yhboonyi · 4 years
Like a wild flower; she spent her days, allowing herself to grow, not many knew of her struggle, but eventually all; knew of her light.
​Nikki Rowe (via h-o-r-n-g-r-y)
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yhboonyi · 4 years
/ * hide out.
boonyi wasn’t a person that had much time on her hands, to be honest she prefer not to because what there was else to do other than work and give back to her family. so with less and less time to do much, whenever she had time she would go big, attend parties she wasn’t used to, meet unexpected people and do the most subtle but untamed things you would definitely not expect from her. it wasn’t exactly planned either, she knew many people and would just go where the action was at even she wasn’t much fan of them. contradictory, yes, but perfect to keep her popular status. 
being social comes with it’s perks of knowing people, the more you know the more reliable and connected you are, having many contacts set you higher on the scale of rich people. it took much practice and a lot of mischef of an actress to take boonyi where she is know, but she certainly wouldn’t picture juwon to be the kind of person she would be spending her free time with after the teathre of talk was done. however he showed her to be different than she expected, which was good, sometimes you need some kind of hope that people in the field aren’t as bad as you encounter. so whenever the general appearance was gone, somehow she would find juwon doing the same: sipping his glass and asking for help. sharing the same thoughts and peaceful silence was enough and boonyi didn’t question the friendship that came so naturally.
sometimes the tabloids would go full on with her life, whether she was at home doing her skincare or at a party with her friends — whatever she would do they would find a way to make it a big talk that her company would choose to take it matter or not. most times they didn’t, which only kept the conversation longer. boonyi didn’t mind much about rumors though, as long as they stayed as rumors they couldn’t exactly hurt her, at least she thought. when she realized her friendship with juwon could be stained because of an assumption of the media, she knew she risked being caught up flame much bigger than it started but what where the other options?
at least their schedules lined up to meet, they weren’t going on somewhere with big crowds of course but not his apartment either because that wasn’t the best idea. she just knew she had to make sure he wasn’t hurt by that, even if he would tell by text message it wasn’t the same and boonyi didn’t wanna lose such a lovely friend. so on her most comfy hoodie, sunglasses and messy hair to make it look casual, never having that big celebrity complex helped maked her look more natural.
» wait.. would i be able to recognize you without the cold gaze of the rich guy? » where something cheap, okay?! » that is if you even have any.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
for taeyang, he found safety in one night stands. there were few that had pushed beyond the boundaries for a repeat of the first time they were intimate together. romance was something the idol was never going to have, not the way he wanted, and he had accepted this a long time ago. not only was he never awarded with the time he would like to spend on others, but his schedule left him exhausted with barely enough time to allocate on building himself up into what could be counted as a semi-functioning human being with a life outside being an idol.
not allowing himself to become close and attached was safe, especially with those who claimed not to know him. or if they did know him, they simply didn’t care it was him they had between the sheets. because of this, taeyang often found himself involved in others who shared a public spotlight. they can’t out him without outing themselves at the same time. it was a smart move but at the same time… stupid.
it was as taeyang picked up his phone with the end of practice that the third and fourth texts appeared in his notifications bar, causing a chuckle to escape from his lips as he took a long sip from his water bottle. boonyi was cute, not usually the type he goes for in such a situation but so far, he had no regrets. from the look of her texts, neither did she.
[ ✉ ] i’m always busy.  [ ✉ ] but i’m sure i can find time for you.
even though you clearly can’t hear tone through texts messages, he was sure he could tell what boonyi was getting at with her questions. but, he wanted her to ask, to tell him what she wanted before he gave in. at the very least, if he can’t have what he really wants, he can have a little fun teasing the woman that’s so eagerly reaching out to him.
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being a celebrity does open doors to paths that’s almost hard to imagine a human to have because little are the people actually accepted in that spotlight, boonyi got to earn that at a very early age so naturally you’d expect her to cheris that right. and she does, but it’s a very volatil one. growing up she realized she couldn’t stop living afraid to lose that because otherwise she wouldn’t live at all. carefully she would meet people, make friends, go out and even have sex but it was all to delicate, too fragil, set to end too soon. she could say she didn’t minded not getting caught up, still it wouldn’t stop her from wondering.
boonyi left the phone for a few minutes, which she hoped would be more but there wasn’t much to do nowadays without it. so she had an excuse to look for it and as soon as she did it vibrated right on her hand, close call. safely she checked the notification bar first, thinking of a response beforehand. not much was there to do now, she already made a scene might as well go with it while she still has his attention. 
» how lucky of me. » hm, but i think i make use of that.
after making a fool of herself there was simply not going back, even if with a little teasing back. still something on her mind was saying that losing her precious and little time with someone else that also had precious and little time could make special for both of them. it was just a matter of benefits, nothing else. but taeyang knew that, otherwise he wouldn’t reply it like that. whatever way was she going for, reaching out was the first step.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
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you’d think that for as long boonyi had lived in yangcheon that she’d probably have nailed many traditions going around, but partying wasn’t really her style despite all the effort she gave in to be social because of her career. she would do as much as she was asked to, be grateful, give easy smiles, the shallow part of it all was as entertarning as acting itself but just as tiring too. so of course she didn’t gave much thinking into halloween costumes, actually she never thought about it at all. years back she spent most holidays working, the time she got for herself she wanted to put it into spending some family time but that was quickly fading away. maybe as a new resource she could focus on something else, something different and a if pretending to be someone else for the night was the deal breaker, so be it. funny thing, she was so used being others that to start being herself she had to be other thing first. but what exactly was still a question pondering on her mind. to be blantly honest, her ideas weren’t the best. how far does people really go for this? was her questioning, because she didn’t wanna seem all over the place but also didn’t wanna just blend in with everyone else.
boonyi needed the help and eunho was someone she would call as a smart, spot on and great friend that would not hesitate to tell her the truth. the text was so fast respondend that she could nearly tell he was in some kind of assistance too, either on costume shopping or just life in general. it didn’t matter the utter motive as long as their company was set, all was about to go as well as she anticipated. and she really anticipated, boonyi needed to be on game for halloween hopefully not in just a boring, commom and stupid costume. 
it was — to say the least  — exciting to see the halloween decorations, how many people were as thrilled for the day and as well prepared as boonyi was trying to get. she wasn’t the only one going all in this time and for someone who didn’t care much, it was surprising how much invested she wanted to get considering she didn’t even knew how. her eyes darted straight into the shops with spooky, sparkly and all together well-put costumes just as confused as she starting but still looking as if something would appear as magic in front of her. decisions weren’t her strength, naturally. 
his question was so right on her mind that it took her a time to answer, this time she didn’t have a costume designer to tell her what to wear, how to be, so it was up to her put her best self on. why was it so hard? she cringed on that, giggling softly. “i was... hoping you would skip on that!” boonyi signed making a bit of a drama in front of her friend. stopping in front of one of those stores with less people inside. “okay, do you think is too unoriginal too go as dorothy from wizards of oz? it is, right?! maybe rory gilmore, but would people get it?” she wondered, laughing more. “that cupid one is not so bad, but maybe too sexy for me.” finally she pointed towards the hanging manekin in front of them. “why this has to be so hard to choose? it’s just a costume, nobody should care what am wearing besides me.”
costume shopping.
starring: @yhboonyi​
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eunho had the whole month to decide on what he was going to go as for halloween, but of course, he’s left it til the last minute because he was just simply too indecisive. too many ideas and only one body to swear it, and he really didn’t feel like going back to his apartment four times within the day just to change his costume into something new. the first idea was the classic vampire, but that seemed too boring, so he was quick to swipe that to the side. his next idea was to go as the joker, but that seemed too unoriginal and he didn’t feel like having a twin, so that idea was scrapped too. next was the idea to go as kirito from sword art online (only season one though, he likes to pretend season two doesn’t exist) but he didn’t exactly want to walk out of his apartment only to be called a weeb by everybody who knows him.. so his last and final idea was simple - resort to going as a harry potter student. he feels like most peole would assume he would be a slytherin, which he partly is, but he was given the choice of either slytherin and hufflepuff when he did the quiz, so naturally he’s going to take hufflepuff. he didn’t want to give people another reason to say he’s a bad person or whatever.
it’s like boonyi knows that eunho has been feeling a bit more down than he usually feels lately, because he ends up receiving a text from her easier that day while he’s sitting at the counter in his kitchen eating a cup of shin ramen. he opens the text to find her asking if he’d like to accompany her to yangcheon galleria for halloween costume hunting, and so he quickly agrees. he didn’t have anything else better to do, and maybe going out and spending time with another human who he trusted and was comfortable with would make him feel a little bit better. plus, he really did need to get a costume. and his heart was set on a hufflepuff harry potter one.
it’s no surprise that the galleria is packed, shops all decorated with halloween decorations and advertising things in their windows, like the usual costumes, horror games, costume makeup, fake blood, he’d even seen one store selling ouija board and the moment he spotted it, he moved away from the windows as if being anywhere near them would harm him. some of the stores definitely weren’t targeting the younger children and teens. one hand tightly holding onto a shopping bag (it was just costume makeup, because why not?), eunho turns his head to glance at boonyi as they walk through the mall to their next location. “so, what or who exactly are you planning to go as for halloween?”
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yhboonyi · 4 years
• stroke of (un)luck •
Approaching footsteps broke through her haze of annoyance, and she twisted a little too hard to glare at the passerby. Nigh immediately her expression fell as eyes landed on a familiar, beautiful woman. Scrambling to her feet, red palms tried to brush off any dirt and rust from her failed attempt. “Hey Boonyi, uh—” an awkward giggle filtered from pert lips as she sent a look back at the dark house behind her and mumbled, “nice night for an evening, huh?” WHAT!?
Leaning back as casually as possible against the metal betrayer, she tucked strands of inky hair behind an ear. Okay, that was stupid, but maybe if she was super duper lucky, the other hadn’t seen, (or heard), anything. “What brings you to this part of the neighborhood?”
nightime was peaceful, a little time boonyi had to go home, take a shower and do nothing for a little while before exhaustion caught up to her. somedays she had to work at nightime or even more than that until morning, reading, rehearsing or even shooting but the brightside of not filming anything at the moment was having time for herself, time to wonder around which could be tiring too. so much time caught up in work that laying off was probably even harder.
with nothing special planned for the evenning she decided to go for walk by herself at night, yeah. maybe that would get a load off the thing on her mind, a stupid thought because it didn’t, it only increased her imagination. but at least she was in peace with it, the night wasn’t so bad. she could see the lights on and off in between the fancy houses and as much as she would wonder about what kind of humans lived inside, focousing on the life of others was a problem of her own that — shoker, another thought to get on.
the thing of being home was that it was not her home anymore. although she brought it with her money back in the day when the kim family moved to the hills, she made sure to make it her parents home and they worked hard at omma’s wok to made that possible with time. her family was still her family, somehow, but things weren’t as tight and familiar as before. she couldn’t blame them for that, for wanting to belong, for transforming into status because she did the same to survive, to make sure they did as well.
yet on a night like this that was all she could think of. incredible how little people own so much money and many more each day lost and lost more and more. it’s unfair, that’s why she should be grateful.
those thoughts so frequent occorring on her on and off almost made that body on that fence an unsee sight — but it was just as much impossible not to stop on the scene. at first boonyi was shocked, if not a little scared but bending her head a bit too see the person that went all away as quick as it came. the girl chuckled comfortably with the notion of eunjung, which probably made her noticed by the other too. sharing a look of confusion, admiration and holding an hilarious laugh, boonyi crossed her arms with amusement. “that’s not a really planned heist, i suppose.”
eunjung’s fast toned voice just made boonyi wanted to laugh more, if anything at least that worked into bringing light to her boring day but it was unexpected, to say the least. “yeah! great evenning! i was... having a walk, lost track of time or space.” messing her hair with her hand, boonyi tried to play it cool, not knowing why because the other couldn’t even see her right and was in a much more odd situation. “do you need some help?”
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yhboonyi · 4 years
hii everyone!! i’ve been mia for almost a week now because of work, stress and a bunch of other personal things but i don’t plan on leaving the rp. boonyi is on hiatus and i’ll be back in two days, i’m putting all replies on queue for now. for those i owe ims i’ll get to it as soon as i clear what my tracker, i’m sorry. i hope you are all well and safe, thank you <3
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yhboonyi · 4 years
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it’s spooky season !! personally i don’t need much to get scared and boonyi isn’t much different, so if you’d like anything halloween related just give this post a HEART and i’ll come to you. down here i wrote a few plot ideas for the event, but we can brainstorm too. i promise i’ll get to the replies i owe soon ! also, if you’re new or just we haven’t plotted anything yet, don’t be shy to message me here or on discord @ rhy#0273 .
the kim’s never really cared for decorating their houses as much, but this year boonyi decided to go all in!! except she doesn’t even know where to begin, so she asks for your muse to help.
maybe the opposite: your muse sees boonyi struggling to decorate her house and makes fun of her while passing by.
costume shopping!! boonyi is not exactly prepared at her fullest, so she texted your muse to help her with ideas for costumes.
baking at home!! boonyi wanted to try this decorated cupcake of ghosts, vampires and spooky creatures for you but she is just a mess in the kitchen.
someone to get ready with! can either be at the kim’s house or your muse’s house, just the overall get ready with me... 
anything at the yang2 countdown party!!
judging costumes at the party because you have nothing else better to do.
someone to fangirl over boonyi being at the party, trying to approach her just to actually have a nice conversation about how much she likes caramel candy.
okay but boonyi getting really drunk at the party with your muse and they have the **brilliant** idea to visit the haunted house, but things took a turn to the worst (most likely boonyi being overly sensitive).
strolling through the decorated skyline park while taking pictures to boost her instagram feed.
carving pumpkins!! turns out boonyi is better at it than expected.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
/ * lowkey.
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it hasn’t been really that long. the actress thought to herself that if maybe she continued lying about her true intentions, things would go more smoothly for others and although that might be genuine it didn’t work at long stakes. however when it comes to relating with others, especially the ones of the male gender, she always took an approach that was hard to see as healthy or really meaningful for that matter. so the fact that it was something short termed and new just made it easier to call it irrelevant — she ought though, for her own sake.
inevitably her intentions were clouded by the fact that echo was a handsome guy, but not only that he didn’t quiver at the sight of her sweetness nor only saw it as a friendly manner of treatment. things evolved quickly after that, having a meaningless one night stand with a gorgeous famous guy wasn’t something she was proud to do but it definitely did unlock an attitude that she didn’t know she had. so it could be just desire talking, a feeling of refreshment that she wanted to evoque. nevertheless her nervous leg was bouncing in disbelief and the indecisive brain of hers couldn’t think much more than that particular night bound.
the million question marks on her judgment were louder than the red ones so without much shame left on herself, boonyi messaged him, her fingers were fast, hungry and anxiously wise, not stopping for a moment to think because that could cost them thoughts of regret.
» hiiii » you… busy?
congratulations!! you’re the most shameless woman that ever set foot on this earth, she thought. couldn’t bring herself to look at the phone for more than one second later, dropping it on her bed and crawling with disappointment for her own sake.
however something was right — she couldn’t keep this silence much longer, there was just something about taeyang that was extremely attractive to her and being so overly attached as she was, she knew it was around time to unwind this again, even if just for the night.
she didn’t knew if that was the best approach for the situation though, of it there was one at all. that electronic device casted aside on her bed was her most emotional torture, along with her own libido. with that she grabbed her courage back from the ground, not checking if he was even online before responding to her minute ago self.
» never mind » how stupid of me, of course you are busy.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
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yhboonyi · 4 years
/ * lost stars.
all things aside, boonyi was actually quite good at making friends. there was little about her to be disliked, not a single attitude that was considered rude or off place — she was exactly what you’d expect her to be and if that wasn’t to your liking, she’d find something that was. boonyi would go off her ways to make people think she was a whole angel, the compliments were things she learned to live off. this was fairly necessary in the entertainment industry because the name itself says it: to entertain. if you don’t fit anymore suddenly enough they will find someone able to replace you, it’s simple and done all the time. the inevitable change wasn’t something she was scared of, not when she delighted people so well like she did today.
it was a whole evening of drinking, chatting, and throwing praises that she didn’t exactly mean it, but lying is not as hard when you are mastered in acting. at last, she wanted to escape from there and she was able to do so just a few hours before midnight, a nice excuse to walk on her own without her managers breathing on her neck. friends and coworkers aside, her alone time was incredibly necessary and valid for her and after the duty of being social was served, there was nothing more peaceful to end the night with than tripping her way up the hills. 
what would people say if they saw her right now? dressed up and tipsy looking for her house in the midst of all the big names, stones and landmarks in that shinning place? her parents would be mortified, full of shame, but unable to yell or do anything at all. her friends would laugh, some would even cheer her up, her rebellion wasn’t something seen often so it ought to be amusing. whoever was watching though didn’t have much material, because even if quite drunk, she was still alert — after all she was still a woman walking alone.
home — or rather, the kim’s house was a few down but she still wasn’t ready to go. not when the night was still young, pretty, so full of stars — a crazy woman standing in the middle of the street gazing towards the sky looking like she lost something among the galaxies. what would she say? it was true that a fair share of her time when younger was lost dreaming. at age four she wanted to be an astronaut because her father took her to see star wars and she was really invested in it. “ does stars really fight? like humans? ” she thought out loud, signing because somethings are better left unsaid. just like her path in life changed drastically ever since, there was no point in wondering anymore.
nevertheless she giggled to herself, it was so wasteful to let a night like this pass by with such a sad thought. boonyi wouldn’t allow herself to go to sleep so somber and nostalgic like always. could be the licor letting her daring, nerdy and childish side win for once. perhaps that’s why she tapped on the only person passing by that her eyes could find, for a quick question. “ excuse me, that constellation… ” she pointed right at the stars with a puzzling expression. “ is pegasus, right?! ” almost immediately after surpassing her knowledge of making a stranger look at the stars for whatever reason her drunken brain thought right, she was already content with the idea of being able to be seen by something beyond humanity.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
/ * in the weeds.
with days, weeks, months and years passed by, boonyi became less and less aware of her surroundings. call it bluntness or whatever but it was just hard to be alert when things aren’t as wary as they seem anymore. and getting loose of what you used to be it’s a strange thing to do, one that she had to do naturally without bringing concern cause they were millions of eyes interested in her; growing by the minute. 
it wasn’t like it was exactly her choice to begin with, it was an opportunity that would change her whole family, one that she didn’t give the thought that would change her so drastically as well. it was for the better — she always thought, trying to lie to herself that some things were just inevitable. although she was glad to overcome her upbringing, the nostalgia was everlasting.
nothing is at it seems but at least she was happy, rich and with a promising career. the bag under her eyes said otherwise, though make up was available in the world and as someone with so much advertisement going around it wasn’t difficult to get hold of the best ways to cover up for herself. schedules were tight, people were demanding, she was hard-working and even if breathing wasn’t as necessary, she still would wake up reasonably early in the morning to take a coffee to go. it was the perfect time of the day not to be seen, there was something peaceful in the times she was alone with her thoughts just before work… the excitement that the day could go different from others was still there — even if it was in vain most times. 
indeed the mornings were a nice way to summon up her melancholic thoughts about the past, present and future complemented with a nice walk around the hills towards the coffee house. the early cloudy days were her favorite scenery to contemplate, alone in a cozy outfit.
a cappuccino and a muffin to go, that’s all her mind was memorizing minutes before going to the counter. the barista was pleased to see her again, boonyi was a loyal customer, a good tipper and a kind celebrity, so of course they’d be pleased to serve her even if so early in the morning. “ are the muffins just out of the oven? ” she asked with a somewhat polite smile on her face, it wasn’t everyday she could make small talk without being talked over about how much they were her fan, how they loved her, how was her work, blablabla. she wasn’t exactly mad about people that were interested in her, if she was she wasn’t her whole reputation would be ruined but it was just exhausting not to be able to just be a normal person again. they hit her with a yes and a happy nod, she knew they were battling not to ask something, they always did. “ cappucino." boonyi reminded them while they were distracted for a bit, proceeding to make them begin to wrap her order, her smile never fading though. after being used, taken advantage of and just walked all over for a long time, she learned to demand a little, even if just a little, for the things that she really wanted. today was just a coffee, right, but she’d count as a victory. 
happily her order was on her hands within a few minutes. after paying quickly, another kind smile and a simple “ have a nice day. ” boonyi made her way back towards the door without really looking, suddenly collapsing with whatever was right in front of her. a morning that began soothing crumble as soon as her coffee flew through both people, half of it was still sitting on the cup but the mess was already there anyway. ” oh! no… ” she whispered softly, not really having the courage to stand up to the poor person on her way right away. her eyes glued on their stain trying to clean it with her available sleeves. 
all the reason for her nostalgia was clear as the morning shining bright through the windows of the coffee house right into sujin’s face, making her seem younger, more vivid and yet so… annoyed? of course, that isn’t exactly how you expect to greet your childhood friend after such a long time. or just how you expect to greet them at all! boonyi darted all of a sudden holding back herself from speaking, getting smaller and smaller until she was just a kid again.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
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       * task #001 / kim boonyi’s instagram.
boonyi has an instagram account since 2011 but she only began really using it a few years ago, that’s when she became more popular in it too.
deleted the app a few times from her phone before because she didn’t use it as much, felt awkward sharing things and seeing too much from others.
her manager lets her have control of it, but they do have all her passwords and can get it and out if they want to.
tends to be checking other people’s posts, friends, family and influencers that she follows. already liked a lot of things that got her in weird rumors. 
tends to follow people out of kindness and then forget they are even there.
her popularity on instagram started last year when she starred in a popular movie, so she was advised by her company to hop on the trend and post more often.
she posts a lot of herself, things she found cool, her feet??, styling, food, just daily stuff she thinks is okay to share.
her captions don’t hold much meaning too, is always whatever she was thinking at the moment she took the photo. don’t read much into it, she just likes to express pictures of her life which seems to interest people??
boonyi posts at least once a week, doesn’t flood with posts but she somehow cares about her account aesthetic even if it’s kind of all over the place.
her selfies are the most liked pictures on her instagram!! along with photos with fellow famous colleagues.
because her account is growing she does feel a little pressure to post and to socialize in it, so that’s why she tries to use the stories more often.
she shares music a lot on her stories, a little bit of cheesy quotes, her attempts at baking, daily life on set and more…
went live a couple of times before just to try it out, but nothing too long because she didn’t knew what to say or what to do.
highlights: the first is dramas she made on jtbc, because she was discovered there she marks the posters. now the second and third are her sponsored posts, campaigns she did for lancĂ´me and lotte hotel.
kind of accessible? yeah, i mean, if you speak nicely there is a chance she will dm you back for real! but she doesn’t dm anything personal on because her managers have her passwords and she doesn’t want deal with the drama.
tries to be the most polished yet real person on there, she know she is not and is far beyond from being the most followed actress although her account is growing.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
/ * not an invitation.
tw: harassment
one of these days you expect different, but today was just not one of them, at all. 
their eyes stared full of a strange joy and they acknowledged her delightfully, like you do to an object you want to buy. one of the three man even winked at her,she knew her from another casting and you’d thought that would made it easier. “you’re much more prettier in person.” the other said, patting her shoulder to make sure boonyi was real and not getting away. he was smiling, the bastard. so she smiled back, involuntarily, nodding in response. 
there wasn’t a single thing that boonyi liked about casting but going through them with time was easier because she figured out how to articulate her feelings. first rule is that you shouldn’t sound bothered, angry or talk over them, otherwise you would never get any job and that was the sole purpose of casting! it wasn’t always like that, sometimes they were people invested in the process, but it didn’t make the others less problematic and seeing how young most start at the industry, something was ought to be done. 
not by her though, she wouldn’t dare. she much rather let them talk, just work pass it and turn a blind eye. “is the competition that tight?” she tried diversing their attention to something other than herself, even if it was an interview. however they were still chatting about her, her preview jobs and accomplishments. it could sound as a praise, but not by them and not in the way they were saying it. “thank you.” barelly audible, small is boonyi compared.
although she was uncomfortable, annoyed and clumsy, her best posture kept her polite, almost non existing at all, expecting the moment’s end because it comes eventually. it enraged her that this was the reason people doubted her talent, but it wasn’t on her strong suit to speak up and not when everything was going so right for her family. the fear of the risk was stronger than the risk itself. then the man got too friendly too quickly, putting his arm around her shoulder while bragging about knowing from when she was still a teenager. “yes. you were very generous back then, thank you.” lies, lies and more lies. that was the way to go and she just wanted to go.
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yhboonyi · 4 years
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*screams in excitement and nervously groans* hiiii !! my name is kyla (she/her, 20, gmt-3) and i am very proud to introduce you to my baby kim boonyi. it’s been a while since i’ve been in rp but i’m really thrilled to be here and meet you all,, so am i to throw this little sunshine into the FIRE PIT haha. she is the kim’s youngest and brightest new actress, here are the links for her profile, bio and a few wanted connections, feel free to check them all ! alas, if it makes it easy you can also text me on discord (rhy#0273) since it’s easier and all. if you like this imma take as a yes and come for you to plot anyways, so... guess there is no running us !! finally i’ll be breaking down a few get to know points about my golden girl just bellow the read more she is a little sensitive guys please be good to her (or not it’s okay)...
the first stereotype you need to know is that: boonyi used to be poor, i mean not exactly poor but from a humble mid class family of hard-working people... which means she is not from the same cloth as everyone else, but i would saythat doesn’t make her less deserving?!
at least that’s what she tells herself to feel more accepted, because even though it’s been years that the kim’s are seen on the hills she is yet to feel like a real rich, talented and fancy woman from yangcheon.
she is a sweet-pie, kind, sympathetic, a little childish (or should i say very?), naive, mostly chill and incredible loving. 
to fit in the famous world she is crawling into, she adapts quite a lot and some people take her personality as a fake one?? like how can someone be so sweet, loving and all,, it just must be fake? and to be honest she can’t blame them because that’s what she is learning to become.
lately she has a hard time connecting with her family like she used to, so beyond her career bringing them together is her major priority.
boonyi is an actress, became one as a teenager and currently she is scoring major lead roles, ads and everything due to her persistence.
rumor says that there is nothing like talent, that she is literally just sleeping with casting directors (but i didn’t tell you that, did i?)
surprisingly academic, before graduating high school to focous on her career she was a good student. so don’t get her wrong, she is smart even though she doesn’t really look.
which makes her conflicted, even though she took a liking for acting, she still wants to have a major degree and be proud for her mind not just her looks.
different from her family that owns the omma’s wok and cooks so well, she isn’t a good cook but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t try! so,, yeah,, disaster.
is not very athletic, but she stays in shape and is committed to her diets.
also doesn’t really like parties, bars or just loud places with too many people. she is more the one-on-one kind of girl, preassure and lavish aren’t her thing.
would literally throw herself into the fire to save you, it doesn’t matter where it came from she just sees everyone’s life as more important than hers, especially her family’s and close ones.
good heart and good intentions but extremely destructive acts, she is very prone to toxic relationships because she is blunt to what really happens with her feelings.
oh yeah, she is straight? i mean, she never really experienced much from relationships because she doesn’t have the time!! so i can say for sure what really goes on her insides.
but just take her to have a cup of tea and talk about your day that she will listen carefully and gladly give you good advice, she is an aquarius after all.
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