hope to use "architecture" as a carrier, including the differences in housing, streets, and urban landscape, and so on, to see the differences in life under the influence of social culture.
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